Filtering SharePoint SiteMapDatasource - sharepoint

I'm using a SiteMapDatasource in a tree view to display a simple hierarchical site map. I need to filter this map so that it only shows links to sites and sub sites, and not any links to things like lists, document libraries, etc.

Without knowing more about your situation, would it be possible (assuming these are XML type data structures) to use some kind of XPATH query to pull and filter information? Perhaps you can transform it via XSLT? If you can post what things look like, it might help to give a little more insight.
There is always, the possibility of using LINQ on the data source...


One custom display form for all the lists

Good day to you. I am newbie in SharePoint 2013 so please bear with me. I have created around 15 lists in my website each containing same columns but different data (they differ semantically).
I am aware that we can change the default view, edit and display form for each list by creating new form in SharePoint Designer 2013. This seems like a very bad approach as far as the maintenance is concerned. I know my lists are exactly the same so why do I have to create same 15 display forms for each of the lists?
Is there a way to create one custom Display form (may be in a central location, i don't know i am just thinking :P ) for all the lists? Is there a way to tell a list to use a specific display form? Any help will be highly appreciated. Thanks.
If i understand your question correctly, you have 15 lists with same set of columns. You want to change the display/look of the form. All 15 lists should have same look and feel right!! If yes, then why don't you try with some html, javascript solution. Since you are in sharepoint 2013, javascript support for solutions is very good like rest queries. You can use SPServices also.
If you want to to add data to the list whenever you click on the "New Item" link in the list then hijack this link such that it should navigate to your custom form. Pass your list name as query parameter. Whenever user is saving the form, get the list name from the query parameter and save the data to that list.
There could be another ways also to achieve the solution with html and javascript.
Useful links:
Microsoft, Microsoft, SPServices
Sam I think you can create a custom content type and create custom display form for your content type. Enable the content type in each of your lists so automatically this customized form would be available.
The advantage of this approach is that suppose if you need one more list after some time you can just add this content type and your form would be available into the new list as well.
The approach is explained in the link below.
Check this one also
Just wanted to write the solution which I implemented as it might help others as well. (Thanks Hiren and Mihir for your valuable inputs)
I had 15 lists and I was showing the data to the user using content search web part with custom display template. All of the lists were using the same display template so I made a new page just to show the item details. In the display template I pointed the item URL (i hijacked the list name and the current item id) to my new page and displayed the item. Let me know if anyone is interested in the whole solution or further elaboration is required.

Best way to display list content coming from different site collections in a webpart?

I would like to build a webpart that is going to display list content coming from different site collections (but the same content type).
I wanted to use the SPSiteDataGuery to create the datasource of a SPGridView for instance, but it appears to be working only within the same site collection. Do you have any idea ?
The best performing solution would be to use the search object model. Look into FullTextSqlQuery. You can filter based on content type easily enough. The downside in using this technique is obviously there is a delay until the content is crawled. The performance over anything else however will be significantly better. Waldek has some great articles on comparing the alternatives.

Sharepoint 2010 - Datasheet view and 3 linked lists

I've got a tricky situation I'm trying to determine the best way to solve. I'm a VS developer who is learning SharePoint so it's a little frustrating to me when what I am trying to accomplish could easily be done with code and a db.
I have three lists, a parent and two children list that are linked through lookup columns. The client actually wanted everything in one list but due to SharePoint column type limitations I had to split the data into the three lists, there are over 300 fields. The client wants to see all the lists together in one view and be able to filter and edit groups of items.
I have successfully created a new data source linking the lists and can display that on one of my pages to view. After some research however I have learned that I can't create a datasheet view from this linked view due to limitations in the Office componets that SP uses. Which makes sense.
The business need is for the client to filter the three lists based on criteria they select from either list A AND list B and list C to get a group of items, they make the updates and save the changes back to the 3 lists. They prefer to do this in datasheet view because this mimics the excel spreadsheet that they are currently using that this website will replace. They will potentially be updating between 1-30 items at a time using this, which is why they prefer the drag and copy functionality.
I was thinking of two options: trying to create some kind of custom web part that has a gridview of all the columns in edit mode that they can filter down to their items and make their changes. Then I would have to loop through the fields and make updates programmatically. I also saw on this site jQuery.sheet, that looks like it may be a good solution if I go this route instead of gridview.
Or have a modal window with the columns listed, have the user select what they want to filter to, then redirect to a page that shows the three lists in their own DSVs. The user would have to make updates in the three separate views. Then I would use workflows to synchronize the lists after they had made their changes.
I always end up trying to do things programmatically since I am still largely unfamiliar with SP and only seem to hit its limitations instead of its strengths. Has anyone tried to do something similar to this? Or do you have any suggestions as to the best way to accomplish this? Best practices? I appreciate all thoughts and comments! FYI I've also posted this on the MS SP forums as well to cast a wider net...
In this case, you are better off going with a custom solution. A webpart would be an excellent choice for delivering your custom interface.
A dataview webpart will do the job, but if you feel comfortable with the jQuery solution it would make for a nicer interface.
In your code, treat the lists as you would a database and isolate it from the logic and interface code within the webpart.

Export list of Sitecore items as Excel (or other formats)

I noticed that sitecore has the option of exporting users in an Excel format.
I need to have similar functionality for exporting 'participations', (a users can enlist to take part in an 'event', and if their entry is approved via a sitecore workflow, a 'participation' item is created in the content tree)
Since mostly everything in Sitecore is in essence based on items, and I want to export items to Excel, my question is - what are some of the best ways of doing this?
Is there a way to re-use this functionality for regular items?
Would it be a good idea to create a custom admin page (any tips on doing this?) which has some custom code that reads the items from the database using the API?
are there sitecore plugins/shared source projects that can help me achieve this?
Or does anyone have a better idea? - would it be better to just store the participations in SQL? I'm mostly doing it this way because I want to make use of the 'free' functionality offers, for example workflow, but if that leads to me using anti-patterns please shoot me ;)
Link is different now:
P.S. Couldn't leave a comment to original answer as I don't have enough reputation. Oh well :)
Found a most excellent shared source module which does exactly this (and much more)!
Basically it allows you to configure (and easily extend, if you need to) any kind of table based report on 'items'.
The report module shows up as an application in the sitecore menu (like the user manager tool) and comes with features such as xml,csv, xls export. It's also really easy to set up, once you get the hang of it.

Rad grid custom filtering

How can I activate custom filtering for my radgrid?(I googled but I didn't get any proper response regarding this)
I have a property like AllowCustomSorting but I don't have any property regarding filtering.
Can any one provide the way how to implement custom filtering?
If possbile give me a sample page then I will understand.
Thanks in advance.
All you need to know about filtering:
I usually do my filtering/sorting within my stored procedures as that brings huge speed benefits when working with larger tables.
I'm aware this is a fairly old question now but this link should help you:
Note that it has a sample project at the bottom of the page.
The property you are looking for is AllowFilteringByColumn="True"
This page has a sample using a dropdown and a custom filter.
