How to access internal web services from windows azure with restriction IP and port - azure

We have a existing application to be migrated to the windows azure.
Currently, it will access another web services in other network, and the firewall in front of the web service, it will trust the IP of it and open the port only for that application.
Which IP should I trust after migrated to Windows Azure? or other approach suggested?
Thanks a lot.

Currently Windows Azure does not offer a fixed IP address, so any IP based filter would be subject to potential risk if the IP address should change (which it can without notice).
I would recommend you explore either leveraging the service bus to create a peer-to-peer connection between the services, or possibly Azure Connect (an ipsec based VPN style connection).


How do I secure traffic between my VM and Application Gateway?

I have a pretty simple setup with an Application Gateway (AG), that sends traffic to a virtual machine running Ubuntu. The AG is loaded with an SSL certificate. The VM is set up to only allow incoming traffic from the AG, but it's an HTTP connection. This works, but I want to secure the traffic between my VM and AG. I can't find any relevant settings or documentation for this however.
How do I encrypt traffic between an Application Gateway and Virtual Machine? I considered a private link to at least force traffic over the Azure network, but private links only support PaaS products, where a VM is IaaS.
I assume your use the private IP of your VM in the backend settings of your Application Gateway. If so, this means that the traffic stays within your VNET and thus on the Microsoft network and also within the same region. You do not not need something like Private Link here.
So the only thing you could potentially do is to SSL-enable the endpoint on the VM and use an encrypted HTTPS connection between AppGW and your VM.
you have to do the same thing as with the api-gateway, load a certificate into de service deployed in the virtual machine and expose the API of this service using SSL protocol so the communication will be encrypted using that certificate.
The way to do it is different depending on which technology you are using to deploy your service. For example, if you are using spring-boot you can see how to do it here
However, you can use mutual-tls if you want that the only service that could connect to your VM's deployed service is the AG.

How to add multiple web apps into a single network so that vnet connected to one web app get accessed to other web apps as well

I am cracking an implementation done in Azure 2 years by my former coworker. I am not sure how I can make 3 different web apps use 3 unique DNS servers.
What do I need to achieve:
I have a virtual network in Azure which I have given DNS server as custom (I have added IP in VM DNS settings). I also have got 3 web apps under the same app server. Now I have connected VNet to web-app-1 via Networking settings.
I also need to link web-app-2 and web-app-3 to Vnet.
What I need to achieve:
Is it possible to make web-app-2 and web-app-3 access Vnet without adding that VNet to these web apps directly? Is there any way to make web-app-2 and web-app-3 to link with web-app-1 which is already connected to Vnet? Or is it only possible with connecting vnet to all web-apps via networking?
You can connect app 2 & 3 (or all apps) via hybrid connection to a VM on a vNET(or on-prem network) . That way the apps have access to resources on the same network as the VM since the VM becomes a proxy.
Within App Service, Hybrid Connections can be used to access application resources in other networks. It provides access from your app to an application endpoint. It does not enable an alternate capability to access your application. As used in App Service, each Hybrid Connection correlates to a single TCP host and port combination. This means that the Hybrid Connection endpoint can be on any operating system and any application, provided you are accessing a TCP listening port.

Can my Azure web apps access the internal DNS of my Virtual Network?

I have configured my Azure Web Apps and App Hosting Plan to connect via Point-to-Site gateway with my Virtual Network in Azure. I followed this article here:
I have a VM that is hosting DNS and my Virtual Network is configured to use this.
I want to be able to reference services running in my Virtual Network from my Web Apps via domain name and not by direct IP address.
It works fine if I connect using the VM's internal IP address eg But, when I add a DNS A record pointing to, my web app can't resolve the domain.
I attempted to check the DNS settings of the web app and it appears my internal DNS server is not one of the hosts configured. Here's the code I ran in my web app:
from nic in NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces()
let props = nic.GetIPProperties()
select String.Join("; ", props.DnsAddresses.Select(x => x.ToString()))
Is this possible to do? If so, can anyone suggest what I need to do?
From everything we have tried and talking with Azure folks at Ignite, Web Apps (point-to-site) were not designed to be joined to a domain. That said, we are successfully using web apps to access on-premise web services using a binding with a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) and securing that traffic be certificate.
Due to the way web apps connected to a VNET works, you will not be seeing the DNS servers when you list all interfaces. If in command line you run the command:
You should see an environment variable that holds your configured DNS servers. If not, you should go to your web app in the Azure Portal, to the Vnet section, and hit the "Sync Data" button.

how to connect Microsoft Azure to on-premises sql database

Is it possible to connect a Microsoft Azure Web Site to a SQL Server Database hosted on-premises and, if so, what the steps that I need to follow?
Let any request in coming from you Azure Web Site IP and targeting TCP port 1433 through your firewall . Then change your connectionString on your Azure Web Site to point to the public gateway used on premsie.
As #qux mentioned, you need to allow for inbound traffic on port 1433. With Azure Web Sites, you won't have a dedicated outbound IP address, so you'll need to rely on a secure SQL Server configuration.
If you shift to Cloud Services (web role / worker role), then you will have an IP address to filter against. Same thing with Virtual Machines.
You can also set up a VPN (and there are many VPN appliances certified with Azure).

How can I convey this to CorpIT?

My Azure web role can, using remote desktop, connect with a browser (IE) to and to a DMZ server on our corporate network.
My web role cannot connect via HTTP GET (IE) to a non-DMZ box behind the firewall. My web role cannot ping this box either. My service is hosted in north/central, allegedly all published IP ranges of north/central have been granted access to the target IP by our CorpIT people. They claim they are seeing no traffic via their sniffer from my compute instance IP when I attempt to ping or HTTP GET against the target local IP.
CorpIT wants help from the Microsoft side but we have no Microsoft relationship. I'm convinced this is the outcome of months of slapdash thirdhand firewall rules applied to the target environment in question. What can I do to further elucidate this for CorpIT?
thx in advance!
You can try to run a trace route or get a network trace from the Azure instance and see what you get back from where. You could also create a support case with microsoft:
I wouldn't bet on using the IP ranges to make your applications work correctly. Windows Azure already provides you with some services that allow you to solve these types of issues:
Windows Azure Connect: Allows you to create an IPSec secured connection between your servers and your hosted services. This means you won't need to add rules to the firewall for incoming traffic.
Windows Azure Service Bus Relay: Allows you to expose WCF services to the cloud without having to add rules to the firewall for incoming traffic. Choosing this option might add some extra work for you to do, you might need to create a WCF service if you don't already have one and change the code in your Web Role to connect to this WCF Service.
