How to access a excel file in CF8? - excel

How to read an excel file from cfm page?

That depends on what you want to do. If you simply need to upload the file, you can use the cffile tag (CF8 documentation here).
If you want to extract data from it, you may want to look at Ben Nadel's POI Utility CFC. (Note that it's not been updated since the release of CF9 because of the introduction of the cfspreadsheet tag in that version of ColdFusion.)


Updating the version info of a CHM file during compile with Inno [duplicate]

I need to add version info and retrieve it from the CHM file to make it possible to make an alert message to a user about a new CHM-file version available and downloaded.
It means, that I should compare versions of CHM on different machines (Server and clients).
The other way is date and time checking, but I should remember about time zones, so this is complicated, because also one should remember about different file systems, according to Windows SDK help about SetFileTime function and FILETIME structure.
If someone knows the trick - please share.
.chm files don't have version information. You will need to find some alternative way to mark the file version.
One way that occurs to me is to include a topic in the help file that contains the version. I imagine that this topic would be hidden, that is not linked by any other topic, not in the table of contents, etc.
All that remains is for your application to be able to read that topic from the help file. I'm sure that can be done with a .chm file parser, if you can obtain one. Perhaps more easily you can get the platform browser to read the topic for you. You can use IHTMLDocument2 to read a URI like this:

generate multiple pdfs from a database

I would like to generate multiple pdfs at once. Those pdfs should pull data from a database. It can be an excel table or a relational database, doesn't matter, I can create whatever.
Using excel and javascript in adobe acrobat pro I managed to pull data into a template pdf, but for every record (row) I have in excel table I have to manually generate one pdf, then another, and so on.. and there are a lot of records, so I would like to do that automatically if possible.
Is there a way to do that? Any suggestions?
I added an image to better explain it...
Look into the Acrobat SDK, Section: "Interapplication Communication" to learn how you can control Acrobat via VB/VBA and how you can work with the JavaScript Object (JSO).
Then have a look into the "Acrobat JavaScript Scripting reference" and look at
the Doc Object with commands like .. addField and at
the Field object to set the properties of the fields.
That should do what you want, Reinhard
PS: With Open Office you can save spreadsheets as PDF and with newer version of Excel too. Wouldn't that be already enough or perhaps a mix of above and this.
Full disclosure: I founded and run Epsillion Software.
mirta, one option is Epsillion Publisher. We built it for your exact use case.
You would need to specify what your template should look like. The Epsillion team will design it for you.
You then specify what your variables are in a Word document (e.g., name, last name, date of birth). The software will process the Word and Excel files and return PDFs for you.
Templates are flexible and flow as needed.
Hope that helps. Good luck!

Exporting data to existing Excel file

I have a system with an Excel spreadsheet template file which is used for invoicing. I would like the user to be able to click a button on an Xpage, which will then open the spreadsheet and enter the latest invoicing data in Excel. I don't mind if Excel is either the application on their machine or on the server, but my preference would be the application locally on their machine.
I've looked into Xagents, as I feel this is probably the answer. I know they can be used to create Excel but I have not been able to locate any mention of opening an Excel file, and entering data into specific cells.
Is this possible?
EDIT: you can use Apache POI for editing and creating Microsoft Office documents. This is a java project which gives you a handle to office documents and this can be used using java.
A good starting point can be the blog of Christian Guedemann from webgate:
(end of edit)
The only way I KNOW and tried to write data from Notes to Excel is exporting the data to an HTML page and setting the Content Type accordingly (e. g. as described here (there are a lot more resources available for taht):
I am not sure if this is of help but it seems that this project can help you:
As far as I can see this project can load Excel files from XPages - and then it should also be possible to edit the files.
Besides that the only solution I can think of is a Notes Agent that is called from the XPage. This agent can then run in background and do all the excel stuff. After running, the XPage can show a link to the Excel file. Actually this is the solution I would consider to implement - but maybe others step in with better answers here.
You don't want to introduce a dependency on Excel in your application -- wouldn't work with an iPad front-end. Rather have a look at the ZK Spreadsheet, it will fulfill your needs.
However if you have to have Excel, then you need a roundtrip solution: load the Excel from an URL (probably generated by an XAgent (?) and save it back. The saving back part is the tricky one. Normal HTTP doesn't allow that. What you need there is a webDAV capable server. Watch out for a project on OpenNTF soon (just clearing IBM legal) that provides webDAV.
However the ZK Spreadsheet looks much better for your needs.
I have a sample database at the following URL -->
Download the APCC.nsf. This will allow you to create/read a new EXCEL spreadsheet and then stream the resulting file to the requesting browser. There is not need to have EXCEL or office installed on the Server.
THe examples create a new workbook, but you can also store a "template" on the server or in a notes document and use it as a starting point and then save it to a document or stream it to the requesting browser.
With Apache POI you can read/write to a spreadsheet using data from the notes document the process is initiated from.

How to get the content of an excel file in struts2 after uploading?

I'm working on Struts2 framework. I need to upload an excel file to the buffer so that I can extract its informations and print them into a table in a jsp page. I followed this tutorial : , and so I could upload any type of file. My question is then : how can restrict the type into .xls and .xlsx ? and how can I get the content of the rows existing in the excel file? I read somewhere that i can use the Apache POI API ... but I couldn't get much how to do. Thank you.
Have you seen the Struts 2 File Upload Tutorial ?
It shows how to restrict to certain mime types.
You need the mime types described here for excel.
There is an opensource library called jxl. After you haveuploaded your file to your server you can read it in and iterate through ght rows. Its very easy to do.

How to read an Open Office spreadsheet?

How can I read an Open Office 3.0 spreadsheet (.ods) from Groovy? I'd like to select specific columns from a named worksheet. Ideally, it would be useful to add a 'where' clause, or other criteria clause.
I've never used it, but Open Office has a Java API, which of course you could use from Groovy as well. It looks like the best places to start reading are the Developer's Guide, the Java UNO Reference, and the samples in Java and (hey!) Groovy. Hope that helps!
Might be something here at Spring Factories or here at Groovy and JMX. There is a forum for Groovy and Open Office.
Could you export the table / spreadsheet as SQL entries then use that. You could also look at this plugin for goovy --
OpenOffice documents are ZIP files which contains the document data as XML plus some other files (style sheets for word documents). Details can be found here.
The main problem with calc is formulas. If you just have tabular data, then you can simply read the cell values and use that. So you can open the ZIP archive, read the content.xml in it and parse that with any XML parser.
But when a cell contains a formula, then you need to execute it. In this case, you will have to open the document via the UNO API. Here is the Java version. There is a link where you can download example code that explains how to open ODF documents and how to examine their content. There are also snippets but none of them show how to examine a sheet.
The main disadvantage of UNO is the documentation. Each method is explained somewhere but you have to find the method which solves your problem, first.
Since the title does not mention Groovy (only question specifics does), I didn't want to make this a new question.
How to generally read an Open Office spreadsheet document? There are tools for creating one (ooo-python) but not for reading one. They are XML but just bluntly diving into that and trying to get the right logic of extracting the data I want seems so sub-optimal.
What I'd like is features similar to Excel COM support, but from a command line tool (or scripting language).
