font embed restriction in PDF - embedded-fonts

I'm stuck in a problem, the font I want to use can't save in pdf, STHeiti and STXihei they are both the default Chinese fonts in Mac os.
illustrator give me this error, I don't know how to change the font to make this work,
I know a software in windows named Font Creator that looks promising, But I don't know exactly how to use it

This is a licensing restriction imposed by the distributor of this font, there is no way to legally embed it in a PDF.


How do I get these SVG fonts to work?

I need to dynamically make an SVG in my web app and to do so I'm making an SVG in Corel and modifying that template file in Node.js as needed. This works except for fonts. For this project I need my text as text, not curves, because I need to modify it. I'm using Century Gothic. I was using embedded fonts, but apparently those are no longer supported by Chrome and Edge. However, if I used linked fonts the file renders improperly if the user doesn't have the font installed. In either of these error cases the browser defaults to Times New Roman. What can I do to get Century Gothic to render in all browsers in an SVG?
You'll need a web font. Century Gothic is not freely available, so you have to either buy a license, or use an open source alternative. Muli seems to be considered as a good alternative. For how to use an external font provider, see this.

gnuplot gif not scalable with ttf font

After installing libgd on RedHat Linux, I found the path to .ttf fonts and used the full pathname to a DejaVu .ttf font (in 'set terminal gif font...") to create a .gif file from gnuplot. It looks good in a Firefox window, but when I change the size, it looks bad, as though the font is not scalable.
I am using the default binaries. Do I need to recompile gnuplot with different settings to make it scalable? I get no errors or msgs when the image is created from gnuplot (i.e. it finds and uses the .ttf file; I know because I tried several fonts and the image responded accordingly, with .pfa fonts also).
The gnuplot documentation says that TrueType fonts are fully scalable. Maybe I don't understand what scalable means. I had a similar problem with SUN OS, and my solution was to create a postscript (.eps) file from gnuplot and then convert it to .gif, and then it was scalable, but I don't have such a conversion utility on Linux (yet), and it seems like an unnecessary step.
I don't have the actual code/output in front of me, but I can add some if it would help. Also, I can't find any arial.ttf fonts on the system. Maybe that is a clue to the problem.
I heard good things about pngcairo (to avoid using gd), but 'set terminal' does not list it as an image type.
This is not a definitive answer, but it allows to show me a picture of the situation on my machine.
This plot was generated as gif using gnuplot 4.6p5 and Suse Linux 13.2.
The upper plot shows labels written in DejaVu, left using the full path to the TTF file, right using the name of the font. (DejaVu is an installed font here.)
The lower plot shows the same, the font is from the game Minecraft (i.e. very pixelated). I do not get any error message about missing fonts or similar, but gnuplot uses its default font here, but not what I want. More interesting: When I do not specify the font, I get Liberation Serif...
However, it seems my system ONLY uses fonts, regardless if referenced by name or path, when the font is correctly installed. Nevertheless, also the default font is smooth and scalable. (the gnuplot help says, gd has some not scalable build-in fonts, which may be used in your plot)

What is default fallback font of FoxIt Reader on linux

I'm making a PDF and I don't want to embed fonts inside it.
When I used Tahoma Foxit Reader substituted it for some default font on linux.
What is this font?
What font should I use so the Foxit Reader will not have to substitute font?
Installing fonts is not an option since the Client should be able to view this PDF on linux without having to install some fonts and stuff. Can't embed whole fonts since the PDF grows from 100KB to 1000KB then, can't also embed subset of font because used component doesn't allow it.
I want to know this font since I use EASTERN_EUROPEAN charset for special chars in PDF and when the font is substituted it falls back to some default charset and the special chars are trash. So I guess if I set the font to default fallback one + my charset, it should be ok.
Please someone tell me the default font that is used in Foxit Reader.

How do browser get the required font file?

I was searching through the net and couldn't find the exact answer.
How do browsers get the exact .ttf file for a font family specified in the css? Does it already have it in its code or does it pick from the user's system. I guess we can always specify the custom font files using the #font-face but what about the normal general fonts like arial etc?
The process is obviously different between browsers and operating systems, but in short, browsers pick the font from the system, and if it’s not installed, the font will be replaced with another similar font.

Flash CS5 - How to change anti-aliasing on all text containers in an animation

Is there a quick way to change all text containers so that the anti-alias setting is "Use Device Fonts"?
I am using Flash CS5, and need to convert about 300 animations, each with 20 or more text boxes, so that they use device fonts. This is necessary so that we can more easily display traditional Chinese characters.
I can go through each text box, change the font to _sans and it automatically switches to Use Device Font - then I don't need to embed the font files. So I tried to use the Find and Replace tool to change the font on all text boxes. It worked fine at changing the fonts, but it did not auto-switch the anti-alias. Any help on this would save hours of work.
Hopefully you're not too far into your work on this one, but there's a new development with CS5 that will help you with just this. It's called the .xfl format, and all .fla's are actually this format, but zipped up. Have a read here for more info:
What this means is you can convert your fla to xfl (or just change the suffix to .zip and unzip as the above article suggests), and do a Find&Replace on all text field font values.
Hope that helps!
