GXT LiveGrid set default status string before and after loading the data through RPC call - gxt

I am using a liveGrid to load the data dymaically from the server.
The code is working fine. Now, I need to do a small enhancement in that, and for that I need some advice.
I need to display, a generic string like "Loading...", before the data gets populated from the server.
This can be done as following :-
LiveGridView liveView = new LiveGridView();
Now, once the RPC call returns, I get my data, and I set the same in the live Grid and that works fine.
But when I dont get any data from the RPC call, I need to change that "Loading..." string to a new string like "No data available on the server". So, how can I do that?
Thanks in advance.

I got the solution for this.
After the data is loaded, we can add a Loader.Load listner on the loader, and check the Length of the result. If it equals zero, then change the LiveGridView's emptyText value.


Passing attribute from AWS Connect to Lambda using Python

Stuck on a single step and doc searching isn't helping...
In Connect I have:
Store customer input : "What's your age?"
Set contact attribute: age -> system -> stored customer input
I know the above works because I've had a Play Prompt read back the attribute.
I want Lambda to handle somethings with the age. I setup a function, I attached it to the Connect instance. I added it to the flow with a simple value pair response and that works (the Play Prompt plays back the non-dynamic response from Lambda).
When I try to make it dynamic breaks.
My understanding is that I should be able to get to this attribute in Lambda by using the passed JSON.... so I'm doing this:
age = event["Details"]["ContactData"]["Attributes"]["age"]
Connect starts saying it has trouble accessing the attribute and ends the call. What am I doing wrong? The rest of the Python code is fine because if I hard set age (age = 24) the code runs fine.
There was nothing wrong my code as it pertains to the lambda / connect integration... it was with something that was just causing an error. I started monitoring the function in cloudwatch and that helped!

SOAP UI how to configure a PUT request body programmatically

I'm configuring some requests programmatically in my test cases, I can set headers, custom properties, teardown scripts, etc. however I can't find how to set a standard json body for my put requests.
Is there any possibility from the restMethod class ?
So far I end up getting the method used :
restService = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.getInterfaceAt(0)
resource = restService.getOperationByName(resource_name)
request = resource.getRequestAt(0)
httpMethod = request.getMethod()
if (httpMethod.toString().equals("PUT"))
but then I'm stuck trying to find how to set a standard body for my PUT requests.
I try with the getRequestParts() method but it didn't give me what I expected ...
can anyone help, please
thank you
I’ve managed this. I had a tests of tests where I wanted to squirt the content of interest into the “bare bones” request. Idea being that I can wrap this in a data driven test. Then, for each row in my data spreadsheet I pull in the request body for my test. At first I simply pulled the request from a data source value in my spreadsheet, but this became unmanageable in my spreadsheet.
So, another tactic. In my test data sheet (data source) I stored the file name that contains the payload I want to squirt in.
In the test itself, I put in a groovy step immediately before the the step I want to push the payload into.
The groovy script uses the data source to firstly get the file name containing the payload, I then read the contents of the file.
In the step I want to push the data into, I just use a get from data, e.g. {groovyStep#result}.
If this doesn’t completely make sense, let me know and I’ll update with screenshot when I have access to SoapUi.

restify.js route endpoint conflict with parameter

My code is like below:
server.get('/currency/:code', currency.find);
server.get('/currency/rates', currency.rate_getall);
Whenever I try to reach [/rates] endpoint, the server will assume I am passing parameter to '/currency/:code' route. How can I fix this? Thank you.
If you can I would consider changing up your rest interface just a little.
server.get('/currency/:code', currency.find);
server.get('/currency/rates/:type', currency.rate);
That way it solves your initial problem and allows for flexibility in the future if you just want to return a rate for a particular currency.
Inside your currency.rate function you could check for either an id or the literal 'all' and return what is appropriate.

How can I clear an external ID on a record in NetSuite?

I need to clear/reset the external ID on a record in NetSuite, but nothing I do is working.
Some of the InventoryItem records are incorrectly mapped to records in another system. I have an application that can sync up the two systems, but I need to clear NetSuite's external IDs first.
Responses don't really need to be SOAP-specific. If you know how to do it with some specific NetSuite/SuiteTalk client, that might point me in the right direction.
What I've Tried
First up, I tried using the nullFieldList... but maybe it doesn't work because externalId is an attribute, not an element?
<messages:record internalId="7777" xsi:type="accounting:InventoryItem">
<core:nullFieldList xsi:type="core:NullField">
The external ID is just a string, so I tried just setting it to blank. Didn't work either.
<messages:record internalId="7777" xsi:type="accounting:InventoryItem">
I even tried setting the external ID to 0, but I get back a "not unique identifier" error
<messages:record internalId="7777" xsi:type="accounting:InventoryItem">
Other Info
I'm using NetSuite's SOAP API v.2013_1
When I say "it doesn't work", I mean: after I do the update, I get a success response similar to the following:
<platformCore:status isSuccess="true" xmlns:platformCore="urn:core_2013_1.platform.webservices.netsuite.com"/>
<record internalId="7777" externalId="42" xsi:type="listAcct:InventoryItem" xmlns:listAcct="urn:accounting_2013_1.lists.webservices.netsuite.com">
<!-- snip -->
If you are using scripts in netsuite you can run a scheduled script to clear records in NS by loading each record and setting the externalid to '' using the following simple code:
var rec= nlapiLoadRecord(type,id);
This seemed to work for me in my enviornment which was on 2015.2.
Unfortunately my understanding is that once you set an externalid you cannot clear it, you can set it to another value, but not back to null. I have experienced this both using SuiteScript as well as a Boomi process that uses the 2014.1 endpoint. This may have changed in the recent releases, as I have not tried it recently with SuiteScript nor with a newer endpoint.
You can eliminate the externalId on a record once it's been set. Here's an example using the NetSuite gem:
ns_customer = NetSuite::Records::Customer.get external_id: 'ext_id'
ns_customer.external_id = ''
Here's the corresponding XML for update:
<platformMsgs:record xsi:type="listRel:Customer" platformMsgs:internalId="199113" platformMsgs:externalId=""/>
I have had to attempt this before as well. I know the pains you describe. I ended up putting a "-" in front of my external ID to unlink it between my systems. You can do this in SOAP or even as a simple one time csv upload. As it was one time, I did csv.

How do you insert the same random variable into multiple soapui testcase requests?

I may be going about this in the completely wrong way, but how do I pass a dynamic variable to a bunch of requests within the same testsuite in SoapUI?
My first test step is a Groovy script. I need to generate a random account name, and then use it in all my other requests. There are about 20 other requests. I initially thought I could just loop the testsuite, but it is not working.
This is my groovy script at the beginning:
Random random = new Random()
def randUserAccount = "testAccount"
int max = 100000
randnum = random.nextInt(max+10000)
randUserAccount += randnum
log.info " Creating account: $randUserAccount"
Then in each request step, I have things like this:
The account is null when I actually send it, and of course that gives errors on the server side. How do I really get the variable to persist across all the requests in the testsuite?
Thanks in advance for any hints!
You can use the context, I believe. You can definitely use it between requests in a test, but I also think it will work between tests in a suite.
context.setProperty("randUserAccount", randUserAccount)
Then use the syntax you specified in the actual requests.
Let me know if this doesn't work. You can also use 'properties' to do this, but it is a little more work.
or you can create a variable in property then set the value through set property as mentioned above..
for every tag jus right click and check the your project varaible it will automatically insert the code..
Hope it help
