High-level level language for image processing - programming-languages

My final year project group is planning to build a real time application with neural network support and need to handle image processing efficiently, Any language suggestions would be very much helpful. Thanks.

Mathematica may offer some useful features. The last couple of releases have added quite a lot of image processing functionality. You can get a taste by looking at these blog entries:
How to Make a Webcam Intruder Alarm with Mathematica
The Battle of the Marlborough Maze at Blenheim Palace Continues
The Incredible Convenience of Mathematica Image Processing
Mathematica is an interpreted language, which would appear to present an obstacle to your real-time constraints. However, Mathematica has always integrated well will foreign code (notably C, Java and .NET) and the latest release adds considerable new capabilities with respect to C-code generation, dynamic-library loading and CUDA / OpenCL GPU programming.
Alas, Mathematica is not FOSS and is pretty expensive for commercial use. However, they give great student discounts (90%+, last time I checked) and some college/university departments have site licenses.
On the down side, the Mathematica language is quite unconventional and it takes time to get into the swing of things. IMO, the effort is worth it, but the learning curve might be too long if your project timelines are short.
Note: I am not affiliated with WRI in any way.

My suggestion is OpenCV and C++. OpenCV is also usable with Python, but I don't recommend it if you need to write fast code, Python can be really slow.

How about Python? There is PIL, which
adds image processing capabilities to your Python interpreter. This library supports many file formats, and provides powerful image processing and graphics capabilities.
An introductory article about NN with python and a feed forward NN library:

Matlab provides a lot of features for image processing. May be slightly slow, but I assume performance is not an issue.

ImageMagick is suppose to be real good, but I have no first-hand experience. Mathematica?


I want to do a project on sound programming, but I don't know where to start

At my high school we can take a class where we basically learn about a subject on our own for a semester. I was thinking that I want to learn about "sound programming," but I realized that I have no idea what that entails. I'm interested in learning about, for example, how a synthesizer works, how I could write a VSTi, and how sound works in computer science. Is this a feasible subject? Are there any good tutorials out there for somebody completely new to this? Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: This is the sort of thing that I'm interested in.
VST plugins are normally written with C++. But it's possible to use other languages as well. Building a VST plugin with C++ is quite an involved project. Without pre-existing experience it's probably too much for a school project. Additionally you'll probably spend as much or more time implementing the VST part and GUI as you will actual sound programming.
However there are a other ways to create a VST plugin and still get your hands dirty writing code.
SynthEdit is a modular environment for creating synthesizers and effects. Modules such as oscillators, envelopes etc are connected visually with wires. Patches can be exported as VST plugins. SynthEdit allows additional modules to be programmed with C++.
SynthMaker is another option similar to SynthEdit. It features a code module which allows you write DSP code without the difficultly of compiling modules in another language.
The advantage of using SynthEdit or SynthMaker in your situation is that you can focus your programming efforts on a particular area, such as creating a filter or oscillator module. SynthEdit/SynthMaker can then handle the other areas (GUI, voice logic, etc).
Using SynthEdit or SynthMaker will also allow you to prototype ideas quicker. So you will have more time to experiment with different synthesizer or effect architectures before settling on something to complete for your school project.
DSP theory can be quite involved and maths heavy but that alone shouldn't put you off. Depending on what you want to do, a basic understanding of digital audio principles and algebra level maths may be enough to take you a surprising long way.
You might try looking for resources on DSP (Digital Signal Processing) and/or Audio Signal Processing. The programming itself (unless you're looking for an existing audio library) will likely be more math intensive than programming intensive, so it might be a good fit for a query at math.stackexchange.com.
There's a very flexible and powerful audio application called Plogue Bidule. You could use it to learn about audio processing and synthesis, by creating your own 'bidules' or groups using low-level math and logic building blocks. There's an existing user community, and I've had a hard time finding a limit to what it can do. You're not going to be doing any code with this tool, but it's great for performance and learning about audio processing and synthesis fundamentals.

Prerequisite for learning directx

I am from .net C# background and I want to learn DirectX. I have knowledge of C++ but I am fairly new to graphic world.
I am little confused about how to start learning directx, should I start learning direct directly or buy a basic graphic book like hern and baker and then jump to directx.
Which is the recommended book for learning basic graphic concepts, is it hern and baker? Is there any directx book which will cover graphic concepts as well?
I think that keeping a basic graphics book is allways good, because i can use it as reference anytime
Any suggestions from experts here?
You say that you have a C# background so I am going to assume you are more comfortable with C# then C++. Also, you say that you have knowledge of C++ so I will assume that you already have an understanding of memory management.
If you just want to learn and become more comfortable with the graphics pipeline you should check out SlimDX and XNA. They both allow you to use DirectX without having to dive into C/C++.
As for whether to learn the theory or API first I don't think you should do either one first. It makes sense to learn them asynchronously. Pick up a book on the theory but mess around with an API at the same time.
I highly recommend XNA. People commonly say that you should stick with C++ if you want to develop games but I strongly disagree. XNA will allow you to learn more high level game concepts in less time than if you use C++ and DirectX alone. You will be able to focus on learning why you are doing something rather than how to manage the memory. If in the future you decide that game development is a serious passion then by all means C++ is the way to go. You will find that XNA's graphics pipeline closely mirrors DirectX 9 and wont have much trouble moving to C++.
Also, DirectX 9 should be good enough for any beginner and it will give you a better understanding of how and why things have changed in 10 and 11. However, if you really want bleeding edge technologies you can try out SlimDX which is a C# wrapper for DirectX.
With all this said, XNA offers many easy to understand samples that you can start playing with on their educational catalog page. Also, check out ziggyware (great collection of xna tutorials).
Also, there are many blogs you can check out. A lot of them have excellent tutorials on them. Here are some off the top of my head:
Reimer Grootjans
Shawn Hargreaves
Richard Dodsworth
Renaud Bédard
Nick Gravelyn
Finally, here are 2 graphics books that I highly recommend (they are pretty complex and will last you a long time):
Fundamentals of Computer
Real-Time Rendering
They are not directly related to DirectX, but rather they cover the theory every graphics developer should know. (from linear algebra to texture mapping to volumetrix rendering...)
Well I have to disagree with the C# option. If you don't have a deadline to finish the game, then I recommend using the language that teach you most. Working with 3d graphics is A LOT about management so if you are avoding it you are not actually learning but just using it, ie. you not only have to manage memory but the actual render calls you make and the device state changes, a lot of things that you will never know by avoding lower level, and which applies for other APIs too such as OpenGL or for other kind of devices. I think the best way of knowing how the api works is by using the api, instead of a bunch of helper libraries. You can use the helper libraries when you really need it instead (which you can find in their C++ version anyway).
In the DX SDK you can also find the Sample Browser with some sample applications with their documentation and you have the DirectX Utility Toolkit which contains a framework and libraries to make a DirectX app without having to worry much about the nasty device things such as enumeration and config. It also comes with a GUI system and a settings dialog for the device config. I doubt you can find those in C# and they are very good if you want to start with DX.
Some resources that helped me when I started were
the zophusX tutorials
and a book called "Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9.0c", by Frank D. Luna (there is the DX10 version now)
and probably the book 3d Game Engine Programming by Stephan Zerbst also helped me to understand some things about how to work better with the apis. Though you may have to buy them in order to read them. They are helpful to start with both some theory and using the API at the same time.
I think if your target is to learn how to make a game then you can use any language/library you want you don't even need to know a programming language :) but if your target is learning DirectX and graphics APIs you should definitively start with the C++ api which is the "actual" DX.
If you have a bit of extra money, I was very impressed with the DirectX graphics courses from http://www.gameinstitute.com. The textbook they provide was very good as far as the other DirectX books I've seen are concerned. The first module DirectX Graphics I starts off with a bit of a math review and some 3D fundamentals before diving into setting up and using DirectX. By the end of the first module you will have built a textured terrain renderer and an indoor scene.
Overall the courses are not that expensive when you consider how much books on the subject cost. I would definitely recommend checking it out!

Development time in various languages

Does anybody know of any research or benchmarks of how long it takes to develop the same application in a variety of languages? Really I'm looking for Java vs. C++ but any comparisons would be useful. I have the feeling there is a section in Code Complete about this but my copy is at work.
There are a lot of interesting answers to this question but it seems like there is a lack of really good research. I have made a proposal over at meta about this problem.
Pratt & Whitney, purveyors of jet engines for civilian and military applications, did a study on this many years ago, without actually intending to do the study.
They went on the same metrics kick everyone else went on in the 1990s. They collected a bunch of data about their jet engine controller projects, including timecard data. They crunched it. The poor sap who got to crunch the data noticed something in the results: the military projects uniformly had twice the programmer productivity and one/fourth the defect density as the civilian projects.
This, by itself, is significant. It means you only need half as many programmers, and you aren't going to spend quite as much time fixing bugs. What is even more important is that this was an apples-to-apples comparison. A jet engine controller is a jet engine controller.
He then went looking for candidate explanations. All of the usual candidates: individual experience, team size, toolsets, software processes, requirements stability, everything, were trotted out, and they were ruled out when it was seen that the story on those items was uniformly the same on both sides of the aisle. At the end of the day, only one statistically significant difference showed up.
The civilian projects were written in every language you could think of. The military projects were all written in Ada.
IN EVERY SINGLE CASE, against every other comer, for jet engine controllers at Pratt & Whitney, using Ada gave double the productivity and one/fourth the defect density.
I know what the flying code monkeys are going to say. "You can do good work in any language." In theory, that's true. In practice, however, it appears that, at least at Pratt & Whitney, language made a difference.
Last I heard about this, Pratt & Whitney upper management decreed that ALL jet engine controller projects would be done in Ada.
No, I don't have a citation. No paper was ever written. My source on this story was the poor sap who crunched the numbers. Here's a similar study from 1995:
This, incidentally, was BEFORE Boeing did the 777, and BEFORE the 777 brake subcontractor story happened. But that's another story.
One of the few funded scientific studies that I'm aware of on cross-language productivity, from the early 90s, funded by ARPA and the ONR,
Haskell vs. Ada Vs. C++ vs Awk vs ... An Experiment in Software Prototyping Productivity, Hudak & Jones, 1994.
We describe the results of an
experiment in which several
conventional programming languages,
together with the functional language
Haskell, were used to prototype a
Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC)
requirement for a Geometric Region
Server. The resulting programs and
development metrics were reviewed by a
committee chosen by the Navy. The
results indicate that the Haskell
prototype took significantly less time
to develop and was considerably more
concise and easier to understand than
This article(a pdf) has some benchmarks (note that it's from 2000) between C, C++, Perl, Java, Perl, Python, Rexx and Tcl.
Some common wisdom I believe holds true (also somewhere within the article):
The number of lines written per hour is independent of the language
Opinion: more important is what is faster for a given developer, for example yourself. What you are used to, will usually be faster. If you are used to 20 years of C++ pitfalls and never skip an uninitialized variable, that will be faster than Java for anybody.
If you remember all parameters of CreateWindowEx() by heart, it will be faster than MFC or winforms.
A couple of anecdotal data points:
On Project Euler, which invites programming solutions to mathematical problems,
the shortest solutions are almost invariably written in J or K, a relative of APL; there are occasionally MatLab solutions in the same range. It can be argued, though, that these languages specialized in math.
runners up were Ruby solutions. A lot of algorithm can be wrapped in very little code, and it's much more legible than J / K.
Python and Haskell solutions also did very well, LOC-wise.
The question asked about "fastest development," not "shortest code." But it's conceivable that shorter solutions are faster to come up with - certainly for slow typists!
There's an annual competition among roboticists. Contestants are given some specs for some hardware, a practical problem to solve in software, and limited time to do so. Again very domain specific, of course. Programmers have their choice of tools, including language of course. Every year, the winning team (often a single person) used Forth.
This admittedly limited sample suggests that "development speed" and "effect of language on speed" is often very dependent on the problem domain.
See also
Are there statistical studies that indicates that Python is "more productive"?
for some discussions about this kind of question.
It would make more sense to benchmark the programmers, not the languages. The time to write a program in any mainstream language depends more on the ability of the programmer in that language than on qualities of that specific language.
I think most benchmarks and statements on this topic will mean very little.
Benchmarks can always be gamed; see the history of "Pet Store".
A language that's good at solving one kind of problem might not apply as well to another.
What matters most is the skill of your team, its knowledge of a particular technology, and how well you know the domain you're trying to solve.
UPDATE: Control software for jet engines and helicopters is a very specialized subset of computing problems. It's characterized by very rigorous, complete, detailed specs and QA that means the multi-million dollar aircraft cannot crash.
I can second the (very good) citation by John Strohm of Pratt & Whitney control software written in Ada. The control software for Kaman helicopters sold to Australia was also written in Ada.
But this does not lead to the conclusion that if you decided to write your next web site in Ada that you'd have higher productivity and fewer defects than you would if you chose C# or Java or Python or Ruby. All languages are not equally good in all problem domains.
Language/framework comparison for web applications
The Plat_Forms project provides some information of this type for web applications.
There are three studies with different tasks (done in 2007, 2011, 2012), all of the following format: Several teams of three professional developers implemented the same application under controlled conditions within two days.
It covers Java, Perl, PHP, and Ruby and has multiple teams for each language.
The evaluation reports much more than only development time.
Findings of iteration one for instance included
that experience with the language and framework appeared to be more relevant than what that framework was.
that Java tended to induce teams to make laborious constructions while Perl induced them to make pragmatic (and quite handy) constructions.
Findings of iteration two included
that Ruby on Rails was more productive in this type of project (which due to its duration was more rapid prototyping than full-blown development of a mature application)
and that the one exception to the above rule was the one team using Symfony, a PHP framework that has similar concepts to Ruby on Rails (but still the very different base language underneath it).
Look under http://www.plat-forms.org or search the web for "Plat_Forms".
There is plenty more detail in the reports, in particular the thick techreport on iteration 1.
Most programs have to interface with some other framework. It tends to be a good idea to pick the language that has libraries specifically for what you are trying to do. For instance are you trying to build a distributed redundant messaging system? If so I would use Erlang. Are you trying to make a quick and dirty data driven website, use Ruby and Rails. You get the idea. Real time DirectX where performance is key, C++/C/Asm.
If you are writing something that is algorithm based I would look to a functional language like Haskell, although it has a very high learning curve.
This question is a little old fashioned. Focusing on development time solely based on the choice of language is of limited value. There are so many other factors that have equal or more impact than the language itself:
The libraries or frameworks available / used.
The level of quality required (ie. defect count).
The type of application (eg. GUI, server, driver etc...)
The level of maintainability required.
Developer experience in the language.
The platform or OS the application is built on.
As an example, many would say Java is the better choice over C++ to build enterprise (line of business) applications. This is not normally because of the language itself, but instead it is perceived that Java has better (or more mature) web server and database frameworks available to it. This may or may not be true, but that is beside the point.
You may even find that the building an application using the same language on different operating systems or platforms gives greatly differing development time. For example using C++ on Linux to build a GUI application may take longer than a Windows based GUI application using C++ because of less extensive and mature GUI libraries avaialble on Linux (once again this is debatable).
According to Norvig, Lutz Prechelt published just such an article in the October 1999 CACM: "Comparing Java vs. C/C++ Efficiency Issues to Interpersonal Issues".
Norvig includes a link to that article. Unfortunately, the ACM, despite having a bitmap graphic proclaiming their goal of "Advancing Computing as a Science & Profession", couldn't figure out how to maintain stable links on their webpage, so it's just a 404 now. Perhaps your local library could help you out.
That Ada story might be an embellished version of this: http://www.adaic.com/whyada/ada-vs-c/cada_art.html
Erlang vs C++/Corba
"... As the Erlang DCC is less than a quarter of the size of a similar C++/CORBA implementation, the product development in Erlang should be fast, and the code maintainable. We conclude that Erlang and associated libraries are suitable for the rapid development of maintainable and highly reliable distributed products."
Paper here
There's a reason why there are no real comparisons in that aspect, except for anecdotal evidence (which can be found in favor of almost any language).
Actually writing code takes relatively small portion of developer's time. Even if language lets you cut coding time in half, it will be barely noticeable by the time project ends. Design, structure of program, development process are all much more important, and then there are libraries, tools and experience with them.
Some languages are better suited for certain development processes than the others, so if you've settled on design and process you can decide which language will be more efficient - but not before.
(didn't notice there's a similar answer already, so feel free to ignore this)

Best thing for 3D and raytracing

I want to play around with some graphics stuff. Simple animations and things. I want to fool around with raytracing too. I need help finding a library that will help me do these things. I have a few requirements:
Must be able to do raytracing
Must be for a high level language (python, .NET, etc.). Please no C/C++
Must have good documentation, preferably with examples.
Does anyone know of a good library i can use to fool around with?
Have a look at blender.org - it's an open-source 3d project with python scripting capabilities.
First thing that come to my mind is the popular open source P.O.V Raytracer (www.povray.org). POV scenes are defined entirely with script files, and some people made Python code to generate them easily.
I'm not aware of any libraries that satisfy your request (at least not unless I decide to publish the code for my own tracer...).
Writing a tracer isn't actually that hard anyway. I'd strongly recommend getting hold of a copy of "An Introduction to Ray Tracing" by Glassner. It goes through the actual math in relatively easy to understand terms, and also has a whole section on "how to write a ray tracer".
In any event, a "library" isn't all that much use on its own - pretty much every ray tracer has its own internal libraries but they're specific to the tracer. They typically include:
a base class to represent 3D objects
subclasses of that for each geometric primitive
vector and matrix classes (3D and 4D)
texturing functions and/or classes
light classes of various types (point light, spot light, etc)
For my own tracer I actually used the javax.vecmath packages for #3 above, but had to write my own code for #1 and #2 based on the Glassner book. The whole thing is well under 2k lines of code, and most of the individual classes are about 40 lines long.
I believe there are few people putting together ray-tracers using XNA Game Studio.
One example of this with code can be seen over at:
Bespoke Software » Ray Tracing - Materials
The well developed raytracers that are open source are
For realtime 3D (it will be language dependant of course) there is JMonkeyEngine (Java) not sure whether that meets your "high level language" requirement.
You could consider a 3D game scripting language too, like GameCore or BlitzBasic

Crystalspace vs. Irrlicht vs. .....?

So, I use Linux, and I've been trying to find the time to get into game programming. I started out with Panda3d and had some pretty decent results and got a feel for many of the concepts in game programming. Not too long after that, I decided to step it up a notch and go to something more powerful and C or C++ based.
I'm probably just really dumb, but I could never really figure out how to use Crystalspace correctly. If somebody has any useful resources on how to use it, I would appreciate that. But in the meantime, I was messing around with Irrlicht and I like it, but I would like to know what more knowledgable people have to say about the subject. And maybe theres another awesome option out there I don't know about.
If you ask me, Irrlich is the best open source engine - it has clear architecture, good performance and requires lesser code to be written by programmer. I can not honestly compare Irrlicht with Crystal Space or Orge. I consider CS as mess of code, written by many different programmers in different manners - I am hard to imagine how to use it too (due to absolute lack of documentation). As for Ogre, it is not easier than D3D. I've examined different samples and fount plenty multyline fragments of code that are done with a single line in D3D. So, I simply can not see a reason, why to spent months learning OGRE's terrible API - if one has free time, I would advice to learn D3D itself.
I can say even more - Irrlicht is better, than many commercial engines, for example - Torque (absolute lack of documentation, forces to start project over existing one etc.), Truevision etc. Of course, Irrlicht lacks some great features, AAA grade engines must have, but it is quite sufficient for smaller projects.
If you have not BIG money to acquire Gamebryo and similar grades engine, I would advice to stick with Irrlicht - for first several projects at least.
I've spent some time working in the game industry. I'm also a Linux guy. I used Irrlicht to make a couple games, and used those as part of my resume, which helped get me get a job as a game programmer.
Irrlicht has a cleaner API, lower system requirements and works better across platforms than Ogre, in my opinion. I've had a blast making games with Irrlicht. It's also fairly lightweight (much lighter than Ogre), with a very open license for any use, commercial or otherwise.
Working with that engine did a lot to prepare me for working within the commercial game industry.
Is typically named together with crystalspace and irrlicht.
Ogre and Irrlicht both are said to have a cleaner design than crystalspace so I wouldn't worry to much about problems with the latter.
If you're looking for productive game development, then my best bet would be to use Unity 3D. I started off by using Irrlicht but quickly backed out because of non intuitive tools and a lot of stress on programming. Ogre seemed to be even more complex.
Unity on the other hand is rapidly gaining grounds with each release. The recent Unity 4 is packed with a ton of features. With very little game dev knowledge, I've managed to write my own flight sim engine in Unity Android. Even learned to write shaders easily.
Though advanced Unity licenses are paid, but they are well worth it. But you can always use Unity free edition to make commercial PC games. In all, game development is all about getting the hang of a game engine. Master any, and you will rule.
