Filtering Linux command output - linux

I need to get a row based on column value just like querying a database. I have a command output like this,
Name ID Mem VCPUs State
Domain-0 0 15485 16 r-----
prime95-01 512 1
-b---- 61.9
Here I need to list only those rows where state is "r". Something like this,
Domain-0 0 15485 16
r----- 1779042.1
I have tried using "grep" and "awk" but still I am not able to succeed.
Any help me is much appreciated

There is a variaty of tools available for filtering.
If you only want lines with "r-----" grep is more than enough:
command | grep "r-----"
cat filename | grep "r-----"

grep can handle this for you:
yourcommand | grep -- 'r-----'
It's often useful to save the (full) output to a file to analyse later. For this I use tee.
yourcommand | tee somefile | grep 'r-----'
If you want to find the line containing "-b----" a little later on without re-running yourcommand, you can just use:
grep -- '-b----' somefile
No need for cat here!
I recommend putting -- after your call to grep since your patterns contain minus-signs and if the minus-sign is at the beginning of the pattern, this would look like an option argument to grep rather than a part of the pattern.

awk '$5 ~ /^r.*/ { print }'
Like this:
cat file | awk '$5 ~ /^r.*/ { print }'

grep solution:
command | grep -E "^([^ ]+ ){4}r"
What this does (-E switches on extended regexp):
The first caret (^) matches the beginning of the line.
[^ ] matches exactly one occurence of a non-space character, the following modifier (+) allows it to also match more occurences.
Grouped together with the trailing space in ([^ ]+ ), it matches any sequence of non-space characters followed by a single space. The modifyer {4} requires this construct to be matched exactly four times.
The single "r" is then the literal character you are searching for.
In plain words this could be written like "If the line starts <^> with four strings that are followed by a space <([^ ]+ ){4}> and the next character is , then the line matches."
A very good introduction into regular expressions has been written by Jan Goyvaerts (

Filtering by awk cmd in linux:-
Firstly find the column for this cmd and store file2 :-
awk '/Domain-0 0 15485 /' file1 >file2
Domain-0 0 15485 16
r----- 1779042.1
after that awk cmd in file2:-
awk '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,"\n",$5,$6}' file2
Final Output:-
Domain-0 0 15485 16
r----- 1779042.1


linux extract portion of the string that can be second most common pattern

I have several strings(or filenames in a directory) and i need to group them by second most common pattern, then i will iterate over them by each group and process them. in the example below i need 2 from ACCEPT and 2 from BASIC_REGIS, bascially from string beginning to one character after hyphen (-) and it could be any character and not just digit. The first most common pattern are ACCEPT and BASIC_REGIS. I am looking for second most common pattern using grep -Po (Perl and only-matching). AWK solution is working
echo "ACCEPT-0ABC-0123"|grep -Po "\K^A.*-"
Result : ACCEPT-0ABC-
but I need : ACCEPT-0
However awk solution is working
echo "ACCEPT-1ABC-0120"|awk '$0 ~ /^A/{print substr($0,1,index($0,"-")+1)}'
1st solution: With your shown samples please try following awk code.
awk '
match($0,/^(ACCEPT-[0-9]+|BASIC_REGIS-[0-9]+/) && !arr[substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH)]++
' Input_file
2nd solution: With GNU grep please try following.
grep -oP '^.*?-[0-9]+' Input_file | sort -u
Like this:
$ grep -Eo '^[^-]+-.' file | sort -u
The regular expression matches as follows:
the beginning of the string
any character except: - (1 or more times (matching the most amount possible))
any character except \n
not too sure what you meant by "2nd most common groupings", but to simply replicate that output :
{gn}awk '!NF || !__[$-_ = sprintf("%.*s", index($-_,$(!_+!_)),$-_)]++' FS='-'
mawk '!NF || !__[$!NF = sprintf("%.*s", index($_, $(!_+!_)),$_) ]++' FS='-'
You don't need -P (PCRE) for that, just a plain, old BRE:
$ grep -o '^[^-]*-.' file | sort -u
Or using GNU awk alone:
$ awk 'match($0,/^[^-]*-./,a) && !seen[a[0]]++{print a[0]}' file
or any awk:
$ awk '!match($0,/^[^-]*-./){next} {$0=substr($0,1,RLENGTH)} !seen[$0]++' file
POSIX-shells have primitive parameter expansion. Meaning using this:
${string#-*} # Remove first ‘-‘ and everything after
In combination with this:
${string#*-} # Remove first ‘-‘ and everything before
Can extract the n’th most common pattern.
For example:
common_pattern_base=${input#-*} # Result → ACCEPT
next_level=${input#*-} # Result → 0ABC-0123
common_pattern_mid=${next_level#-*} # Result → 0ABC
next_level_again=${next_level#*-} # Result → 0123
Now I did this very crudely, but it should serve as an example on how simple and powerful this tool can be. Especially in combination with a loop.
If you need a certain syntax, you can now simply work with individual pieces:
# Result of line below → 0
trim_pattern_mid=“$(echo ${common_pattern_mid} | cut -c1)”
# Result of line below → ACCEPT-0
While this answer is longer, it is more flexible and simple than using regular-expressions. Imagine wanting to get the 4th-pattern of a 256 long chain with regex, it’s a nightmare.
This answer is more suited for scripting. If it’s ad-hoc, grep or sed will do the job - at least for small patterns.
A bit more efficient as it's not calling substr:
awk -v{,O}FS='-' '{printf("%s-%c\n",$1,$2)}' file

awk Print Line Issue

I'm experiencing some issues with a awk command right now. The original script was developed using awk on MacOS and was then ported to Linux. There awk shows a different behavior.
What I want to do is to count the occurrences of single strings provided via /tmp/test.uniq.txt in the file /tmp/test.txt.
awk '{print $1, system("cat /tmp/test.txt | grep -o -c " $1)}' /tmp/test.uniq.txt
Mac delivers an expected output like:
test1 2
test2 1
The output is in one line, the sting and the number of occurrences, separated by a whitespace.
Linux delivers an output like:
test1 1
The output is not in one line an the output of the system command is printed first.
Sample input:
test.txt looks like:
test1 test test
test1 test test
test2 test test
test.uniq.txt looks like:
As comments suggested that using grep and cat etc using system function is not recommended as awk is complete language that can perform most of these tasks.
You can use following awk command to replace your cat | grep functionality:
awk 'FNR == NR {a[$1]=0; next} {for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) if ($i in a) a[$i]++}
END { for (i in a) print i, a[i] }' uniq.txt test.txt
test1 2
test2 1
Note that this output doesn't match with the count 5 as your question states as your sample data is probably different.
Effective AWK Programming
Awk Tutorial
It looks to me as if you're trying to count the number of line containing each unique string in the uniq file. But the way you're doing it is .. awkward, and as you've demonstrated, inconsistent between versions of awk.
The following might work a little better:
$ awk '
for (i in a) {
if ($1~i) {
for (i in a)
printf "%6d\t%s\n",a[i],i
' test.uniq.txt test.txt
2 test1
1 test2
This loads your uniq file into an array, then for every line in your text file, steps through the array to count the matches.
Note that these are being compared as regular expressions, without word boundaries, so test1 will also be counted as part of test12.
Another way might be to use grep+sort+uniq:
grep -o -w -F -f uniq.txt test.txt | sort | uniq -c
It's a pipeline but a short one
From man grep:
-F, --fixed-strings, --fixed-regexp Interpret PATTERN as a list of fixed strings, separated by newlines, any of which is to be matched.
(-F is specified by POSIX, --fixed-regexp is an obsoleted alias, please do not use it in new scripts.)
-f FILE, --file=FILE Obtain patterns from FILE, one per line. The empty file contains zero patterns and therefore matches nothing. (-f is specified by POSIX.)
-o, --only-matching Print only the matched (non-empty) parts of a matching line, with each such part on a separate output line.
-w, --word-regexp
Select only those lines containing matches that form whole words. The test is that the matching substring must either be at the beginning of the line or preceded by a non-word constituent character. Similarly, it must be either at the end of the line or followed by a non-word constituent character. Word-constituent characters are letters, digits, and the underscore.

extract sequences from multifasta file by ID in file using awk

I would like to extract sequences from the multifasta file that match the IDs given by separate list of IDs.
FASTA file seq.fasta:
IDs file id.txt:
I want to get the fasta file with only those sequences matching the IDs in the id.txt file:
I really like the awk approach I found in answers here and here, but the code given there is still not working perfectly for the example I gave. Here is why:
awk -v seq="7P58X:01332:11636" -v RS='>' '$1 == seq {print RS $0}' seq.fasta
this code works well for the multiline sequences but IDs have to be inserted separately to the code.
awk 'NR==FNR{n[">"$0];next} f{print f ORS $0;f=""} $0 in n{f=$0}' id.txt seq.fasta
this code can take the IDs from the id.txt file but returns only the first line of the multiline sequences.
I guess that the good thing would be to modify the RS variable in the code (2) but all of my attempts failed so far. Can, please, anybody help me with that?
$ awk -F'>' 'NR==FNR{ids[$0]; next} NF>1{f=($2 in ids)} f' id.txt seq.fasta
Following awk may help you on same.
awk 'FNR==NR{a[$0];next} /^>/{val=$0;sub(/^>/,"",val);flag=val in a?1:0} flag' ids.txt fasta_file
I'm facing a similar problem. The size of my multi-fasta file is ~ 25G.
I use sed instead of awk, though my solution is an ugly hack.
First, I extracted the line number of the title of each sequence to a data file.
grep -n ">" multi-fasta.fa > multi-fasta.idx
What I got is something like this:
Then, I extracted the wanted sequence by its title, eg. DM_0000000004, using the scripts below.
idx0_idx1=`grep -n $seqnm multi-fasta.idx`
idx0=`echo $idx0_idx1 | cut -d ":" -f 1`
idx0plus1=`expr $idx0 + 1`
idx1=`echo $idx0_idx1 | cut -d ":" -f 2`
idx2=`head -n $idx0plus1 multi-fasta.idx | tail -1 | cut -d ":" -f 1`
idx2minus1=`expr $idx2 - 1`
sed ''"$idx1"','"$idx2minus1"'!d' multi-fasta.fa > ${seqnm}.fasta
For example, I want to extract the sequence of DM_0000016115. The idx0_idx1 variable gives me:
7507 (idx0) is the line number of line 42520:>DM_0000016115 in multi-fasta.idx.
42520 (idx1) is the line number of line >DM_0000016115 in multi-fasta.fa.
idx2 is the line number of the sequence title right beneath the wanted one (>DM_0000016115).
At last, using sed, we can extract the lines between idx1 and idx2 minus 1, which are the title and the sequence, in which case you can use grep -A.
The advantage of this ugly-hack is that it does not require a specific number of lines for each sequence in the multi-fasta file.
What bothers me is this process is slow. For my 25G multi-fasta file, such extraction takes tens of seconds. However, it's much faster than using samtools faidx .

find a pattern and print line based on finding the first pattern sed, awk grep

I have a rather large file. What is common to all is the hostname to break each section example :
data 1
data here
data 2
text here
section 1
text here
part 4
data here
comm = 2
data 1
data here
data 2
text here
section 1
text here
part 4
data here
comm = 1
The above prints
As you see above, in between each section there are other sections broken down by key words or lines that have specific values
I like to use a oneliner to print host name for each section and then print which ever lines I want to extract under each hostname section
Can you please help. I am using now grep -C 10 HOSTNAME | gerp -C pattern
but this assumes that there are 10 lines in each section. This is not an optimal way to do this; can someone show a better way. I also need to be able to print more than one line under each pattern that I find . So if I find data1 and there are additional lines under it I like to grab and print them
So output of command would be like
grep -C 10 HOSTNAME | grep data 1
grep -C 10 HOSTNAME | grep -A 2 data 1
data 1
data 1
Beside Grep I use this sed command to print my output
sed -r '/HOSTNAME|shared/!d' filename
The only problem with this sed command is that it only prints the lines that have patterns shared & HOSTNAME in them. I also need to specify the number of lines I like to print in my case under the line that matched patterns shared. So I like to print HOSTNAME and give the number of lines I like to print under second search pattern shared.
awk to the rescue!
$ awk -v lines=2 '/HOSTNAME/{c=lines} NF&&c&&c--' file
data 1
data 1
print lines number of lines including pattern match, skips empty lines.
If you want to specify secondary keyword instead number of lines
$ awk -v key='data 1' '/HOSTNAME/{h=1; print} h&&$0~key{print; h=0}' file
data 1
data 1
Here is a sed twoliner:
sed -n -r '/HOSTNAME/ { p }
/^\s+data 1/ {p }' hostnames.txt
It prints (p)
when the line contains a HOSTNAME
when the line starts with some whitespace (\s+) followed by your search criterion (data 1)
non-mathing lines are not printed (due to the sed -n option)
Edit: Some remarks:
this was tested with GNU sed 4.2.2 under linux
you dont need the -r if your sed version does not support it, replace the second pattern to /^.*data 1/
we can squash everything in one line with ;
Putting it all together, here is a revised version in one line, without the need for the extended regex ( i.e without -r):
sed -n '/HOSTNAME/ { p } ; /^.*data 1/ {p }' hostnames.txt
The OP requirements seem to be very unclear, but the following is consistent with one interpretation of what has been requested, and more importantly, the program has no special requirements, and the code can easily be modified to meet a variety of requirements. In particular, both search patterns (the HOSTNAME pattern and the "data 1" pattern) can easily be parameterized.
The main idea is to print all lines in a specified subsection, or at least a certain number up to some limit.
If there is a limit on how many lines in a subsection should be printed, specify a value for limit, otherwise set it to 0.
awk -v limit=0 '
/^HOSTNAME:/ { subheader=0; hostname=1; print; next}
/^ *data 1/ { subheader=1; print; next }
/^ *data / { subheader=0; next }
subheader && (limit==0 || (subheader++ < limit)) { print }'
Given the lines provided in the question, the output would be:
data 1
data 1
(Yes, I know the variable 'hostname' in the awk program is currently unused, but I included it to make it easy to add a test to satisfy certain obvious requirements regarding the preconditions for identifying a subheader.)
sed -n -e '/hostname/,+p' -e '/Duplex/,+p'
The simplest way to do it is to combine two sed commands ..

Getting n-th line of text output

I have a script that generates two lines as output each time. I'm really just interested in the second line. Moreover I'm only interested in the text that appears between a pair of #'s on the second line. Additionally, between the hashes, another delimiter is used: ^A. It would be great if I can also break apart each part of text that is ^A-delimited (Note that ^A is SOH special character and can be typed by using Ctrl-A)
output | sed -n '1p' #prints the 1st line of output
output | sed -n '1,3p' #prints the 1st, 2nd and 3rd line of output
your.program | tail +2 | cut -d# -f2
should get you 2/3 of the way.
Improving Grumdrig's answer:
your.program | head -n 2| tail -1 | cut -d# -f2
I'd probably use awk for that.
your_script | awk -F# 'NR == 2 && NF == 3 {
num_tokens=split($2, tokens, "^A")
for (i = 1; i <= num_tokens; ++i) {
print tokens[i]
This says
1. Set the field separator to #
2. On lines that are the 2nd line, and also have 3 fields (text#text#text)
3. Split the middle (2nd) field using "^A" as the delimiter into the array named tokens
4. Print each token
Obviously this makes a lot of assumptions. You might need to tweak it if, for example, # or ^A can appear legitimately in the data, without being separators. But something like that should get you started. You might need to use nawk or gawk or something, I'm not entirely sure if plain awk can handle splitting on a control character.
read line
IFS=$'\001' read result -a <<< "$result"
$result is now an array that contains the elements you're interested in. Just pipe the output of the script to this one.
here's a possible awk solution
awk -F"#" 'NR==2{
split($i,a,"\001") # split on SOH
for(o in a ) print o # print the splitted hash
}' file

