Can I compile Dalvik for WinCE? How? - windows-ce

mY general question above and simple - can I compile Dalvik VM for WinCE? In particular, I want to run some android-compatible projects under WinCE 5.0. Obviously, it's sounds afraid, but interesting for me:)

I don't think it would help you. In fact, since the code is just Java, you could compile it for regular JVM and there are some for WinCE. The problem is you'd need the user interface and system libraries and porting those would be huge amount of work.
If you are writing the application, the best I can suggest is that you use some kind of portability layer. There are e.g. J2ME polish, LWUIT (Android port) and certainly more. With those you will be able to run on most mobile devices that have Java.


Porting windows application to linux

I have an application which I need to port on Linux. I was thinking to use Free Pascal the problem is the application uses Windows API's to perform tasks such as serial port communication etc... Is there a msdn for linux users or a book covering how linux works internaly if there are apis.
I am very confused.
Well, it's sad to say but if your code in very Windows-dependend (not VCL depended!) then probably it'll be faster to write the application from the begining rather then porting it.
But if it's only serial port matter then give a try to multiplatform SynaSer library, find it here:
hope this help :)
Robert Love has a book on Linux Systems Programming - that will cover this area and Love's books are generally good, so it is worth looking at.
It's not entirely clear from your question, but if your concern is that there are specific calls to hardware controlling functions in your Windows application that make it difficult to port I would suggest that is a misplaced fear. Both Windows and Linux operate on the principle that the application level programmer should be kept away from the hardware and that all that should be handled by the operating system kernel and only be accessible to applications via system calls. As the kernels of different operating systems face similar demands from users/applications, they tend to have system calls that do the same sorts of things. It is necessary to match the system calls to one another but I can see no reason why that should be impossible.
What may be more troublesome is that your Windows application may rely heavily on the Windows executive's windowing code/API. Again finding analogues for your code is not impossible but is likely to be a bit more complex e.g. in Linux this stuff is generally not handled in the kernel at all (unlike Windows).
But then again, your code may be written against a portable toolkit/library like Qt which would make things a lot easier.
Good luck in any case.
If the program contains GUI code you must use linux libraries like GTK/XLIB in order to create windows, forms, buttons, etc...
Windows specific functions (like EnterCriticalSection, WaitForSingleObject or _beginthreadex) must be replaced with equivalent linux api functions (a nice tutorial can be found here:
"") or you can use libraries such as w2lpl or wine
A useful library for this kind of problems i've found at
I've had great experiences just using WINE. (
You don't really port your app at all. You just make sure it doesnt violate some of the basc constraints of WINE and just run it as is. WINE (though is says it is not) is an emulator of the windows API's and will just do the translation for you. It's pretty complete in its coverage of the API's.

High-level language for developing applications on Linux

On Windows I've been using C#/.NET to develop both quick and simple CLI utilities as well as big WinForms/WPF applications. Visual studio played a big part in this choice but also the language and libraries allowed me to program wide range of applications without much hassle.
I'm now looking for a similar language, or more languages, on Linux. The best choice for GUI, multi-platform applications seems to be QT, usually with C++. For console utilities the best choice seems to be some scripting language like Python. However, C++ isn't a high-level language like C# and many tasks are unnecessarily more complicated (since usually I don't look for high performance in GUI applications) and scripting languages are slower and have a higher startup time.
So, what are your languages/libraries of choice when developing applications for Linux, both ten-minute utilities and large complex GUI systems.
After a 13 year rollercoaster ride through C, C++ and Ruby, I moved to Smalltalk (Squeak and Pharo) for all my development - web, scripting (just starting here), and desktop GUI apps.
Trust me, no one was more surprised than me, but Ruby got me hooked on dynamic languages, and combined with Smalltalk's live environment, I am high on OO Koolaid. If you've never experienced it, check out this screencast:
Warning - although the language is beautifully simple, it will take a while to wean off of many unnecessary and complicated, but cherished, distractions e.g. files, databases, compile cycles, etc. Luckily the community is very friendly and extremely helpful.
Also, Squeak/Pharo run on top of a VM which works in (at least) linux, windows, and Mac, so you can develop (and share) anywhere.
Have a look at Monodevelop, It is C# and offers similar functionality as the one you are used to. And above all: it comes from the same company behind C#.
As you mention: Qt is also a possibility and one I've been using extensively. Of course, you will need to develop in C++ then. The tool you want to look at is qt-assistent.
You might be interested in wxwidgets,
I use python and gtk to develop GUI applications.
With glade as UI editor you can quickly setup your application.
Doing the same thing with python/Qt(or whatever Graphical library you want) should be easily doable as well.
See here :
Python can make linux system calls; use
import os
Additionally, PyQt4 gives you simple access to the GUI framework Qt4. This could be a good bet for your needs.
Another option is to use QT or Wx with Python or some other scripting language
You can either use QT with Python, or Mono since you already have experience on .NET.

List of programming languages for mobile devices

What are the programming languages supported by mobile devices? Is there some list or can anyone make a list of some?
I don't what to search, but I as able to find 3:
Flash Lite
Are these the most used? What other languages are there that are used quite often?
It's hard answering this question, because "used most" implies the need for some kind of statistics to back it up. Instead I present you with some examples.
Objective-C is more or less the default language for iPhone and iPad applications. Flash is verboten, but I think Adobe AIR is allowed, and MonoTouch (.NET)
Java is commonly used for Android applications, although you can probably use any language with a JVM application, so technically it could be Scala, Rhino, Jython.
You can use Lua, Python and more on Android with a program made for running scripts, released by Google outside of Market I think.
Nokia Maego and Symbian favours C++ if I recall correctly but I wouldn't be surprised if you could use virtually anything provided it is runnable on the platform.
Anyhow it varies a lot, and depending on the OS vendor, you can often use a multitude of languages as long as they allow it.

What should I choose: GTK+ or Qt? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Can someone suggest what's the best uses for those libraries today? Is it just GUI, or do they have database, XML, networking, threading, etc support too?
I was reading about them, and considered starting to learning/using one of them.
What is the most common one? What's the difference between them? Why would you choose one over the other?
As you seem to primarily target Linux, then the choice mostly depends on the programming language you want to use.
If you code in C, then obviously go for GTK+
If you code in C++, go for Qt, otherwise you will need Gtkmm (a C++ wrapper over GTK+)
If you code in Python, both GTK+ and Qt have bindings for the language: see PyGtk, PyQt and PySide (the one launched by Nokia themselves).
If you code in Java, Qt is no more a viable option imho as Nokia discontinued Qt Jambi (the Java bindings for Qt).
Also, Qt is more top-notch regarding its scenegraph QGraphicsScene API, its scripting engine built over Javascript Core (the engine powering WebKit), its state machine and animations framework, and the declarative UI.
GTK+ doesn't offer that much although you can use Clutter alongside with it.
If you're specifically looking into DB, XML (GTK+ has a parser for a subset of XML) and threading (GTK+ has GLib) features then Qt will offer all that in QtSql, QtXml and QtConcurrent.
All in all, I would say Qt is a sure choice. But GTK+ is very capable as well.
I'm not sure you will get a crystal clear answer for your question, which explains why some people keep preferring Gnome over KDE or vice-versa. Choose what works best for you.
PS: I you plan to also target Symbian, then go for Qt.
EDIT: Something that is also great with Qt is QtWebView: it brings Chromium into your Qt application to display web content. Others are embedding web content into their application using for instance Awesomium or Berkelium.
I've used GTK+, QT and wxWidgets before. Here's a brief summary:
For my first cross platform UI project I decided to go for wxWidgets mainly because at the time the license wasn't as restrictive as QT's (QT was GPL and only for Linux) and it had platform specific UI (unlike GTK). The project worked out well but there were quite a few glitches getting it to compile and run properly in other platforms - sometimes some events were fired up differently and such. Also GDI in wxWidgets was pretty slow.
Next I used GTK for a different project in python. For this I used the python bindings and everything worked out more or less smoothly. I didn't quite like the fact that the UI didn't look native on Windows and Mac and also when you launch a GTK+ app it always debug outputs loads of CRITICAL warnings which seem fine to ignore. :S
Finally, I did a very simple QT project now that Nokia has acquired it and was brilliant. The best of the three. First off, if you're not an old schooler who prefers VI or Emacs, QtCreator is brilliant. I really love VI and used it for years but I much prefer QtCreator for C++ QT projects. Regarding the library I also liked a lot the documentation and the APIs provided. QT has a concept of slots and signals which introduce new C++ keywords and a preprocessor. Basically, after reading a tutorial you'll get it easily and will start to love it. I'm now doing iPhone dev and it does feel a bit like Cocoa's/Interface Builder's UI paradigm.
Summary: I'd go for QT hands down. The license is pretty good and the SDK and documentation really nice.
I have never used GTK, but from my personal experience using Qt:
It is much more than a simple GUI. It's a whole application framework. I used to think of it as the Java libraries for C++. It provides all you mention -- database, XML, networking and threading, and more. It also provides things such as containers and iterators, and counterparts to a number of boost libraries.
The thing that impressed me most when starting to use Qt was the extremely extensive documentation. You get a program called Qt Assistant, which provides fully indexed and searchable API documentation on your desktop, as well as numerous code examples and tutorials. I found it made a big difference in searching the web each time for API info. Very quick access when you need to remember a method signature.
I am not sure which is most common; that's probably hard to measure accurately. They're certainly both popular. As Gnome is the default desktop of Ubuntu, and Gnome sits on top of GTK, it obviously has widespread usage. Of course, KDE is very popular as well. Nokia is heavily pushing Qt in the mobile space -- their Maemo OS, used on the new N900 for example, is soon to switch to Qt as the default toolkit (currently it is GTK.) I believe Qt will also soon become the default toolkit for Symbian OS.
I have not used Qt Creator, but I have heard many good things about it. It is a C++ IDE with obvious heavy integration with Qt. It also has fake vim emulation which is always nice if you like that kind of thing!
Qt uses qmake for build configuration. I found this much nicer than having to write your own makefiles. I do not know what GTK uses for building.
A couple of things I found a bit offputting with Qt at first was its big uses of preprocessor macros. The signal/slots system provides a nice mechanism for event/message passing in your application, but it does feel a bit like magic that may not be easily portable to another toolkit if you ever want to. Also, the moc (meta-object compiler), while I'm not entirely sure what it does, also feels a bit too much like magic going on behind the scenes.
All in all, though, I would recommend Qt, particularly if you are learning. It has really amazing documentation and a nice IDE, and busy forums. You'll be able to build C++ apps very rapidly with it, particularly with the QML coming in 4.7.
It probably depends on what you want to do. I would recommend Qt, because it's more than GUI, it has nice Python bindings (so does Gtk), and GUI libraries themselves are (subjectively speaking) more pleasant then Gtk.
Gtk is on the other hand more common in linux world, so you can probably get more help on the web. Reason for widespread of Gtk probably has more to do with Gnome and Ubuntu, rather then technical merits, but if you want you software to blend nicely with those two, you'll achieve that more easily with Gtk.
Qt for one sure has solid DB, network, threading support etc... It does a lot more then just cross-platform GUI (and it does most of it quite well).
I'd recommend it over GTK+.
Qt. It's not only object oriented, is "good" object oriented.
It's based on a "subset" of C++ that doesn't rely on the obscurity of C++ (but you are allowed to stick with them, if you fancy masochism ;) ).
It has a strong momentum now that Nokia bought it (actually Nokia did ~2/3 years ago). It's going to be in all Nokia AND Intel mobile devices (smartphones, netbooks, tablets).
It's the backbone of KDE, so it's very mature, but it's designed in a very flexible way, that makes it possible to support TODAY all the latest "cool stuff" that a more-then-just-GUI framework should have.
Go for it.
Just adding QT advantages to other answers.. QT has great documentation, its own IDE & GUI creator and enhances C++ with some new concepts like slots/signals (basically events).
I am not a GTK developer, so I can't compare those to the GTK world :(
It also looks like Nokia is about to use Qt everywhere, like on Maemo
If you want your app to run on iOS, Android, Blackberry, other mobile platforms, Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux, use Qt.

J2ME development and native API

Is it possible to write a mobile application with J2ME and whenever we want to implement a functionality not offered by J2ME call native mobile API ? (kind of like what is done with .NET, whenever you need something not provided, you just call the Win32 API from the .NET platform).
While JNI is not officially supported in J2ME, the Symbian implementation of J2ME obviously uses something very similar.
Since most J2ME APIs have a corresponding Symbian OS C++ API, what Symbian did (a lot) is develop adaptation layers between the 2.
Between that and the new modular architecture of the IBM J9 virtual machine (from Series60 3rd edition feature pack 2 onward), it is technically possible to add a new API to the virtual machine without actually needing to recompile most of a handset firmware.
However, third party developers simply are not allowed to do it without a lot of help from the handset manufacturer.
A loopback socket connection is the solution that people have tipically implemented to transfer data accross the language barrier. Large-scale deployment is not the easiest task, though, as you technically need to install 2 applications on the device. Once you understand the threading model of the Symbian J2ME implementation, you also realize how ugly and inefficient a hack it is.
When you reach that kind of issue, it's time to learn Symbian OS C++ and do it right.
No. That's not possible with Java ME.
Only sort of. Actually it is possible but not directly. You can write a native server that listens on a local socket and send requests to it from your Java MIDlet. Someone even released a framework to do this called MIDP-JNI (as opposed to real JNI). Obviously the form of the solution imposes some limitations on what you can do with it but it isn't actually impossible.
Be aware that using this approach can make your application much more complex to debug.
If you are specifically looking out for Nokia/Symbian, then APIBridge could be a solution. Typically it is the 'official' version of 'native server on local socket' kind of thing. The APIBridge is 'extensible' & you can write your own 'plugins' for your suitable 'low-level' task.
