How do I send a low size black and white image using plain text SMS without utilizing EMS/MMS? - java-me

I want to send very low size black and white images using plain text SMS without utilizing EMS/MMS. Searching on the net yielded some results which contained hints that logos are sent using SMSs, which make use of the User Data Header in an SMS. But it is not clear exactly how to approach the code. I want to send the message from my PC to any low cost phone (regardless of whether the phone contains J2ME or any other programming support or not). The images can be described in binary form in <140 bytes or sometimes will require it to be split into two parts if greater than 140. Thanks in advance.

You might be able to send an image using Nokia's OTA Bitmap specification, but it requires 3 SMS messages and is usually used for images that are 72px x 28px. Older Nokia's could use it as a screen saver but that was a long time ago (e.g. 2004 was that last time I saw it) and I don't think the newer handsets allow this.
A bit more info at under generic "smart messaging" at Wikipedia.


How to show suggestion chips vertically in google assistant

I have created a chatbot using Dialogflow fulfilment (actions-on-google node.js library) and added 8 suggestion chips, but all the chips are shown horizontally in a single row.
Is there any way to show 4 chips in one line and another 4 chips in the second line. so that user doesn't have to scroll.
Eight suggestions are... a lot. Typically you wouldn't want more than about 5, and even that might be a lot in some cases.
To answer your direct question, however - you don't have control over the layout of suggestion chips. How many are visible depends on the screen size and orientation, and future versions of the Assistant may choose different ways to represent them.
While you may wish to use a List visual layout, this is mostly good for more dynamic responses (returning a list of titles) rather than a menu. It also requires a different kind of handling for the reply.

as/400: other way for display graphics?

I'm aware of the existence of DDS files which allow programming of display graphics on the as/400, but is there another way?
Specifically, what I want to do is manipulate the terminal buffer directly to be able to display anything else than just text.
For example, the terminal looks like that:
Let's say, in memory, there would be a two dimensional char array: text[20][80] for the text menu and lower than that, there would be a pixel buffer array of size [200][800].
Is there a way to access either of those arrays directly?
I would like to be able to create a displayable menu entirely in C without the need of a display file and also display other kind of graphics (images) directly in the pixel buffer.
Is there a way to access either of those arrays directly?
That's easy enough, though a "display file" that has no formatted fields will still be needed. The 'file' will be the connection between the program and the physical device (or the emulator). You can define a single large area that contains whatever "text" you want your program to put into it. This can even include display field attributes that delimit input areas.
For the most control, the DDS USRDFN keyword is appropriate. But for simple stuff like lists of menu items, almost any large text field can be output to.
Outputting simple text is easy. For detailed stuff like USRDFN formatting, detailed understanding of the 5250 protocol is needed.
One kind of alternative would be to use User Interface Manager (UIM) APIs to update a PANEL's "text area" (:TEXT) via its USREXIT= application program. The UIM handles everything as far as any "display file" definition and actual I/O goes. The UIM can be thought of as a HTML interface for 5250 and uses a very similar markup language to define PANELs.
Another alternative is the Dynamic Screen Manager (DSM) APIs. These give much finer control than the UIM or DDS methods (though DDS USRDFN gets very close). But as with USRDFN, actual device control will require 5250 protocol knowledge.
...and also display other kind of graphics (images) directly in the
pixel buffer.
There is no "pixel buffer" for 5250 nor even 'pixels'. It's a character-based protocol, like telnet. If you're going for images or 'pixels', you're into browser interfaces, or perhaps Java and NAWT, or X-windows, etc.
Now, granted that with TCP/IP and sockets, you can do essentially anything that you're able to program. Whatever you can figure out how to do, including downloading/installing 3rd-party code libraries, you can do -- within the network restrictions surrounding your server. But it is in fact a server, so GUI kinds of apps generally shouldn't run on it. That's the same as for almost all types of servers. Code the GUI on the client system rather than the server. But you can do it if you really want to.
I'm not sure why you'd want to do this...
Now-a-days, it'd be much easier to simply generate your output as HTML and serve it up via the integrated apache web server.
But if you really want to do graphics via 5250, it can be done...theoretically at least. In 20+ years on the platform, I've never seen it.
But way back when (1994?), IBM added support for Graphical Data Display Manager (GDDM) and Presentation Graphics APIs into OS/400. "GDDM is a means of
displaying, printing, or plotting pictures. Presentation Graphics routines are a
means of displaying, printing, or plotting business charts."
The support is still in the OS. However, client side support is NOT available in IBM i Access for Windows or the most recently released client, IBM Access Client Solutions (ACS). It appears that the standalone IBM Personal Communications product may support GDDM.
For complete control of the character buffer, take a look at the Dynamic Screen Manager (DSM) APIs. The DSM APIs are "a set of screen I/O interfaces that provide a dynamic way to create and manage screens for the Integrated Language Environment® (ILE) high-level languages. Because the DSM interfaces are bindable, they are accessible to ILE programs only."
There is a way to do it in ILE C/C++. This was very fun to investigate since I haven't tried it myself.
The only documentation on it (page 183+) I could find is from 5.1, but you are able to cross reference the functions used to this 7.3 manual (possibly page vii/7) to see if they're still used the same.
Hope this helped!

Which resolution to work with in photoshop for websites?

I just need to create a single page website in Photoshop, the display has to be optimized for PC, tablet, phone etc. Which resolution do I work in to achieve this?
You will have to create several designs that are suited for those devices that you expect to be typical. Decisions depend on the product you are selling and the personae of the typical clients.
Since you are doing a single page app the exact height is not as critical but you still need to design to several base heights for the various devices and get the developer to just display more background to fit.
The screen size for PCs is increasing but usually a good bet is to go for either 1280 or 1400 wide. For tablets and phones there is an ever increasing set of form factors. Note that many tablets can display higher than a typical PC, its your call how high you want to support. Google for advice or read here.
So designers choose to do the smallest form factor first to identify the key information and content and then create the next width up etcetera.
I usually design for at least three screen sizes (as defined by research of my clients expected users) and set some guidelines on how the various elements degrade as width in/decreases so the developer knows how to setup his CSS correctly and hopefully support new devices that come to market without a redesign.

Making Software ready for Retina Display - Why is this necessary?

Now that the new Macbook Pro is coming out with a Retina Display, there are a lot of resources out there on how to make Mac apps and now even websites "Retina Display Friendly". Even Google is updating Chrome for Retina Display...
Why is this necessary at all? From what I understand, Retina Display is just a higher resolution screen. Right?
I thought when you develop gui's for desktop software and develop websites, you are developing something that is supposed to work and scale properly with virtually any resolution... When you resize an app's window, or display it on a higher or lower resolution display, it is supposed to scale and display properly.
So why are these people coming out with guides on how to make something look good on a Retina Display? Shouldn't it already look fine by default? Is there something about Retina Display that I'm not understanding?
And for the record, I'm not talking about iPhone 4 Retina Display. Most iOS dev's make their apps with fixed position elements since they know the screen's won't change size/shape. So I understand the importance of developing an app to look good on the iPhone 4/s vs 3g/s.
With the Retina display apps don't actually scale like they're being resized, all the controls are resized to be twice as big. If an app would be scaled normally, not by scaling all the controls, etc. you wouldn't see anything, because everything would be too small. It's the same difference between a Retina and a lower-resolution display as on the iPhone 3GS / iPhone 4.
An example:
These images are actually the same size, just the pixel densities differ.
And here's how it looks not properly scaled (using some app to disable proper scaling):
I thought when you develop gui's for desktop software and develop websites, you are developing something that is supposed to work and scale properly with virtually any resolution... When you resize an app's window, or display it on a higher or lower resolution display, it is supposed to scale and display properly (StackOverflow, for example, uses a 960px-wide container).
From a web developer standpoint, you are often asked to develop fixed-width websites (ranging from normally 940 to 1000 pixels wide), and they don't get to scale at all. There are a lot of websites like this and many apps just aren't designed to increase in size.
Also, apps that do grow in size usually expect that a bigger resolution also means a bigger screen, so they simply stretch the main application panels and are done with it.
Now, consider static elements, like a 150x50 button that says 'Click me'. This button is not intended to become bigger and is perfectly acceptable on a regular 1440x900 display. Now the retina screen comes in with its 2580x1800 resolution. The app sees the resolution change but it thinks "Hey, that user must have a huge screen" so it keeps the button the same size.
The problem that now occurs is that the button, because both resolutions apply to the same 13" screen, is now appearing to be a fraction of the size of the original button. Depending on your user vision, he might not be able to read the text on it, and might have a hard time clicking it, depending on the mouse settings.
To fix that problem, Apple and Microsoft used two different solutions:
Microsoft decided to tell the app the display had a 2580x1800 resolutions, but that the user wanted to have everything scaled to 200 dpi. This means that, if an app does not follow the guidelines, it will look smaller. Many apps simply ignore the DPI settings (though this might change with Windows 8);
Apple decided to report to apps that the resolution of the monitor was 1440x900, but that it could display higher-resolution elements if asked to; This means that apps existing before the new retina settings will appear to be the same size as before for the end-user (with added benefits like crisper text if they use the default Apple APIs), but that they can decide to provide high-DPI images that will look much better on the display.
Both solutions requires apps to be aware that the display is high-DPI ('retina'), but the way Apple handled it means the static websites and apps mentioned earlier will keep looking just fine, except they wont have super-crisp, high-resolution images to use. And, to opt-in to the retina features, they have to provide 200x200 images for a 100x100 canvas, for example, and Apple will take care of the rest.

Secure streaming video with dynamic watermark

What are some scalable and secure ways to provide a streaming video to a recipient with their name overlayed as a watermark?
Some of the comments here are very good. Using libavfilter is probably a good place to start. Watermarking every frame is going to be very expensive because it requires decoding and re-encoding the entire video for each viewer.
One idea I'd like to expand upon is watermarking only portions of the video. I will assume you're working with h.264 video, which requires far more CPU cycles to decode and encode than older codecs. I think per cpu core you could mark 1 or 2 stream in real time. If you can reduce your requirements to 10 seconds marked out of 100, then you're talking about 10-20 per core, so about 100 per server. It's probably not the performance you're looking for.
I think some companies sell watermarking hardware for TV operators, but I doubt it's any cheaper than a rack of servers and far less flexible.
I think you want to use the ffmpeg libavfilter library. Basically it allows you to overlay an image on top of a video. There is an example showing how to insert a transparent PNG logo in the bottom left corner of the input. You can interface with the library from C++ or from a shell on a command line basis.
In older versions of ffmpeg you will need to use a extension library called, often located in /usr/lib/vhook/
Depending on what your content is, you may want to consider using invisible digital watermarking as well. It embeds a digital sequence into your video which is not visually detectable. Even if someone were to remove the visible watermark, the invisible watermark would still remain. If a user were to redistribute your video, invisible watermarking would indicate the source of the redistribution.
Of course there are also companies which provide video content management, but I get the sense you want to do this yourself. Doing the watermarking real time is going to be very resource intensive, especialy as you scale up. I would look to do some type of predicitive watermarking.
