Primefaces Fileupload Patch - jsf

I have the same problem as the guy in this post.
Can you help me apply the patch from here
I have no idea if that solves it, but I will try if you can tell me how to apply a patch :-)

PrimeFaces uses Apache Subversion (SVN) as code repository. It's available here. If you configure your development tool to connect to this code repository (e.g. Eclipse has a Subclipse plugin for this), then you can hook on it, download the entire project, apply the patch yourself and then rebuild the project into a JAR file yourself.
This should be pretty straightforward if you're already familiar with code repositories like CVS, Git, Mercurial, etc. An alternative is to wait for them to release a new version so that you can just download the ready-to-use JAR from their side.


CodeNarc Maven Plugin

We have a project that uses Groovy extensively and we use Maven to build our artifacts. (IntelliJ as our IDE)
We wanted to incorporate some automated code-style checking, and thought we might use codecarc-maven-plugin. However, since that was from Codehaus, which gone now, is the plugin actively supported somewhere else?
Any other good options to run a Groovy style checker automatically during a Maven build?
That's a good catch. I'll add a pull request to update the website link. You can find the new plugin information on GitHub:

Downloading Dependences From Private Amazon S3 Repository with Gradle

I am looking to add Groovy support to an existing java project so that I can seemlessly compile mixed Java and Groovy code using invokedynamic so that I can get Java-like execution speed without needing to waste excessive amounts of time with verbose Java syntax
After reading that the gmaven plugin no longer supports compilation -and that the groovy eclipse compiler plugin doesn't yet support invokedynamic, I asked myself, why would I want to continue using Maven if it compiles Groovy code that is needlessly slow?
Consequently, I decided I would try scrapping maven for Gradle so that I could obtain faster code while also porting some python deployment scripts to Gradle tasks so as to only need one codebase.
I have some libraries stored on a simple password protected s3 maven repository (in order to avoid needing enterprise overkill like artifactory). After doing some basic research, I have found that Gradle has no built in support for adding in custom dependency management as determined by this stack overlow question and this support forums post.
I did manage to find a s3 plugin for gradle -but it doesn't deal with management of dependencies.
If the whole point of Gradle is to be more flexible than Maven and if the core purpose of a dependency management/ build system is to effectively manage dependencies from a variety of sources-then lack of support for custom repositories appears to be a fairly significant significant design flaw which makes any issues I have encounted with Maven thus far pale in comparison.
However, it is quite possible that I am missing something, and I have already invested several hours learning Gradle -so I figured I would see if there is some reasonable way to emulate dependency management for these s3 dependencies until Gradle developers fix this critical issue. Otherwise I will have to conclude that I am better off just using Maven and tolerating slower Groovy code until the compiler plugin supports invokedynamic.
Basically I need a solution that does the following:
Downloads dependencies and transitive dependencies to the gradle cache
Doesn't require me to hardcode the path to the gradle cache -so that my build script is platform independent.
Doesn't download the dependencies again if they are already in the cache.
Works with a multi-module project.
However, I cannot find anything in the documentation that would even give me a clue as to where to begin:
Gradle 2.4 has native support for S3 repositories. Both downloading dependencies and publishing artifacts.
To download with IAM credentials (paraphrased from the link above):
repositories {
maven {
url "s3://someS3Bucket/path/to/repo/root"
credentials(AwsCredentials) {
accessKey 'access key'
secretKey 'secret key'
Then specify your dependencies as usual.
You don't need any custom repository support to make this work. Just declare a maven repository with the correct URL. If the repository works when used from Maven, it will also work with Gradle. (Uploading may be a different matter.)
You can use S3 and http
repositories {
ivy {
url ""
layout "pattern", {
artifact "[artifact]-[revision].[ext]"
m2compatible = true
Name the jar in S3 to name-rev.jar (joda-time-3.2.jar) in my-bucket.
Also upload a pom file.
And in S3 give all permission to Download the jar and pom.

Do I need to be careful which Maven Repositories I hook into?

Generally speaking, should one only add the central Maven Repository to a pom.xml + optionally any local Maven Repositories ? In theory (I think?) anybody can set up a repository - is there a 'Maven Repository<->Maven Repository' circle of trust or something ?
How do I know for instance that I'm really downloading (say) the log4j compiled JARs and not some bastardized / evil version ?
Few things you can do to feel comfortable:
Use a local repository manager like Nexus or JFrog, and proxy any repositories that you want to use. There are few benefits to this:
A local manager can keep track of the SHA hashes to make sure that a jar didn't change under your feet.
You can limit the repositories that your developers can access.
Stick with Maven Central when you can - so many people use it that if someone switched out the log4j version with something untrustworthy everyone would know very quickly (because the hashes wouldn't line up). Generally this argument will also hold true for any other repositories that hold popular libraries (eg sourceforge, google code, codehaus, etc)
Things are only likely to get risky if you're using some dude's repo who wrote some library that's not very popular out in the wild. In practice this rarely happens. In those cases, maybe you can just build the code yourself to be sure.
Best practice is not to add any repository into the pom.xml. The best solution is to configure either into the settings.xml or the best solution is to use a repository manager. Furthermore the best thing is to work with maven central if you don't have a repo-manager, but for that you don't need to configure anything, cause Maven Central is the default within Maven itself. Maven Central is control adminstrative by people of Sonatype and it is not that simple to get something into Maven Central. What you can do to secure the transport a little bit more is to turn on the checksum checking which is controled by a configuration in the settings.xml.

How to set up git and maven to work together?

I'm new to both of these tools, and I'm also very new to Linux system administration, so I apologize ahead of time for what may seem like a total n00b question.
Basically, I'm starting a whole new project from scratch. Yaaay! Exciting! However, I'm a little lost on how to set up the project. I've installed both git and maven on my dev machine and run through some tutorials. I've also set up git on my server, and have successfully pushed code to it and pulled code from it.
So, first question : Is it even a good idea to use git and maven together? Git seems like the best source control system, and Maven seems like the best build system. Are they known to work well together? Or am I needlessly creating trouble for myself at this early (and precarious) stage of the project? I've used ant enough to know that I don't want to use it, and I'm not really a fan of svn, although I'll use it if I have to.
Second question : Given that these two tools work well together, what's the Best Practices way of setting them up? I know that git is "peer-to-peer", although I suppose nothing is stopping you from setting up a single repository for the git user and having all the devs sync up with that repo when it's time to do a build. Is that the right way to go? How about Maven? Maven seems kinda single-user oriented. Like, everybody sets up Maven on their own machine and has their own Maven repo, right? Or wrong? Would it make sense to create a "Maven user" on my server, and have that user do all my builds from the "main" git repo?
Apologies if I'm totally mistaken on how to use these tools. As I said, I'm pretty new to these things. Any help you have is appreciated.
(also, I'm working on Linux, doing Java dev work in Eclipse, using Spring for the framework, mysql for the data store, and Hibernate as an ORM. Don't know of any of that matters)
Q1: Yes, git will work well with any build systems. Usually your VCS is well abstracted with any modern build system. Ensure that you set up your .gitignore file so that you are not tracking any artifacts from builds.
Q2: The best practice is to have an integration branch to build from. While developing, use topic or feature branches. When ready, merge into the integration branch and push that up to the central repository where maven can build from. Google git-flow for more ideas. You generally want a central build server if you are working on a team to ensure you are building on the same machine. This is not the case if you are working alone or maybe just one developer.
Hope this helps.

Code Highlighting for Subversion/Apache Server

I have beeen looking around for a way to add code highlighting to my Subversion and Apache installation that hosts my local subversion projects. It runs on Fedora Core 10 installed in a VM. I would like to use syntaxhighlighter but I have not idea how i can get Apache to automatically insert the required javascript into my source code files (without tainting the source).
It is possible to modify my existing installation of Apache 2.2/SVN 1.5.5 to use syntaxhighlighter? (this is what it looks like)
There is a project called WebSVN hosted by Collabnet that seems to have something similar built in, however after the trouble I've gone to get the web subversion working (And Fedora configured nicely), I don't want to use OpenCollabnet's version of WebSVN. Plus their version does not support the latest subversion and Apache.
How can I add some form of code highlighting to my Apache that serves the subversion source?
I was using Trac for web-based project management software. It does issue tracking and wiki, but it also provides a repository browser which has syntax coloring. It supports a bunch of different syntax colorers. GNU Enscript, SilverCity, Pygments
Trac is installed, I checked out Enscript, SilverCity and Pygments.
There were no packages for FC10 for the first two, but there was a Pygments looks rather nice.
Demos here
The C++ highlighting is what i'm interested in, it looks decent: C++ Highlighting
Although Pygments is obviously not as nice as syntaxhighlighter, which I would still prefer to use if someone knows an easy way to setup.
