Installing add-ins for SharePoint Foundation 2010 on Developer Win 7 Pro - sharepoint

I'm having a lot of trouble getting SharePointRS_x64.msi to install sucessfully says it cannot find sharepoint when in fact that sharepoint is installed and running on Win 7 Pro. Because of the operating system I am unable to install the prereq package that comes with SharePoint Foundation 2010 (which includes this reporting addin).
I already have a reporting server set up for my MSSQL2008 instance(win 2008 server R2). It's working when I go to the http:\servername\Reports i'm able to launch the report builder and everything works. I'm now having trouble setting up the other end on SharePoint (different (developement) machine - running win 7 pro).
Any Help would be GREATLY appriciated.
Please let me know if what I want to do is possible.

I found the solution.
You need to open config file:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10.\Reporting Services\ReportServer\rsreportserver.config
In this config find string:
Add Key="SecureConnectionLevel" Value="2"
Change value 2 to 0.
Values meaning:
3 - Most secure-Use SSL for absolutely everything.
2 - Secure-Use SSL for rendering and methods that pass credentials but don't insist on it for all SOAP calls.
1 - Basic Security-Accepts http but rejects any calls that might be involved in the passing of credentials.
0 - Least Secure-Don't use SSL at all.

You have to remember that installing sp2010 on your desktop is going to limit your farm. It is not going to be a fully functional farm. Advanced features like search and user profile sync will not work/get buggy. I guess now, you can add reporting services intergration to the list of things that don't work. Safe your self a lot of trouble but building a vm, which is going to be closer to your production environment anyway.
I thought it might not be supported by Foundation, but it is:


How can I install Team Foundation Server 2010 without a DVD?

I have a client who has TFS 2010 and I need to setup my own installation on an Azure VM in order to do some testing, and help them migrate off of TFS 2010 to TFS 2015. However, I cant for the life of me seem to locate a setup .exe online for Team Foundation Server 2010. Is this still possible? Do I need a physical DVD?
The instructions here
ask to use the physical DVD, but I dont have one.
According to this link
Its available for MSDN subscribers, but I dont see any TFS versions below 2015 on MSDN download page.
I have found the service pack 1 install, but not the setup for the full product. can anyone help me locate a setup exe online so that I can get this running? Thank you in advance.
Seems you are installing TFS 2010 to simulate some existing environment and test configuration changes. However, there is not any setup.exe for TFS 2010 in official site for now.
It's unsupported and 8 years old. There have been five major releases since then. We encourage users move to newly version of TFS server. Either back up the TFS2010 database and do the move directly or use some other machine with DVD to install the TFS2010 ISO image for a test.

Creating a form in SharePoint

I want to build a simple form in SharePoint.
The version of the SharePoint is not important for me, because my form is not going to be used by a real user and its not going to be uploaded to a real server. My windows is a 32-bit win 7.
Someone please help me. Here are my questions:
1- which version of the SharePoint should i install?
2- Is it necessary to install windows server?
3- Should i install Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007?
It's worth mentioning that my intention of doing this is to control the process of making the real forms which is going to be done by a company.
You will need windows server for sure and also a 64bit environment. I would suggest to read the basics of MS SharePoint on the Microsoft websites, especially the installation and prerequisites sections...

Missing prerequisites in Visual Studio 2012 for sharepoint 2013 development

I am following the Microsoft tutorial for creating my first sharepoint 2013 app.
( )
I have installed on a windows 2008 R2 Server Sharepoint 2013 RTM, done all the farm config stuff RTM, and installed all of Visual Studio 2012 ultimate and update 1 and restarted the server.
I have also followed the instructions for "How to: Set up an on-premises development environment for apps for SharePoint" which is at (I have to do this as our dev environment has no internet access)
I have got to the point where running Visual Studio as an Administrator I have named it and chosen "sharepoint-hosted" and validated the server and clicked finish (Step 5).
Instead of getting the next step where I open the AppManifest.xml file I get a message saying "An error occurred whilst trying to load some required components, Please ensure the following prerequisite components are installed. Microsoft Web Developer Tools and Microsoft Exchange Web Services"
I have checked VS setup and web developer tools is definetely installed (the only option I have would be to remove it)
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I know Im a noob here (this is my first post) but I have googled this and searched stack exchange and found nothing that helps me.
Got it after a few trial and errors
With an offline install you have to download the Exchange Web Services component. I had downloaded "EwsManageApi" and installed that.
As the error message specifically refers to Exchange Web services, I looked at other versions and tried the older 1.1 and the 32 bit version, but they didn't work either, ** until ** I relised in my haste that I installed using the default settings (which is for the current user) and not for all users of the machine.
So installing EwsManagedApi32 for all users on a 64 bit server does the trick (for me)
I tried reinstalling the EWS Managed API for All Users, but that didn't solve it for me. In the end the solution was simple:
Just uninstall BOTH the EWS Managed API and the Microsoft Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2012. After that reinstall ONLY the Office Developer Tools. This time the Web Platform Installer will ensure the correct EWS Managed API is also installed.
I also wrote a small blog about this problem:
Answer for the year of 2014:
Install Microsoft Exchange Web Services Managed API 2.1 (the latest version I can find at this time).

Can sharepoint apps be developed in a Visual Studio 2010 stand alone dev box?

Can Sharepoint apps be developed in a Visual Studio 2010 dev box only or does the dev box need to connect to a Sharepoint server? Can the Sharepoint Server be a stand alone machine (no domain controller between the two machines)?
The best practise for SharePoint development is to use a virtual server that contains the SharePoint install itself (and a copy of the portal you're working with), because assuming you are programming directly against the SP API, you will need to be executing your code on the machine that contains the Sharepoint installation itself.
You can program against SharePoint from a non-SharePoint machine through the use of the standard set of SharePoint web services provided, and you can of course create your own services (again sitting on the SP box/VM) to interrogate too. The catch to this approach is that you'll be dealing with return types that are primitive or XML based and you won't have the luxury of SP objects, for example SPUser, SPSite, etc, but for simple query operations at least this is not a bad approach.
IMHO, however, you've far greater flexbility programming against the API itself (Microsoft.Sharepoint.dll) so I'd advise you to get a VM going with all the necessary installs. Yes, it's a pain and time-consuming to set up, but well worth it.
As for Stand-alone options: SharePoint 2007 is not supported on anything non-server in terms of OS, so you'll need something like Server 2008 in order for it to work. SharePoint 2010, however, whilst claiming to only work on Server 2008, can actually work on Windows 7 (Pro and above) with a few hacks. You also have the benefit of 'sandbox' feature deployment in 2010, where you don't in 2007, meaning dev work is more cleanly isolated and less of a risk to a farm as a whole.
Good luck!
You can develop for SharePoint 2010 using VS 2010 using a stand alone setup - this is supported by Microsoft and very much recomended. Infact most of the tools built into VS2010 that will make your life significantly easier will only work with a local copy of SharePoint 2010.
MSDN - Setting Up the Development Environment for SharePoint 2010 on Windows Vista, Windows 7...
Yes, if you have Windows 7 or Vista (you need WAS - Windows Activation Services). We have tried it but found that it was better to develop on a Windows 2008 with your own AD.
It will depend on what you are developing, for webparts you will not notice the difference. You will notice the difference when working on the security part og the app.
Sahil Maliks book has a whole chapter on the different options.
you can do sharepoint development by copying certain dlls to your local enviroment but to my understanding this is unsupported and the recommended practice is to use a virtual machine or development on the machine in which the service resides.

TFS 2010 with Project Server 2010

I've just tried out TFS 2010 today, along with Project 2010 and VS 2010. Only Later realized that without Sharepoint, TFS is only configured as Basic. This reduces it's functionality as oppose to what I've seen during VS2010 product launch. Sadly I can't find any alternative but to get a trial copy of Sharepoint to see if it serve my purpose. Well, apparently Sharepoint only comes with x64 edition. I'm not formatting any machine to x64 just to give this a try. So, after some reading up, I found that Project Server is actually based on Sharepoint. Now I wonder is whether TFS can be configure to connect to Project Server?
If it's possible, would the setting be much different that Sharepoint's?
And what am I missing from this setup as oppose to Sharepoint's?
Based on Sharepoint != Sharepoint. I think that Project Server is just a subset of Sharepoint functionality. Also, basing Project on Sharepoint allows for some really tight integration into your portal. To answer your question, I don't think you still will get your fully featured TFS without Sharepoint Proper.
FYI - Sharepoint 2007 (or 3.0 or whatever it is) is not x64 only, but will run on x86. TFS 2010 will go full feature on 2007
Sharepoint 2007 Trial
To answer what you are missing:
Project Portal
TFS Web Access
That's about it. You still get 90% of the features with your current deployment without SharePoint. Tommy is right about MOSS 2007, it comes in 32-bit and will give you all features. Project Server runs on top of SharePoint as a shared service provider. Traditionally MS releases a power toy to integrate TFS with Project Server. They said they would go over this at TechEd, which just happened about a week ago.
Also, I suspect the integration with Project Server 2010 will be better, but then you will have to run SharePoint 2010 :(
In my opinion, TFS has enough to run most projects by itself and you can use the client version of MS Project for critical path anaylsis, etc.
Use Windows Sharepoint Services for Windows 2003 & Windows 2008:
For Windows Server 2008 sp2 and Windows Server R2, use SharePoint Foundation 2010:
Both are free.
I'm not formatting any machine to x64
just to give this a try.
Why not use VMWare Server, Hyper-V, Virtual Box or some other virtualization software to run the pre-made demo/trial/lab VHD's - no formatting, no installation, no setup, more hair.
