provisioning hosted solution for SMEs on azure - azure

i intend to build software for SMEs on the azure platform that can be provisioned for different clients..what i mean is, once the client signs up, a new instance is automatically created for them on the azure platform.
Does anyone have any experience with building such solutions or are their any commercial packages like that available?

It sounds like you're planning to have a single-tenant system, where each instance is slightly different then others and is customized for each client slightly differently. If this is the case, Azure in general will not be a great platform for you. It thrives on providing a dynamic quantity of exactly-alike instances. Furthermore, having one instance per client is a bad idead, as instances are slightly volatile. MS may choose to bring one down for an upgrade, or instance may simply crash, and SLA is only inforced when 2+ instances are running.
I'd like to suggest that you consider multi-tenant environment, where your system shards itself virtually via database/architecture/etc. Do not tie instances to quantity of clients, but to actual load.
Now, if you want to spin up exactly same instances when new clients sign up, check out dynamic scaling service for Azure called AzureWatch # - its main premise to scale your instances to load, but with a few simple queue/table inserts it can programmatically scale you up or down. Contact me there if you think this will work for you, and ill be glad to explain how this can be done


Web application deployment approaches

Currently, our product is a web application with SQL Server as DBMS, ASP.NET backend, and classic HTML/JavaScript/CSS frontend. The product is actively developed and each month we have to deploy a new version of it to production.
During this deployment, we update all the components listed above (apply some SQL scripts, update binaries, and client files) but we deploy only the delta (set of files which were changed since the last release). It has some benefits like we do not reset custom data/configs/client adjustments.
Now we are going to move inside clouds like Azure, AWS, etc. Adjust product architecture to be compliant with the Docker/Kubernetes and provide the product as SaaS.
And now the question itself: "Which approach of deployment is recommended in the clouds?" Can we keep applying the delta only? Or we have to reorganize the process to always deploy from scratch?
If there are some Internet resources I have missed, please share.
This question is extremely broad but maybe some clarification could steer you in the right direction anyway:
Source code deployments (like applying delta's) and container deployments are two very different directions in the sense that the tooling you invest in during the entire SLDC CAN differ substantially. Some testing pipelines/products focus heavily (or exclusively) on working with one or the other. There will be tools that can handle both of course.
They also differ in the problems they're attempting to solve and come with some pro's and con's:
Source Code Deployments/Apply Diffs:
Good for small teams and quick deployments as they're simple to understand and setup.
Starts to introduce risk when you need to upgrade the Host OS or application dependencies
Starts to introduce risk when the Host's in production begin to drift (have more differing files then expected) more dramatically over time
Slack has a good write up of their experience here.
Container deployments
Provides isolation from the application (developer space) and the Host OS (sysadmin/ops space). This usually means they can work with each other independently.
Gives an "artifact" that won't change between deployments, ie the container tagged v1 will always be the same unless you do something really funky. You can't really guarantee this
The practice of isolating stateless components makes autoscaling those components very easy, and you can eventually spend more time on the harder ones (usually stateful).
Introduces a new abstraction with new concerns that your team will have to mature into. Testing pipelines, dev tooling, monitoring/loggin architectures might all need to be adjusted over time and that comes with cost and risk.
Stateful containers is hardly a solved problem (ie shoving an existing database in a container can be a surprising challenge).
In order to work with Kubernetes, you need to have a containerized application. That doesn't mean you need to containerize your entire product over night. Splitting out the front end to deploy with cloudfront/s3, and containerizing a stateless app will get your feet wet.
Some books that talk about devops philosophies (in which this transition plays a part)
The Devops Handbook
Effective Devops
SRE book

How are OS configuration changes controlled when using Service Fabric?

When using Azure web/worker roles users can specify osVersion to explicitly set "Guest OS image" version. This ensures that when Microsoft issues new critical updates they are first shown up on a newer "OS image" which users can explicitly specify and test their service on.
How is the same achieved with Azure Service Fabric? Suppose I deployed my service into Azure Service Fabric and it's been running for a month, then Microsoft issues updates for the OS on the server where the service is running - how are they applied such that I can test them first to ensure they don't break the service?
Brett is correct. SF cluster is based on Azure VMSS and the expectation is that the customer is responsible to patch the OS.
We have heard from majority of the SF customers that this is not at all desirable and that they do not want to be responsible for OS patching.
The feature to enable an OPT-IN automatic OS patching is indeed a very high priority within Azure Compute team. The exact details on how best to offer this is still in design, however the intent is to have this functionality enabled before the end of the year.
Although that is the right long term solution, to mitigate this issue in the short term, SF team is working on a set of steps that will enable the customers to opt into having the their VMs patched using WU in a safe manner. Once the steps are tested out, we will blog about it and will publish a document detailing the steps. Expect that in the next couple of months.
As I understand it you are currently responsible for managing patching on SF cluster nodes yourself. Apparently moving this to be a SF managed feature is planned but I have no idea how far down the road it might be.
I personally would make this a high priority. Having used Cloud Services for many years I have come to rely on never having to patch my VM's manually. SF is a large backwards step in this particular area.
It'd be great to hear from an Azure PM on this...
Automatic Image based patching like cloud services in service fabric.
Today you do not have that option. The image based patching capability is work in progress. I posted a road map to get there on the team blog : Try out the script and report any issues you hit. Looking forward to your feedback.
Lots of parts of Service Fabric are huge rolling dumpster fires backwards. Whole new hosts of problems have been introduced that the IIS/WAS/WCF team have already solved that need to be developed for once again. The concept of releasing a PAAS platform while requiring OS patch management is laughable. To add insult to injury there is no migration path from "classic cloud PAAS" to this stuff. WEEEE I get to write my very own service host. Something that was provided out of the box for a decade by WAS. Not all of us were scared by the ability to control all aspects of service host communication options via configuration. Now we get to use code so a tweak channel configuration requires a full patch/release cycle!

Architecting multi-service enterprise applications using Azure cloud services

I have some questions regarding architecting enterprise applications using azure cloud services.
Back Story
We have a system made up of about a dozen WCF Windows Services on a SQL backend. We currently have about 10 clients but expect that to grow to potentially a hundred with perhaps a hundred fold increase in the throughput demands on the system. The current system is poorly engineered and is simply not capable of scaling. So now appears to be the appropriate juncture to reengineer on the azure platform.
Process Flow
Let me briefly describe a simplified set of the services and the process flow and then ask some questions I have regarding utilizing azure cloud services to build the new system.
Service A is logged on to an external systems and downloads data continuously
Service B is logged on to a second external systems and downloads data continuously
There can only ever be one logged in instance each of services A and B.
Both A and B hand off their data to Service C which reconciles the data from the two external sources.
Validated and reconciled data is then passed from C to Service D which performs some accounting functions and then passes the resulting data to Services E and F.
Service E is continually logged in to an external system and uploads data to it.
Service F generates reports and publishes them to clients via FTP etc
The system is actually far more complex than this but the above illustrates the processes involved. The system runs 24 hours a day 6 days a week. Queues will be used to buffer messaging between all the services.
We could just build this system using Azure persistent VMs and utilise the service bus, queues etc but that would ties us in to vertical scaling strategy. How could we utilise cloud services to implement it given the following questions.
Given that Service A, B and E are permanently logged in to external systems there can only ever be one active instance of each. If we implement these as single instance worker roles there is the issue with downtime and patching (which is unacceptable). If we created two instances of each is there a standard way to implement active-passive load balancing with worker roles on azure or would we have to build our own load balancer? Is there another solution to this problem that I haven’t thought of?
Services C and D are a good candidates to scale using multiple worker role instance. However each instance would have to process related data. For example, we could have 4 instances each processing data for 5 individual clients. How can we get messages to be processed in groups (client centric) by each instance? Also, how would we redistribute load from one instance to the remaining instances when patching takes place etc. For example, if instance 1, which processes data for 5 clients, goes down for OS patching, the data for its clients would then have to be processed by the remaining instances until it came back up again. Similarly, how could we redistribute the load if we decide to spin up additional worker roles?
Any insights or suggestions you are able to offer would be greatly appreciated.
Question #1: you will have to implement your own load-balancing. This shouldn't be terribly complex as you could use Blob storage Lease functionality to keep a mutex on some blob in the storage from one instance while holding the connection active to your external system. Every X period of time you could renew the lease if you know that connection is still active and successful. Every other worker in the Role could be checking on that lease to see if it expires. If it ever expires, the next worker would jump in and acquire the lease, and then open the connection to the external source.
Question #2: Look into Azure Service Bus. It has a capability to allow clients to process related messages. More info here:
All queuing methodologies imply that if a message gets picked up but does not get processed within a configurable amount of time, it goes back onto the queue so that the next available instance can pick it up and process it
You can use something like AzureWatch to monitor the depth of your queues (storage or service bus) and auto-scale number of instances in your C and D roles to match; and monitor instance statuses for roles A, B and E to make sure there is always a healthy instance there and auto-scale if quantity of ready instances drop to 0.
First, back up a step. One of the first things I do when looking at application architecture on Windows Azure is to qualify whether or not the app is a good candidate for migration to Windows Azure. I particularly look at how much integration is in the application — integration is always more difficult than expected, doubly so when doing it in the cloud. If most of your workload needs to be done through a single, always-on connection, then you are going to struggle to get the availability and scalability that we turn to the cloud for.
Without knowing the detail of your application, but by way of example, assume services A & B are feeds from a financial data provider. Providers of data feeds are really good at what they do, have high availability, and provide 'enterprise grade' (whatever that means) for enterprise grade costs. Their architectures are also old-school and, in some cases, very rigid. So first off, consider asking your feed provider (that gives to a login/connection and expects you to pull data) to push data to you via a web service. Exposed web services are the solution to scaling and performance, and are used from table storage on Azure, to high throughput database services like DynamoDB. (I'll challenge any enterprise data provider to explain how a service like Amazon S3 is mickey-mouse.) If your data supplier pushed data to a web service via an agreed API, you could perform all sorts of scaling and availability on the service for a low engineering cost.
Your alternative is, as you are discovering, to build a whole lot of stuff to make sure that your architecture fits in with the single-node model of your data supplier. While it can be done, you are going to spend a lot of engineering cash on hand-rolling a whole bunch of distributed computing principles. If you are going to have an active-passive architecture, you need to implement a leader election algorithm in order to determine when a passive node should become active. This is not as trivial as it sounds as an active node may look like it has disappeared, but is still processing — and you don't want to slot another one in its place. So then you will implement a heartbeat, or even a separate 'witness' node that does nothing other than keep an eye on which nodes are alive in order to do something about them. You mention that downtime and patching is unacceptable. So what is acceptable? A few minutes or a few seconds, or less than a second? Do you want the passive node to take over from where the other left off, or start again?
You will probably find that the development cost to implement all of this is lower than the cost of building and hosting a highly available physical server. Perhaps you can separate the loads and run the data feed services in a co-lo on a physical box, and have the heavy lifting of the processing done on Windows Azure. I wouldn't even look at Azure VMs, because although they don't recycle as much as roles, they are subject to occasional problems — at least more than enterprise-grade hardware. Start off with discussions with your supplier of the data feeds — they may have a solution, or one that can be cobbled together (e.g. two logins for the price of one, and the 'second' account/instance mostly throws away its data).
Be very careful of traditional enterprise integration. They ask for things that seem odd in today's cloud-oriented world. I've had a request that my calling service have a fixed ip address, for example. You may find that the code that you have to write to work around someone else's architecture would be better spent buying physical servers. Push back on the data providers — it is time that they got out of the 90s.
[Disclaimer] 'Enterprises', particularly those that are in financial services, keep saying that their requirements are special — higher throughput, higher security, high regulations and higher availability. With the exception of a very few cases (e.g. high frequency trading), I tend to call 'bull' on most of this. They are influenced by large IT budgets and vendors of expensive kit taking them to fancy lunches, and are indoctrinated to their server-hugging beliefs. My individual view on the enterprise hardware/software/services business has influenced this answer. Your mileage may vary.

A little confused about Azure

I've been reading about azures storage system, and worker roles and web roles.
Do you HAVE to develop an application specifically for azure with this? It looks like you can remote desktop into azure and setup an application in IIS like you normally can on a windows server, right? I'm a little confused because they read like you need to develop an azure specific application.
Looking to move to the cloud, but I don't want to have to rework my application for it.
Thanks for any clarification.
Changes to the ASP.NET application are minimal (for the most part the web application will just work in Azure)
But you don't remote connect to deploy. You actually build a package (zip) with a manifest (xml) which has information about how to deploy your app, and you give it to Azure. In turn, Azure will take care of allocating servers and deploying your app.
There are several elements to think about here -
Code wise - to a large degree this is 'just' .net running on IIS and Windows, so everything is very familiar and all the past learnings, best-practices, etc. apply.
On top of that you may want to leverage some Azure specific capabilities - for example table storage, or queues, or interacting with your deployment - for which you might need to learn a few more APIs, but these aren't big, and are well thought of and kept quite simple, so there's not a bit learning curve. good architecture, of course, would look to abstract these away to prevent/reduce lock-in, but that's a design choice.
Outside the code, however, there's a bit more to think about -
You'd like to think about your deployment - because RDP-ing into a machine and making changes that way takes away many of the benefits of PaaS - namely the ability of the platform to 'self-heal' by automatically re-deploying your application should a server fail.
You would also like to think about monitoring - which would need to be done slightly differently.
Last - cloud enables different scenarios, and provides a scale-out model rather than a scale-up model, which you might want to take advantage of, but it might require doing things a little bit.
So - bottom line - yes - you could probably get an application in Azure very quickly, without really having learning much or anything, but to do things properly, and to really gain from the platform, you'd like to learn a bit more about it. good thing is - it's not much, and it all feels very familiar, just another 'framework' for .net (and Java, amongst others....)
You can just build a pretty vanilla web application with a SQL backend and get it to work on Azure with minimal Azure dependencies. This application will then be pretty portable to another server or cloud platform.
But like you have seen, there are a number of Azure specific features. But these are generally optional and you can do without them, although in building highly scalable sites they are useful.
Azure is a platform, so under normal circumstances you should not need to remote desktop in fiddle with stuff. RDP is really just for use in desperate debugging situations.

mvc-mini-profiler - working with a load balanced web role (azure et al)

I believe that the mvc mini profiler is a bit of a 'God-send'
I have incorporated it in a new MVC project which is targeting the Azure platform.
My question is - how to handle profiling across server (role instance) barriers?
Is this is even possible?
I don't understand why you would need to profile these apps any differently. You want to profile how your app behaves on the production server - go ahead and do it.
A single request will still be executed on a single instance, and you'll get the data from that same instance. If you want to profile services located on a different physical tier as well, that would require different approaches; involving communication through internal endpoints which I'm sure the mini profiler doesn't support out of the box. However, the modification shouldn't be that complicated.
However, would you want to profile physically separated tiers, I would go about it in a different way. Specifically, profile each tier independantly. Because that's how I would go about optimizing it. If you wrap the call to your other tier in a profiler statement, you can see where the problem lies and still be able to solve it.
By default the mvc-mini-profiler stores and delivers its results using HttpRuntime.Cache. This is going to cause some problems in a multi-instance environment.
If you are using multiple instances, then some ways you might be able to make this work are:
to change the Http Cache to an AppFabric Cache implementation (or some MemCached implementation)
to use an alternative Storage strategy for your profile results (the code includes SqlServerStorage as an example?)
Obviously, whichever strategy you choose will require more time/resources than just the single instance implementation.
