j2me zoom in zoom out in E-72 - java-me

I want to do zoom in and zoom out in my j2me application. I am using a Nokia E-72. How can I do this?

JSR 234 required for this purpose.
See this link... But i didnt use before and may be it helps you.. :)

Hello to all J2ME Developer's
i found the solution for the problem.
As per this link on nokia mobile using j2me doing zoom in and zoom out is not possible even you cant make any flash light even if phone supports flash light
so as a solution i found that calling a symbian application, which is having zoom in zoom out capability on phone camera even flash light facility.
for reference follow this tutorial.
Its really nice working and acceptable.


How is a Always on Display for Android coded?

My smartphone (Samsung A21s) doesn't supoort the AOD of Samsung. So i tested several apps from the Play store. But I want an app,so i decided to code my own app, which allows me to choose my own background. I want to use the pictures from the gallery. I also want a music control for the AOD. I have a accurate idea of what I want, but I don't know how to code it. Does anybody know, how a AOD is coded? I use Kotlin and I'm working with Android Studio.
Thank you for your help

Pepper Robot Tablet: Cannot show the specific webpage on Pepper Tablet

I came across an issue is I noticed not all website link can be shown on the Pepper Tablet, is that right? for example, I want to show this link: "https://rt-webchatapp-v5.netlify.app/" which I developed for users to register, but on the tablet, it is always white screen. Can anyone explain it? how can I show above link on Pepper Tablet?
Thanks in advance.
this website is I developed for my research, I have been used for at least 6 months, I am hopeing I can use on Pepper robot directly.
The webview on Pepper's tablet is old. It uses Javascript 1.7 and might not support newest javascript features.

Universal App Windows Phone Orientation

Recently I was developing a Universal app for both the Windows Phone and Windows Store. In that app, I was trying to fix the Orientation of the App to Landscape. But in WinRT based apps of Windows Phone 8.1, I failed to find any Orientation option.
In the Silverlight apps, we can fix the Orientations as we want. But is there any way to fix the Orientation to Landscape mode in the Universal Apps?
It will be very helpful if someone help me in this regard. Thanks in advance. :)
Under WinRT you can have a look at DisplayInformation class, where you will find probably all you need.
You can also declare your supported rotations in Package.appxmanifest file in Supported rotations.
Here you can download an example of an App with three Pages, each with different orientation.

Need Emulator (240x400 and 360x640) j2me

I developed the game in j2me. I need emulator for screen 240x400 touch and 360x640 touch. Where should i get ?
Download any of the manufacturers custom SDKs (SonyEricsson, Nokia, LG, Motorola )and find a device with your resolution
PS: It may be difficult as many of them moved to Android or other technologies

J2ME Camera and Sound Recorder Access On A Windows Mobile

I'm currently involved in a research project that requires me to access a Windows Mobile Camera and sound recorder with J2ME to, well take pictures and record sound... the phone has to be a windows mobile for some reason that has nothing to do with me and the software has to be written in Java, also not my decision.
So I need to try and find a phone that supports this (if one exists) so I'd like to know if anyone has found one?
Thank You For Your Help.
(Note the phone supporting MMAPI (JSR 135) does not imply that you can use the camera and sound recorder, our current phone has this and has not access).
First, if you have any Windows Mobile 6.x device, please try to use JVM build for Windows Mobile from Sun Microsystems => http://blogs.oracle.com/javamesdk/entry/jvm_for_windows_mobile
Or, you can buy LG Monaco (WM 6.5) from AT&T network. It has Java ME with MMAPI camera support. Also, LG Incite (WM 6.1) have MMAPI camera support.
As I know, recent HTC WM device with Java ME also support MMAPI camera features.
Good luck.
