There is any limit on how many critical section i can create? - multithreading

i have a Class that can be accessed on multiple thread.
To make sure i don't have simultaneous access i will use a CCriticalSection
I was wondering if i can just create a CCriticalSectionfor any copy of the object (i think i can have about 100-1000 this object in the program) or it will be best to create a static member CCriticalSection and use this for all the object?

Prior to XP/Server 2003 you could run out of kernel objects for CRITICAL_SECTIONs (specifically the event used to arbitrate when there was contention on the CRITICAL_SECTION). For XP and beyond you're bounded as you are for many things, by your virtual address space.

Surely there is a limit, but 1000 is perfectly fine.
But in your case I believe static member is better.
Creating extra objects is the last thing you should do from the performance prospective.

Windows has no limit on the number of sections you can create other than available memory (due to internal debug linkages, its consumes more than sizeof(CCriticalSection) or sizeof(CriticalSection).

If your scope was only to "signal" why not use InterlockedExchange and Interlock... family functions?


Azure durable entity or static variables?

Question: Is it thread-safe to use static variables (as a shared storage between orchestrations) or better to save/retrieve data to durable-entity?
There are couple of azure functions in the same namespace: hub-trigger, durable-entity, 2 orchestrations (main process and the one that monitors the whole process) and activity.
They all need some shared variables. In my case I need to know the number of main orchestration instances (start new or hold on). It's done in another orchestration (monitor)
I've tried both options and ask because I see different results.
Static variables: in my case there is a generic List, where SomeMyType holds the Id of the task, state, number of attempts, records it processed and other info.
When I need to start new orchestration and List.Add(), when I need to retrieve and modify it I use simple List.First(id_of_the_task). First() - I know for sure needed task is there.
With static variables I sometimes see that tasks become duplicated for some reason - I retrieve the task with List.First(id_of_the_task) - change something on result variable and that is it. Not a lot of code.
Durable-entity: the major difference is that I add List on a durable entity and each time I need to retrieve it I call for .CallEntityAsync("getTask") and .CallEntityAsync("saveTask") that might slow done the app.
With this approach more code and calls is required however it looks more stable, I don't see any duplicates.
Please, advice
Can't answer why you would see duplicates with the static variables approach without the code, may be because list is not thread safe and it may need ConcurrentBag but not sure. One issue with static variable is if the function app is not always on or if it can have multiple instances. Because when function unloads (or crashes) the state would be lost. Static variables are not shared across instances either so during high loads it wont work (if there can be many instances).
Durable entities seem better here. Yes they can be shared across many concurrent function instances and each entity can only execute one operation at a time so they are for sure a better option. The performance cost is a bit higher but they should not be slower than orchestrators since they perform a lot of common operations, writing to Table Storage, checking for events etc.
Can't say if its right for you but instead of List.First(id_of_the_task) you should just be able to access the orchestrators properties through the client which can hold custom data. Another idea depending on the usage is that you may be able to query the Table Storages directly with CloudTable class for the information about the running orchestrators.
Although not entirely related you can look at some settings for parallelism for durable functions Azure (Durable) Functions - Managing parallelism
Please ask any questions if I should clarify anything or if I misunderstood your question.

Is calling a lua function(as a callback) from another thread safe enough?

Actually I am using visual C++ to try to bind lua functions as callbacks for socket events(in another thread). I initialize the lua stuff in one thread and the socket is in another thread, so every time the socket sends/receives a message, it will call the lua function and the lua function determines what it should do according to the 'tag' within the message.
So my questions are:
Since I pass the same Lua state to lua functions, is that safe? Doesn't it need some kinda protection? The lua functions are called from another thead so I guess they might be called simultaneously.
If it is not safe, what's the solution for this case?
It is not safe to call back asynchronously into a Lua state.
There are many approaches to dealing with this. The most popular involve some kind of polling.
A recent generic synchronization library is DarkSideSync
A popular Lua binding to libev is lua-ev
This SO answer recommends Lua Lanes with LuaSocket.
It is not safe to call function within one Lua state simultaneously in multiple threads.
I was dealing with the same problem, since in my application all basics such as communication are handled by C++ and all the business logic is implemented in Lua. What I do is create a pool of Lua states that are all created and initialised on an incremental basis (once there's not enough states, create one and initialise with common functions / objects). It works like this:
Once a connection thread needs to call a Lua function, it checks out an instance of Lua state, initialises specific globals (I call it a thread / connection context) in a separate (proxy) global table that prevents polluting the original global, but is indexed by the original global
Call a Lua function
Check the Lua state back in to the pool, where it is restored to the "ready" state (dispose of the proxy global table)
I think this approach would be well suited for your case as well. The pool checks each state (on an interval basis) when it was last checked out. When the time difference is big enough, it destroys the state to preserve resources and adjust the number of active states to current server load. The state that is checked out is the most recently used among the available states.
There are some things you need to consider when implementing such a pool:
Each state needs to be populated with the same variables and global functions, which increases memory consumption.
Implementing an upper limit for state count in the pool
Ensuring all the globals in each state are in a consistent state, if they happen to change (here I would recommend prepopulating only static globals, while populating dynamic ones when checking out a state)
Dynamic loading of functions. In my case there are many thousands of functions / procedures that can be called in Lua. Having them constantly loaded in all states would be a huge waste. So instead I keep them byte code compiled on the C++ side and have them loaded when needed. It turns out not to impact performance that much in my case, but your mileage may vary. One thing to keep in mind is to load them only once. Say you invoke a script that needs to call another dynamically loaded function in a loop. Then you should load the function as a local once before the loop. Doing it otherwise would be a huge performance hit.
Of course this is just one idea, but one that turned out to be best suited for me.
It's not safe, as the others mentioned
Depends on your usecase
Simplest solution is using a global lock using the lua_lock and lua_unlock macros. That would use a single Lua state, locked by a single mutex. For a low number of callbacks it might suffice, but for higher traffic it probably won't due to the overhead incurred.
Once you need better performance, the Lua state pool as mentioned by W.B. is a nice way to handle this. Trickiest part here I find synchronizing the global data across the multiple states.
DarkSideSync, mentioned by Doug, is useful in cases where the main application loop resides on the Lua side. I specifically wrote it for that purpose. In your case this doesn't seem a fit. Having said that; depending on your needs, you might consider changing your application so the main loop does reside on the Lua side. If you only handle sockets, then you can use LuaSocket and no synchronization is required at all. But obviously that depends on what else the application does.

D how to mark everything __gshared?

Is there any way to mark all objects __gshared with DMD? I am working on a game engine where pretty much everything needs to be shared between threads, and spamming __gshared or shared everywhere doesn't cut it.
For everyone wanting me not to do this: Critical sections will be minimal and reduced to checking if an enum is set to Loaded or not (mutexed of course). So concurrency won't gain me anything.
you can put all the variables in a block and declare that shared
SharedClass instance;
also note that all fields in a shared class or struct are shared
I should however note that this inconvenience is by design and an encouragement to restructure your data to minimize the shared stuff
__gshared tells garbage collector that resource is may be used within external code, so you will need manually alloc/dealloc it(and so you can access the same resource in any thread), shared on the other hand is for actual multi-thread sharing.
though i may be wrong on some details, the actual idea is that

How can I delete and deallocate OVM objects in SystemVerilog?

I would like to delete an ovm object (and its children) so that I can recreate it with different configs. Is there a way to do this in OVM?
Currently, when I try to create the object a second time with new, I get the following VCS runtime error:
[CLDEXT] Cannot set 'ap' as a child of 'instance', which already has a child by that name.
I realize that I can simply use a different name to "re-create" the instance, but then I'll still have the old instance sitting around and soaking up memory.
OVM is just a SystemVerilog library. That means that all the rules of SystemVerilog apply to OVM. So, yes, you can use new() with OVM. Sometimes it's preferable to use the factory, and sometimes it's preferable to use new() (that's a topic for a different discussion).
SystemVerilog does not have a delete operator or a destructor like C++. Instead, when you are done with an object you just remove all references to it and the garbage collector will clean up the memory. Here's a quote from the SystemVerilog reference manual (IEEE 1800-2009) section 8.7:
SystemVerilog does not require the complex memory allocation and deallocation of C++. Construction of an object is straightforward; and garbage collection, as in Java, is implicit and automatic. There can be no memory leaks or other subtle behaviors, which are so often the bane of C++ programmers.
It's not entirely true that you cannot have a memory leak. You can forget to remove all references to an object and the garbage collector will not know to pick it up. However, you do not have to worry about memory with the same detail as you do in C++.
The particular error you received with id CLDEXT is from ovm_component class. From the message it appears that you attempted to create two components with the same name and the same parent. Components in OVM are typically static. That is, you create and elaborate them once, usually at time 0, and don't delete or add components after that. Because of this model there are no methods in ovm_component to remove child components. So there really isn't a good way to replace a component once it has been instantiated. By the way, this only applies to components. Other types of objects can be re-allocated.
If you feel that you need to replace a component with a different one after time 0 you should re-think the architecture of your testbench. There are probably betters ways to accomplish what you are trying to do without replacing components.
I have only UVM experience but I think OVM is similar. I would have liked to reply to #Victor Lyuboslavsky's comment but I can't add comments.
The issue is with the name 'ap' which evidently has already been used for a child of 'instance'. Use this code instead.
static int instNum = 0;
instance_ap = my_ovm_extended_class::type_id::create
($sformatf ("ap%0d", instNum), this);
The first time an object is created & the handle assigned to 'instance_ap', the object would have the name 'instance.ap0'. The next time the code executes an object called 'instance.ap1', and so on.
As mentioned by other posters this ought to be done only for non-component objects, and components should be static and must be created during/before the build phase & connected to each other during/before the connect phase.
Try assigning null to the object before calling new again.
Unless I see someone else answer this question, I'd say there is no easy way to deallocate objects in OVM framework.
OVM testbenches are static and created when the testbench is created.
When the environment class is instantiated, it will call new(create), build, connect, end_of_elaboration, start_of_simulation, run and check on all components.
By the end of the environment build phase all components must be created.
By the end of the environment connect phase all components must have their TLM ports connected.
Because of these requirements, you can not change components (or port connections) except for during the phase.
As part of the static nature of the testbench environment, every component must have a unique get_full_name() response. This is because string lookups are used to identify components in the hierarchy.
Assigning an object to null should deallocate memory. If there is no other handle pointing to that memory location, then it should get reclaimed.

What is the best way to have synchronized a collection of objects between various threads in .Net?

What is the best way to have synchronized a collection of objects between various threads in .Net?
I need to have a List or Dictionary accessed from different threads in a thread safe mode. With Adds, Removes, Foreachs, etc.
Basically it depends on the pattern you need to use.
If you have several threads writing and reading the same place you can use the same data structure that you would have used with a single thread (hastable, array, etc.) with a lock/monitor or a ReaderWriterLock to prevent race conditions.
In case you need to pass data between threads you'll need some kind of queue (synced or lockfree) that thread(s) of group A would insert to and thread(s) of group B would deque from. You might want to use WaitEvent (AutoReset or Manual) so that you won't loose CPU when the queue is empty.
It really depends on what kind of workflow you want to achieve.
You could implement a lock-free queue:
Or handle the synchronization yourself using locks:
Hashtable.Synchronized method returns a synchronized (thread safe) wrapper for the Hashtable.
This also exists for other collections.
A number of the collection classes in .Net have built in support for synchronizing and making access from multiple threads safe. For example (in C++/CLR):
Collections::Queue ^unsafe_queue = gcnew Collections::Queue();
Collections::Queue ^safe_queue = Collections::Queue::Synchronized(unsafe_queue);
You can throw away the reference to unsafe_queue, and keep the reference to safe_queue. It can be shared between threads, and you're guaranteed thread safe access. Other collection classes, like ArrayList and Hashtable, also support this, in a similar manner.
Without knowing specifics, I'd lean towards delegates and events to notify of changes.
And implementing the Observer or Publish Subscribe pattern
