open webpage in firefox - browser

i am not there any chance to open my webpage in firefox. for example i am browsing mywebsite using IE. when ever i click link of the page then automatically it will open in firefox. this option is not for all pages only for specified page.

If this were the case, ie6 would have gone out long ago. The best you can do here, would be to check which browser they are using (get_browser if you are using php) and refuse to show content to people using browsers other than firefox.
Instead you could redirect them to a page explaining why they need to be using firefox to access your websites services (I guess a link to the firefox download page would be nice too)

Sorry, it's not possible from plain HTML to open a webpage in a different browser. You can, at most, open the page in a new window of the same browser.
However, what you ask is not completely impossible. You could write a browser plugin that handles links and runs the Firefox executable

I would seriously hope this isn't possible.

What you ask for is not possible , but you could display a warning to your users that the page works best in the desired browser.


Specify web brower in href tag

Is there a way to specify the web browser to be used in a href tag ? For instance, I have the following URL and I need it to be opened with Firefox only :
LPO Vienne
Thanks for your advices !
Actually it is possible these days - at least in the case of Microsoft Edge. Check this out. Although agree with ProWebMonkey that usability issues still apply.
This is not possible. If it was it would have to work on the assumption the user would have that browser, so even if it was possible it would not be a very good solution.
You could always have a notification on the linked page, explaining the user should use a specific browser, if they are not already. This would be more user friendly and you could provide a link to download etc.
Not true at all. It is possible like this:
A HREF="microsoft-edge:"
the call "microsoft-edge:" before the actual URL will force the link to open in that browser, assuming the browser is installed on the machine.

Mozilla Add-on development: Chrome page action equivalent?

I've Googled around a bit looking for an answer but everything I've found so far is out-dated. Is there anything similar to the Google Chrome Page Action for a Mozilla Firefox Addon?
Or is there a good way to disable/gray-out the browser action icon in Firefox to let users know they can't use the extension unless an appropriate URL is accessed?
The equivalent of browser action buttons are those within the sdk/ui/button namespace:
These are a relatively recent addition to Firefox (29). If you need such buttons in earlier versions of Firefox, take a look at my browseraction-jplib module.

Embedded Signing with Safari on Mac not working as intended

I successfully (with much frustration) got our c# embedded signing to work on our site, however, that was before I tested with Safari on a Mac. Safari does not allow Third party sites to open in an iframe without already having a cookie for that site stored. If you either open the site beforehand or allowing all cookies, the document will show embedded. However, even messing around with that, the redirection after completion is not working. The please wait popup does not redirect back to my site. I am looking for any embedded solution that supports mac.
The process works great on windows, but does not work on Safari for Mac and is intermittent with Firefox and Chrome on mac.
I am looking for any non-iFrame embedded solutions that I could implement that should work on all platforms and browsers.
Since you have embedding working in terms of generating a URL token, it's up to you how to access that URL. We've seen developers write their own programs to view where they have complete control over the iFrame and can do whatever they like with it, and another solution we've seen is to use a web browser control.
see this SO link
The only workaround that I know of is to pop up a new browser window. I know there is work being done to make it work without cookies, but at this time the new browser window is your only choice.
Sorry about that.

How to make your browser pretend it's a mobile phone?

I would really like to check out the source code of some website. They have a mobile detection script of some sort I guess, when you visit said website it redirects you to a mobile version (nope, entering the URL that they redirect me to in my browser doesn't work).
How can I pretend my computer is an iPhone or HTC or whatever?
Install this add-on for firefox which will let you change the user-agent string.
You may also like to try and OPEN the page in TEXT pad
Here is a simple version I did up for a client
NOTE that it strips the PHP and just leaves the HTML component
You can then SAVE AS html page and see what the page looks like.
You may need to do a BASE HREF to keep the full path and there are often problems with many CMS systems, but this will get you over the line quickly.
Hope this helps
if you are using PHP try this $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']
you get phone company + model + browser info or os info !
The link in the accepted answer no longer exists. The recommended alternative currently:

Hijacking Links From Website Using Browser Plugins

I am in charge of creating plugins for all major browsers which will hijack links from specified website visited. I wonder if this can be done by any plugin. I mean if plugins has that level of control over the website visited by the browser under my plugin supervision?
When I say hijack it means, I should be able to read the anchor tag's href attribute value and to modify it accordingly. I know how to do that in Javascript and I know Google Chrome extensions are written in HTML, CSS & Javascript so this seems to be working. Will it work for IE, Firefox, Safari?
After huge research I got to know this is possible in Chrome, Firefox and IE. I am still researching for Safari.
