Lookup tables in Core Data - core-data

Core data is not a database and so I am getting confused as to how to create, manage or even implement Lookup tables in core data.
Here is a specific example that relates to my project.
Staff (1) -> (Many) Talents (1)
The talents table consists of:
TalentSkillName (String)
TalentSkillLevel (int)
But I do not want to keep entering the TalentSkillName, so I want to put this information into another, separate table/entity.
But as Core Data is not really a database, I'm getting confused as to what the relationships should look like, or even if Lookup tables should even be stored in core data.
One solution I'm thinking of is to use a PLIST of all the TalentSkillNames and then in the Talents entity simply have a numeric value which points to the PLIST version.
I've added a diagram which I believe is what you're meant to do, but I am unsure if this is correct.

I'd suggest that you have a third entity, Skill. This can have a one to many relationship with Talent, which then just has the level as an attribute.
Effectively, this means you are modelling a many-to-many relationship between Staff and Talent through the Skill entity. Logically, that seems to fit with the situation you're describing.


Can DDD repositories return data from other aggregate roots?

I'm having trouble getting my head around how to use the repository pattern with a more complex object model. Say I have two aggregate roots Student and Class. Each student may be enrolled in any number of classes. Access to this data would therefore be through the respective repositories StudentRepository and ClassRepository.
Now on my front end say I want to create a student details page that shows the information about the student, and a list of classes they are enrolled in. I would first have to get the Student from StudentRepository and then their Classes from ClassRepository. This makes sense.
Where I get lost is when the domain model becomes more realistic/complex. Say students have a major that is associated with a department, and classes are associated with a course, room, and instructors. Rooms are associated with a building. Course are associated with a department etc.. etc..
I could easily see wanting to show information from all these entities on the student details page. But then I would have to make a number of calls to separate repositories per each class the student is enrolled in. So now what could have been a couple queries to the database has increased massively. This doesn't seem right.
I understand the ClassRepository should only be responsible for updating classes, and not anything in other aggregate roots. But does it violate DDD if the values ClassRepository returns contains information from other related aggregate roots? In most cases this would only need to be a partial summary of those related entities (building name, course name, course number, instructor name, instructor email etc..).
But then I would have to make a number of calls to separate repositories per each class the student is enrolled in. So now what could have been a couple queries to the database has increased massively. This doesn't seem right.
But does it violate DDD if the values ClassRepository returns contains information from other related aggregate roots?
Nobody cares about "violate DDD". What we care about is: do you still get the benefits of the repository pattern if you start pulling in data from other aggregates?
Probably not - part of the point of "aggregates" is that when writing the business code you don't have to worry to much about how storage is implemented... but if you start mixing locked data and unlocked data, your abstraction starts leaking into the domain code.
However: if you are trying to support reporting, or some other effectively read only function, you don't necessarily need the domain model at all -- it might make sense to just query your data store and present a representation of the answer.
This substitution isn't necessarily "free" -- the accuracy of the information will depend in part on how closely your stored information matches your in memory information (ie, how often are you writing information into your storage).
This is basically the core idea of CQRS: reads and writes are different, so maybe we should separate the two, so that they each can be optimized without interfering with the correctness of the other.
Can DDD repositories return data from other aggregate roots?
Short answer: No. If that happened, that would not be a DDD repository for a DDD aggregate (that said, nobody will go after you if you do it).
Long answer: Your problem is that you are trying to use tools made to safely modify data (aggregates and repositories) to solve a problem reading data for presentation purposes. An aggregate is a consistency boundary. Its goal is to implement a process and encapsulate the data required for that process. The repository's goal is to read and atomically update a single aggregate. It is not meant to implement queries needed for data presentation to users.
Also, note that the model you present is not a model based on aggregates. If you break that model into aggregates you'll have multiple clusters of entities without "lines" between them. For example, a Student aggregate might have a collection of ClassEnrollments and a Class aggregate a collection of Atendees (that's just an example, note that modeling many to many relationships with aggregates can be a bit tricky). You'll have one repository for each aggregate, which will fully load the aggregate when executing an operation and transactionally update the full aggregate.
Now to your actual question: how do you implement queries for data presentation that require data from multiple aggregates? well, you have multiple options:
As you say, do multiple round trips using your existing repositories. Load a student and from the list of ClassEnrollments, load the classes that you need.
Use CQRS "lite". Aggregates and respositories will only be used for update operations and for query operations implement Queries, which won't use repositories, but access the DB directly, therefore you can join tables from multiple aggregates (Student->Enrollments->Atendees->Classes)
Use "full" CQRS. Create read models optimised for your queries based on the data from your aggregates.
My preferred approach is to use CQRS lite and only create a dedicated read model when it's really needed.

Multiple Data Transfer Objects for same domain model

How do you solve a situation when you have multiple representations of same object, depending on a view?
For example, lets say you have a book store. Within a book store, you have 2 main representations of Books:
In Lists (search results, browse by category, author, etc...): This is a compact representation that might have some aggregates like for example NumberOfAuthors and NumberOfRwviews. Each Author and Review are entities themselves saved in db.
DetailsView: here you wouldn't have aggregates but real values for each Author, as Book has a property AuthorsList.
Case 2 is clear, you get all from DB and show it. But how to solve case 1. if you want to reduce number of connections and payload to/from DB? So, if you don't want to get all actual Authors and Reviews from DB but just 2 ints for count for each of them.
Full normalized solution would be 2, but 1 seems to require either some denormalization or create 2 different entities: BookDetails and BookCompact within Business Layer.
Important: I am not talking about View DTOs, but actually getting data from DB which doesn't fit into Business Layer Book class.
For me it sounds like multiple Query Models (QM).
I used DDD with CQRS/ES style, so aggregate roots are producing events based on commands being passed in. To those events multiple QMs are subscribed. So I create multiple "views" based on requirements.
The ES (event-sourcing) has huge power - I can introduce another QMs later by replaying stored events.
Sounds like managing a lot of similar, or even duplicate data, but it has sense for me.
QMs can and are optimized to contain just enough data/structure/indexes for given purpose. This is the way out of "shared data model". I see the huge evil in "RDMS" one for all approach. You will always get lost in complexity of managing shared model - like you do.
I had a very good result with the following design:
domain package contains #Entity classes which contain all necessary data which are stored in database
dto package which contains view/views of entity which will be returned from service
Dto should have constructor which takes entity as parameter. To copy data easier you can use BeanUtils.copyProperties(domainClass, dtoClass);
By doing this you are sharing only minimal amount of information and it is returned in object which does not have any functionality.

Core Data Inheritance and Relationships

I´m a little confused about inheritance and relationships in core data, and I was hopping someone could drive to the right path. In my app i have created 3 entities, and none of them have (and are not suppose to have) common properties, but there´s gonna be a save and a load button for all the work that the user does. From my understanding I need to "wrap" all the entities "work" into an object which will be used to save and load, and my question is, do I need to create relationships between the entities? Because I have to relate them somehow and this is what make sense to me. Is my logic correct?
I'm implementing a budget calculator, and for the purpose of everyone understand what my issue is, I´m going to give an practical example and please correct me if my logic is incorrect:
Let´s just say you are a fruit seller, and because of that it´s normal to have a database of clients and also a fruit database with the kinds of fruit you sell. From my understanding I find two entities here:
Client with properties named: name, address, phone, email, etc.
Stock with properties named: name, weight, stock, cost, supplier, etc.
TheBudget with properties named: name, amount, type, cost, delivery, etc.
I didn´t put all the properties because I think you get the point. I mean as you can see, there´s only two properties I could inherit; the rest is different. So, if I was doing a budget for a client, I can have as many clients I want and also the amount of stock, but what about the actual budget?
I´m sorry if my explanation was not very clear, but if it was..what kind of relationships should I be creating? I think Client and TheBudget have a connection. What do you advise me?
That's not entirely correct, but some parts are on the right track. I've broken your question down into three parts: relationships, inheritance and the Managed Object Context to hopefully help you understand each part separately:
Relationships are usually used to indicate that one entity can 'belong' to another (i.e. an employee can belong to a company). You can setup multiple one-to-many relationships (i.e. an employee belongs to a company and a boss) and you can setup the inverse relationships (which is better described with the word 'owns' or 'has', such as 'one company has many employees).
There are many even more complicated relationships depending on your needs and a whole set of delete rules that you can tell the system to follow when an entity in a relationship is deleted. When first starting out I found it easiest to stick with one-to-one and one-to-many relationships like I've described above.
Inheritance is best described as a sort of base template that is used for other, more specific entities. You are correct in stating that you could use inheritance as a sort of protocol to define some basic attributes that are common across a number of entities. A good example of this would be having a base class 'Employee' with attributes 'name', 'address' and 'start date'. You could then create other entities that inherit from this Employee entity, such as 'Marketing Rep', 'HR', 'Sales Rep', etc. which all have the common attributes 'name', 'address' and 'start date' without creating those attributes on each individual entity. Then, if you wanted to update your model and add, delete or modify a common attribute, you could do so on the parent entity and all of its children will inherit those changes automatically.
Managed Object Context (i.e. saving)
Now, onto the other part of your question/statement: wrapping all of your entities into an object which will be used to save and load. You do not need to create this object, core data uses the NSManagedObjectContext (MOC for short) specifically for this purpose. The MOC is tasked with keeping track of objects you create, delete and modify. In order to save your changes, you simply call the save: method on your MOC.
If you post your entities and what they do, I might be able to help make suggestions on ways to set it up in core data. You want to do your best to setup as robust a core data model as you can during the initial development process. The OS needs to be able to 'upgrade' the backing store to incorporate any changes you've made between your core data model revisions. If you do a poor job of setting up your core data model initially and release your code that way, it can be very difficult to try and make a complicated model update when the app is in the wild (as you've probably guessed, this is advice born out of painful experience :)

Migrating from Dictionary to Core Data Entity

I've got a data model where there is a Person entity, which has a transformable attribute which is an array of dictionaries containing information. The model is much bigger than that, this is just the part I'm having trouble with. It was designed this way by an old developer, and in taking over the project I need to migrate this to be 100% core data.
So what I need to do is create a new entity, then step through each dictionary in the Person's array and create new instances of that entity with the information from that dictionary. I thought I could use an NSEntityMigrationPolicy to set up a custom migration for this new Entity, but it seems the Core Data migration is expecting X number of source entities to translate to X number of destination entities. Because I technically have 0 source entities right now (because they're in an array that Core Data doesn't really know anything about), I'm not sure how I can make the migration create new entities during the process.
What, or rather where in the migration procedure, is the best way to do what I'm trying to accomplish? I've always used lightweight migration in the past, so this is my first adventure in custom migration.
It would help to have a sense of your data model (schema) - but let's assume that your Person entity now holds home address and list of favorite restaurants. And let's further assume that you will be creating new entities Address and Restaurant along with the following relationships:
Person has one Address, so there's a to-one relationship from Person to Address called "homeAddress". There's an inverse to-many relationship from Address to Person, because many people could live at the same address.
Person has a to-many relationship (called restaurants) to Restaurants. Restaurant could also has a to-many relationship to Person (though this might be one of those cases where bidirectionality doesn't really make sense).
Anyway, the point is that now - in addition to your PersonToPerson NSEntityMigrationPolicy subclass, you will also have PersonToAddress and PersonToRestaurant. These will be the places that you unpack the old data and use it to instantiate and initialize new Address and Restaurant objects.
Of course, there are lots of other complicating issues. For example, you won't want to be creating a new instance of the same Restaurant for every Person who likes it. You will need to keep track of newly created Restaurants.
You will want to order your mappings strategically - probably with PersonToPerson first.
You might want to look at Marcus Zarra's Core Data sample code and maybe even buy his book.

DDD: Organizing 100s of properties on an Entity

How would you organize an entity that has 100s of properties? One could go as far to say 100s of properties, with a few Value Objects (as a few of the properties have 2 or 3 properties of their own). But the point is, how to handle the large number of properties.
I am re-creating our model from the ground-up using DDD, and the current issue is how to organize one of main entities that is broken up into many many many subsets. Currently it was written to have about a dozen sub-sets of properties. Like CarInfo() with 50+ properties, CarRankings() with 80+, CarStats(), CarColor(), etc, etc.
Think of it as mass-data stored on a single entity root.
Is it appropriate to have a service for the simple purpose of grouping a large collection of properties? Like CarInfoService that would return a Car() object, along with a large collection or sort.
Another idea would be to look at how the data is displayed. There is no one view that shows all of this data. Instead, they are split up based on their subjective matter. Like CarInfo shows all information about the car. Another would be CarStats that shows all stats of the car. So in this sense, the Application layer can build the underlying details needed for the UI. But, I still need a way to store it in the domain.
I have a mind to just put a number of xml property bags on it and call in the day. lol
This is a tough problem. You've got an aggregate root with lots of branches. But it sounds as if your users only work with certain collections at certain times. You could try pruning the tree a bit.
For instance, in your Car example, if your users are comparing the rankings of different cars, you could treat that as its own module or subsystem. No need to load up the detailed car data associated with each ranking, if the specific task is to figure out which ones rate better than others.
Remember, even though the data may be stored in a parent-child hierarchy in the database, it doesn't necessarily mean your domain will be structured in the same way.
By looking at the tasks or functions your users will perform on your data, you might discover concepts that help to break up that giant aggregate into more manageable chunks.
If you do need to assemble the full root with all of its branches, I think you'll definitely want some sort of service to bring everything together.
I think you should consider to split such an entity in different bounded contexts related via shared idenfitiers. Thus you will have different Cars in different BCs (thus different namespaces, too), and each one will handle only the informations that are related to that particular aspect.
This way, in case of deeper insight, chances are that you will have to refactor only a BC without affecting the others.
