Automapper: Mapping a property value of an object to a string - automapper

Using Automapper, how do you handle the mapping of a property value on an object to an instance of a string. Basically I have a list of Role objects and I want to use Automapper to map the content of each "name" property to a corresponding list of string (so I just end up with a list of strings). I'm sure it has an obvious answer, but I can't find the mapping that I need to add to "CreateMap" to get it to work.
An example of the relevant code is shown below:
public class Role
public Guid Id{get;set;}
public string Name{get;set;}
// What goes in here?
Mapper.CreateMap<Role, string>().ForMember(....);
var allRoles = Mapper.Map<IList<Role>, IList<string>>(roles);

I love Automapper (and use it in a number of projects), but wouldn't this be easier with a simple LINQ statement?
var allRoles = from r in roles select r.Name
The AutoMapper way of accomplishing this:
Mapper.CreateMap<Role, String>().ConvertUsing(r => r.Name);


IntelliJ Live Template for dart named constructor: lists class' fields

I want to generate a custom named constructor in Dart.
I have many dto class to implement and each should provide a named constructor like: ClassName.fromMap().
For example for this class:
class Student {
final String name;
final int age;
The generated constructor should be:
Student.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map) :
name = map['name'],
age = map['age'];
How can I retrieve the list of the field of my current class as strings? Is that even possibile?
Of course I can have a variable number of fields.
My template looks like:
$CLASS$.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map) :
binding $CLASS$ to dartClassName().
Now I'd like to bind $INITIALIZATION_LIST$ to something like:
getClassFieldList().forEach((fieldName) => "$fieldName = map['$fieldName']")
Can I achieve something like that?
There is no way to retrieve a list of Dart class fields using predefined live template functions. You can try developing your own template macro for this. See for some hints.
Existing live template functions implementations can be found at
You can also try using Structural Search and Replace instead of live template

How to add individual elements of an object in an Arraylist through a for loop?

I am trying to add all elements of an object into ArrayList. elements of the object are of different type.
e.g. object Employee having attributes like emp_id,name,address,DOB.
I want to store each attribute as an object in an ArrayList. Like,
ArrayList[1] = Employee.emp_id
ArrayList[2] =
ArrayList[3] = Employee.address
I want to do it dynamically. Like, in future more attributes are added in this object, without doing a manual work. Is there a way to create an array List?
ArrayList must be of the same type. You can have an ArrayList of type in which you can do what you are doing, since all objects in Java extend Object. If you are trying to store different Object types in an arraylist, however, this is not possible.
You may know that first part, just was a little unclear in your post.
Here's how to do it with objects using reflection:
//make sure you import java.lang.reflect.*
public void addMyFields(Employee e){
ArrayList<Object> list = new ArrayList();
for (Field field : emp.getClass().getDeclaredFields())

Can Automapper map from a Dictionary of properties to a flat destination?

Source contains a property bag in a Dictionary. Can Automapper map the entries in the Dictionary to individual properties of the Destination based upon matching the dictionary keys with the names of the properties on the destination type?
public class Destination
public int ProdNumber;
public string Title;
public class Source
public Dictionary<string, object> values = new Dictionary<string, object>();
where the values Dictionary will have two entries, one with a key of "ProdNumber" and one with a key value of "Title". There will likely be entries in the dictionary that have keys that don't match any property in the Destination and they should be ignored. There will be multiple properties of each primitive data type (int, string, etc) - so I presume I can't use a simple set of TypeConverters.
Any suggestions?
Unfortunately it is not possible at the moment, but it is planned for the next version. Read this thread as it discusses the plans and a work around.

Dynamic Object C# 4.0 , Creating columns at runtime from Pre-defined values

I have used dynamic object but here is a situation where the column names comes from a pre-defined string arrays.How can i create objects at runtime with these pre-defined set of column values?.
The reason why i wanted to do this way is to create a custom class and add custom validation attributes in it so that i can use reflection at runtime to populate values to these dynamic objects mapped to my custom class and validate the values using a single function.
dynamic x = new MyCustomClass();
x.Name = "Jones"; // The Field or Column name "Name" comes from a array of strings.
Validator.Validate(x); //Here i use reflection to iterate through the custom attributes on MyCustomClass and validate them based on conditions.
Is it possible to do something like this x."Name" = "Jones"; :-)
I would suggest perhaps adding an indexer property to your MyCustomClass?
public string this[string binder] {
get {
string result;
return (this.TryGetMember(binder, out result)) ? result : string.Empty
set {
this.TrySetMember(binder, value);
x["Name"] = "Jones";

SubSonic How to Execute a SQL Statement?

My site is using Subsonic 2.2 on my site.
I have 1 weird situation where I need to run some ad-hoc SQL statements.
public IList<string> GetDistincList(string TableName, string FieldName)
string sqlToRun = string.Format("SELECT DISTINCT {0} FROM {1} ORDER BY {0}", FieldName, TableName);
Query query = new Query(TableName);
Can anyone help me here? As it appears, I just want to return a generic list of strings.
Subsonic has a great method called ExecuteTypedList() so you can do somethink like this.
List<int> result = DB.Select(Table.Columns.Id)
or even with pocos:
public class UserResult
public int Id {get;set;}
public string Name {get;set;}
List<UserResult> users = DB.Select(
User.Columns.UserId + " as Id", // the as ... is only needed if your
User.Columns.UserName + " as Name" // column name differs from the
).From<User>() // property name of your class
Unfortunately this method doesn't work for string since it requires
a) a valuetype
b) a class with a parameterless constructor since the method uses reflection to map the columns from the result to the properties of the class
However I wrote an extension method a while ago that works for string:
Use the Subsonic.Select() ExecuteTypedList Method with String
Look at my own answer in the link.
If you add the extensionmethod to your code you can do:
List<String> result = DB.Select(User.Columns.UserName)
Use the CodingHorror class.
Here's the SubSonic 3 way of doing it:
The SubSonic 2 way is similar:
Dim ch As SubSonic.CodingHorror
ch.Execute("delete from #tablename", table)
