How to Stream / Control Audio using Multitasking bar iOS 4+ - ios4

im trying to find resources about the possibility to control audio stream from the multitasking bar in iOS 4+. So possibly when app reaches background, when the home button was pressed twice, the audio controls in the multitasking bar should give me some possibility to control my audio stream. I don't know if using simple mpmovieplayer is enough or i should go with AVFoundation.
This is a picture of what i'm meaning:
Thank you very much


Ableton Live 11 Lite: Lagging or distorted delay of recording

I'm using Ableton Live 11 Lite while recording a cover, and discovered that all of my recording comes out as a jittery mess all of the sudden. I'm using a Focusrite Scarlett Solo, a Squier Telecaster, Maestro Ranger Over-Drive pedal, and an Audio-Technica Mic. It's a new project, I have a metronome set up for recording Privately Owned Spiral Galaxy, and the audio interface splits the mic and guitar into separate tracks that I'm trying to record individually. I posted a sample of the God-awful sound of it recording here for reference.
P.S. I know this isn't the correct page but there's hardly any Ableton/DAW questions on the Music page and no answers really, as opposed to the several I found on SO.
I would start with playing with your buffer size in your Audio driver.

Bluetooth headphone music quality deteriorates when launching iOS simulator

The situation goes a little something like this:
I am programming Xcode whilst concurrently listening to music on my Bluetooth headphones... you know to block out the world.
Then, I go to launch my app in the iOS simulator and BOOM all of a sudden my crystal clear music becomes garbled and super low quality like it is playing in a bathtub 2 blocks away... in the 1940s.
Note: the quality deterioration does NOT occur if I am playing music on my laptop or cinema display and I launch the sim. It seems to be exclusively a Sim -> Bluetooth issue.
The problem is more than just annoying. Because often after stopping the simulator the crappy bathtub quality music continues. To fix it I have to open sound preferences in OSX and briefly toggle back to my laptop sound and then back to my Bluetooth headphones.
This is a big deal because I launch the simulator 50x a day and have to do this toggle thing every time as well as suffer listening to 40s era mono ham radio quality music.
For your information, the headphones I am using are Plantronics BackBeat Pro and I am up to date on firmware. I am on OSX 10.11.4 and Xcode 7.3... but this problem has persisted through all versions for 2+ years now. Can you save me from the 1940s?
I've managed to fix it, and it actually seems to be a microphone issue. Go to System Preferences -> Sound, select the Input tab and set Internal Microphone as the input (mine was set with my headphones').
Crappy sound goes way after that =)
EDIT (May 30 2018):
I've found out an easier way to do the same as above. Instead of opening the System Preferences, you can just go to the Mac OSX toolbar, press Option (alt) + click on the sound icon and then select "Internal Microphone" from the "Input Device" list. Print screen as follows.
If you're using Xcode 9 or higher, you can set a default audio input and output for the simulator. This can be done by launching the simulator from Xcode and navigating to I/O > Audio Input within the menu bar and selecting Internal Microphone. This solution will save your audio preference so you won't have to change it on every launch.
On Simulator, Select;
I/O -> Audio Input -> Macbook [Pro]
Seems like years of suffering are finally over, Xcode 12 Beta Release Notes:
Simulator defaults to the internal microphone unless you explicitly choose a different audio source. This avoids triggering phone call mode on Bluetooth headsets which degrades audio quality while listening to music. (59338925, 59803381)
You can also switch to Mac's internal mic in System Preferences -> Sound, that's how I usually fix this bug (I have Sony Wh-1000XM3)

Midi sound file response is slower than wave sound file response

I'm using midi files for background sound in my game. I'm creating and playing sound as follow s:
InputStream is = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(
"/sound/" + bg.mid);
IngameSound = Manager.createPlayer(is, "audio/midi");
Using this code,the game play is slow. If wave sound file is used,then game play is fine.How to make game play smooth using midi files?
Sound performance via J2ME is often highly dependent on the device you are using, so what works well on one will often be nearly unusable on another.
However, one thing you can try to do is pre-load and/or prefetch all of your sounds prior to needing to play them (usually during the loading animation for a level), store all your players in an array and just tell them to start/stop/reset when you need to manipulate them. In the past I often found that the biggest performance hit with sound was the initial request to access a hardware resource, so anything you can do to perform all hardware requests as early as possible is usually beneficial.

I hear clicking in audio with a DirectShow graph created with Graph Edit yet player software on my PC plays audio smoothly

I have a DirectShow application that I built with Delphi 6 using the DSPACK component library. For two days I have been trying to solve a problem with audio playback. When I run the filter graph I create I hear repetitive clicks in the playback. What was really confusing was that the audio file I created simultaneously with my filter graph had clean continuous audio, not gaps. So I knew that the audio buffers were being delivered properly but something I was doing was "jamming up" the "live" playback. Or so I thought. I spent two days diagnosing the problem looking for semaphores being held too long (locks) or perhaps timestamp problems, which I documented in this other Stack Overflow post:
Getting stuttering during rendering of my DirectShow filter despite output file being "smooth"
A few minutes ago I decided to try a test with the Graph Edit utility. I created a dead simple graph consisting of just the capture device I was using (VOIP phone microphone), and the renderer device I was using (HD ATI Rear Audio output to headphones). Two filters total. Much to my surprise I heard the same clicking. So here was a case that did not involve my code at all and I heard clicking.
Then I changed the audio renderer in the Graph Edit created filter graph to the VOIP phone ear piece. The clicking went away.
Now I know there's a way to get smooth audio on ut the ATI Rear Audio device since its the preferred audio output device and everything from videos I play on my PC to wave files I play on it sound flawless. So are the other software programs doing something different than just connecting filters? I am wondering if perhaps the default mode for the HD ATI Rear Audio is without double-buffering and perhaps those other software programs know how to enable that feature? Or are they doing something else, perhaps using another DirectShow or DirectSound filter or technique for example, to make the audio play smoothly on the HD ATI Rear Audio renderer?
What you possibly having (depends on actual stuttering though) is that when you are using capture and playback devices backed by different hardware, their sampling rates slightly differ. For example, you capture 22050 Hz at actual rate of (22050 - 2%) Hz and you play it back with hardware consuming bytes at (22050 + 2%) Hz.
Now obviously this won't work out smooth: eventually playback will experience data underlow... If you save into file and play back from file, it will go smooth as the file will be able to supply data at the rate of playback device. If capture and playback devices are the same hardware, they are likely to use shared "hardware" clock and rates match.
The problem is known as "rate matcing" and is discussed on MSDN in Live Sources section.

How do I detect if the computer is playing any sound?

I want to programmatically detect if a (local) computer (not mobile device) is playing any sound or music. Preferably via some high level api from Java or Python or a similar language.
I have never done it, but as a first approach I would open (open as input, not output) a fake recording stream on the master windows playback lineout device (instead the normal use of opening the mic or linein device for recording).
I would then monitor the captured frames. If for a certain time there are values over some small threshold, I would infer there is sound.
