I tried export XRE_CONSOLE_LOG as told in this page, but had no result.
Also, I would like to see in a file all errors I see in my console (as XPCom errors, not only javascript errors).
I'm Running Xulrunner 1.9.2 on Ubuntu 10.04.
If you are seeing chrome errors but they do not get written to the file you indicated, maybe the file path contains an error? What OS are you on?
Are you correctly set all developer environment options?
I am on arch linux, and for some reason VSCode doesn't find the python interpreter.
I have tried to set the python interpreter path to to be right (/bin/python3), and if I actually run a file then it works, but the python extension says I need to download python before using the extension and the auto complete doesnt work. Any Ideas? Any ways to debug this issue?
I'm having a similar issues, downgrading to Electron9.3.3-1 solved the issue for me while waiting for a potential fix.
Source: GitHub Issue
I found my solution with vscode-insiders. The current vscode python extension is already move on to rely on jupyter, another extension available only on vscode insiders.
Plus the vsc insiders logo looks cool..
When I try to install interceptor to use cookies in postman I get the error that is mentioned in header. OS is linux.
I googled the error description but it is not mentioned anywhere. Any idea would be really helpful.
Well, there is not any answer here yet. But I found a workaround that is installing PostmanCanary. I couldn't install interceptor to Postman in Linux but I installed it to PostmanCanary successfully and it works perfect.
I had a similar problem, though I got the error code CHROME_NOT_INSTALLED as well. The solution was too simple: I had Chromium installed, not Chrome.
As per the troubleshooting tips it could happen if NativeMessagingHosts directory is missing,
this can be solved by creating NativeMessagingHosts directory in ~/.config/google-chrome/ in case of linux.
Reference: https://learning.postman.com/docs/sending-requests/capturing-request-data/interceptor/#troubleshooting-tips
And if desired to use interceptor on any other chrome based browser like brave, do the following
find the utils.js file. in my system the path looked like
change the path of the key named LINUX to the path containing NativeMessagingHosts directory.
const nativeMessagingHosts = {
MACOS: '/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/NativeMessagingHosts/',
LINUX: '/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/NativeMessagingHosts/',
WINDOWS: 'HKCU\\Software\\Google\\Chrome\\NativeMessagingHosts\\'
Here I changed the path from /.config/google-chrome/NativeMessagingHosts to /.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/NativeMessagingHosts/
Now try to install the interceptor again.
Make sure you have the following in the environment variable PATH:
C:\Program Files\Nodejs\
I have face same issue before, and later it got fixed.
Running PyInstaller v3.2 on Ubuntu 16.04, is it possible to get my bundled application to open a console for stdout? On Mac and Windows I can get this to work, as outlined in the options documentation. But nothing is mentioned for Linux. I've tried playing around with the -c flag, but that does not seem to have any effect. I also tried bundling it as a single file (-F) versus a directory, but neither seems to open a console for stdout...
Just for future reference, in Linux if you run a bundled app from the command line like a script, it will automatically use that same terminal as stdout ...
I am trying to use phantom-jasmine. I have installed phantomjs (1.9.1) on my systems ( Mountain Lion and Ubuntu) and phantom-jasmine using npm.
The problem is when I try to run phantom-jasmine examples/TestRunner.html from their example I am getting 0 specs, 0 failures although it should be 3 specs, 1 failures in the output.
If I open the TestRunner.html from a browser it is behaving as expected but phantom-jasmine cant seem to find the specs.
Another thing is when I provide the absolute path (phantom-jasmine /home/me/phantom-jasmine/examples/TestRunner.html to the TestRunner.html this happens
Not entirely sure why, but I got the examples running by omitting TestRunner.html from the call. Like this:
phantom-jasmine examples
It seems that the branch/version you get when installing using npm does not match what is described at https://github.com/jcarver989/phantom-jasmine.
Looking at the installed readme.md helped me.
I had the same problem. In the meantime, I ended up switching to a new set of scripts to run jasmine tests with phantomjs from the command line. See SenchaProSvcs/UnitTestDemo.
I faced the same issue with phantom-jasmine. In order to get this to work I relied on run_jasmine_test.coffee file from the phantom-jasmine repo. I copied this file (and the console-runner.js) in my repo and invoked the testRunner via phantomjs by running the following command in my terminal:
phantomjs lib/jasmine/run_jasmine_test.coffee testRunner.html
The output I got here was consistent with the output I got when I ran the testRunner.html directly in the browser.
Hope this helps.
Regarding plugin for Coda 2. I am having some problems making it work. I have written a small test program in CoffeeScript, but when i try to run and/or compile I get the following error message:
All settings/env. variables should be set correctly:
Do you have any idea as to what that may cause this issue? I have installed node using homebrew, and then coffee script via npm. All the shell variables have been verified, and I am able to run node from the command line and write scripts there. Also, when i go to settings and click on "About", I get the following:
Hope you can help.
Thank you and best regards,
In Terminal, run the command:
which coffee
For me, this gave:
So in the CoffeeScript Plug-In Settings, I set PATH to:
Then when I went to the About box, it showed the version of CoffeeScript that I have installed and the Run & Compile options then worked fine.