PrimeFaces button in Tab Doesn't Navigate - jsf

I'm developing this project using JSF 2.0, NetBeans 6.9.1, GlassFish 3.1, Mojarra 2.0.3, and PrimeFaces 2.2-RC2.
My question is similar to this question, but even though I was able to make one of my buttons work, the other one does not. Here's my situation: I have a dataTable with a column containing two links, one to edit line data, one to view line data. Clicking either the "Edit" or "View" link takes you to a detail page with <h:panelGrid> components inside <p:tabView> components. My detail page has two <p:tabView> components, one for editing, one for just viewing data. Which one you see depends on the <c:if> statements. The button in the first <p:tabView> on the page (by that I mean first working your way down from the top) works as I would like it to, this happens to be the "Edit" component. The button in the other <p:tabView> does not work. I set up break points and went through the debugger, the second button doesn't seem to fire an ActionEvent regardless of what I try. Here's my code for the page:
<ui:define name="metadata">
<f:viewParam name="id" value="#{userDetailBean.selectedUserId}" />
<f:viewParam name="action" value="#{userDetailBean.view}" />
<ui:define name="main_base_content_top">
<p:toolbarGroup align="left">
<h:commandButton value="Return to User List" action="user_grid" />
<ui:define name="main_base_content">
<c:if test="#{empty userDetailBean.view}">
<table align="center">
<p:tab title="#{msgs.UserDetailTabTitle}">
<h:panelGrid columns="4">
<h:outputLabel value="#{msgs.UserDetailFirstName}" for="fname" />
<h:inputText id="fname" value="#{userDetailBean.firstName}" />
<h:outputLabel value="#{msgs.UserDetailJobTitle}" for="jtitle" />
<h:inputText id="jtitle" value="#{userDetailBean.jobTitle}" />
<h:outputLabel value="#{msgs.UserDetailLastName}" for="lname" />
<h:inputText id="lname" value="#{userDetailBean.lastName}" />
<h:outputLabel value="#{msgs.UserDetailEmployeeId}" for="empid" />
<h:inputText id="empid" value="#{}" />
<h:outputLabel value="#{msgs.UserDetailDateOfHire}" for="doh" />
<h:inputText id="doh" value="#{userDetailBean.DOH}" />
<h:outputLabel value="#{msgs.UserDetailLocation}" for="location" />
<h:inputText id="location" value="#{userDetailBean.location}" />
<h:outputLabel value="#{msgs.UserDetailStatus}" for="status" />
<h:inputText id="status" value="#{userDetailBean.status}" />
<h:inputHidden /> <h:inputHidden /> <h:inputHidden /> <h:inputHidden /> <h:inputHidden />
<h:outputLabel value="#{msgs.UserDetailComments}" for="comments" />
<h:inputTextarea id="comments" value="#{userDetailBean.comments}" />
<h:inputHidden />
<p:commandButton ajax="false" action="#{userDetailBean.submitChanges()}" value="Submit Changes" />
<c:if test="#{! empty userDetailBean.view}">
<table align="center">
<p:tab title="#{msgs.UserDetailViewTabTitle}">
<h:panelGrid columns="4">
<h:outputLabel value="#{msgs.UserDetailFirstName}" for="fname" />
<h:outputText id="fname" value="#{userGridBean.selectedUser.firstName}" />
<h:outputLabel value="#{msgs.UserDetailJobTitle}" for="jtitle" />
<h:outputText id="jtitle" value="#{userGridBean.selectedUser.jobTitle}" />
<h:outputLabel value="#{msgs.UserDetailLastName}" for="lname" />
<h:outputText id="lname" value="#{userGridBean.selectedUser.lastName}" />
<h:outputLabel value="#{msgs.UserDetailEmployeeId}" for="empid" />
<h:outputText id="empid" value="#{}" />
<h:outputLabel value="#{msgs.UserDetailDateOfHire}" for="doh" />
<h:outputText id="doh" value="#{userGridBean.selectedUser.DOH}" />
<h:outputLabel value="#{msgs.UserDetailLocation}" for="location" />
<h:outputText id="location" value="#{userGridBean.selectedUser.location}" />
<h:outputLabel value="#{msgs.UserDetailStatus}" for="status" />
<h:outputText id="status" value="#{userGridBean.selectedUser.status}" />
<h:inputHidden /> <h:inputHidden /> <h:inputHidden /> <h:inputHidden /> <h:inputHidden />
<h:outputLabel value="#{msgs.UserDetailComments}" for="comments" />
<h:outputText id="comments" value="#{userGridBean.selectedUser.comments}" />
<h:inputHidden /> <h:inputHidden /> <h:inputHidden />
<p:commandButton onclick="submit()" ajax="false" action="#{userDetailBean.navigation()}" value="Retur to User Grid" />
I've tried everything I can think of for the second button: ajax="false"; onclick="submit()"; ajax="false" onclick="submit"; I've tried implicit navigation with a redirect as well as a navigation rule with a redirect. The action methods userDetailBean.submitChanges() and userDetailBean.navigate() both return the same string, which corresponds to a navigation rule in my faces-config file. The submitChanges method gets called, but my navigate method does not. I'm not filling the fields with any data at this point, I'm just trying to get the basic navigation to work. Why isn't my commandButton on the second tabView working?

Another reason that a commandbutton isn't been invoked is that the rendered attribute of the button or one of its parents evaluated false during apply request values phase of the form submit.
You have actually none, but those <c:if> tags does similar thing, only during view build time instead of view render time. The view params are not applied during building the view, but only thereafter. That's exactly why #{userDetailBean.view} is always empty.
I have never used such a construct with <c:if>, but I've had similar views like this where this all just works with a #ViewScoped bean where the rendering property is been applied on a fullworthy JSF component instead of <c:if>.
As first step, get rid of <c:if>s and move their tests into rendered attribute of the <h:form>s they are wrapping:
<h:form rendered="#{empty userDetailBean.view}">
<h:form rendered="#{not empty userDetailBean.view}">
If in vain (I guess that this will fail because you aren't using ajax and the viewparams are not preserved) and the bean is indeed #RequestScoped, then you need to mark it #ViewScoped to preserve the rendering conditions.
Related questions:
JSF h:commandLink is not being invoked
Unrelated to the problem, I'd rather use <h:panelGroup /> instead of <h:inputHidden /> to "fill" the empty cells of the table. They are cheaper to encode and decode and also ends in better HTML.


one requiredMessage for 2 "h:selectOneMenu"s

I want one requiredmessage for two h:selectOneMenu components, that is when a user submits the form if one of those selects values is not null, the bean method should be called, otherwise(both of them null) : I should tell him to select at least one, is it possible? or do I have to use JS.
Thanks in advance,
I'd use the OmniFaces validateOne validator for this or the validateOneOrMore if filling both is allowed too.
Code example from their site:
<h3>Please fill out only one of two fields</h3>
<o:validateOne id="one" components="foo bar" />
<h:panelGrid columns="3">
<o:outputLabel for="foo" value="Foo" />
<h:inputText id="foo" />
<h:message for="foo" />
<o:outputLabel for="bar" value="Bar" />
<h:inputText id="bar" />
<h:message for="bar" />
<h:panelGroup />
<h:commandButton value="submit">
<f:ajax execute="#form" render="#form" />
<h:message for="one" />
<h:outputText value="OK!" rendered="#{facesContext.postback and not facesContext.validationFailed}" />

a4j:commandButton doesn't render the element

I've got a JSF page with <rich:tabPanel> which contains 4 tabs.
On the 4th tab I'm trying to use <a4j:commandButton> to execute the action and render resulTable.
Here is the shorten example
<rich:tab header="Journal">
<h:form id="filterForm">
<a4j:jsFunction name="submitByEnter"
action="#{smsLogList.refresh}" render="smsTable" />
<s:div id="divSearch">
<rich:collapsiblePanel header="#{messages['search']}"
<h:panelGrid column="1">
<s:decorate template="/layout/edit.xhtml">
<ui:define name="label">Package number</ui:define>
<h:inputText id="packNum" style="width:200px"
<a4j:ajax event="keyup" listener="#{smsLogList.refresh}"
ignoreDupResponses="true" requestDelay="1500"
render="smsTable" />
<!---some other search elements-->
<s:div styleClass="actionButtons">
<a4j:commandButton id="search" value="#{messages['search']}"
render="smsTable" action="#{smsLogList.go}" />
<a4j:commandButton id="reset" value="#{messages['clear']}"
action="#{smsLogList.clear}" render="divSearch,smsTable" />
<!--- results table-->
<h:panelGrid id="smsTable">
<rich:dataTable value="#{smsLogList.resultList}" var="sms"
id="table" rendered="#{not empty smsLogList.resultList}">
<f:facet name="header">Type</f:facet>
<h:outputText value="#{sms.smsType}" />
<!---- some other columns-->
<rich:dataScroller for="table" />
So, when I'm clicking on the <a4j:commandButton> - nothing happens, but if I'm switching to the other tab and back - the result is as necessary.
I tried to change a4j to <h:commandButton>, but after it's pressed the page switches to the first tab.
Is any solution how to work this out?
The solution is quite simple.
I used <h:form> inside other <h:form>. It will not work anyway. When I remove internal - the jsf works smooth and as it should.

JSF ActionListener doesn't fire

Action listener that calls function vcardController.renderModify doesn't fire (in the function renderModify I set the variable renderHiddenEdit to true) and the panel in editCardForm doesn't render. Somebody can help me?
<h:form id="editCardForm">
<p:panel id="editCard" style="">
<p:panel rendered="#{vcardController.renderHiddenEdit}" >
<h:inputHidden id="resourceid" value="#{vcardController.resourceId}" />
<h:inputHidden id="vcardraw" value="#{vcardController.vcardRaw}" />
<h:graphicImage alt="" style="width: 3em;" class="imagesearch" url="#{resource['img:user.svg']}"/>
<h:form id="viewCardForm">
<p:panel id="viewCard" style="">
<p:panel rendered="#{vcardController.renderHidden}" >
<h:inputHidden id="resourceid" value="#{vcardController.resourceId}" />
<h:inputHidden id="vcardraw" value="#{vcardController.vcardRaw}" />
class="mod nocorner modifycard"
actionListener="#{vcardController.renderModify}" />
<h:form id="formReqEdit" class="formReqEdit" style="display: none;">
<h:inputHidden id="vcardraw" value="#{vcardController.vcardRaw}" />
<h:inputHidden id="resourceid" value="#{vcardController.resourceId}" />
style="display: none;"
oncomplete="contactsDOMAction.showCard(xhr, status, args)"
actionListener="#{vcardController.activateModifyCard}" />
If you want render "editCardForm" you must put "editCardForm" in update parameter in command button
Good practice is add "process". Then you are sure what data from components will be send to bean, in your case process="#this" if you want only call action listener.
Rafa Hernández says right, how you want press button if it has display:none?

JSF2 - Primefaces - Partial update with command button not works when updating a nested panel

I’m trying to update a part of my page using the following command:
<p:commandButton id="bntNewAddress" immediate="true"
value="New Address" disabled="false" icon="ui-icon-document"
process="#this" update=":main_form:createPanelDetailsAddress"
When I click the button, the panel "createPanelDetailsAddress" is not updated. On the other side when I use update=":main_form”, the panel is updated (but all other panels inside the main_form are updated also)
The panel I want to update is included in a panel named “createPanel”.
Could anyone have idea why update=":main_form:createPanelDetailsAddress" doesn't work in my case ?
I use primefaces3.5 and Mojarra JSF 2.1.7
Here is the code I used:
public String initAddNewAddress(){
renderCreatePanelDetailsAddress = true;
return null;
<ui:composition xmlns=""
xmlns:p="" template="/template.xhtml">
<ui:define name="content">
<h:form id="main_form">
<p:panel id="createPanel" rendered="true">
<p:messages id="msgCreate" />
<p:panel id="createPanelDetails"
<h:panelGrid border="0" columns="6">
<h:outputText value="#{issuerMsgs['issuer.issuerCode.title']}:" />
<p:inputText required="true"
<h:outputText value="#{issuerMsgs['issuer.description.title']}:" />
<p:inputText required="true"
<p:spacer height="10" />
<p:panel id="panelListAddress"
<p:dataTable id="addresslist" var="address"
value="#{issuerComponent.addressList}" paginator="false" rows="10">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="#{addressMsgs['']}" />
<h:outputText value="#{}" />
<p:spacer height="22" width="0" />
<p:commandButton id="bntNewAddress" immediate="true"
value="New Address" disabled="false" icon="ui-icon-document"
process="#this" update=":main_form:createPanelDetailsAddress"
<p:panel id="createPanelDetailsAddress"
<ui:include src="createAddress.xhtml"></ui:include>
<p:commandButton value="Add"
rendered="#{issuerComponent.renderBtnAddAddress}" disabled="false"
icon="ui-icon-document" process="#this,createPanelDetailsAddress"
update=":main_form" action="#{issuerComponent.addNewAddress}"
target="#{issuerComponent.address}" />
Your update will fail because
will evaluate to false the first time the view is rendered. As a result the component is not in the DOM tree the first time the view is rendered.
Ajax updates work by locating a specific component (by id) in the DOM and replacing it with new markup. Your panel was never in the DOM to begin with, so there's nothing to update with ajax.
To remedy, you need to wrap the <p:panel/>with another component and make that component the target of your ajax update
<p:outputPanel id="container" layout="none">
<p:panel id="createPanelDetailsAddress" header="# addressMsgs['address.createArea.title']}" rendered="#issuerComponent.renderCreatePanelDetailsAddress}">
<ui:include src="createAddress.xhtml"></ui:include>
<p:commandButton value="Add"
rendered="#{issuerComponent.renderBtnAddAddress}" disabled="false"
icon="ui-icon-document" process="#this,createPanelDetailsAddress"
update=":main_form" action="#{issuerComponent.addNewAddress}"
target="#{issuerComponent.address}" />

How to submit values in a pop-up panel?

I have bean struggling to understand how to use the rich:popupPanel component in the right way. There are (at least not that I could find) few post about how to use the rich:popupPanel and how to submit values from it.
To make matter worse the panel seams to add (when checking the html) a hard coded "_content" to its component id name (to the div generated). I have tried to use aj4:region tag to partial render the complete form. But that didn't seamed to work, cause nothing where posted to managed bean. So now I have one option left, where the panel has its own form, outside the main one on the page.
I can see that the evaluation of the form (popup) values is happening, but not the execution of the bean function that persist the values (I see the POST request of the command button). The only reason I can think of at the moment, is that the pop-up panel use another bean to persist the values that the main form on the page (both of them are session scoped).
I am thinking of omit the pop-up panel all together, since it seams so hard to make this work. Maybe its a well know secret, since it so few post about it. It behaves the same if if use componentController or only a a4j:commanLink.
How is it possible to submit values from a rich:popupPanel and invoke a backing bean function to persist the pop-up form values ?
Appreciate if someone can shed some light on this, greetings Chris.
I use Richfaces 4.0-final on Glassfish 3.1
<h:form id="main_form">
<!-- Command for popup -->
<a4j:commandLink actionListener="#{userController.prepareCreateSysRequest}" oncomplete="#{rich:component('popup_sys_user_req_form:popup_sys_user_req')}.show(); return false;"
execute="#this" value="Request New Sector/Category" />
<a4j:commandButton action="#{projectController.Create}" ...>
<h:form id="popup_sys_user_req_form">
<rich:popupPanel id="popup_sys_user_req" modal="true" autosized="true" resizeable="false">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="New Project Request" />
<f:facet name="controls">
<h:outputLink value="#"
onclick="#{rich:component('popup_sys_user_req')}.hide(); return false;">
<h:panelGrid columns="2">
<h:outputLabel value="Request New:" />
<h:selectOneMenu id="sys_req_type" value="#{userController.selectedSysRequestType}" required="true" requiredMessage="Request Type is required" title="Request Type">
<f:selectItems value="#{userController.getSysRequestTypeItems()}">
<h:outputLabel value="Description:" />
<h:inputTextarea id="user_req_desc" value="#{userController.selectedSysUserRequest.description}" required="true" requiredMessage="Decription is missing" />
<a4j:commandButton action="#{userController.CreateSysUserRequest}" onclick="#{rich:component('popup_sys_user_req')}.hide(); return false;" execute="#form" render="popup_sys_user_req_form" value="Send Request" />
For what I have done I used to have the issue to got to submit twice only the first time.
To fix it the form got to be outside the popupPane. And also that the popupPanel should have the attibute domElementAttachment="form".
<rich:popupPanel id="shipmentItemUpdateDialog"
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="#{shipmentBundle.shipmentItemDetailsHeader}" />
<f:facet name="controls">
<h:graphicImage value="/core/images/modal/close.png"/>
<rich:componentControl target="shipmentItemUpdateDialog" operation="hide" />
<h:outputText for="shipmentItemName"
value="#{coreBundle.requiredChar} #{shipmentBundle.shipmentItemName}"
<h:inputText id="shipmentItemName"
disabled ="false"
required ="true"
size="40" >
<h:outputText for="shipmentItemCode"
value="#{coreBundle.requiredChar} #{shipmentBundle.shipmentItemCode}"
<h:inputText id="shipmentItemCode"
disabled ="false"
required ="true"
size="40" >
<h:outputText value="#{coreBundle.requiredChar} #{shipmentBundle.shipmentItemAmount}"
<h:inputText id="shipmentItemAmount"
disabled ="false"
required ="true"
size="4" >
<f:validateLongRange minimum="1"/>
<h:outputText value="#{coreBundle.requiredChar} #{shipmentBundle.shipmentItemNeedsCooling}"
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox id="shipmentItemNeedsCooling"
disabled ="false"
required ="true"
<h:outputText for="shipmentItemDetails"
<h:inputTextarea id="shipmentItemDetails"
disabled ="false"
required ="true"
<h:panelGrid columns="1" dir="LTR">
<h:panelGrid columns="2" dir="LTR">
<a4j:commandButton value="#{coreBundle.acceptButton}"
<h:commandLink value="#{coreBundle.closeLink}"
<rich:componentControl target="shipmentItemUpdateDialog" operation="hide" />
<h:outputText value="#{coreBundle.requiredText}"/>
I hope this helps.
I think you got it right.. think of the pop-up as a regular page. To submit and close the pop-up, do something like this:
<a4j:commandButton value="Save" onclick="#{rich:component('panelId}.hide();" render="..."/>
Hope this helps..
