Linux: how to send TCP packet from specific port? - linux

How to open a raw socket for sending from specific TCP port? I want to have all my connections always go from a range of ports below ephemerals.

If you are using raw sockets, then just fill in the correct TCP source port in the packet header.
If, instead, you are using the TCP socket interface (socket(), connect() and friends), then you can set the source port by calling the bind() system call for the client socket - exactly as you would to set the listening port for the server socket.

Making a tcp connection using raw sockets is somewhere between difficult and impossible; you'd need to implement the entire tcp protocol in your program AND also stop the kernel from sending its own replies to the packets (if the kernel has IP bound on that address on that interface).
This is probably not what you want. However, if you did want it, it is trivial to send tcp frames with any source port you want, as you get to specify it in the tcp header, which of course, if you're implementing your own TCP layer, you'll need to understand.


How to use raw socket to send udp packet to local process with fake source ip and port

As the title said. I want to construct udp packets and send them to local process which has bound specific port. I want to make the process believe in that the packets are from other host(such as What arguments should I pass to socket() and sendto()?

How to multiplex AF_INET sockets to a daemon and get the information about the original port in the application?

I would like to write a daemon that is available on a large number of AF_INET-SOCK_STREAM and AF_INET-SOCK_DGRAM sockets for network debugging purposes.
To avoid excessive resource usage I want to avoid opening a large number of ports on the application layer but try to multiplex the connections per socket type on lower layers.
Knowledge of the original incoming port on the application layer is a requirement.
I have successfully implemented a daemon that listens on an AF_INET SOCK_STREAM socket that is multiplexed by an iptables REDIRECT rule. The original incoming port of the connection can be retrieved by calling getsockopt with SO_ORIGINAL_DST. As I understand this does not work with AF_INET SOCK_DGRAM.
I have also successfully implemented a daemon that listens on an AF_INET SOCK_DGRAM socket that is multiplexed by an iptables TPROXY rule. The original incoming port of the connection can be retrieved by using recvmsg() and consuming the available ancillary message containing information about the connection before multiplexing. As I understand this does not work with AF_INET SOCK_STREAM.
Is there a transport-layer-agnostic way of multiplexing such socket connections and retrieving information about the original incoming port? Possibly even suitable for protocols like SCTP or DCCP?
With TCP you have a connection. The target port for this connection is the same for all packets inside this connection. In this case each connected socket (result from accept) equals to a single connection and the incoming port is a property of this socket. It does not matter in this case if the listening socket will accept connections on multiple ports, all what matters is the connected socket.
With UDP you don't have a connection. Instead the same socket is used to receive packages from multiple clients and in your case to multiple incoming ports. Source and destination IP and port are thus a property of each packet and not of the socket.
That's why you need different interfaces to retrieve the original incoming port: a socket based for TCP and a packet based for UDP.

Sendto from unbinded UDP socket

situation: I need to broadcast from client using UDP from some free port, then to accept tcp connection on client from server on the port with the same number, but TCP. That's why I need to listen (and bind) to this port BEFORE broadcasting. The port cannot be const, because I can have multiple clients running on one machine.
So here some questions, which can help me to make this situation clearer:
If I made sendto from unbinded UDP socket, is it binded to any free port and all next sendto messages will go from this port, or each time the port will be chosen for a new message?
Can I ask system to reserve some free port for me? (I need to reserve two ports with the same numbers for UDP and TCP connections)
I'm sure there is a known way to handle these situations, what is it?
1)If I made sendto from unbinded UDP socket, is it binded to any free port and all next sendto messages will go from this port
or each time the port will be chosen for a new message?
2) Can I ask system to reserve some free port for me? (I need to reserve two ports with the same numbers for UDP and TCP connections)
That's what happens when the auto-bind occurs. You can do explicitly by binding to port number zero, but it isn't necessary. It also does not guarantee that you can bind both UDP and TCP to the same port number.
3) I'm sure there is a known way to handle these situations, what is it?
You've found it. Let the auto-bind happen.
I've found some answers on stackoverflow
You can bind to 0 port, that is specified it struct semaddr_in. That will allow you get an unused port for your type of connection. It is not defined to be free for other types of connection.
Look at #remy's answer at Bind to any port available
Yes, they can because headers are specified for UDP or TCP protocols. So the machine can tell one from another.
See Can TCP and UDP sockets use the same port?
If you bind to 0 port you'll get ability to listen to it before calling sendto

how to test user space tcp/ip stack?

I am working on a user space tcp stack (mostly just for fun) and I am having some trouble testing it against the unix tcp stack. Currently the only form of testing is done via unit tests. However, I want to test my tcp stack against a real kernel tcp stack. I tried the following setups without much success.
using raw sockets: I wrote a simple echo tcp server that accepts connection using the kernel tcp socket. The tcp server listens to port 8080 on localhost. My tcp client uses the user space tcp stack. However, the kernel sends a tcp rst whenever the client sends a syn to the server. It kind of work after I modified iptable to drop all tcp rst packets. However, even though the 3 way syn, syn+ack, ack handshake is established, the server cannot recv any packet that my client sends. I eventually gave up on raw sockets.
using tun/tap: Similarly the echo server uses kernel tcp socket and listens on localhost port 8080. The client opens a tap device. The tap device has an ip of and my client assumes an ip of I am able to ping from my computer. However, when my client sends a syn to the tcp server over the tap device, the server does not respond.
Note: I am using ubuntu 12.04.
You can use the conntrack tool to try getting more information on why it's not working with using raw sockets. If for some reason the kernel gets confused about the state of the tcp connection, it may be deciding to reset it. You could try telling the kernel not to track connections to rule this out by setting a notrack rule in the raw table. Something like
iptables -t raw -A PREROUTING -p tcp --port 8080 -j NOTRACK
Try using tcpdump on the tun/tap device and iptables counts to see where the packet gets dropped. I would also try tun devices instead so you only have to worry about layer 3.

How do I prevent Linux kernel from responding to incoming TCP packets?

For my application, I need to intercept certain TCP/IP packets and route them to a different device over a custom communications link (not Ethernet). I need all the TCP control packets and the full headers. I have figured out how to obtain these using a raw socket via socket(PF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons(ETH_P_IP)); This works well and allows me to attach filters to just see the TCP port I'm interested in.
However, Linux also sees these packets. By default, it sends a RST when it receives a packet to a TCP port number it doesn't know about. That's no good as I plan to send back a response myself later. If I open up a second "normal" socket on that same port using socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); and listen() on it, Linux then sends ACK to incoming TCP packets. Neither of these options is what I want. I want it to do nothing with these packets so I can handle everything myself. How can I accomplish this?
I would like to do the same thing. My reason is from a security perspective… I am wanting to construct a Tarpit application. I intent to forward TCP traffic from certain source IPs to the Tarpit. The Tarpit must receive the ACK. It will reply with a SYN/ACK of its own. I do not want the kernel to respond. Hence, a raw socket will not work (because the supplied TCP packets are teed), I need to also implement a Divert socket. That's about all I know so far… have not yet implemented.
