How to determine if code is running in signal-handler context? - linux

I just found out that someone is calling - from a signal handler - a definitely not async-signal-safe function that I wrote.
So, now I'm curious: how to circumvent this situation from happening again? I'd like to be able to easily determine if my code is running in signal handler context (language is C, but wouldn't the solution apply to any language?):
int myfunc( void ) {
if( in_signal_handler_context() ) { return(-1) }
// rest of function goes here
return( 0 );
This is under Linux.
Hope this isn't an easy answer, or else I'll feel like an idiot.

Apparently, newer Linux/x86 (probably since some 2.6.x kernel) calls signal handlers from the vdso. You could use this fact to inflict the following horrible hack upon the unsuspecting world:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
uintmax_t vdso_start = 0;
uintmax_t vdso_end = 0; /* actually, next byte */
int check_stack_for_vdso(uint32_t *esp, size_t len)
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++, esp++)
if (*esp >= vdso_start && *esp < vdso_end)
return 1;
return 0;
void handler(int signo)
uint32_t *esp;
__asm__ __volatile__ ("mov %%esp, %0" : "=r"(esp));
/* XXX only for demonstration, don't call printf from a signal handler */
printf("handler: check_stack_for_vdso() = %d\n", check_stack_for_vdso(esp, 20));
void parse_maps()
FILE *maps;
char buf[256];
char path[7];
uintmax_t start, end, offset, inode;
char r, w, x, p;
unsigned major, minor;
maps = fopen("/proc/self/maps", "rt");
if (maps == NULL)
while (!feof(maps) && !ferror(maps)) {
if (fgets(buf, 256, maps) != NULL) {
if (sscanf(buf, "%jx-%jx %c%c%c%c %jx %u:%u %ju %6s",
&start, &end, &r, &w, &x, &p, &offset,
&major, &minor, &inode, path) == 11) {
if (!strcmp(path, "[vdso]")) {
vdso_start = start;
vdso_end = end;
printf("[vdso] at %jx-%jx\n", vdso_start, vdso_end);
int main()
struct sigaction sa;
uint32_t *esp;
memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(struct sigaction));
sa.sa_handler = handler;
sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;
if (sigaction(SIGUSR1, &sa, NULL) < 0) {
__asm__ __volatile__ ("mov %%esp, %0" : "=r"(esp));
printf("before kill: check_stack_for_vdso() = %d\n", check_stack_for_vdso(esp, 20));
kill(getpid(), SIGUSR1);
__asm__ __volatile__ ("mov %%esp, %0" : "=r"(esp));
printf("after kill: check_stack_for_vdso() = %d\n", check_stack_for_vdso(esp, 20));
return 0;

If we can assume your application doesn't manually block signals using sigprocmask() or pthread_sigmask(), then this is pretty simple: get your current thread ID (tid). Open /proc/tid/status and get the values for SigBlk and SigCgt. AND those two values. If the result of that AND is non-zero, then that thread is currently running from inside a signal handler. I've tested this myself and it works.

There are two proper ways to deal with this:
Have your co-workers stop doing the wrong thing. Good luck pulling this off with the boss, though...
Make your function re-entrant and async-safe. If necessary, provide a function with a different signature (e.g. using the widely-used *_r naming convention) with the additional arguments that are necessary for state preservation.
As for the non-proper way to do this, on Linux with GNU libc you can use backtrace() and friends to go through the caller list of your function. It's not easy to get right, safe or portable, but it might do for a while:
* *** Warning ***
* Black, fragile and unportable magic ahead
* Do not use this, lest the daemons of hell be unleashed upon you
int in_signal_handler_context() {
int i, n;
void *bt[1000];
char **bts = NULL;
n = backtrace(bt, 1000);
bts = backtrace_symbols(bt, n);
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
printf("%i - %s\n", i, bts[i]);
/* Have a look at the caller chain */
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
/* Far more checks are needed here to avoid misfires */
if (strstr(bts[i], "(__libc_start_main+") != NULL)
return 0;
if (strstr(bts[i], "") != NULL)
return 1;
return 0;
void unsafe() {
if (in_signal_handler_context())
printf("John, you know you are an idiot, right?\n");
In my opinion, it might just be better to quit rather than be forced to write code like this.

You could work out something using sigaltstack. Set up an alternative signal stack, get the stack pointer in some async-safe way, if within the alternative stack go on, otherwise abort().

I guess you need to do the following. This is a complex solution, which combines the best practices not only from coding, but from software engineering as well!
Persuade your boss that naming convention on signal handlers is a good thing. Propose, for example, a Hungarian notation, and tell that it was used in Microsoft with great success.
So, all signal handlers will start with sighnd, like sighndInterrupt.
Your function that detects signal handling context would do the following:
Get the backtrace().
Look if any of the functions in it begin with sighnd.... If it does, then congratulations, you're inside a signal handler!
Otherwise, you're not.
Try to avoid working with Jimmy in the same company. "There can be only one", you know.

for code optimized at -O2 or better (istr) have found need to add -fno-omit-frame-pointer
else gcc will optimize out the stack context information


How to handle more than one SIGSEGV occurrence in linux?

I have written a program to scan kernel memory for a pattern from user space. I run it from root. I expect that it will generate SIGSEGVs when it hits pages that aren't accessible; I would like to ignore those faults and just jump to the next page to continue the search. I have set up a signal handler that works fine for the first occurrence, and it continues onward as expected. However, when a second SIGSEGV occurs, the handler is ignored (it was reregistered after the first occurrence) and the program terminates. The relevant portions of the code are:
jmp_buf restore_point;
void segv_handler(int sig, siginfo_t* info, void* ucontext)
longjmp(restore_point, SIGSEGV);
void setup_segv_handler()
struct sigaction sa;
sigemptyset (&sa.sa_mask);
sa.sa_sigaction = &segv_handler;
if (sigaction(SIGSEGV, &sa, NULL) == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "failed to setup SIGSEGV handler\n");
unsigned long search_kernel_memory_area(unsigned long start_address, size_t area_len, const void* pattern, size_t pattern_len)
int fd;
char* kernel_mem;
fd = open("/dev/kmem", O_RDONLY);
if (fd < 0)
perror("open /dev/kmem failed");
return -1;
unsigned long page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
unsigned long page_aligned_offset = (start_address/page_size)*page_size;
unsigned long area_pages = area_len/page_size + (area_len%page_size ? 1 : 0);
kernel_mem =
mmap(0, area_pages,
fd, page_aligned_offset);
if (kernel_mem == MAP_FAILED)
perror("mmap failed");
return -1;
if (!mlock((const void*)kernel_mem,area_len))
perror("mlock failed");
return -1;
unsigned long offset_into_page = start_address-page_aligned_offset;
unsigned long start_area_address = (unsigned long)kernel_mem + offset_into_page;
unsigned long end_area_address = start_area_address+area_len-pattern_len+1;
unsigned long addr;
for (addr = start_area_address; addr < end_area_address;addr++)
unsigned char* kmp = (unsigned char*)addr;
unsigned char* pmp = (unsigned char*)pattern;
size_t index = 0;
for (index = 0; index < pattern_len; index++)
if (setjmp(restore_point) == 0)
unsigned char p = *pmp;
unsigned char k = *kmp;
if (k != p)
addr += page_size -1;
if (index >= pattern_len)
return addr;
return 0;
I realize I can use functions like memcmp to avoid programming the matching part directly (I did this initially), but I subsequently wanted to insure the finest grained control for recovering from the faults so I could see exactly what was happening.
I scoured the Internet to find information about this behavior, and came up empty. The linux system I am running this under is arm 3.12.30.
If what I am trying to do is not possible under linux, is there some way I can get the current state of the kernel pages from user space (which would allow me to avoid trying to search pages that are inaccessible.) I searched for calls that might provide such information, but also came up empty.
Thanks for your help!
While longjmp is perfectly allowed to be used in the signal handler (the function is known as async-signal-safe, see man signal-safety) and effectively exits from the signal handling, it doesn't restore signal mask. The mask is automatically modified at the time when signal handler is called to block new SIGSEGV signal to interrupt the handler.
While one may restore signal mask manually, it is better (and simpler) to use siglongjmp function instead: aside from the effect of longjmp, it also restores the signal mask. Of course, in that case sigsetjmp function should be used instead of setjmp:
// ... in main() function
if(sigsetjmp(restore_point, 1)) // Aside from other things, store signal mask
// ...
// ... in the signal handler
siglongjmp(restore_point); // Also restore signal mask as it was at sigsetjmp() call

My semaphore module is not working properly(Dining philosopher)

I'm implementing a semaphore methods to understand synchronization and thread things.
By using my semaphore, I tried to solve the Dining Philosophers problem.
My plan was making deadlock situation first.
But I found that just only one philosopher eat repeatedly.
And I checked that my semaphore is working quite good by using other synchronization problems. I think there is some problem with grammar.
please let me know what is the problem.
Here is my code.
dinig.c (including main function)
#include "sem.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
static tsem_t *chopstick[5];
static tsem_t *updating;
static int update_status (int i, int eating)
static int status[5] = { 0, };
static int duplicated;
int idx;
int sum;
tsem_wait (updating);
status[i] = eating;
/* Check invalid state. */
duplicated = 0;
sum = 0;
for (idx = 0; idx < 5; idx++)
sum += status[idx];
if (status[idx] && status[(idx + 1) % 5])
/* Avoid printing empty table. */
if (sum == 0)
tsem_signal (updating);
return 0;
for (idx = 0; idx < 5; idx++)
fprintf (stdout, "%3s ", status[idx] ? "EAT" : "...");
/* Stop on invalid state. */
if (sum > 2 || duplicated > 0)
fprintf (stdout, "invalid %d (duplicated:%d)!\n", sum, duplicated);
exit (1);
fprintf (stdout, "\n");
tsem_signal (updating);
return 0;
void *thread_func (void *arg)
int i = (int) (long) arg;
int k = (i + 1) % 5;
tsem_wait (chopstick[i]);
tsem_wait (chopstick[k]);
update_status (i, 1);
update_status (i, 0);
tsem_signal (chopstick[i]);
tsem_signal (chopstick[k]);
while (1);
return NULL;
int main (int argc,
char **argv)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
chopstick[i] = tsem_new (1);
updating = tsem_new (1);
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
pthread_t tid;
pthread_create (&tid, NULL, thread_func, (void *) (long) i);
/* endless thinking and eating... */
while (1)
usleep (10000000);
return 0;
sem.c(including semaphore methods)
#include "sem.h"
sem.h(Header for sem.c)
#ifndef __SEM_H__
#define __SEM_H__
#include <pthread.h>
typedef struct test_semaphore tsem_t;
tsem_t *tsem_new (int value);
void tsem_free (tsem_t *sem);
void tsem_wait (tsem_t *sem);
int tsem_try_wait (tsem_t *sem);
void tsem_signal (tsem_t *sem);
#endif /* __SEM_H__ */
compile command
gcc sem.c dining.c -pthread -o dining
One problem is that in tsem_wait() you have the following code sequence outside of a lock:
while(sem->count <= 0)
There's no guarantee that the program will actually re-read sem->count - the compiler is free to produce machine code that does something like the following:
int temp = sem->count;
while(temp <= 0)
In fact, this will likely happen in an optimized build.
Try changing your busy wait loop to something like this so the count is checked while holding the lock:
void tsem_wait (tsem_t *sem)
while (sem->count <= 0) {
// sem->mutexLock is still held here...
Strictly speaking, you should do something similar for tsem_try_wait() (which you're not using yet).
Note that you might want to consider using a pthread_cond_t to make waiting on the counter changing more efficient.
Finally, your code to 'get' the chopsticks in thread_func() has the classic Dining Philosopher deadlock problem in the situation where each philosopher simultaneously acquires the 'left' chopstick (chopstick[i]) and ends up waiting forever to get the 'right' chopstick (chopstick[k]) since all the chopsticks are in some philosopher's left hand.

Differences between POSIX threads on OSX and LINUX?

Can anyone shed light on the reason that when the below code is compiled and run on OSX the 'bartender' thread skips through the sem_wait() in what seems like a random manner and yet when compiled and run on a Linux machine the sem_wait() holds the thread until the relative call to sem_post() is made, as would be expected?
I am currently learning not only POSIX threads but concurrency as a whole so absoutely any comments, tips and insights are warmly welcomed...
Thanks in advance.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <errno.h>
//using namespace std;
#define NSTUDENTS 30
#define MAX_SERVINGS 100
void* student(void* ptr);
void get_serving(int id);
void drink_and_think();
void* bartender(void* ptr);
void refill_barrel();
// This shared variable gives the number of servings currently in the barrel
int servings = 10;
// Define here your semaphores and any other shared data
sem_t *mutex_stu;
sem_t *mutex_bar;
int main() {
static const char *semname1 = "Semaphore1";
static const char *semname2 = "Semaphore2";
pthread_t tid;
mutex_stu = sem_open(semname1, O_CREAT, 0777, 0);
if (mutex_stu == SEM_FAILED)
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", "ERROR creating semaphore semname1");
mutex_bar = sem_open(semname2, O_CREAT, 0777, 1);
if (mutex_bar == SEM_FAILED)
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", "ERROR creating semaphore semname2");
pthread_create(&tid, NULL, bartender, &tid);
for(int i=0; i < NSTUDENTS; ++i) {
pthread_create(&tid, NULL, student, &tid);
pthread_join(tid, NULL);
printf("Exiting the program...\n");
//Called by a student process. Do not modify this.
void drink_and_think() {
// Sleep time in milliseconds
int st = rand() % 10;
// Called by a student process. Do not modify this.
void get_serving(int id) {
if (servings > 0) {
servings -= 1;
} else {
servings = 0;
printf("ID %d got a serving. %d left\n", id, servings);
// Called by the bartender process.
void refill_barrel()
servings = 1 + rand() % 10;
printf("Barrel refilled up to -> %d\n", servings);
//-- Implement a synchronized version of the student
void* student(void* ptr) {
int id = *(int*)ptr;
printf("Started student %d\n", id);
while(1) {
if(servings > 0) {
} else {
return NULL;
//-- Implement a synchronized version of the bartender
void* bartender(void* ptr) {
int id = *(int*)ptr;
printf("Started bartender %d\n", id);
while(1) {
if(servings <= 0) {
} else {
printf("Bar skipped sem_wait()!\n");
return NULL;
The first time you run the program, you're creating named semaphores with initial values, but since your threads never exit (they're infinite loops), you never get to the sem_unlink calls to delete those semaphores. If you kill the program (with ctrl-C or any other way), the semaphores will still exist in whatever state they are in. So if you run the program again, the sem_open calls will succeed (because you don't use O_EXCL), but they won't reset the semaphore value or state, so they might be in some odd state.
So you should make sure to call sem_unlink when the program STARTS, before calling sem_open. Better yet, don't use named semaphores at all -- use sem_init to initialize a couple of unnamed semaphores instead.

ffmpeg/libavcodec memory management

The libavcodec documentation is not very specific about when to free allocated data and how to free it. After reading through documentation and examples, I've put together the sample program below. There are some specific questions inlined in the source but my general question is, am I freeing all memory properly in the code below? I realize the program below doesn't do any cleanup after errors -- the focus is on final cleanup.
The testfile() function is the one in question.
extern "C" {
#include "libavcodec/avcodec.h"
#include "libavformat/avformat.h"
#include "libswscale/swscale.h"
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;
void AVFAIL (int code, const char *what) {
char msg[500];
av_strerror(code, msg, sizeof(msg));
fprintf(stderr, "failed: %s\nerror: %s\n", what, msg);
#define AVCHECK(f) do { int e = (f); if (e < 0) AVFAIL(e, #f); } while (0)
#define AVCHECKPTR(p,f) do { p = (f); if (!p) AVFAIL(AVERROR_UNKNOWN, #f); } while (0)
void testfile (const char *filename) {
AVFormatContext *format;
unsigned streamIndex;
AVStream *stream = NULL;
AVCodec *codec;
SwsContext *sws;
AVPacket packet;
AVFrame *rawframe;
AVFrame *rgbframe;
unsigned char *rgbdata;
// load file header
AVCHECK(av_open_input_file(&format, filename, NULL, 0, NULL));
// find video stream
for (streamIndex = 0; streamIndex < format->nb_streams && !stream; ++ streamIndex)
if (format->streams[streamIndex]->codec->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO)
stream = format->streams[streamIndex];
if (!stream) {
fprintf(stderr, "no video stream\n");
// initialize codec
AVCHECKPTR(codec, avcodec_find_decoder(stream->codec->codec_id));
AVCHECK(avcodec_open(stream->codec, codec));
int width = stream->codec->width;
int height = stream->codec->height;
// initialize frame buffers
int rgbbytes = avpicture_get_size(PIX_FMT_RGB24, width, height);
AVCHECKPTR(rawframe, avcodec_alloc_frame());
AVCHECKPTR(rgbframe, avcodec_alloc_frame());
AVCHECKPTR(rgbdata, (unsigned char *)av_mallocz(rgbbytes));
AVCHECK(avpicture_fill((AVPicture *)rgbframe, rgbdata, PIX_FMT_RGB24, width, height));
// initialize sws (for conversion to rgb24)
AVCHECKPTR(sws, sws_getContext(width, height, stream->codec->pix_fmt, width, height, PIX_FMT_RGB24, SWS_FAST_BILINEAR, NULL, NULL, NULL));
// read all frames fromfile
while (av_read_frame(format, &packet) >= 0) {
int frameok = 0;
if (packet.stream_index == (int)streamIndex)
AVCHECK(avcodec_decode_video2(stream->codec, rawframe, &frameok, &packet));
av_free_packet(&packet); // Q: is this necessary or will next av_read_frame take care of it?
if (frameok) {
sws_scale(sws, rawframe->data, rawframe->linesize, 0, height, rgbframe->data, rgbframe->linesize);
// would process rgbframe here
// Q: is there anything i need to free here?
// CLEANUP: Q: am i missing anything / doing anything unnecessary?
av_free(sws); // Q: is av_free all i need here?
av_free_packet(&packet); // Q: is this necessary (av_read_frame has returned < 0)?
av_free(rawframe); // Q: i can just do this once at end, instead of in loop above, right?
avcodec_close(stream->codec); // Q: do i need av_free(codec)?
av_close_input_file(format); // Q: do i need av_free(format)?
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc != 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s filename\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
Specific questions:
Is there anything I need to free in the frame processing loop; or will libav take care of memory management there for me?
Is av_free the correct way to free an SwsContext?
The frame loop exits when av_read_frame returns < 0. In that case, do I still need to av_free_packet when it's done?
Do I need to call av_free_packet every time through the loop or will av_read_frame free/reuse the old AVPacket automatically?
I can just av_free the AVFrames at the end of the loop instead of reallocating them each time through, correct? It seems to be working fine, but I'd like to confirm that it's working because it's supposed to, rather than by luck.
Do I need to av_free(codec) the AVCodec or do anything else after avcodec_close on the AVCodecContext?
Do I need to av_free(format) the AVFormatContext or do anything else after av_close_input_file?
I also realize that some of these functions are deprecated in current versions of libav. For reasons that are not relevant here, I have to use them.
Those functions are not just deprecated, they've been removed some time ago. So you should really consider upgrading.
Anyway, as for your questions:
1) no, nothing more to free
2) no, use sws_freeContext()
3) no, if av_read_frame() returns an error then the packet does not contain any valid data
4) yes you have to free the packet after you're done with it and before next av_read_frame() call
5) yes, it's perfectly valid
6) no, the codec context itself is allocated by libavformat so av_close_input_file() is
responsible for freeing it. So nothing more for you to do.
7) no, av_close_input_file() frees the format context so there should be nothing more for you to do.

msemaphore on linux?

AIX (and HPUX if anyone cares) have a nice little feature called msemaphores that make it easy to synchronize granular pieces (e.g. records) of memory-mapped files shared by multiple processes. Is anyone aware of something comparable in linux?
To be clear, the msemaphore functions are described by following the related links here.
POSIX semaphores can be placed in memory shared between processes, if the second argument to sem_init(3), "pshared", is true. This seems to be the same as what msem does.
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main() {
void *shared;
sem_t *sem;
int counter, *data;
pid_t pid;
shared = mmap(NULL, sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
sem_init(sem = shared, 1, 1);
data = shared + sizeof(sem_t);
counter = *data = 0;
pid = fork();
while (1) {
if (pid)
printf("ping>%d %d\n", data[0] = rand(), data[1] = rand());
else if (counter != data[0]) {
printf("pong<%d", counter = data[0]);
printf(" %d\n", data[1]);
if (pid) sleep(1);
This is a pretty dumb test, but it works:
$ cc -o test -lrt test.c
$ ./test
ping>2098529942 315244699
pong<2098529942 315244699
pong<1195826161 424832009
ping>1195826161 424832009
pong<1858302907 1740879454
ping>1858302907 1740879454
ping>568318608 566229809
pong<568318608 566229809
ping>1469118213 999421338
pong<1469118213 999421338
ping>1247594672 1837310825
pong<1247594672 1837310825
ping>478016018 1861977274
pong<478016018 1861977274
ping>1022490459 935101133
pong<1022490459 935101133
Because the semaphore is shared between the two processes, the pongs don't get interleaved data from the pings despite the sleeps.
This can be done using POSIX shared-memory mutexes:
pthread_mutexattr_t attr;
pthread_mutexattr_setpshared(&attr, &pshared);
pthread_mutex_init(&some_shared_mmap_structure.mutex, &attr);
Now you can unlock and lock &some_shared_mmap_structure.mutex using ordinary pthread_mutex_lock() etc calls, from multiple processes that have it mapped.
Indeed, you can even implement the msem API in terms of this: (untested)
struct msemaphore {
pthread_mutex_t mut;
#define MSEM_LOCKED 1
#define MSEM_IF_NOWAIT 1
msemaphore *msem_init(msemaphore *msem_p, int initialvalue) {
pthread_mutex_attr_t attr;
assert((unsigned long)msem_p & 7 == 0); // check alignment
pthread_mutexattr_setpshared(&attr, &pshared); // might fail, you should probably check
pthread_mutex_init(&msem_p->mut, &attr); // never fails
if (initialvalue)
return msem_p;
int msem_remove(msemaphore *msem) {
return pthread_mutex_destroy(&msem->mut) ? -1 : 0;
int msem_lock(msemaphore *msem, int cond) {
int ret;
if (cond == MSEM_IF_NOWAIT)
ret = pthread_mutex_trylock(&msem->mut);
ret = pthread_mutex_lock(&msem->mut);
return ret ? -1 : 0;
int msem_unlock(msemaphore *msem, int cond) {
// pthreads does not allow us to directly ascertain whether there are
// waiters. However, a unlock/trylock with no contention is -very- fast
// using linux's pthreads implementation, so just do that instead if
// you care.
// nb, only fails if the mutex is not initialized
return pthread_mutex_unlock(&msem->mut) ? -1 : 0;
Under Linux, you may be able to achieve what you want with SysV shared memory; quick googling turned up this (rather old) guide that may be of help.
