How reliable is current_kernel_time()? - linux

I am working on performance benchmarking of a SDIO UART Linux/Android driver and used current_kernel_time() at start and end of the to-be-analysed read, write function implementation, then printing the time difference.
Most of the time I get time difference as 0 (zero) nanoseconds (irrespective of size of the data to read/write : 16-2048 bytes) which logically I think is incorrect, only a very few times I get some values hopefully those are correct.
How reliable is the current_kernel_time()?
Why I get 0ns most of the times?
I am planning to profile at kernel level to get more details..before that can somebody throw some light on this behavior..has anybody observed anything like this before...
Also, any suggestions to help/correct my approach to benchmarking are also welcome!
Thank you.
This is the read code from Linux kernel version I added current_kernel_time() as below under #ifdef-endif:
static void sdio_uart_receive_chars(struct sdio_uart_port *port, unsigned int *status)
struct timespec time_spec1, time_spec2;
time_spec1 = current_kernel_time();
struct tty_struct *tty = port->tty;
unsigned int ch, flag;
int max_count = 256;
do {
ch = sdio_in(port, UART_RX);
flag = TTY_NORMAL;
if (unlikely(*status & (UART_LSR_BI | UART_LSR_PE |
* For statistics only
if (*status & UART_LSR_BI) {
*status &= ~(UART_LSR_FE | UART_LSR_PE);
} else if (*status & UART_LSR_PE)
else if (*status & UART_LSR_FE)
if (*status & UART_LSR_OE)
* Mask off conditions which should be ignored.
*status &= port->read_status_mask;
if (*status & UART_LSR_BI) {
flag = TTY_BREAK;
} else if (*status & UART_LSR_PE)
flag = TTY_PARITY;
else if (*status & UART_LSR_FE)
flag = TTY_FRAME;
if ((*status & port->ignore_status_mask & ~UART_LSR_OE) == 0)
tty_insert_flip_char(tty, ch, flag);
* Overrun is special. Since it's reported immediately,
* it doesn't affect the current character.
if (*status & ~port->ignore_status_mask & UART_LSR_OE)
tty_insert_flip_char(tty, 0, TTY_OVERRUN);
*status = sdio_in(port, UART_LSR);
} while ((*status & UART_LSR_DR) && (max_count-- > 0));
time_spec2 = current_kernel_time();
printk(KERN_INFO "\n MY_DBG : read took: %ld nanoseconds",
(time_spec2.tv_sec - time_spec1.tv_sec) * 1000000000 + (time_spec2.tv_nsec - time_spec1.tv_nsec));

current_kernel_time is meant for timekeeping, not for performance measurement.
It returns, a value, not based on an actual timer, but on a time value that is updated by a timer interrupt. So the precision depends on the timer interrupt period.
and you get poor resolution.
However, perhaps getnstimeofday, is more suited to your need, since it also read the actual clock source to adjust the time value. It should be more fine grained.
Based on kernel source, maybe the best function is getrawmonotonic, in the unlikely event that the system time is adjusted backward during your measurement.


How to convert arduino's digital output in terms of frequency

I am using a analog-output sound sensor module where the output of the sensor module is connected to the arduino and can see arduino is doing Ato D conversion and displaying integers from range 0 to 1023.
But I need to calculate the frequency of the sound getting measure from the sensor.
so could you help me, hwo to calculate the frequecy from this Ato D converted values from arduino.
You don't really need to to ADC conversions do you? All you need to do is detect a rising edge on the input and then count those. Since your sensor will output low-high-low sequences, and since the Arduino will register HIGH as over a certain voltage, that should be adequate.
This code will measure up to around 200 kHz, from an input connected to digital pin 8 on the board:
// Input: Pin D8
volatile boolean first;
volatile boolean triggered;
volatile unsigned long overflowCount;
volatile unsigned long startTime;
volatile unsigned long finishTime;
// timer overflows (every 65536 counts)
} // end of TIMER1_OVF_vect
// grab counter value before it changes any more
unsigned int timer1CounterValue;
timer1CounterValue = ICR1; // see datasheet, page 117 (accessing 16-bit registers)
unsigned long overflowCopy = overflowCount;
// if just missed an overflow
if ((TIFR1 & bit (TOV1)) && timer1CounterValue < 0x7FFF)
// wait until we noticed last one
if (triggered)
if (first)
startTime = (overflowCopy << 16) + timer1CounterValue;
first = false;
finishTime = (overflowCopy << 16) + timer1CounterValue;
triggered = true;
TIMSK1 = 0; // no more interrupts for now
} // end of TIMER1_CAPT_vect
void prepareForInterrupts ()
noInterrupts (); // protected code
first = true;
triggered = false; // re-arm for next time
// reset Timer 1
TCCR1A = 0;
TCCR1B = 0;
TIFR1 = bit (ICF1) | bit (TOV1); // clear flags so we don't get a bogus interrupt
TCNT1 = 0; // Counter to zero
overflowCount = 0; // Therefore no overflows yet
// Timer 1 - counts clock pulses
TIMSK1 = bit (TOIE1) | bit (ICIE1); // interrupt on Timer 1 overflow and input capture
// start Timer 1, no prescaler
TCCR1B = bit (CS10) | bit (ICES1); // plus Input Capture Edge Select (rising on D8)
interrupts ();
} // end of prepareForInterrupts
void setup ()
Serial.println("Frequency Counter");
// set up for interrupts
prepareForInterrupts ();
} // end of setup
void loop ()
// wait till we have a reading
if (!triggered)
// period is elapsed time
unsigned long elapsedTime = finishTime - startTime;
// frequency is inverse of period, adjusted for clock period
float freq = F_CPU / float (elapsedTime); // each tick is 62.5 ns at 16 MHz
Serial.print ("Took: ");
Serial.print (elapsedTime);
Serial.print (" counts. ");
Serial.print ("Frequency: ");
Serial.print (freq);
Serial.println (" Hz. ");
// so we can read it
delay (500);
prepareForInterrupts ();
} // end of loop
More discussion and information at Timers and counters.
As I suggested you in the other thread, the best is to
apply a threshold
measure the time between edges
Steps 1, 2, 3 can be performed in software but it is MUCH better to perform them in hardware. The fourth step is what Nick Gammon solution is about... But you have to first make steps 1,2,3 in HW otherwise you will receive a lot of "noisy" readings

ttyACM0 only reads 64 bytes

I'm bit of a newbie but I have an legacy app that reads 64 bytes of AES encrypted data from a device using ttyACM0. I now need to read 128 bytes. Sounded simple; increase the sizes of buffers etc. But no matter what I try, I still can only read 64 bytes. After that it just hangs. I verified the communications in Windows with a terminal and cdc-acm driver. Device does not use flow control. I cant upload code because its proprietary but below are some snippets:
The Intialization:
int iRet = 1;
struct termios dev_settings;
if(( m_fdRefdev = open("/dev/ttyACM0", O_RDWR))<0)
g_dbg->debug("CACS_RefID::Failed to open device\n");
return 0;
g_dbg->debug("CACS_RefID::Initialse completed\n");
// Configure the port
tcgetattr(m_fdRefdev, &dev_settings);
//tcflush(m_fdRefdev, TCIOFLUSH);
tcsetattr(m_fdRefdev, TCSANOW, &dev_settings);
return iRet;
The implementation:
int CACS_RefID::Readport_Refid(int ilen, char* buf)
int ierr=0, iret = 0, ictr=0;
fd_set fdrefid;
struct timeval porttime_refrd;
porttime_refrd.tv_sec = 1;
porttime_refrd.tv_usec = 0; //10 Seconds wait time for read port
iret = select(m_fdRefdev + 1, &fdrefid, NULL, NULL, &porttime_refrd);
g_dbg->debug("Refid portread: Select timeout:readlen=%d \n",ilen);
ierr = -1;
g_dbg->debug("Refid portread: Select error:readlen=%d \n",ilen);
ierr = -1;
iret = read(m_fdRefdev, buf, ilen);
g_dbg->debug("Refid portread: Read len(%d):%d\n",ilen,iret);
}while((ierr == 0) && (iret<ilen) );
//Flush terminal content at Input and Output after every read completion
// tcflush(m_fdRefdev, TCIOFLUSH);
return ierr;
If I initialize every time that I before running the implementation, I get 128 bytes but the data is corrupt after 64 bytes. Even before working on it, I get a lot of READ_ERRORs. Looks like the original author expected the device to block with select() but it doesn't.
Is there some type of limitation on ttyACM0 buffer size in the system? Does baud rate matter with the ttyACM driver? Does read() stop reading after all bytes are read (thinking the first 64 are available, then empty, then more data)?
Pouring thru man pages but I'm stymied. ANY help would be greatly appreciated.
Heres my latest:
int CACS_RefID::Get_GasTest_Result(int ilen)
int ierr=0, iret = 0, ictr=0, iread=0;
fd_set fdrefid;
struct timeval porttime_refrd;
porttime_refrd.tv_sec = 5;
porttime_refrd.tv_usec = 0; //10 Seconds wait time for read port
if (Get_GasTest_FirstPass == 0)
memset(strresult, 0, sizeof(strresult)); //SLY clear out result buffer
Get_GasTest_FirstPass = 1;
iread = strlen(strresult);
iret = select(m_fdRefdev + 1, &fdrefid, NULL, NULL, &porttime_refrd);
case READ_TIMEOUT: //0
g_dbg->debug("Get_GasTest_Result: Select timeout\n");
ierr = -1;
case READ_ERROR: //-1
g_dbg->debug("Get_GasTest_Result: Select error=%d %s \n", errno,strerror(errno)) ;
ierr = -1;
iret = read(m_fdRefdev, (&strresult[0] + iread), (ilen-iread));
g_dbg->debug("Get_GasTest_Result: ilen=%d,iret=%d,iread=%d \n",ilen,iret,iread);
}while((ierr == 0) && (iread<ilen) );
return ierr;
Note: I am now reading data regardless of select errors and STILL only getting 64bytes. I've contacted my device mfg. Must be something odd going on.
Here is one possible problem with your code; this may not be the one that is causing you to only get 64 bytes but it could explain what you are seeing. Assume that you invoke the function Readport_Refid() with a buffer of 128 bytes. In other words, your invocation was something like:
char buffer[128];
Readport_Refid(128, buffer);
Assume for whatever reason that the first call to select() gets you a return value of 1 (since one bit is set). Your code is only setting one bit so you go off and you read()
iret = read(m_fdRefdev, buf, ilen);
g_dbg->debug("Refid portread: Read len(%d):%d\n",ilen,iret);
iret returns 64 (which means 64 bytes are read) and your program prints a nice message and since ierr is still 0 and iret (64) is less than ilen (128) you go round again and call select().
Assume that you get more data and select() returns 1 again. Then you will go read again on the same buffer with the same ilen and overwrite the first 64 bytes that were read.
At the very least, you should do the following. I have only shown below the changed lines. First add an iread variable and make sure you use it to preserve data that you've already read. Then use iread to determine whether you've read enough or not.
int CACS_RefID::Readport_Refid(int ilen, char* buf)
int ierr=0, iret = 0, ictr=0, iread = 0;
iret = read(m_fdRefdev, buf + iread, ilen - iread);
if (iret > 0)
iread += iret;
g_dbg->debug("Refid portread: Read len(%d):%d\n",ilen,iret);
}while((ierr == 0) && (iread<ilen) );
**** EDITED 2013-08-19 ****
I want to reiterate a comment made by #wildplasser
You should really also be setting FD_SET on each trip around the loop. Great catch.
With respect to your new code, does it work or do you still have a problem?
**** EDITED again 2013-08-19 ****
Getting EINTR is nothing to be worried about. You should just plan on resetting FD_SET and trying again.
I can't say I know why but the fix was to call the initialization code at the beginning of the implementation even though it is called previously. If I call it again, I can read in 128 bytes. If I don't, I can only read up to 64 bytes.

Does Linux RTC alarm use relative or absolute time?

I'm trying to configure RTC alarm on a Linux device. I've used an example from the RTC documentation:
int retval
struct rtc_time rtc_tm;
/* .... */
/* Read the RTC time/date */
retval = ioctl(fd, RTC_RD_TIME, &rtc_tm);
if (retval == -1) {
/* Set the alarm to 5 sec in the future, and check for rollover */
rtc_tm.tm_sec += 5;
if (rtc_tm.tm_sec >= 60) {
rtc_tm.tm_sec %= 60;
if (rtc_tm.tm_min == 60) {
rtc_tm.tm_min = 0;
if (rtc_tm.tm_hour == 24)
rtc_tm.tm_hour = 0;
retval = ioctl(fd, RTC_ALM_SET, &rtc_tm);
if (retval == -1) {
This code snippet uses absolute time (from the epoch start) and it did not work for me. I thought this was due to a bug in hardware, but after some seemingly random time the alarm did fire. The only other piece of documentation that I've managed to find was a comment in
case RTC_ALM_SET: /* Store a time into the alarm */
* This expects a struct rtc_time. Writing 0xff means
* "don't care" or "match all". Only the tm_hour,
* tm_min and tm_sec are used.
The fact that only hours, minutes and second are used suggests that time is relative to the moment when ioctl was called.
Should time passed to ioctl(fd, RTC_ALM_SET, &rtc_tm) be relative or absolute?
The RTC alarm works off absolute time, in other words if you want the alarm to go off in 5 minutes then you should read the current time and add 5 minutes to the current time and use the result to set the alarm time.
Here is a snip of text from a TI RTC chip doc: (
During each update cycle, the RTC compares the day-of-the-month, hours, minutes, and seconds bytes with the four corresponding alarm bytes. If a match of all bytes is found, the alarm interrupt event flag bit, AF in register C, is set to 1. If the alarm event is enabled, an interrupt request is generated.
I believe this to be pretty standard across RTCs out there...

Weird SIGSEGV segmentation fault in std::string::assign() method from

My program recently encountered a weird segfault when running. I want to know if somebody had met this error before and how it could be fixed. Here is more info:
Basic info:
CentOS 5.2, kernal version is 2.6.18
g++ (GCC) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-50)
CPU: Intel x86 family
My program will start multiple threads to process data. The segfault occurred in one of the threads.
Though it's a multi-thread program, the segfault seemed to occur on a local std::string object. I'll show this in the code snippet later.
The program is compiled with -g, -Wall and -fPIC, and without -O2 or other optimization options.
The core dump info:
Core was generated by `./myprog'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0 0x06f6d919 in __gnu_cxx::__exchange_and_add(int volatile*, int) () from /usr/lib/
(gdb) bt
#0 0x06f6d919 in __gnu_cxx::__exchange_and_add(int volatile*, int) () from /usr/lib/
#1 0x06f507c3 in std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::assign(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) () from /usr/lib/
#2 0x06f50834 in std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::operator=(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) () from /usr/lib/
#3 0x081402fc in Q_gdw::ProcessData (this=0xb2f79f60) at ../../../myprog/src/Q_gdw/Q_gdw.cpp:798
#4 0x08117d3a in DataParser::Parse (this=0x8222720) at ../../../myprog/src/DataParser.cpp:367
#5 0x08119160 in DataParser::run (this=0x8222720) at ../../../myprog/src/DataParser.cpp:338
#6 0x080852ed in Utility::__dispatch (arg=0x8222720) at ../../../common/thread/Thread.cpp:603
#7 0x0052c832 in start_thread () from /lib/
#8 0x00ca845e in clone () from /lib/
Please note that the segfault begins within the basic_string::operator=().
The related code:
(I've shown more code than that might be needed, and please ignore the coding style things for now.)
int Q_gdw::ProcessData()
char tmpTime[10+1] = {0};
char A01Time[12+1] = {0};
std::string tmpTimeStamp;
// Get the timestamp from TP
if((m_BackFrameBuff[11] & 0x80) >> 7)
for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
A01Time[i] = (char)A15Result[i];
tmpTimeStamp = FormatTimeStamp(A01Time, 12); // Segfault occurs on this line
And here is the prototype of this FormatTimeStamp method:
std::string FormatTimeStamp(const char *time, int len)
I think such string assignment operations should be a kind of commonly used one, but I just don't understand why a segfault could occurr here.
What I have investigated:
I've searched on the web for answers. I looked at here. The reply says try to recompile the program with _GLIBCXX_FULLY_DYNAMIC_STRING macro defined. I tried but the crash still happens.
I also looked at here. It also says to recompile the program with _GLIBCXX_FULLY_DYNAMIC_STRING, but the author seems to be dealing with a different problem with mine, thus I don't think his solution works for me.
Updated on 08/15/2011
Here is the original code of this FormatTimeStamp. I understand the coding doesn't look very nice(too many magic numbers, for instance..), but let's focus on the crash issue first.
string Q_gdw::FormatTimeStamp(const char *time, int len)
string timeStamp;
string tmpstring;
if (time) // It is guaranteed that "time" is correctly zero-terminated, so don't worry about any overflow here.
tmpstring = time;
// Get the current time point.
int year, month, day, hour, minute, second;
#ifndef _WIN32
struct timeval timeVal;
struct tm *p;
gettimeofday(&timeVal, NULL);
p = localtime(&(timeVal.tv_sec));
year = p->tm_year + 1900;
month = p->tm_mon + 1;
day = p->tm_mday;
hour = p->tm_hour;
minute = p->tm_min;
second = p->tm_sec;
year = sys.wYear;
month = sys.wMonth;
day = sys.wDay;
hour = sys.wHour;
minute = sys.wMinute;
second = sys.wSecond;
if (0 == len)
// The "time" doesn't specify any time so we just use the current time
char tmpTime[30];
memset(tmpTime, 0, 30);
sprintf(tmpTime, "%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d.000", year, month, day, hour, minute, second);
timeStamp = tmpTime;
else if (6 == len)
// The "time" specifies "day-month-year" with each being 2-digit.
// For example: "150811" means "August 15th, 2011".
timeStamp = "20";
timeStamp = timeStamp + tmpstring.substr(4, 2) + "-" + tmpstring.substr(2, 2) + "-" +
tmpstring.substr(0, 2);
else if (8 == len)
// The "time" specifies "minute-hour-day-month" with each being 2-digit.
// For example: "51151508" means "August 15th, 15:51".
// As the year is not specified, the current year will be used.
string strYear;
stringstream sstream;
sstream << year;
sstream >> strYear;
timeStamp = strYear + "-" + tmpstring.substr(6, 2) + "-" + tmpstring.substr(4, 2) + " " +
tmpstring.substr(2, 2) + ":" + tmpstring.substr(0, 2) + ":00.000";
else if (10 == len)
// The "time" specifies "minute-hour-day-month-year" with each being 2-digit.
// For example: "5115150811" means "August 15th, 2011, 15:51".
timeStamp = "20";
timeStamp = timeStamp + tmpstring.substr(8, 2) + "-" + tmpstring.substr(6, 2) + "-" + tmpstring.substr(4, 2) + " " +
tmpstring.substr(2, 2) + ":" + tmpstring.substr(0, 2) + ":00.000";
else if (12 == len)
// The "time" specifies "second-minute-hour-day-month-year" with each being 2-digit.
// For example: "305115150811" means "August 15th, 2011, 15:51:30".
timeStamp = "20";
timeStamp = timeStamp + tmpstring.substr(10, 2) + "-" + tmpstring.substr(8, 2) + "-" + tmpstring.substr(6, 2) + " " +
tmpstring.substr(4, 2) + ":" + tmpstring.substr(2, 2) + ":" + tmpstring.substr(0, 2) + ".000";
return timeStamp;
Updated on 08/19/2011
This problem has finally been addressed and fixed. The FormatTimeStamp() function has nothing to do with the root cause, in fact. The segfault is caused by a writing overflow of a local char buffer.
This problem can be reproduced with the following simpler program(please ignore the bad namings of some variables for now):
(Compiled with "g++ -Wall -g main.cpp")
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
void overflow_it(char * A15, char * A15Result)
int m;
int t = 0,i = 0;
char temp[3];
for (m = 0; m < 6; m++)
t = ((*A15 & 0xf0) >> 4) *10 ;
t += *A15 & 0x0f;
A15 ++;
std::cout << "m = " << m << "; t = " << t << "; i = " << i << std::endl;
memset(temp, 0, sizeof(temp));
sprintf((char *)temp, "%02d", t); // The buggy code: temp is not big enough when t is a 3-digit integer.
A15Result[i++] = temp[0];
A15Result[i++] = temp[1];
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
std::string str;
char tpTime[6] = {0};
char A15Result[12] = {0};
// Initialize tpTime
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
tpTime[i] = char(154); // 154 would result in a 3-digit t in overflow_it().
overflow_it(tpTime, A15Result);
std::cout << "str says: " << str << std::endl;
return 0;
Here are two facts we should remember before going on:
1). My machine is an Intel x86 machine so it's using the Little Endian rule. Therefore for a variable "m" of int type, whose value is, say, 10, it's memory layout might be like this:
Starting addr:0xbf89bebc: m(byte#1): 10
0xbf89bebd: m(byte#2): 0
0xbf89bebe: m(byte#3): 0
0xbf89bebf: m(byte#4): 0
2). The program above runs within the main thread. When it comes to the overflow_it() function, the variables layout in the thread stack looks like this(which only shows the important variables):
0xbfc609e9 : temp[0]
0xbfc609ea : temp[1]
0xbfc609eb : temp[2]
0xbfc609ec : m(byte#1) <-- Note that m follows temp immediately. m(byte#1) happens to be the byte temp[3].
0xbfc609ed : m(byte#2)
0xbfc609ee : m(byte#3)
0xbfc609ef : m(byte#4)
0xbfc609f0 : t
...(3 bytes)
0xbfc609f4 : i
...(3 bytes)
...(etc. etc. etc...)
0xbfc60a26 : A15Result <-- Data would be written to this buffer in overflow_it()
...(11 bytes)
0xbfc60a32 : tpTime
...(5 bytes)
0xbfc60a38 : str <-- Note the str takes up 4 bytes. Its starting address is **16 bytes** behind A15Result.
My analysis:
1). m is a counter in overflow_it() whose value is incremented by 1 at each for loop and whose max value is supposed not greater than 6. Thus it's value could be stored completely in m(byte#1)(remember it's Little Endian) which happens to be temp3.
2). In the buggy line: When t is a 3-digit integer, such as 109, then the sprintf() call would result in a buffer overflow, because serializing the number 109 to the string "109" actually requires 4 bytes: '1', '0', '9' and a terminating '\0'. Because temp[] is allocated with 3 bytes only, the final '\0' would definitely be written to temp3, which is just the m(byte#1), which unfortunately stores m's value. As a result, m's value is reset to 0 every time.
3). The programmer's expectation, however, is that the for loop in the overflow_it() would execute 6 times only, with each time m being incremented by 1. Because m is always reset to 0, the actual loop time is far more than 6 times.
4). Let's look at the variable i in overflow_it(): Every time the for loop is executed, i's value is incremented by 2, and A15Result[i] will be accessed. However, if you compile and run this program, you'll see the i value finally adds up to 24, which means the overflow_it() writes data to the bytes ranging from A15Result[0] to A15Result[23]. Note that the object str is only 16 bytes behind A15Result[0], thus the overflow_it() has "sweeped through" str and destroy it's correct memory layout.
5). I think the correct use of std::string, as it is a non-POD data structure, depends on that that instantiated std::string object must have a correct internal state. But in this program, str's internal layout has been changed by force externally. This should be why the assign() method call would finally cause a segfault.
Update on 08/26/2011
In my previous update on 08/19/2011, I said that the segfault was caused by a method call on a local std::string object whose memory layout had been broken and thus became a "destroyed" object. This is not an "always" true story. Consider the C++ program below:
class A {
void Hello(const std::string& name) {
std::cout << "hello " << name;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
A* pa = NULL; //!!
return 0;
The Hello() call would succeed. It would succeed even if you assign an obviously bad pointer to pa. The reason is: the non-virtual methods of a class don't reside within the memory layout of the object, according to the C++ object model. The C++ compiler turns the A::Hello() method to something like, say, A_Hello_xxx(A * const this, ...) which could be a global function. Thus, as long as you don't operate on the "this" pointer, things could go pretty well.
This fact shows that a "bad" object is NOT the root cause that results in the SIGSEGV segfault. The assign() method is not virtual in std::string, thus the "bad" std::string object wouldn't cause the segfault. There must be some other reason that finally caused the segfault.
I noticed that the segfault comes from the __gnu_cxx::__exchange_and_add() function, so I then looked into its source code in this web page:
00046 static inline _Atomic_word
00047 __exchange_and_add(volatile _Atomic_word* __mem, int __val)
00048 { return __sync_fetch_and_add(__mem, __val); }
The __exchange_and_add() finally calls the __sync_fetch_and_add(). According to this web page, the __sync_fetch_and_add() is a GCC builtin function whose behavior is like this:
type __sync_fetch_and_add (type *ptr, type value, ...)
tmp = *ptr;
*ptr op= value; // Here the "op=" means "+=" as this function is "_and_add".
return tmp;
There it is! The passed-in ptr pointer is dereferenced here. In the 08/19/2011 program, the ptr is actually the "this" pointer of the "bad" std::string object within the assign() method. It is the derefenence at this point that actually caused the SIGSEGV segmentation fault.
We could test this with the following program:
#include <bits/atomicity.h>
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
__sync_fetch_and_add((_Atomic_word *)0, 10); // Would result in a segfault.
return 0;
There are two likely possibilities:
some code before line 798 has corrupted the local tmpTimeStamp
the return value from FormatTimeStamp() was somehow bad.
The _GLIBCXX_FULLY_DYNAMIC_STRING is most likely a red herring and has nothing to do with the problem.
If you install debuginfo package for libstdc++ (I don't know what it's called on CentOS), you'll be able to "see into" that code, and might be able to tell whether the left-hand-side (LHS) or the RHS of the assignment operator caused the problem.
If that's not possible, you'll have to debug this at the assembly level. Going into frame #2 and doing x/4x $ebp should give you previous ebp, caller address (0x081402fc), LHS (should match &tmpTimeStamp in frame #3), and RHS. Go from there, and good luck!
I guess there could be some problem inside FormatTimeStamp function, but without source code it's hard to say anything. Try to check your program under Valgrind. Usually this helps to fix such sort of bugs.

linux kernel, userspace buffers, do access_ok and wait create a race condition?

In the following code (the read implementation for a char driver), is it possible for MMU TLB entries to change during wait_event_interruptible, such that __put_user causes an exception even though access_ok succeeded?
Is it possible to lock the user buffer such that it remains valid for the duration of the request?
Would repeating the access_ok check after wait_event_interruptible returns make this safe?
ssize_t mydriver_pkt_read( struct file* filp, char __user* const buff, size_t count, loff_t* offp )
struct mydriver_pkt_private* priv;
volatile unsigned short* iobase;
unsigned next;
char __user* p = buff;
if (count <= 0) return -EINVAL;
if (!access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, buff, count)) return -EFAULT;
priv = (struct mydriver_pkt_private*)filp->private_data;
iobase = priv->iobase;
next = priv->retained;
if ((next & PKTBUF_FLAG_NOTEMPTY) == 0) {
next = ioread16(iobase);
if ((next & PKTBUF_FLAG_NOTEMPTY) == 0) { // no data, start blocking read
iowrite16(1, iobase); // enable interrupts
if (wait_event_interruptible(priv->wait_for_ringbuffer, (priv->retained & PKTBUF_FLAG_NOTEMPTY)))
next = priv->retained;
while (count > 0) {
__put_user( (char)next, p );
next = ioread16(iobase);
priv->retained = next;
return (p - buff);
/* discard remainder of packet */
do {
next = ioread16(iobase);
} while ((next & PKTBUF_FLAG_NOTEMPTY) && !(next & PKTBUF_FLAG_STARTPKT));
priv->retained = next;
return (p - buff);
Exclusive open code:
int mydriver_pkt_open( struct inode* inode, struct file* filp )
struct mydriver_pkt_private* priv;
priv = container_of(inode->i_cdev, struct mydriver_pkt_private, cdevnode);
if (atomic_cmpxchg(&priv->inuse, 0, 1))
return -EBUSY;
nonseekable_open(inode, filp);
filp->private_data = priv;
return 0;
Unless you have the mm_sem semaphore held, page tables can change at any time (by other threads of the same process unmapping pages from a different processor, or by evictions from page reclaim processes). You don't even need to sleep; it can happen even if you have preemption disabled, as long as the TLB shootdown interrupt can arrive. And it can happen even if interrupts are disabled, if you have a SMP machine, as you can, sometimes, see page table updates reflected even without an explicit TLB flush.
access_ok() only checks that the range of addresses does not overlap with kernel space. So it doesn't tell you anything about whether the page table entries allow access - but its result also does not change, even if you block. If access is denied, __put_user() will return -EFAULT, which must be propagated to userspace (ie, error out here with -EFAULT).
Note that the only difference between put_user() and __put_user() is that put_user() performs an access_ok() check as well. So if you're using it in a loop, doing a single access_ok() ahead of time and using __put_user() is probably the right thing to do.
