SQL Azure & VB.NET ? - azure

I signed up for a free 30 of Azure. I logged in, created a database. I am able to connect (=Test Connectivity). But that's it. I don't see anyway to create tables, etc. Also how can I connect this db to vb.net (I am using vs.net 2010)?

To point SSMS at the DB, simply specify the server and user name. The server name was assigned when you created the SQL Azure database "server" and has a name like .database.windows.net.
Alternatively, you can select the database you want to work with and click on "manage" in teh toolbar along the top. This will launch the "Microsoft Database Manager for SQL Azure". It used to be called "project Houston" and is essentially a silverlight app that lets you perform most basic tasks against SQL Azure.

You might want to look at the visual studio tools and training kit from Microsoft. I beleive you will find your answers there.

You can use SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Studio


Unable to display SQL Azure table definition in Visual Studio 2013

The error I am getting is:
Problem loading: The designer encountered an error while loading the table definition
I can view the data within the tables inside VS just fine and can even query the data too. This is a fresh install on my computer.
What I have tried:
Tried viewing the table in both "Server Explorer" and "SQL Server
Object Explorer."
Checked if my login credentials has permissions to
create tables in the "Management Portal."
Installed SSMS and still cannot show the design of the table
Tried connecting to the database using OLE DB and SQL Server data providers, but I still get the same issue
Added my IP connection to the server firewall and turned on "Windows Azure Services"
Set the connection timout counter to zero
This is the image of my error. I generated a very simple user table just for testing purposes from the Management Portal.
This is a simple test to connect to the Azure database without using a project template. This is my first time using SQL Azure just to warn you. Sure I can just stick to using the Management Portal to change the table definition and stuff like that, but I was wanting to keep everything in one program.
I have found this issue only applies when using the new "Basic/Standard" tier of databases in Azure. If you switch back to the older style "Web/Business" tiers it will start working again.
I found this on a Microsoft forum after struggling for hours. It still takes an age to load, but with the preview SSDT tools, I did get a visual editor for the first time.
Posted by Microsoft on 1/7/2015 at 1:59 PM:
This bug has been fixed in the Preview release to support Azure SQL Database Update V12
See http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ssdt/archive/2014/12/18/sql-server-database-tooling-preview-release-for-the-latest-azure-sql-database-update-v12-preview.aspx for details of this.
The fix will also be included in our next full (non-Preview) release.
Kevin Cunnane,
SQL Server database tooling team

Visual Studio 2012 - Windows Azure : connection string not working (no database interaction)

I'm trying to put my Visual Studio 2012 MVC 4 project online using the Cloud Technology provided by Windows Azure.
Although i can get to my website (it uploads well and is accessible), I can't manage to make the data connection work.
For exemple, when I try to register a new user to my live application, it returns me a simple mistake : "A mistake happened while handling your request" (that's a translation from french, though... --')
I've followed a bunch of tutorial all around the web, but none seems to make things work.
Here's the connection string I actually use :
<add name="yoombysql"
connectionString="Data Source=tcp:rmy11na948.database.windows.net,1433;Initial Catalog=yoombysql;Integrated Security=False;User Id=yoomby;Password=PASSWORD;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;MultipleActiveResultSets=True" />
It's not the only thing I've tried, but i'm running out of ideas... So if anyone had a hint or a clue on this...
Thanks in advance !
Make sure that in your control panel for the DB rmy11na948 on the right side under "Manage allowed ip addresses" you have checked WINDOWS AZURE SERVICES = "YES" and if you are accessing Azure SQL outside of Azure, you need to add your specific IP address for testing.
UPDATE: You should add the full userId as well User Id=yoomby#rmy11na948;
Again, from the portal on the right side click "Show connection strings", copy the ADO.NET connection string and replace the {your_password_here}. If that fails, then walk through the steps at Windows Azure SQL Database Firewall.
UPDATE-2: For Entity Framework connections, read How to: Connect to Windows Azure SQL Database Using the ADO.NET Entity Framework and read Entity Framework and SQL Azure

How to create tables in windows azure?

I am new to windows azure.Can anyone please tell me the process of creating database and tables in windows azure and how to connect to that connection to application .we have windows azure account .please clarify my doubts.any of pdf books for deploying the rest wcf services in cloud let me know the links.
It is May 2014 and that Silverlight online tool just is not really much better.
Best approach is to use SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio) you can even use the free tools tool.
Connect to your Azure with the portal supplied server url / port ... and then your username /password.
Say you scripted out an existing database tables and want to execute that script, you have much more freedom and control with SSMS than online.
For table creation note that a few caveats, One that is common is that not all of T-SQL is supported and a typical script from another database table(s) you end up needed to strip off the two "ON [PRIMARY]" parts of the create statement
Click on the database server in the management portal. 1st thing you would do is manage the allowed IP Addresses which can access this server/database. Allow your local IP address there. After that you have 2 choices:
Use Sql Server Management Studio - It does not have the table editor and you would need to write T-SQL scripts manually.
Use Silverlight based database management utility - to access this, click on the Manage Url link as shown in the screenshot below.
Since you cannot have wizards for Adding/Editing tables, constraints or keys for Azure DB, even if you have connected it through MS SQL Server Management Studio, you can use RazorSQL for this purpose. It gives you a feeling like you are playing with your azure DB in management studio, same as you do with your normal DBs

Azure Table Designer

I have an Azure test site and I'm attempting to hook it up to an Azure SQL database. I used the Azure portal to create a new database. Since the database was successfully created, I then opened SSMS 2012 and connected to the server and database. I expected to be able to create new tables, etc. through SSMS using the standard Create Table GUI (the one that lets you enter the column name, Identity, data type, etc. in grid format), but SSMS 2012 doesn't seem to have a table design window. Am I missing something? Is there an OOB release for this? I'm running VS 2012 Ultimate, SSMS 2012 and I already have the VS2012 Azure SDK.
Why not use the online portal? The same portal you used to create the database allows you to build tables using a grid format as you are describing. Just click on the Design button at the bottom left, then click on New Table at the bottom and off you go. You can also create indexes, foreign keys and so forth.
I think you should have a look on the SQL Server Data Tool (SSDT) which should be includes in SQL Server 2012. Not sure if it's included in Express but once you installed SQL 2012 you will find a new window in Visual Studio 2012 where you can design your Azure SQL Database in GUI.
I have a blog about this feature but I think it became more simple to install and use.

How to add SQL DB tables to Azure?

I have signed up for Azure, created a SQL Server item, but cannot see how to, from there, create a DB (create and design the tables, IOW the DDL part of things). Is this something I need to do with the SQL Design Tools, and then export this from Visual Studio / import into the Azure account? Or how is it done?
If you don't want to use the SSMS as other have suggested you can use the silverlight management tool online to execute TSQL Commands; the upside of this is that you have designer support which SSMS lacks.
Once you have selected your DB in the Azure portal click the manage button:
From there a new window will open where you will have to log into the SQL Server.
Once you have logged into your SQL Server you will have the option to create new tables, create procedures etc.
One handy hint, if you go into your SQL Azure details screen you will notice a section to retrieve connection string snippets that may come in handy hooking up your back-end to your application:
You can install SQL Server Management Studio to connect with your SQL Azure database, and from there you can create tables in the designer, or by entering SQL queries.
Keep in mind that you have to whitelist your IP address in order to access the database. Azure uses whitelisting, meaning that only authorized IP addresses can connect to the database.
You can connect to your database in Azure through Visual Studio and/or SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
Check this link for details.
SQL Azure Management
