help - change diff symbol "<", "|" or ">" to a desired one? - linux

diff -w command is used to create a side by side comparison diff file (instead of parallel)
i then view them using vi via ssh terminal
the changes are indicated by either "<" or "|" or ">"
Since the file i am viewing is a source code, navigating to changes alone
using above symbols is difficult since they are also in C source code.
How can i change these default symbols to desired ones ?
Kindly help. Thanks.

Instead of viewing the output of diff -w in vim, you can use vim's built-in diff:
vim -d file1 file2
This opens vim in a vertical split with both files open, and diff markings in the code. This is what it looks like:
And it works in a terminal too:
You can find a short tutorial here

According to my version of diff (2.8.1 from the GNU diffutils by the FSF) -w is used to change the width of the output; The -y parameter outputs side by side comparison. In combination, the two show no further effect than the -y parameter used alone, which means you may have an alias in your terminal profile or in the global terminal profile that aliases diff to diff -y.
I say all this because all options to change the symbols ("<", "|", and ">") conflict with the -y option. If you can live without side-by-side, you have the option of two other included output styles or defining your own. The two output styles are -c (context) and -u (unified). (For more information on what they do see the diff Wikipedia page. For more information on the options see the diff man page.)
A more in depth fix would be to use the following options:
diff --old-group-format="(deleted)---" \
--new-group-format="(added)---" \
--changed-group-format="(updated)---" \
--unchanged-group-format="(nodiff)---" \
old_file.c new_file.c
Now the old file's lines that are not present in the new file are represented by (deleted)---
The new file's lines that are not present in the old file are represented by (added)---
Lines that have been changed are represented by (updated)---
Lines common to both files are represented by (nodiff)---
Since you seem to do this often enough, you have the option of making it an alias in your terminal profile or writing a small shell script to handle it. For more options, see the manual's section on options and specifically see the section on line group formats for information on what you can put between the quotes in the format definitions.
Of course, if you must have side-by-side, try Nathan Fellman's idea above. Otherwise, there's the option of using a dedicated GUI tool for it such as Kompare.


Read only nth first lines [sublime text]

I've got some files so big to directly open them in Sublime Text. Is there any way to open only the nth first lines? Something like head in bash? Thanks
If you're on Linux or Mac, or have Cygwin, Git Bash, or similar installed on a Windows machine, check out the split utility, which is part of the coreutils package. It does exactly what it says: it splits input into separate files. It is configurable via command-line options, like every Unix utility. For example, if you wanted to split your input file into separate 10,000-line files starting with notsobigfile and using numeric suffixes ending with .txt, you would run
split -d -l 10000 --additional-suffix=".txt" reallybigfile.txt notsobigfile
and it would output files named notsobigfile01.txt, notsobigfile02.txt, etc. If this would generate more than 100 files (00 through 99), just add -a x where x is the number of digits (the default is 2).
For all the possible options, just read the man page:
man split
If you only want to output the first part of the file, check out the options for the -n/--number flag.
To figure out how many lines your input file has, run the word counting utility using the lines option:
wc -l reallybigfile.txt

How to color text in log files in linux

I want to add colors to the text in Log files. For e.g. I would want lines that contain text 'ERROR', to be red colored. So that when I view that file, these I should be able to easily find those lines with 'ERROR'. I tried looking for the answer to question but couldn't find anything helpful.
Thanks in advnace.
So that when I view that file, these I should be able to easily find those lines with 'ERROR'.
Coloring those lines would be one way but there's a much simpler and more idiomatic way:
$ grep ERROR /path/to/logfile | less
will show you every line containing ERROR from /path/to/logfile in less.
Someprogrammerdude suggested to use ability of viewers to colorize output. It is called 'syntax highlighting' in vim ecosystem but not only there.
The simplest thing you can do in vim is:
:sy match my_error /.*ERROR.*/
:hi my_error ctermfg=red guifg=red
You can add these lines to your .vimrc or may better is to create a special syntax file for your log files where you can define more rules...
I wrote a utility for coloring log files called TxtStyle. It can color log files based on regex patterns defined in a config file ~/.txts.conf:
!red: regex("error")
green: regex("\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d")
# .. snip ..
To try it out, run (requires Python):
sudo pip install TxtStyle
wget -q
txts -n example example.log
You could use ccze to color the files:
docker logs -f <container> | ccze -m ansi

Manually merge two files using diff

I'd like to merge two files by doing the following:
Output the diff of the two files into a temp file and
Manually select the lines I want to copy/save.
The problem here is that diff -u only gives me a file lines of context, while I want to output the entire file in a unified format.
Is there any way diff can do this?
One option that might fit the bill for you,
sdiff : side-by-side diff of files.
sdiff -o merged.file left.file right.file
Once there, it will prompt you with what lines you want to keep from which file. Hit ? and then enter for a little help. Also man sdiff with the detailed goods.
(In my distro, these come packaged in the "diffutils" package [fedora,centos])
If you need to automate the process, you might want to try the util merge, which will mark conflicts in the files. However, that might put you back at square one.
"I want to output the entire file in a unified format. Is there any way diff can do this?"
diff -U 9999999 file1.txt file2.txt > diff.txt
This should work, provided your files are less than 10 million lines long.
You can merge/combine the two files with diff using --
diff --line-format %L file1 file2
The easy answer is to use the -D flag to merge the files and surround the differences with C style #ifdef statements.
From the documentation:
-D NAME --ifdef=NAME
Output merged file to show `#ifdef NAME' diffs.
You can use it as follows:
$ diff -D NEWSTUFF file1 file2 > merged_file
I usually then just open the merged file in an editor and resolve the merge conflicts by hand.
You also can use options to output an ed script, etc.
If you are an emacs user, you can do this directly in emacs using the "emerge" tool:
Issuing M-x emerge-files will open an interactive prompt with a view of files A, B, and the merged file to allow choosing text that differs between files A & B, inserting part of A into B, and more.

How to use to diff to C++ source files and ignore the line space and comments

I have to C++ source files and I want to see the difference between the two files. But I don't want to see the diff between the comments.
Please advise.
Many thanks.
One way would be to use the pre-processor to remove the comments and pass this into diff using process substitution...
diff -uwB <(g++ -E left.cpp) <(g++ -E right.cpp)
Of course this will pull in files that you #include and expand your #define macros, too. If they haven't changed, this should be quite readable.
The switches I have passed to diff are:
-w --ignore-all-space Ignore all white space.
-B --ignore-blank-lines Ignore changes whose lines are all blank.
-u -U NUM --unified[=NUM] Output NUM (default 3) lines of unified context.

compare two files and save the difference in linux

I like to compare two text files and save the difference under linux.
I know there are tools like kdiff, diff vimdiff etc. but my expectation are as follows.
Output should be in a separate file
The difference should be quoted with colours, ex: delete line in red and added line in green something like that
It should ignore space differences
It should be an opensource tool
use tkdiff4 -w file-name1 file-name2
It fulfills all your requirements. Specific color might be an issue.
try colordiff and man diff for options for ignoring whitespace etc
wdiff -w "\e[31m" -x "\e[0m" -y "\e[32m" -z "\e[0m" "$#";
replace \e by, well, the ASCII character with value 0x1A. Put the two commands into some file, and run it using redirection.
Save the changes to a file:
diff -Nur originalfile newfile > patchfile
Use the difference file to change the origin file:
patch originfile patchfile
I think this is the easiest way to save the changes and reload the changes.
By the way, you can use this command the create an update-package.
