drupal 6 : node.tpl.php $links variable, where to configure the content? - drupal-6

I need to define the order of the $links output
now I have 2 modules displaying its contents on that:
comments and addthis
where can I define the order of the and modify it's settings for nodes...
even customize a little bit the display?

Edit: links weights can be changed using http://drupal.org/project/linkweights
I am not sure there is any kind of UI for reordering/customizing the node links.
However you can accomplish this in a couple of ways:
Create a custom module that implements hook_link_alter() and perform the customizations.
* hook_link_alter() implementation
* for more details see
* http://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/developer--hooks--core.php/function/hook_link/6
* http://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/developer--hooks--core.php/function/hook_link_alter/6
function mymodule_link_alter(&$links, $node) {
foreach ($links as $link => $values) {
// do something with $link
return $links;
You can go even further and create an administration page that will get all the links, output them in a sortable table (a la /admin/build/block) and save the order in a variable. Ah, your module needs to have the highest weight in order to catch all the other links.
Modify your theme's template.php and add the mytheme_preprocess_node() function or edit it or phptemplate_preprocess_node() if it exists
function phptemplate_preprocess_node(&$vars) {
$links= $vars['node']->links;
// uncomment the next line to see the current links
// add a new link
$link_all = array(
'title' => 'See all nodes',
'href' => PATH,
//'attributes' => array('class' => 'link_class', 'id' => 'link_id', 'title' => 'link title'),
$links['link_all'] = $link_all;
//Modify an existing link. in this case the above added one
$links['link_all']['title'] = t('This is my custom text');
$vars['links'] = theme_links($links);
To reorder see http://drupal.org/node/44435#comment-861385


How to integrate pagination in Kohana?

I am trying to integrate pagination in kohana, but don't know how to integrate it. Following is the controller function
public function action_index() {
//setup the model and view
$_users = Model::factory('users');
$us = $_users->get_users();
$view = View::factory('users/index')->bind('user_list', $us);
How can i add pagination in this function?
I found some code for pagination but couldn't integrate it. This is the function i found
$this->pagination = new Pagination(array(
'base_url' => 'users/index/',
'uri_segment' => 'page',
'total_items' => count($items->get_item_count())
Please help me
I tried something like
public function action_index(){
$query = DB::select()->from('user');
// count number of users
$total_users = count($query);;
// set-up the pagination
$pagination = Pagination::factory(array(
'total_items' => $total_users,
'items_per_page' => 10, // this will override the default set in your config
// select rows using pagination's limit&offset
$users = $query->offset($pagination->offset)->limit($pagination->items_per_page)->execute();
$view = View::factory('users/index')->bind('user_list', $users)->bind('pagination', $pagination);
Now no error found but pagination not showing up. Used shadowhand's pagination module suggested by #DanielThompson
I use shadowhand's pagination module which supports Kohana 3+, just make sure you grab the same branch as your Kohana version, then add it to your modules directory.
Update your application/bootstrap.php file:
// ...
'pagination' => MODPATH.'pagination'
Copy modules/pagination/config/pagination.php to application/config/pagination.php
In your controller action (e.g. users):
// count number of users
$total_users = ORM::factory('User')->count_all();
// set-up the pagination
$pagination = Pagination::factory(array(
'total_items' => $total_users,
'items_per_page' => 10, // this will override the default set in your config
// get users using the pagination limit/offset
$users = ORM::factory('User')->offset($pagination->offset)->limit($pagination->items_per_page)->find_all();
// pass the users & pagination to the view
$this->view->bind('pagination', $pagination);
$this->view->bind('users', $users);
In your view:
// loop over users
foreach($users as $user) {
// ...
// display pagination view using
echo $pagination;
The module comes with two views: basic or floating which is set in the config file. You could also create a custom one for your application.

drupal 6: how to modify the display of the comment module

Before posting comments a message is shown:
Login or register to post comments
I want to modify the output of the 2 links "login" and "register", mainly I want to add some classes to the links to format it nicely with some img. buttons of different colors
I really need to "tell" the output to put and , and by default doesn't have no class....
I know it can be done with some hook or something but I can't find no info about that ...
The piece responsible for that line is locate in theme_comment_post_forbidden in drupal_root/modules/comment/comment.module
it looks like this
function theme_comment_post_forbidden($node) {
global $user;
static $authenticated_post_comments;
if (!$user->uid) {
if (!isset($authenticated_post_comments)) {
// We only output any link if we are certain, that users get permission
// to post comments by logging in. We also locally cache this information.
$authenticated_post_comments = array_key_exists(DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID, user_roles(TRUE, 'post comments') + user_roles(TRUE, 'post comments without approval'));
if ($authenticated_post_comments) {
// We cannot use drupal_get_destination() because these links
// sometimes appear on /node and taxonomy listing pages.
if (variable_get('comment_form_location_'. $node->type, COMMENT_FORM_SEPARATE_PAGE) == COMMENT_FORM_SEPARATE_PAGE) {
$destination = 'destination='. rawurlencode("comment/reply/$node->nid#comment-form");
else {
$destination = 'destination='. rawurlencode("node/$node->nid#comment-form");
if (variable_get('user_register', 1)) {
// Users can register themselves.
return t('Login or register to post comments', array('#login' => url('user/login', array('query' => $destination)), '#register' => url('user/register', array('query' => $destination))));
else {
// Only admins can add new users, no public registration.
return t('Login to post comments', array('#login' => url('user/login', array('query' => $destination))));
I suggest modifying your theme's template.php and adding a new function phptemplate_comment_post_forbidden($node) where you'll copy the contents of theme_comment_post_comments and do the necessary modifications.

Drupal 6: Working with Hidden Fields

I am working on an issue i'm having with hooking a field, setting the default value, and making it hidden. The problem is that it is taking the default value, but only submitting the first character of the value to the database.
//Here is how I'm doing it
$form['field_sr_account'] = array( '#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => '45');
I suppose there is something wrong with the way that I have structured my array, but I can't seem to get it. I found a post, http://drupal.org/node/59660 , where someone found a solution to only the first character being submitted
//Here is the format of the solution to the post - but it's not hidden
$form['field_sr_account'][0]['#default_value']['value'] = '45';
How can I add the hidden attribute to this?
Have you tried using #default_value insted of #value?
Also if you're trying to pass some data to the submit that will not be changed in the form you should use http://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/developer--topics--forms_api_reference.html#value .
The answer was actually to set the value and the hidden attribute separately, then set the value again in the submit handler using the following format.
I'm not sure if it's all necessary, I suppose I probably don't need to assign it in the form alter, but it works, so I'm going to leave it alone...
$form['#field_sr_account'] = $club;
$form['field_sr_account'] = array( '#type' => 'hidden','#value' => $club);
/*in submit handler, restore the value in the proper format*/
$form_state['values']['field_sr_account'] = array('0' => array('value' => $form['#field_sr_account']));
An interesting solution from http://drupal.org/node/257431#comment-2057358
CCK Hidden Fields
* Implementation of hook_form_alter().
function YourModuleName_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
if (isset($form['type']) && isset($form['#node'])) {
### Make a CCK field becoming a hidden type field.
// ### Use this check to match node edit form for a particular content type.
if ($form_id === 'YourContentTypeName_node_form') {
$form['#after_build'] = array('_test_set_cck_field_to_hidden');
function _test_set_cck_field_to_hidden($form, &$form_state) {
$form['field_NameToBeHidden'][0]['value']['#type'] = 'hidden';
$form['field_NameToBeHidden'][0]['#value']['value'] = 'testValue';
return $form;

how to index cck field of type text area in solr: drupal6

I've created a cck filed of type textarea with name filed_desc, how do i get this field to index in solr.
i found this article http://acquia.com/blog/understanding-apachesolr-cck-api, i have tried this but it is not indexing the filed, can somebody help.
// $Id$
* Implementation of hook_apachesolr_cck_fields_alter
function example_apachesolr_cck_fields_alter(&$mappings) {
// either for all CCK of a given field_type and widget option
// 'filefield' is here the CCK field_type. Correlates to $field['field_type']
$mappings['text'] = array(
'text_textarea' => array('callback' => 'example_callback', 'index_type' => 'string'),
* A function that gets called during indexing.
* #node The current node being indexed
* #fieldname The current field being indexed
* #return an array of arrays. Each inner array is a value, and must be
* keyed 'value' => $value
function example_callback($node, $fieldname) {
$fields = array();
foreach ($node->$fieldname as $field) {
// In this case we are indexing the filemime type. While this technically
// makes it possible that we could search for nodes based on the mime type
// of their file fields, the real purpose is to have facet blocks during
// searching.
$fields[] = array('value' => $field['field_desc']);
return $fields;
I am currently working on adding this in a nice, pretty, generic way. If you really need this working now, take a look at this issue on Drupal.org. My code is currently living at GitHub, though hopefully I can get this included upstream and make a release of it.
Hope that helps!
Per field mapping is easier to control.
alter function:
$mappings['per-field']['field_specialities'] = array(
'index_type' => 'string',
'callback' => 'ge_search_apachesolr_field_specialities_callback'
function ge_search_apachesolr_field_specialities_callback($node, $fieldname)
$fields = array();
foreach($node->$fieldname as $field) {
$fields[] = array('value' => $field['value']);
return $fields;

Drupal: Create custom search

I'm trying to create a custom search but getting stuck.
What I want is to have a dropdownbox so the user can choose where to search in.
These options can mean 1 or more content types.
So if he chooses options A, then the search will look in node-type P,Q,R.
But he may not give those results, but only the uid's which will be then themed to gather specific data for that user.
To make it a little bit clearer, Suppose I want to llok for people. The what I'm searching in is 2 content profile types. But ofcourse you dont want to display those as a result, but a nice picture of the user and some data.
I started with creating a form with a textfield and the dropdown box.
Then, in the submit handler, i created the keys and redirected to another pages with those keys as a tail. This page has been defined in the menu hook, just like how search does it.
After that I want to call hook_view to do the actual search by calling node_search, and give back the results.
Unfortunately, it goes wrong. When i click the Search button, it gives me a 404.
But am I on the right track? Is this the way to create a custom search?
Thx for your help.
Here's the code for some clarity:
// $Id$
* #file
* Searches on Project, Person, Portfolio or Group.
* returns an array of menu items
* #return array of menu items
function vm_search_menu() {
$subjects = _vm_search_get_subjects();
foreach ($subjects as $name => $description) {
$items['zoek/'. $name .'/%menu_tail'] = array(
'page callback' => 'vm_search_view',
'page arguments' => array($name),
'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
return $items;
* create a block to put the form into.
* #param $op
* #param $delta
* #param $edit
* #return mixed
function vm_search_block($op = 'list', $delta = 0, $edit = array()) {
switch ($op) {
case 'list':
$blocks[0]['info'] = t('Algemene zoek');
return $blocks;
case 'view':
if (0 == $delta) {
$block['subject'] = t('');
$block['content'] = drupal_get_form('vm_search_general_form');
return $block;
* Define the form.
function vm_search_general_form() {
$subjects = _vm_search_get_subjects();
foreach ($subjects as $key => $subject) {
$options[$key] = $subject['desc'];
$form['subjects'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#options' => $options,
'#required' => TRUE,
$form['keys'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#required' => TRUE,
$form['submit'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => t('Zoek'),
return $form;
function vm_search_general_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
$subjects = _vm_search_get_subjects();
$keys = $form_state['values']['keys']; //the search keys
//the content types to search in
$keys .= ' type:' . implode(',', $subjects[$form_state['values']['subjects']]['types']);
//redirect to the page, where vm_search_view will handle the actual search
$form_state['redirect'] = 'zoek/'. $form_state['values']['subjects'] .'/'. $keys;
* Menu callback; presents the search results.
function vm_search_view($type = 'node') {
// Search form submits with POST but redirects to GET. This way we can keep
// the search query URL clean as a whistle:
// search/type/keyword+keyword
if (!isset($_POST['form_id'])) {
if ($type == '') {
// Note: search/node can not be a default tab because it would take on the
// path of its parent (search). It would prevent remembering keywords when
// switching tabs. This is why we drupal_goto to it from the parent instead.
$keys = search_get_keys();
// Only perform search if there is non-whitespace search term:
$results = '';
if (trim($keys)) {
// Log the search keys:
watchdog('vm_search', '%keys (#type).', array('%keys' => $keys, '#type' => $type));
// Collect the search results:
$results = node_search('search', $type);
if ($results) {
$results = theme('box', t('Zoek resultaten'), $results);
else {
$results = theme('box', t('Je zoek heeft geen resultaten opgeleverd.'));
return $results;
* returns array where to look for
* #return array
function _vm_search_get_subjects() {
$subjects['opdracht'] =
array('desc' => t('Opdracht'),
'types' => array('project')
$subjects['persoon'] =
array('desc' => t('Persoon'),
'types' => array('types_specialisatie', 'smaak_en_interesses')
$subjects['groep'] =
array('desc' => t('Groep'),
'types' => array('Villamedia_groep')
$subjects['portfolio'] =
array('desc' => t('Portfolio'),
'types' => array('artikel')
return $subjects;
To be honest, I haven't seen many people implement hook_search. Most just use Views, or, for advanced things, something like Faceted Search.
Did you consider using either for your current project? Why didn't it work?
you could also use a combination of hook_menu for your results, and db_queries with your custom (and optimized so faster) queries.
For example:
where the arguments could be whatever you need, for example the first one for minimum price, the second price to the maximum price, third for minimal bedrooms... Your url would look always like that:
search/200/400/null/3/ ...
I have used a null, but it could be anything that you prefer to consider this field as empty.
Then, from your select form you have just to redirect following the structure of this url and adding the parameters in its correct place.
It is probalby not the most beautiful way of building a url, but using this technique and hook_theme will allow you to have an unlimited flexibility. I can show you a project where we are using this technique and, I think it looks pretty good :-).
Any comment regarding this would be much aprreciated :-).
