Chrome extension performance - google-chrome-extension

I have developed a chrome extension. The extension itself works fine and fast.
But when I start the browser and click on the toolbar icon of my extension it takes about 2 seconds for the popup to appear and to show its content (this happens anytime the browser is restarted).
Any idea what causes this and how to fix that?

Tip 1:
Use your popup page for rendering exclusively. It should be as light as possible. All the heavy loading/processing (localStorage, XMLHttpRequests, blocking javascript) must be done in the background page.
The background page is loaded when Google Chrome starts. Basically, it allows you to execute code and keep a page always running (although the popup is not present). For instance, streaming audio in a html5 tag with no popup.
Note: If you are not using a background page yet, you should be taking a look to message passing first.
Tip 2: Warning: This could fail
I haven't tested this yet, but maybe using the HTML5 manifest.cache can help you preventing loading again resources stored locally. But beware, this is HTML5 and is prone to changes and unstability across versions. (also, I am not completely sure that the cached resources will be loaded in memory before the popup is opened)
Hope it helps!


Creating a Chrome extension which closes blocked websites

I recently blocked quite a lot of ads across my entire network using AdGuard. Unfortunately, AdGuard does not prevent pop-up windows from opening. Although the advertising page is not called up, I get a popup which tells me that the requested page cannot be reached.
That's why I wanted to write a chrome extension that closes these popups automatically. Unfortunately, I fail to save the value of a checkbox in that is supposed to activate / deactivate the extension.
could someone help me here?
Okay i managed to store my value but now i'm running into the problem that i need to run a script when a page can't be loaded and i got no idea how i can do that. :S
Any Ideas? Is that even possible?

Chrome extension pauses before loading

How do I reduce the time between clicking an extension icon and the content being displayed?
I'm making a very simple extension. It loads quickly once it's started, but there is a bit of a delay between clicking and the popup loading. I've added a gif of this here. (The gif gets a bit hectic to look at, so I've put it under a link so that it doesn't burn your eyes!) It doesn't really do it justice as it loads faster on my machine than other people's for some reason.
This question (Slight loading delay with chrome extension popup) seems to address the same question, but it doesn't have an answer. I think that this question (load chrome extension popup faster) addresses this issue too, but its answer seems to be addressing a different problem.
My repo is here:
If I profile the load time of the extension it starts measuring from when the popup appears:
This implies that there is something on the screen about 5ms after loading. It doesn't include the pause.
I think the delay you are facing is due to the time necessary to launch a new task process in Chrome.
Open Chrome menu > More tools > Tasks manager, you will not see any reference to your extension.
Now click on your extension browser-action icon, you will see that, after some various delay, a new entry called "Extension : BVN toolbar" will appear in the tasks manager. Once the task appears, your popup opens.
Some tests
If you test the My Bookmarks sample extension from the Chrome extension samples, you will see the exact same behavior.
Now if you have a look at some other extensions like Adblock Plus for example, which uses a browser-action icon/popup like you, you will see that its popup opens much faster than yours.
If you check the tasks manager again you will see a task named "Extension : Adblock Plus" even when the popup is not opened.
This is because many extensions (like the Adblock one) are using persistent background pages which are single long-running scripts existing for the lifetime of your extension (until you disable it, close your browser etc.)
As mentioned in the documentation, the use of persistent background pages is discouraged in favor of event pages (non persistent ones). But in your case, using an event page will not solve your problem because when the event page is not actively doing something, it is unloaded to release resources.
The easy way
Defining a persistent background page in your manifest.json file will solve your problem but will result in a not really necessary memory usage to keep your extension task "alive" (and your extension don't need it to work):
"background": {
"page": "popup.html"
The other way
Submit the question / problem to Google. Maybe they can perform some optimizations for such case or they will provide you a better solution. And you can explain that this encourages the use of persistent background page instead of event ones :-)

Chrome Extension popup.html disappears when clicking on the page

I am new to Chrome Extension. I have a popup.html that collects data and displays when mouse over on the current open page/tab. I also send data to popup.html on click on the current open page/tab.
The problem is when i click on the page data gets passed to the popup.html but popup.html disappears/closes. When i click on the extension again the data persists since i am persisting the data on a background page.
How do i avoid popup.html not to close/disappear on click on current open page/tab.
Thanks in advance
It is not possible.
The popup for Browser Actions / Page Actions is designed to close as soon as it loses focus. It is also not possible to programmatically open it.
You did correctly by making the background script handle the data. If you need persistent UI while you're interacting with a page, then your only option seems to be some HTML UI injected by a content script.
You might be interested in this question.
I understood that pop.html does not persist on the screen, hence took up a different route by getting my extension on to the chrome dev tools. They perform the same actions such as an extension the pain is that your dev tools have to be open always.
For my use case keeping the console open does not make much of a difference. This post helped me a lot set this up.
Thanks for your suggestions
I m not sure u can. There is a reason the page is named as popup. Although you can try notifications( to provide the same functionality.

How is the panel displayed when launching Chrome Hangout extension made to be always on top and pinned?

When launching the Chrome Extension Google-Hangouts, a panel initially appears that lists members and a link/button to create a new Hangout.
This panel is initially pinned to the bottom right of the browser window. When pinned like this, it remains always on top as a browser navigation session continues: users can go to different URLs, change tabs, etc. and that panel stays at the bottom right and stays on top of all other windows (or at least on top of the main browser window).
Once it's unpinned, you can drag it around the window, but it no longer stays always on top.
My question is, how was that achieved - what code, or what functions, do i need to call to create that window/panel so that it stays initially pinned and always on top? Is there some binding to some native code that's involved? Some other approach?
If anyone know and can show or explain, i would be hugely grateful as this feature is key to an extension i'm trying to build.
Thanks a lot!
This may not be an answer but to get a clue of what is happening I extracted the crx file to view its content there are a few OS specific files : ace.dll , and ace. After researching a bit i found this. This is a plugin. Hangouts extension is using ace plugin which is actually running on your desktop(i'm not sure about this). You can check this article
I found this related post: How to build an chrome extension like Google Hangouts
ACE is actually not what makes the window, Chrome has that capability built in, apparently. Even if you don't enable panels, extensions from Google can still make them, provided your OS is capable.

SWT Browser component blocks SWT UI thread

I am embedding an org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser into a view in a modified eclipse (Indigo), for use as a preview pane of a form editor component. On a form model change or an element selection change the code renders the form via vaadin 6 and displays it in the browser component.
Now, this works like a charm in most cases. But for some highly complex forms the HTML+JS generated by vaadin generates a lot of stress on the browser, rendering it unresponsive for up to a few seconds. That in itself wouldn't be tragic (1), but as long as the SWT Browser component is busy rendering that stuff, the entire eclipse UI thread is blocked.
A simple way to reproduce this is to create an HTML page that blocks inside a javascript function (see for an example) and display it in the SWT browser. As long as that JS function is running, the entire SWT application is not responding to anything.
The only info I've found on this problem are
one SO question (without resolution) and
one question on EclipseZone (unanswered).
Not that helpful :(
The API docs of the Browser component don't seem to offer any insight on whether its rendering is triggered periodically by the UI thread or if itself triggers something that blocks the UI.
Is there a way to decouple the Browser component's rendering from the SWT UI thread? Or anything else that could be done to protect the eclipse UI from hanging stuff in the browser?
(1): We need forms of this complexity level, we're already optimizing the rendering performance and a switch to vaadin7 will most likely also speed things up. But the problem will certainly persist, if only in reduced severity.
Not a real solution, but a workaround that Works For Me (TM):
As described here it is really easy to launch the system's default browser from SWT. So I'm going to add an option to the view containing the browser control that will "detach" the view by disabling the browser control and opening the system browser instead.
In case the linked page drops off the net, here's the gist:
launches the application registered for HTTP URLs. In other words: the system default browser.
Happiness ensues :)
