What's the proper way to refactor a single file into multiple files and maintain version history in Perforce? - perforce

I have a file which has gotten too large, and should be refactored into two smaller files. What's the best way to do this in Perforce such that the relationship to the original file is maintained?
I'm adding two new files, and deleting the original in this case, but I would expect there to be some general solution to this problem.
I think the simplest case would be to add one new file which contains a subset of the content of the original, and delete that content from the original file, but leave it in place (it's trivial to delete it later anyway).
It would be nicest if the operation could be done in a single changelist to avoid any checkins which would break the build.

This can't be done in a single checking, but it can certainly be done without "breaking the build". Let's say you want to split bigFile.cs into smallFile1.cs and smallFile2.cs. First integrate the big file into the two little files and submit them.
p4 integrate bigFile.cs smallFile1.cs
p4 integrate bigFile.cs smallFile2.cs
p4 submit
You now have two extra files in your project directory, but they're doing no harm. Now check out smallFile1.cs and smallFile2.cs, and your project file(s). Add references to the smaller files, remove the reference to the big, edit the small files accordingly, etc. Finally, mark bigFile.cs for delete and submit your changes.
You have now split your big file into two smaller files and the smaller files' history will show you their big file origins.

You can use the integrate command.
When you've made changes to a file
that need to be propagated to another
file, start the process with p4
The simplist form of the command would be
p4 integrate fromFile toFile
I would therefore perform the following tasks:
run p4 integrate with toFile being the new file and fromFile being the large, original file
p4 submit
p4 edit both fromFile and toFile to be the smaller versions of the original.
p4 submit
With this method, your file history information is kept in tact for all future revisions of the files.

This actually can be done with a single checkin. The steps are as follows:
integrate from the source file to both destination files as both raven and Scott Saad suggest
before submitting the new files, do a p4 edit on both files
make changes
p4 submit
The complete file history shows up in the revision graph and time-lapse views. The only disadvantage that I can see to skipping the intermediate submit is that the action type changes from 'integrate' to 'add'. Because of that, other people might not realize there is more to the file history.
I think I slightly prefer the two-checkin process.


Perforce submit edited source file and branch/integrate/merge/copy from same source file in one changelist

Suppose we have a single text file in 2 branches:
We also have a central source file here that both branches depend on.
I make local edits to ImportantFile.txt and branch1/file.txt, but I also want to duplicate those edits to branch2/file.txt because ImportantFile.txt now expects all branches of file.txt to conform to a certain specification. As far as I know I have only 2 options, neither of which are ideal:
Manually make the same edits on both files and submit both changes in a single changelist. The problem with this, is that I would like P4 history to know that these files are still 100% integrated, but the history will show that they were edited independently.
Only make edits to branch1/file.txt, submit just this file as well as ImportantFile.txt in one changelist, then immediately integrate the change to branch2/file.txt in a 2nd changelist. Now the problem is that I've broken the build for a minute or two until branch2/file.txt gets the required changes.
How can I edit a file, and directly integrate those edits to another file before I submit those edits to the first file?
First off: you may already know this (and have had to make peace with it for reasons beyond your control) but:
ImportantFile.txt should not be outside of your branching structure. If your versioned files depend on it, it needs to be versioned itself, and that means it needs to exist independently in each branch, because branches are a part of your versioning scheme. Alternatively, maybe file.txt should not be branched, if it's required that it be identical in all branches at all times -- why branch something that's not allowed to diverge? But I suspect that just branching everything is the better solution.
Now for the workaround. (If you can't fix the root cause as described above, you've probably got a lot of this sort of thing in your future.)
p4 copy //depot/work/ImportantFile.txt //depot/work/NotABranch/ImportantFile.txt
p4 copy //depot/work/branch1/file.txt //depot/work/NotABranch/file.txt
p4 submit -d "Not a branch! (wink)"
Make your edits in //depot/work/NotABranch and submit them. Nothing is broken because, as stated, this is not a branch, and so it's exempt from whatever policy it is that forces all branches to move in lockstep. Now you can do:
p4 integ //depot/work/NotABranch/ImportantFile.txt //depot/work/ImportantFile.txt
p4 integ //depot/work/NotABranch/file.txt //depot/work/branch1/file.txt
p4 integ //depot/work/NotABranch/file.txt //depot/work/branch2/file.txt
p4 resolve
p4 submit
The merge history shows that both branches of file.txt were pure merges from a single common source, and so future integrations between the two should recognize that they don't need to be re-merged.

In Perforce, how to get latest version of a binary file (like Excel file) safely, without overriding my local copy?

I use Perforce to manage a project that contains some binary files (Excel, Word and Visio diagram files).
I'd like to know the safe way to update my local version of such files from the latest version available on Perforce, without corrupting/damaging/overriding the local changes. (Local changes are made locally and not submitted to Perforce yet)
Locks don't seem to solve the problem because it helps only in concurrent submission of files.
p4 reconcile to make sure that any local changes are correctly reflected in your pending changelist(s).
p4 sync as normal. Opened files will not be overwritten by a p4 sync.
If you're following the standard Perforce workflow of always opening files for edit before you modify them (i.e. you never override the "read-only" flag on your local files), you can skip step 1 and just sync at any time without fear.
p4 resolve to handle any files that have been modified both locally and in the depot.
Note that Perforce's built-in merge logic will only handle text files, and so resolve will by default offer only a binary yours/theirs choice for binary files (at will overwrite your local changes, and ay will ignore the depot changes). If you have a merge tool that can handle your binary format, you can do:
p4 set P4MERGE=your_merge_tool
p4 resolve -t
to invoke your merge tool as part of the resolve process. See the documentation on the P4MERGE variable for more information how this tool will be called (you may need to wrap it in a script if it doesn't follow the base theirs yours merged calling convention): https://www.perforce.com/manuals/v17.1/cmdref/Content/CmdRef/P4MERGE.html

How can I partially integrate a file in Perforce?

I have a file on another branch which contain a change I would like to integrate. But it contains other changes too which I don't want to integrate yet.
How can I integrate the file only partially?
I first integrated and resolved the file as usual, then I did a "p4 edit" on the file after that to remove the changes I don't want to go in yet. "p4 opened" said that the file is opened for edit, so I thought the commit will submitted as an edit not an integration. I was wrong! It still updated the integration history! So if I attempt to integrate the rest of the changes later the perforce will say "all revisions integrated", and the only way to resolve the problem is integrating by disregarding the integration history, which is painful to resolve.
How can I avoid this next time?
To clarify I mean there are multiple changes in a single revision of file and I want to integrate only a part of it.
(edited to reflect that the question is about partially integrating a revision, not integrating a single revision of a file)
Since a revision is the smallest atom of change in Perforce's metadata, you won't be able to record that a subset of a revision was integrated -- and since you don't want to record that the entire revision was integrated (thereby "ignoring" the rest of the revision for future integrations), rather than doing this as an integrate, I'd do it as an edit:
p4 edit target
p4 print -o theirs source#n
p4 print -o base source#n-1
p4 merge3 base theirs target > target
rm base theirs
(edit target)
p4 submit
Another option would be to initially open the file for integrate and then clear the resolve record by reverting (use the -k flag to keep local changes) and reopening for edit:
p4 integrate source#n,n target
p4 resolve
p4 revert -k target
p4 edit target
In general if there are multiple independent changes you're making to a file such that you might want to be able to cherry-pick and/or track them independently at a later date, submitting them as independent changelists will make that much much much easier. Shelving can help with this if you realize only after making a big change that it'd make more sense as a series of smaller changes -- shelve your big change, revert some parts, submit the smaller change, then unshelve the big change and continue.

What will this command do: p4 sync //depot/proj1/

I am new to Perforce and want to create a automated tool to get the latest revision by itself. I have a mapping like this:
P4CLIENT: Proj_name
Worspace root direcctory: C:\...\Proj_name
Stream: Build
Now what i desire is it should get latest revision of all files from:
Build\fold1\fold2 to C:\...\Proj_name\fold1\fold2
When I just ran p4 sync command, it copied all files from Build to C:\...\Proj_name.
So please tell how to specify the folder path from where to get the latest revision. Will the command p4 sync //depot/proj1/... work for me and how does it change in my condition ?
You use the View: section of your client spec to describe which parts of the overall repository you wish to work with, and where those files should be placed on your workstation's filesystem.
In your particular case, to specify the folder path, as well as where those files should be placed, you might specify your View: as something like:
//depot/Build/fold1/fold2/... //Proj_name/fold1/fold2/...
You may have considerably more complex view mappings; the view syntax is quite powerful. To learn more about view mappings, type p4 help views.
After you change your View: specification for your client, run:
p4 sync
The sync command will notice that you have changed your view mapping, and it will re-arrange the files in the root of your client on your workstation, so that they are arranged as described by your new view mapping.
If you don't wish to sync your entire client, you can specify a subset of the files which should be sync'd, by naming that subset of files using a file pattern as an argument to the sync command:
p4 sync //depot/Build/fold1/fold2/*.cpp
However, that can be quite confusing, and I recommend that, to start, you avoid using that advanced usage, and stick to performing a p4 sync with no file arguments, at least until you get more comfortable with how p4 sync is used. For one thing, when you are sync'ing different subsets of files with different file arguments, it is quite easy to get your workstation's filesystem into an un-buildable state, by getting half of the files from one changelist and half from another, which will cause you to have code that doesn't compile, etc.
So, for now:
Consider which parts of the repository you wish to work with, and where you want them to go on your workstation's filesystem
Run p4 client and describe the appropriate View: line(s) to specify those files, using the pattern-matching syntax of the View: field
Run p4 sync and Perforce will put those files on your computer as specified.

How can you save and restore a list of checked out files in Perforce?

I have, in perforce, a sort of 'basic working set' of files that I keep checked out (and therefore writable) when working. However, every time I commit my changes, this list gets disrupted - some things committed, others reverted - and then I have to waste time tracking down and checking out all these files again.
So, is there some way to save the list of currently checked out files, and then later check out those same files again?
I primarily use P4V, but I have P4Win and command-line Perforce available. I'd strongly prefer a GUI solution, though.
I only want to save and restore the state of which files are checked out, not the contents of those files, so shelving is not the answer
I am aware of the 'Do not submit unchanged' and 'Check out after submit' options. They are not sufficient. For instance, frequently I will have files which are programmatically generated which register as 'changed' when the only thing that is different is the 'File generated on' timestamp; I need to prevent such spurious revisions from being submitted, and I have not found any practical method of searching for and managing such files that doesn't involve the 'revert if unchanged' command.
You can do:
p4 -ztag opened | grep depotFile | cut -d ' ' -f 3 > files.txt
to save a list of files already open in your client. (If you don't have Unix utilities for Windows, you could construct this list by whatever means you want, such as running p4 opened > files.txt and manually editing files.txt in an editor.)
Once you have a list of files, you can open all of them via:
p4 -x files.txt edit
This doesn't meet your preference for a GUI-based solution, but you could create .cmd scripts to perform these actions and then double-click on them (or on shortcuts to them).
The easiest solution would be to exclude those generated files via your workspace specification, e.g., "-//depot/files/ignorablefile.sh"
They can still reside in your local workspace, but the app will not attempt to update them or add them to source control.
You said that shelving's not the answer, but that's what I would go with as the easiest solution (i.e. the one that involves the least scripting and/or fewest manual steps) for the specific question you're asking:
Shelve your pending change (let's call this change 1000).
Move your open files to a new pending change (let's call this change 1001).
Submit change 1001.
Unshelve change 1000.
Sync and resolve.
Now you have the same exact files open (the unshelve opened them) but at the head revision (the sync and resolve does that).
Now, looking past what you asked for to what might make your life easier: rather than reverting the files you don't want to submit (and having some sort of scheme to get them back later, possibly via shelving as described above), what I'd do is move them to another changelist. So instead of:
Identify "unchanged" files.
Revert unchanged files.
Submit remaining files with "reopen" option.
Reopen previously reverted files (somehow).
I'd do:
Identify "unchanged" files.
Move unchanged files to another changelist N.
Submit remaining files with "reopen" option.
Move all files from changelist N back to the default changelist.
All of those except step 1 are simple one-shot commands that you can do from any client. Personally, I'd automate steps 1+2 with a script (I'm assuming it's programmatically possible to determine whether the only diff in one of these files is the timestamp) and put it into P4Win/P4V as a "custom tool".
