Mapping drive to SharePoint 2010 - sharepoint

Maybe someone can help me with this one. I am able to map a SharePoint folder to a drive just fine , however if I log off then log back in , there is a red X on the drive , if i double click it and put my credentials then it fine again.
My question is , How do I avoid that ? how can I make it so that when I login, the drive is ready to go and I dont have to click on it and type my password?

Open IE
Tools -> Internet Options -> Security
The its either "Trusted" or "Local Intranet" depending on your settings
Sites -> Advanced (or Add) -> Add
then add file://*, or http://*

Create the perfect user first.
On a fresh profile
Populate the trusted list in IE with everything required.
Open Regedit and extract the keys at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap
This will be your importable reg file.
On the profile you wish to provision run the script that.
First imports the reg file using
Reg Import "%~dp0\TrustedSites.reg"
or something similar.
Then opens internet explorer to a SharePoint page, using the UNC path, that everyone in the company should have access to, but still requires O365 credentials.
Sets a pause, so once Internet Explorer has completed loading, you can tell the batch to move on. This can also be done with "sleep". IE must fully load and save the credentials to the page.
Kills ALL open IE instances using
Taskkill /IM "iexplore.exe" /F
Then using the following command you can map directly to that SharePoint folder.
net use <Your drive letter>: "<Full UNC Path>" /p:yes
If you have multiple sharable folders add another line like the one above. It will only map drives drive to the resources THE CURRENT USER has privileges to access. All the rest will show as "path not found" or something similar. The script will move one at a time through the resources and map the appropriate drives to the user.


Cannot find DavWWWRoot file

I have an Excel File that's held on a SharePoint site and when I go to it's DavWWWRoot path the excel file is unable to be opened. Any Idea as to why this is happening?
enter image description here
You could check that whether other files in the same path could be accessed.
If the whole DavWWWRoot is not accessible, We need to restart the server and map network drive again, according to the error, first we need to add the web site to your trusted site and select the option to logon automatically in IE settings > Internet Options:
Finally, remember to uncheck the option in IE settings > Internet Options > General:
As a result, if you map network drive again, it will work normally:
you could also refer to this similar case:

Overide Defaultappassociations.xml and let user select the application

I am working on Win 10 upgrade activity. As you know we can select application for file extension. So, those file will open on that app. e.g. html files only open in Chrome when user double click on that.
We can create XML file (DefaultAppAssociations.xml) and place it in C:\windows\system32
Now, I got the request to make one application default but let user decide if they want any other app. Is there any way to handle such things because defaultappassociations.xml will hard code this. Every time machine restart and it will set the same.
This is only possible as part of the operating system deployment or rather for newly created user profiles.
The command (official documentation):
Dism.exe /online /Import-DefaultAppAssociations:<path to exported xml>
However as I said you cannot alter existing profiles that way. Altering existing profiles in any way that is not the force via gpo is afaik not possible anymore because Microsoft does not want to allow it. A pretty stupid decision but at least you can tell whoever made the request that it is by MS design.

Open an Access file without the security warning message [duplicate]

i have a shared access application, i created an accde file for 32-bit machine, when user open the application he/she getting a security warning
is there any way to disable this message from appearing to the users
thank you
You have to set their computer to be a trusted source. In order to get around this issue, you will need to create a Digital Certificate. Digital Certificates are good only on the computer they are created on, so if this database will be used on multiple computers then each one will have to create a Digital Certificate.
To do this, you will need to perform the following tasks:
Click on Start -> All Programs -> Microsoft Office -> Microsoft
Office Tools -> Digital Certificate For VBA Projects (If you don’t
have this, you will need to contact your IT Dept.)
Enter a Certificate Name. Make it obvious like MyProgramName and Click OK
Open the Access database which contains the security warning you want to bypass
Go into the Design View of any Module
Click on Tools -> Digital Signature
Choose your Digital Certificate you created in Step 2
Save and close the database
Re-Open the database. You will now be prompted with a different Security Warning that states the file has been digitally signed.
Check off the “Always trust files from this publisher…” box and click the Open button
All subsequent times you enter this database, you will not be prompted with a security warning.
Note - I wrote the above for our company based on Office 2003. If you're using a more recent version, the instructions may vary somewhat.
other way is following:
click on file and then options
click on trust center and then trust center settings on the right
then click on trusted locations and add new location
browse for the location and save.
that's it.. done.. now no more warnings..
That is a standard warning to indicate the file you are opening has web links and macros.
If you trust the file, just say OK or “Allow”
You can control if this message is displayed: Office button > Excel Options button > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings button (I have no idea why they have this extra button, DUMB DESIGN! )
More Information can be found here
I have an Access database that processes other Access databases. I get OP's error when connecting to one of the other Access databases. To fix the issues, I opened the other Access database and clicked Enabled Content. Then, the Access database is trusted and OP's error doesn't occur when connecting to that Access database from another Access database.
You can create a registry key that will add the directory as a trusted location and will not show the warning anymore. What's nice about this method is that you can easily automate this to happen on the computers where you deploy your app. See method #2 or #3 in this blog:
And in case the blogs ever gets removed, here is the important bits:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Access\Security\Trusted Locations\Location20] “Path”=”C:\Database\”
“Description”=”My Database location”
Explanation about the key:
– The number “14.0” is the version of MS Office. You can change the numbers that represent the version you are executing.
– The “Location20” is a unique name that you assign. 20 can be any number that is not previously used. Other programs include default MS Access wizards, already have used other numbers. But if you want to make more than one path as trusted location, then each location must end up with different number.
– The “C:\Database\” is the physical path that you want to set to be as Trusted Location. You can place any path that you choose here.
By copy and pasting the above coding into a text file and save it with a name such as RemoveSecurityWarning.reg, you can then run the file into your PC’s registry just by making double click on the file.
The best way is to add the location of the document or the document itself to the Trusted Locations in Registry (if you use only Access runtime on client machines, there is no way to add it through the Office application, like you would do in Excel).
Here is the answer:
Adding Trusted Location to Access Run Time
You would need to create a new Location key and add the necessary Path (and Description) strings inside with the appropriate location of your file. This way the nag dialog will be gone and you won't need to worry about certificates.
Shared may mean it is located on a network share. It is not advisable to add a network location to the Trusted locations and you would need to set the additional flag AllowNetworkLocations to 1. I would advise you to copy the Access modules to the user computers, which would also make things better with the speed I believe.
If anybody else have this problem, it happened to me, with a shared file on a network environment, and the simplest solution was to install Microsoft Office service pack 2, even better is having automatic updates for Office turned on. You can find it here.

Copy Sharepoint folder and keep permissions

I've been researching this for a bit and I've found that copying a Sharepoint folder doesn't actually keep the permissions intact.
I've tried mapping the Sharepoint folder to X:\ and then using Robocopy with this command:
Robocopy "X:\SharepointFolder\Bob Dylan" "X:\SharepointFolder\John Lennon" /E /SEC
This copies the folders, but the permissions isn't kept anyway. Actually I get this error message in the cmd window saying
New Dir 0 X:\SharepointFolder\Bob Dylan\Documents\
2011/06/01 11:32:28 ERROR 1 (0x00000001) Copying NTFS Security to Destination Di
rectory X:\SharepointFolder\Bob Dylan\Documents\
Incorrect function.
The thing is, is my syntax incorrect or is it impossible to copy folder permissions in SharePoint?
Copying a folder via WebDAV won't copy any meta data set on the folder. Therefor permissions won't be copied as well.
If you have the Publishing Features turned on, check out the Manage Content and Structure Report. I think it will allow you to move things around within a site collection and perserve your metadata and security.
I had this exact same error. I was using mapped drives to copy data to SharePoint. I found that my xml file on the SharePoint mapped drive (destination) was applied with encryption attributes recently applied to my pc (source).
I am still looking for a way to use robocopy or powershell to remove the encryption from the destination file programatically.
To manually remove the attribute, navigate to the mapped drive, go to properties of the xml file, at the bottom in Attributes click Advanced, uncheck 'Encrypt contents..', apply.
(**For those not sure how to see the attributes)
Open explorer for your mapped drive, on the column header bar right click and choose attributes. You can see the security applied. E is encryption.
I am in developing small Batch File to get Access Control List based on CMD
net user USERID /domain [enter]
I am welcome to everybody have idea to APPLY access permission of SharePoint within CMD. Thank you in advanced. :)

Open Explorer window from Website

My company has a shared network folder for projects. This folder contains a sub-folder for each of our clients. Each sub-folder contains all the information for the projects done for those clients. Makes sense, yea?
I have been given a task: When in our company's MS CRM and viewing a client account, allow the user to click a button that will open explorer to the project folder for that account.
Sounds easy.
Did a bit of hunting online. This looks nice:
It's funky, but it goes waaay beyond the scope of the task I've actually been given. However, my company doesn't use SharePoint (though we have licenses if we need it) and I don't have the time to invest tweaking this solution until it fits our CRM. I just need to open explorer on the client machine and point it at a folder. I want a button that will open explorer. Should be easy! I just want to set up a button in CRM, execute the command to open explorer /root, //server/projects/account, and then move on to more important things.
That said, I don't think like a hacker, so I didn't realize that this was an obvious security exploit that will be blocked most (if not all) of the time. So I gave it a go, but I've been having trouble opening explorer with JavaScript, which I thought would be the quick, easy and painless solution (duh me!)
Is there an easier way to do this than the example I cited above?
Actually if you direct Internet Explorer to a local protocol, network shared folder or ftp server it turns to a file browser. This is automatic and you dont need to do anything other than making the folder you talk about to a network shared folder (via SMB) or FTP server. Just open that address in a new window:"file://\\\clients\112");"");
either one should work
