Valuechangelistener Doubt in JSF - jsf

Please see the following code:
<h:selectOneMenu id="countries" value="#{countryBean.selectedCountry}" onchange="submit()
<f:selectItems value="#{countryBean.countries }" />
Backing Bean
public void changeCountry(ValueChangeEvent event){
String newValue = (String)event.getNewValue();
String oldValue = (String)event.getOldValue();
System.out.println("New Value : " + newValue);
System.out.println("Old Value : " + oldValue);
if ("1".equals(newValue)){
this.countries = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
this.cities.add(new SelectItem("1","Delhi"));
this.cities.add(new SelectItem("2","Mumbai"));
if ("2".equals(newValue)){
this.cities = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
this.cities.add(new SelectItem("1","Mossco"));
Please let me know if the implementation is correct. It is working fine.
My questions are:
What is the advantage of adding the f:valueChangeListener tag inside the h:selectOneMenu tag. I have used the normal attribute valueChangeListener="#{countryBean.changeCountry}".
Is it necessary to use onchange="submit() this code to change the values.
What is difference between writing the custom listeners by implementing the ActionListener interface and just using the attribute in the UIComponent tags (action="methodName").
Please explain me.

The ValueChangeListener will only be called when the form is submitted, not when the value of the input is changed. Thus, if you want to run this listener when the value is modified, you have two solutions:
Submit your form when the onchange event is fired (this is what you did in your code);
Use an Ajax call instead, by using some dedicated components (already integrated in JSF2, with <f:ajax>, or third-parties libraries such as Richfaces, Primefaces...).
Here is an example with Richfaces:
<h:selectOneMenu id="countries" value="#{countryBean.selectedCountry}" valueChangeListener="#{countryBean.changeCountry}">
<a4j:support event="onchange" .../>
<f:selectItems value="#{countryBean.countries }" />
Regarding the code of your listener, it seems correct, but why question is why do you need a ValueChangeListener here? Indeed, this listener is usefull when you want to track a modification of a value. That's why the ValueChangeEvent provides both getOldValue() and getNewValue() methods.
In your code, you do not care about the old value, so basically, you could "simply" do an action instead of a valueChangeListener (ex. with Richfaces):
<h:selectOneMenu id="countries" value="#{countryBean.selectedCountry}">
<a4j:support event="onchange" actionListener="#{countryBean.changeCountry}"/>
<f:selectItems value="#{countryBean.countries }" />
Finally, regarding the difference between the valueChangeListener attribute and <f:valueChangeListener> is that the first binds a Java method (#{myBean.myMethod}), while the second binds a Java class (type="") which implements the ValueChangeListener interface. So the second one could be more generic than the first one...

Romaintaz already pointed out the most, I just wanted to get straight on your concrete questions:
What is the advantage of adding the f:valueChangeListener tag inside the h:selectOneMenu tag. I have used the normal attribute valueChangeListener="#{countryBean.changeCountry}".
As Romaintaz said, the attribute points to a method and the f: tag points to a class. Another advantage is that you can have multiple of them, whenever that is necessary.
Is it necessary to use onchange="submit() this code to change the values.
That Javascript doesn't change the values. That Javascript submits the entire form without the need to pressing the submit button yourself, whenever the value has been changed by the enduser. No, that is not necessary. You can also just remove it and expect that the enduser presses the submit button himself. Once again, that JavaScript is not part of JSF.
What is difference between writing the custom listeners by implementing the ActionListener interface and just using the attribute in the UIComponent tags (action="methodName").
This question is already asked before: difference between action and actionlistener.

The solution from romaintaz of calling an action instead of valueChangeListener is also great because in the case of "change" event the action is called after the model is updated (allowing for a DB update for example) while the valueChangeListener is called before....


<h:selectOneMenu> value change listener invoked for all dropdowns instead of only the current

I'm using MyFaces 1.1. I have two <h:selectOneMenu>s dropdowns which each point to same valueChangeListener method.
<h:selectOneMenu id="d1" value="#{mybean.selectedChannel1}"
onchange="submit()" valueChangeListener="#{myform.channelValuechange}">
<f:selectItems value="#{mybean.channelList}"/>
<h:selectOneMenu id="d2" value="#{mybean.selectedChannel2}"
onchange="submit()" valueChangeListener="#{myform.channelValuechange}">
<f:selectItems value="#{mybean.channelList}"/>
When I change the first dropdown, then the value change listener method get fired correctly. In the method, I'm obtaining the ID of the current component as sourceId via ValueChangeEvent argument and then comparing it as follows:
if (sourceId.equals("d1")) {
// ...
} else if (sourceId.equals("d2")) {
// ...
However, my concrete problem is that d2 block is also called when d1 is changed.
I tried the one and other and figured that the following helped to solve the problem:
if (!event.getPhaseId().equals(PhaseId.INVOKE_APPLICATION)) {
However, I don't feel like that it's the best solution. How is this caused and how can I solve it without using the above code?
With onchange="submit()" you're basically submitting the entire form when the current input element is changed, not only the currently changed input! In contrary to what many starters incorrectly think, there is no means of any input-specific JavaScript/Ajax magic here. As you're submitting the entire form, it would trigger the processing of all input components.
The valueChangeListener is always invoked when the submitted value of the input component does not equals() the initial model value as in the backing bean. Given that in your case both menus hit the value change listener when you change only the first one, that can only mean that the default select item value of the second menu does not equals() the initial model value in the backing bean.
You need to make sure that #{mybean.selectedChannel2} of the second menu has by default exactly the same value as the first item of #{mybean.channelList} of the second menu's list. This way the value change listener won't be invoked for the second menu when you change the first menu.
See also:
When to use valueChangeListener or f:ajax listener? (just to learn what's different in JSF 2, for the case you're interested)

Primefaces commandButton: f:attribute does not work

Project uses Spring Webflow and JSF (PrimeFaces). I have a p:commandButton with f:attribute
<p:commandButton disabled="#{editGroupMode=='edit'}" action="edit_article_group" actionListener="#{articleGroupManager.setSelectedRow}" ajax="false" value="Edit">
<f:attribute name="selectedIndex" value="${rowIndex}" />
Backend code (Spring injected bean):
public class ArticleGroupManagerImpl implements ArticleGroupManager{
public void setSelectedRow(ActionEvent event) {
String selectedIndex = (String)event.getComponent().getAttributes().get("selectedIndex");
if (selectedIndex == null) {
The attribute "selectedIndex" is always null. Anybody knows what happened here? Thank you.
The variable name "rowIndex" suggests that you've declared this inside an iterating component, such as <p:dataTable>.
This is then indeed not going to work. There's physically only one JSF component in the component tree which is reused multiple times during generating HTML output. The <f:attribute> is evaluated at the moment when the component is created (which happens only once, long before iteration!), not when the component generates HTML based on the currently iterated row. It would indeed always be null.
There are several ways to achieve your concrete functional requirement anyway. The most sane approach would be to just pass it as method argument:
<p:commandButton value="Edit"
ajax="false" disabled="#{editGroupMode=='edit'}" />
public void setSelectedRow(Integer rowIndex) {
// ...
See also:
JSTL in JSF2 Facelets... makes sense?
How can I pass selected row to commandLink inside dataTable?
Unrelated to the concrete problem, I'd in this particular case have used just a GET link with a request parameter to make the request idempotent (bookmarkable, re-executable without impact in server side, searchbot-crawlable, etc). See also Communication in JSF 2.0 - Processing GET request parameters.

have to press command button twice

I'm working on building a web page and notice now that I have to press the command button twice. Any command button has the same problem, so I figured I would add and action listener on one of them to see if I could see something.
<h:form id="formP">
<p:commandButton id="temp" value="photos" actionListener="#{viewBacking.debugBreakpoint()}" action="userPhoto" />
The backing bean has
public void debugBreakpoint() {
int i = 0;
Unfortunately, this does help. It hits my breakpoint only after the second press. I suspect that some field somewhere isn't passing validation but I would like some method of detecting what exactly is going wrong - why do I need the second push? Is there some option I can turn on in Glassfish, or something else where I can look at a dump of debug information? I can ignore the dump until everything is stable and then see what exactly is happening when I press the button for the first time.
Is there any such tool which I can use?
That can happen when a parent component of the given <h:form> has been rendered/updated by another command button/link with <f:ajax>. The given form will then lose its view state which it would only get back after submitting the form for the first time. Any subsequent submits will then work the usual way. This is caused by a bug in JSF JS API as descibred in JSF issue 790 which is fixed in the upcoming JSF 2.2.
You need to fix the another command button/link with <f:ajax> to explicitly include the client ID of the given <h:form> in the render.
<f:ajax render=":somePanel :formP" />
Another way is to replace this <f:ajax> by a PrimeFaces <p:commandLink> or <p:commandButton> so that you don't need to explicitly include the client ID of all the forms. PrimeFaces's own JS API has namely already incorporated this fix.
add event="onclick" in your p:commandbutton
I guess that will sort it out.
or you can add this ajax="false" property in your commandButton
<p:commandButton ajax="false" action="#{userController.create}" value="#{bundle.CreateUserSaveLink}"></p:commandButton>
I ran into the same issue. The solution was simple, instead of having both an actionListener and an action, just convert the actionListener method to return a string to where you want to navigate to and use it as the method for the action (and don't have an actionListener).
In simple terms: only use an action (do not use an actionListener on a commandButton that is submitting a form).
Please check your binding with bean.
bean fields should be String or non primitive.

UIComponent#getValue() obtained via binding is not available in validator of another component

I'm trying to figure out why an f:attribute tag's value isn't passed when attached to h:inputSecret tag. I'm quite new to jsf, but as far as I know attributes can be attached to any kind of component. Here is the code:
<h:inputSecret id="passw" value="#{advertAdder.userPass}"
required="true" validator="#{advertAdder.validatePasswords}">
<f:attribute name="confirmedPass" value="#{advertAdder.passConfirmator.value}"/>
<h:inputSecret id="passwConfirm" required="true"
and the method that wants to acces this attribute:
public void validatePasswords(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Object value)
if (!value.equals(component.getAttributes().get("confirmedPass")))
FacesMessage mess = new FacesMessage("Password and it's confirmation are not the same!");
context.addMessage(component.getClientId(context), mess);
((UIInput) component).setValid(false);
In above code component.getAttributes() always returns map with only two attributes:
javax.faces.component.VIEW_LOCATION_KEY and com.sun.faces.facelets.MARK_ID.
I've added attribute tag to a h:commandButton to check it, and then everything was fine. Am I missing something or it's not possible to add an attribute to non-action tag?
I'm using Mojarra 2.0.2 and Glassfish 3.0.1.
Thanks in advance.
Input components are processed in the order as they appear in the component tree. The UIInput#getValue() is only available when the component is already been processed. Otherwise you need to use UIInput#getSubmittedValue() instead.
<f:attribute name="confirmedPass" value="#{advertAdder.passConfirmator.submittedValue}"/>
Note that this gives you the unconverted and unvalidated value back. It would make somewhat more sense to put the validator on the confirm password field instead and pass the value of the first password field along. See also JSF Validator compare to Strings for Equality and JSF doesn't support cross-field validation, is there a workaround?
Alternatively, you can also try out the OmniFaces <o:validateEqual> component. You can find a concrete example in this article.
Unrelated to the concrete problem, it's unnecessary to bind the component to the bean this way. Replace all occurrences of #{advertAdder.passConfirmator} by #{passConfirmator}. Keep the controller free of properties which are never internally used.

ValueChangeListener method not called on my h:selectOneRadio

I am little confused about my radio button list in JSF and how it reacts to stuff and I didn't find much help online. Below is the declaration of my radio button list and the method which should be called in case the value of the radio changes:
<h:selectOneRadio value="#{AddExpense.selectedTypeExp}" layout="pageDirection"
<f:selectItems value="#{AddExpense.typeExpList}"/>
<a:support event="onclick" action="#{AddExpense.typeExpChanged}" immediate="true"/>
When I choose a different value, only the typeExpChanged is called, but the AddExpense.changed method is not called. I think I'm confusing something here, not sure how the changeListener should react... Below is my very simple test method which should be called:
public void changed(ValueChangeEvent event){
System.out.println("In changed event method: "+event.getNewValue());
Should I change something in the <a:support> ?
The reason I have both event and valueChangeListener is because I wanted to test what reacts to my changing the selection. I just need a method to be called with a parameter which tells me the selected value, so I can load something else.
Thanks in advance!
The valueChangeListener is not a client side event listener. It's a server side event listener. It does not generate any line of HTML/JS/Ajax code and it is triggered by JSF itself when you submit the form to the server and the submitted value is different from the initial model value.
Just keep using Ajax4jsf <a4j:support>, it's perfectly fine for your particular functional requirement.
