my domain name is not working properly? - web

basically i have a website i.e
when i enter it deosnt work
but when i enter it works why is this happening!!

You need to specify an a address for both www. and no-www
# - A address OR CNAME 180
www - A address OR CNAME 180
They are called host records .

It seems that both and are correctly set to resolve to the same IP address. However, it seems like your Apache install isn't set to handle correctly. If you're using some sort of virtual hosting, you need to ensure that the server recognizes and host names that you want it to respond to.
It's hard to tell exactly what's wrong without more information on what webserver you're running and what it's configuration is.

Related is not openning while is working fine how to resolve it?

when i am trying to access my domain with www it shows an error like "This site can’t be reached’s server IP address could not be found.
Search Google for sustainable tourism co
and working with out wwww.
all dns records are set correctly
plz help me
As you mentioned DNS is configured corrent, than its is most probably due to wrong setup of virtual host for web server. Depending of the web server in use(eg. Apache or nginx or some other) you can correct this.
In the server alias, you need to add both www and without www of your domain.

How to configure DNS host record so that my website shows domain name instead of ip address?

Currently I have a golang app that is serving at X.X.X.X:443. Suppose my domain name is I want to link to X.X.X.X:443. I tried entering this into A Record but it doesn't allow me to use port. Therefore, I currently use URL Redirect Record. I tried to link CNAME Record to this URL Redirect Record but to no avail. It just keeps showing my ip address instead of
I don't mind having
Can I know how should I solve this problem? Is it supposed to be solved on the DNS side? Some suggest that I must host on port 80. Is it true?
According to the documentation (
the parameter to change the host is : --admin_host=ADMIN_HOST
Definition is : "Host name to which the local development server's administration console should bind (default: localhost)."

Using GoDaddy domain with No-Ip

I have a GoDaddy domain which points to (fake IP of course). My web server is behind a router that forwards port 80 to the appropriate port. All fine and dandy. However, like 99% of people out there, I have a dynamic IP. So I set up a hostname with called, set up their update client on my server (so it can update them whenever the IP changes (hasn't happened yet but i'm hoping it works as advertised), and then went to to change my records. Which is where stuff gets as hairy as harambe.
I started off by removing my A record, and changing my CNAME to point to
Didn't work.
Googled around, and found that I need/should use the noip NSs. So I went back to godaddy, and changed my nameservers from theirs to the noip ones... ns[1,2,3,4,5]
Still doesn't work. Should also point out, that after I made this change I lost the ability to set any records on my domain name. Which I guess makes sense since there's no point in godaddy having a record if I'm not using their NSs.
Tl;dr: How do I point godaddy domain,, to a noip hostname,, which in turn points to my dynamic home ip, x.x.x.x.
Finally managed to solve my own issue, and I feel very silly for not realizing what the issue was before. The problem was that the CNAME was pointing to a subdomain (www) and therefore one couldn't access the site without including this in the URL. Summarised solution:
GoDaddy now has CNAME with a specific host name (ex www) and the noip domain as the value
No A record
Kept the default GoDaddy NSs
Configured forwarding w/o masking, to therefore, when someone tries to access, they are automatically forwarded to the www subdomain.
A little bit of patience for propagation and everything was up and running.

How to configure www. CNAME

This question must be so basic that I am bewildered why I cannot find a clear answer.
I want to configure my DNS for a new domain name. I configure the A record with the IP address of my host server. works fine. But how do I configure the CNAME to create the www. alias? It won't accept an IP address, and aliasing it to does not seem to work.
The following record should work:
Make sure you have the . at the end of Names that don't end with . automatically get the origin appended, so it would be treated as

Is my website www or without www subdomain?

This seems like a really stupid question, but I can't tell if my website uses the www subdomain or without.
I purchased an expired domain a month ago and set up Google Webmastertools with a sitemap and all. It's indexed, but when searching for the website name, it's no where to be found. Webmastertools says that 'no data is available.' The support states that the www subdomain may be a factor.
How can I verify this? I've used info:, site:, info: and site: It pulls up
Thanks in advance!
Need to find whether the both www and non-www are pointing to same IP address. For this, Open command prompt (click start button >> run >> provide code "cmd"). Once command prompt is launched, then run the code "Ping" you can find a IP address and then run "ping" and you get another IP address. If both IPs are different then you have setup A record in DNS.
If they are same IP address, non-www need to redirect www or www redirect to non-www. To find this, provide both URLS on find out which are getting 200 status. The 200 status URL are need to be added on webmastertool.
Let me know if you need further help.
Who is handling the DNS? If you own, the www. is (as you said) a subdomain.
You can register any subdomain you want as long as you are pointing it to somewhere. For example if I set up with DNS pointing to the hosting I would create an A record for the subdomain www that points to the same IP address.
From there I would check the Host server and (I use IIS) make sure that the bindings for the domain are set up, usually I bind it to as default and then just send there.
I hope this helps answer your question
