Dynamically add a property or method to an object in groovy - groovy

Is it possible to add a property or a method to an object dynamically in Groovy? This is what I have tried so far:
class Greet {
def name
Greet(who) { name = who[0].toUpperCase() + [1..-1] }
def salute() { println "Hello $name!" }
g = new Greet('world') // create object
g.salute() // Output "Hello World!"
g.bye = { println "Goodbye, $name" }
But I get the following exception:
Hello World!
Caught: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: bye for class: Greet
Possible solutions: name
at test.run(greet.groovy:11)

If you just want to add the bye() method to the single instance g of the class Greet, you need to do:
g.metaClass.bye = { println "Goodbye, $name" }
Otherwise, to add bye() to all instance of Greet (from now on), call
Greet.metaClass.bye = { println "Goodbye, $name" }
But you'd need to do this before you create an instance of the Greet class
Here is a page on the per-instance metaClass
And here is the page on MetaClasses in general
Also, there's a bug in your constructor. You're missing who from infront of your [1..-1] and if the constructor is passed a String of less than 2 characters in length, it will throw an exception
A better version might be:
Greet( String who ) {
name = who.inject( '' ) { String s, String c ->
s += s ? c.toLowerCase() : c.toUpperCase()
As metioned in the comments,
Greet( String who ) {
name = who.capitalize()
is the proper way


Simple way to dynamically replace placeholder with value at Groovy strings

I'm trying to find laconic and efficient way to replace placeholders with values at the Groovy Strings. But I can't find convenient solution for 2 cases:
When String with the placeholder and the value are defined at different classes.
When the String is passed as argument to a method, and should be replaced with local's variable value. Here is the illustration of 2 approaches I have tried:
class A {
static def strPlaceHolder = 'token = ${tokenValue}';
static def strRefPlaceHolder = "token = ${->tokenRef}";
class B {
def tokenRef = "token reference as field";
void parseGString(GString str) {
println str; //fails here. No property tokenRef for class: A. Though I've expected that "this" is B
void parseString(String str) {
def tokenValue = "token value as local variable";
println str; //I know why it doesn't work as required. But how to make something similar
new B().parseString(A.strPlaceHolder); //token = ${tokenValue}
new B().parseGString(A.strRefPlaceHolder); //fails,
You could replace your GString fields with closures and pass those closures to your methods. e.g.:
class A {
static def strPlaceHolder = { token -> "token = ${token}" }
class B {
def tokenRef = "token reference as field";
void parseGString(def closure) {
println closure(tokenRef)
void parseString(def closure) {
def tokenValue = "token value as local variable"
println closure(tokenValue)
new B().parseString(A.strPlaceHolder);
new B().parseGString(A.strPlaceHolder);

What is the purpose to add a # to get a ttribute in groovy

I find one use case today with groovy like this:
manager.build.#result = hudson.model.Result.SUCCESS
It adds a # before the attribute, what is the purpose for that?
I test it in my local place, and I don't find big diff between we have # and without #.
My example is as follows:
class Person {
private String hello;
def person = new Person()
person.hello = "hello world"
println person.#hello
It's used to access the field directly (without getter), see:
class Person {
private String hello
public String getHello() {
"lol $hello"
def person = new Person()
person.hello = "hello world"
assert person.#hello == 'hello world'
assert person.hello == 'lol hello world'

How to verify if an object has certain property?

I want to use either a value of expected property or a specified default.
How to achieve this in groovy?
Let's look at the example:
def printName(object) {
//if object has initialized property 'name' - print 'name', otherwise print ToString
if (object<some code here>name && object.name) {
print object.name
} else {
print object
You can use hasProperty. Example:
if (object.hasProperty('name') && object.name) {
println object.name
} else {
println object
If you're using a variable for the property name, you can use this:
String propName = 'name'
if (object.hasProperty(propName) && object."$propName") {
Assuming your object is a Groovy class, you can use hasProperty in the object metaClass like so:
def printName( o ) {
if( o.metaClass.hasProperty( o, 'name' ) && o.name ) {
println "Printing Name : $o.name"
else {
println o
So, then given two classes:
class Named {
String name
int age
String toString() { "toString Named:$name/$age" }
class Unnamed {
int age
String toString() { "toString Unnamed:$age" }
You can create instance of them, and test:
def a = new Named( name: 'tim', age: 21 )
def b = new Unnamed( age: 32 )
printName( a )
printName( b )
Which should output:
Printing Name : tim
toString Unnamed:32
You can write your own method via meta-programming:
class Foo {
def name = "Mozart"
def f = new Foo()
Object.metaClass.getPropertyOrElse = { prop, defaultVal ->
delegate.hasProperty(prop) ? delegate."${prop}" : defaultVal
assert "Mozart" == f.getPropertyOrElse("name", "")
assert "Salzburg" == f.getPropertyOrElse("city", "Salzburg")
If I simply want to assert that an object has some property, I just test the following:
If myObject does not have myProperty the assertion will fail with a null pointer exception:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'name' on null object

Groovy DSL - shortcut for creating objects

is there a way in Groovy to replace some code like the below:
Task a = new Task('a')
Process p = new Process('p')
with something easier, like:
task a
process p
where task and process can be method calls that create the object and return it or add it to the script Map.
The main problem I currently have is that I cannot use a because it is not defined.
To create objects and name them without assigning to a variable, you can use a binding. Create and keep a reference to the a closure's binding, and have the utility methods task and process associate the new instance with the name. For example:
def scriptBinding = new Binding()
def task = { String name ->
scriptBinding[name] = new Task(name)
def process = { String name ->
scriptBinding[name] = new Process(name)
def script = {
task 'a'
process 'b'
println a
println b
script.binding = scriptBinding
Note that you have to quote a and b so they are interpreted as strings instead of undefined variables. If you'd like to omit quotes, you can use a custom Binding object that evaluates undefined symbols as their string representation like this:
class SymbolAsStringBinding extends Binding {
Object getVariable(String name) {
try {
} catch (MissingPropertyException e) {
boolean hasVariable(String name) {
With that addition, you can write the script as:
def script = {
task a
process b
println a
println b
Try this:
class Task {
String name
Task(name) { this.name = name }
String toString() { "task: $name".toString() }
def propertyMissing(String name) { this.getBinding()[name] = name }
def task(name) { this.getBinding()[name] = new Task(name) }
task a
println a
this will produce:
task: a
essentially when you reach the
task a
statement the propertyMissing() will put in the binding a variable named a with content it's name.
Later the task() function will replace the variable a in the binding with the new Task passing as name the name of the missing varible a

Dynamically added groovy property is not unique per-instance

If I dynamically add a property to a class, each instance of the class is initialized with a reference to the same value (even though the properties are correctly at different addresses, I don't want them to share the same reference value):
Here's an example:
class SolarSystem {
Planets planets = new Planets()
static main(args) {
SolarSystem.metaClass.dynamicPlanets = new Planets()
// Infinite loop
// SolarSystem.metaClass.getDynamicPlanets = {
// if (!delegate.dynamicPlanets.initialized) {
// delegate.dynamicPlanets = new Planets(initialized: true)
// }
// delegate.dynamicPlanets
// }
// No such field: dynamicPlanets for class: my.SolarSystem
// SolarSystem.metaClass.getDynamicPlanets = {
// if (!delegate.#dynamicPlanets.initialized) {
// delegate.#dynamicPlanets = new Planets(initialized: true)
// }
// delegate.#dynamicPlanets
// }
SolarSystem.metaClass.getUniqueDynamicPlanets = {
if (!delegate.dynamicPlanets.initialized) {
delegate.dynamicPlanets = new Planets(initialized: true)
// SolarSystem.metaClass.getDynamicPlanets = {
// throw new RuntimeException("direct access not allowed")
// }
def solarSystem1 = new SolarSystem()
println "a ${solarSystem1.planets}"
println "b ${solarSystem1.dynamicPlanets}"
println "c ${solarSystem1.uniqueDynamicPlanets}"
println "d ${solarSystem1.dynamicPlanets}"
println ''
def solarSystem2= new SolarSystem()
println "a ${solarSystem2.planets}"
println "b ${solarSystem2.dynamicPlanets}"
println "c ${solarSystem2.uniqueDynamicPlanets}"
println "d ${solarSystem2.dynamicPlanets}"
In a separate file:
class Planets {
boolean initialized = false
When this runs, you see something like this:
a my.Planets#4979935d
b my.Planets#66100363
c my.Planets#5e0feb48
d my.Planets#5e0feb48
a my.Planets#671ff436
b my.Planets#66100363
c my.Planets#651dba45
d my.Planets#651dba45
Notice how for solarSystem2, the 'normal' member variable planets has a different address when the two objects are created. However, the dynamically added dynamicPlanets points to the same object that solarSystem1 pointed to (in this case, at address 66100363).
I can reassign them in my dynamic getter (getUniqueDynamicPlanets), and that fixes the problem.
However, I cannot override the getDynamicPlanets getter, because I either get an infinite loop, or I cannot get direct access to the dynamically-added property.
Is there a way to directly access the dynamically-added property so I could handle this in the getDynamicPlanets getter? Is there a better strategy for this altogether? Sorry if I missed it, I've looked a bunch...
I'm not 100% sure I understand your question, but if I do, did you try setting the getDynamicPlanets closure to have explicitly 0 parameters, so:
SolarSystem.metaClass.getDynamicPlanets = {-> ... }
If you don't have the -> with no args before it, there is an implicit it parameter that's assigned and it's not a zero arg method, so doesn't adhere to the javabean getter/setter pattern.
