how i can create file "remotely" by vim - vim

i am new vim user
i cannot create file in my host by vim
i use :ftp://user#machine/path
i can connect in my host but i cannot create new file ???
another Q
when i open file how i can back in directory
note. i connect by c panel user and password ,, how i can connect by ftp username and password
thank you and Sorry for my bad English

You can access your remote file in Vim by typing:
vim ftp://user#machine/path/filename
in your command line.
Some things you might want to consider:
If you are using a Unix-like OS on your client machine, you'll probably find it easiest to simply mount your FTP site to a local directory, and then create and edit your files with whatever you like, for example Vim.
As one user suggested, if the host is Unix-like you can connect it via SSH and then edit files with Vim installed over there.


From an SSH session to a remote machine, how do I open a file in a Vim session on my local machine

I have an ssh connection to a remote machine in my terminal window, and GVim running locally as my text editor. I can mount the remote machine via SSH and open files in my local Vim. I can also edit remote files in my local Vim via Vim's support for editing over SCP.
Say I then use ag on the remote machine to search my project for a symbol:
[user#remote project]$ ag thingy
1137:void thingy() {
Now what can I type inside my SSH session to send that file to my local editor in a tab? If I were on my local machine, I could do something like gvim -p --remote-tab-silent include/blah/foo.h, but I don't think the Vim +clientserver Remote system can be forwarded over an SSH session, can it? Would it somehow magically work if I set up X11 forwarding? If so, how would Vim work out what remote server to connect to to edit the file? Is there maybe some kind of integration between a vim-embedded terminal session and the netrw system that I could use instead?
If I wanted to roll my own system with shell scripts and netcat and forwarding sockets of some kind over ssh, how might I design that?
The +clientserver mechanism on Linux and Unix systems uses X11:
The communication between client and server goes through the X server. The
display of the Vim server must be specified. The usual protection of the X
server is used, you must be able to open a window on the X server for the
communication to work. It is possible to communicate between different
If you set up X forwarding properly, you should be able to open the file, although I haven't tested. That means that the remote system should have a $DISPLAY environment variable.
If you haven't specified the server name explicitly, it is usually in the title bar of the window. The first one, on my Debian system, is GVIM, the next is GVIM2, etc. Client/server arguments need to go on the command line in a specific order and first on the command line. I'd try setting this up on a local machine and only then trying it with the remote machine.

sublime text sftp tunnel wbond

To work remotely I need to SSH into the main server and then again into the departmental server.
I would like to set up a tunnel using sublime text 3 wbond sftp package to view and edit files remotely but I can't seem to find any information for setting up a tunnel. Is this even possible?
The reason I'm interested in this particular package is because I am unable to install any packages locally on the server, hence using something like rsub is not possible.
Any other suggestions besides sublime sftp are welcome.
I'm not sure the SFTP plugin would allow to do this directly.
What i would suggest is for you to use ssh -L to create a tunnel.
ssh -L localhost:random_unused_port:target_server:22 username_for_middle_server#middle_server -nNT
Use the password/identity_file for the middle server
The -nNT is to avoid opening an interactive shell in the middle server.
IMPORTANT: You need to keep the ssh -L command running so keep that shell open.
In this way you can connect to the target_server as such:
ssh username_for_target_server#localhost -p random_port_you_allocated
Similarly you can setup the SFTP plugin file as such
"ssh_key_file": "path_to_target_server_key",
As a sidenote, always use the same port to tunnel to the same server, otherwise, with the default ssh configuration, you will be warned of a "Man in the middle attack" because the signature saved in the .ssh/known_hosts will not match with the previous one. This can be avoided by disabling this feature but I wouldn't recommend it.

Sending .csv file from linux to windows

I want to send files (txt or csv) from linux to windows.
I already have a script to get information and put it into a .txt or .csv file, tried with many ways to send this file from linux to my computer.
there is a ping from server to my computer IP, but when i use below commands it gives:
ssh: connect to host 10.10.X.X port 22: Connection timed out
scp -r fname.lname#10.10.X.X:/home/ test.txt
scp test.txt fname.lname#10.10.X.X:/C:/Data
Please could you help, simply I wanna have a copy of file (that I have it in server) in my computer, to use it.
there is some similar questions with no answer here.
You need a ssh server installed on windows. Windows does not currently have out of the box ssh server. They are thinking of implementing OOB ssh servers in future releases of windows 10.
Have a look at this link
Also, if the file transfer that you want is a one time transfer, you can use putty with a reverse scp to retrieve the file or you can use WINscp ( )
I usually use the command 'nc' for file transmission.
But since on Windows you have to install a cygwin to use nc, so I think the simplest solution may be like the following.
On linux, go to the directory of those files, and then type:
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 1234
Then on windows you can visit 10.10.X.X:1234 in your browser, and download those files.
Note that 1234 can be replaced by any other port which is not currently used on linux.

Using SCP command to download files from Linux server to client server

I'm creating files on a Linux server that I'm logged into and I'm adding the ability for the user to download these files from the Linux server on to the connecting computer. I'm writing a scrip and using the scp command to download these files:
scp data.txt user#usraddress:/home/usr
However, I don't want to specify "user#usraddress:/home/usr" to be just my computer. I want whoever is logged onto the linux server to be able do download these files. Is there a way to get the address of the connecting computer?
How would I do this?
Forgive me if this seems elementary, I'm very new to scripting.
When you open a remote session in a GNU/Linux machine, the ssh server sets the environment variable SSH_CONNECTION with some connection information. You can use this variable and the $USER variable to fill that parameters:
scp data.txt $USER#${SSH_CONNECTION%% *}:/home/$USER
Note that as far as I know you couldn't assume the client home directory is at /home. As said by chepner, you could omit the destination directory to use the default location, the home directory.
scp data.txt $USER#${SSH_CONNECTION%% *}:

copy content in ssh Vim

I need to ssh to remote machine and edit in vim. Sometimes, I need to copy some back from the
remote machine to local machine. Is there any easy way to do it?
What I want like this:
remote: select a few lines in vim, and yank it in a register or something.
local: put the content from remote machine into a local buffer.
you can open the remote file in your local vim(via scp), e.g.:
vim scp://youruser#remoteserver//path/to/yourfile
