filtering results in solr - search

I'm trying to build auto suggest functionality using Solr. The index contains different locations within a city and looks something like
id: unique id
name: the complete name
type: can be one of 'location_zone', 'location_subzone', 'location_city', 'outlet', 'landmark' ...
city: city id
now when the user types something, I want it to return suggestion only from the current city and of type location_*. something similar to WHERE city_id = 1 AND type="location_%" in SQL.
I guess one way to do it is by faceting but is that the right way? will it still search in all documents and then filter the results or will it apply the condition first as mysql would do it
PS: I'm new to solr and would appreciate if you can point out any mistakes in the approach

Solr does provide filtering, using the fq parameter. What you're looking for should be something along the lines of:
This page illustrates very well how and when to use filter queries in Solr.


Honoring previous searches in the next search result in solr

I am using solr for searching. I wants to improve my search result quality based on previously searched terms. Suppose, I have two products in my index with names 'Jewelry Crystal'(say it belongs to Group 1) & 'Compound Crystal'(say it belongs to Group 2). Now, if we query for 'Crystal', then both the products will come.
Let say, if I had previously searched for 'Jewelry Ornament', then I searches for 'Crystal', then I expects that only one result ('Jewelry Crystal') should come. There is no point of showing 'Compound Crystal' product to any person looking for jewelry type product.
Is there any way in SOLR to honour this kind of behavior or is there any other method to achieve this.
First of all, there's nothing built-in in Solr to achive this. What you need for this is some kind of user session, which is not supported by Solr, or a client side storage like a cookie or something for the preceding query.
But to achive the upvote you can use a runtime Boost Query.
Assuming you're using the edismax QueryParser, you can add the following to your Solr query:
q=Crystal&boost=bq:(Jewelry Ornament)

Solr search using contains, sound like

I have a movie information in solr. Two string fields define the movie title and director name. A copy field define another field which solr search for default.
I would like to have google like search with limited scope as follows. How to achieve it.
1)How to search solr for contains
a) If the movie director name is "John Cream", searching for joh won't return anything. However, searchign for John return the correct result.
b) If there is a movie title called aaabbb and another one called aaa, searching for aaa returns only one result. I need to return the both results.
2) How to account for misspelling
If the movie director name is "John Cream", searching for Jon returns no results. Is there a good sounds like (soundex) implementation for solr. If so how to enable it?
You can use solr query syntax
Searching for contains is obviously possible using wildcards (eg: title:*aaa* will match 'aaabbb' and also 'cccaaabbb'), but be careful about it, becouse it doesn't use indexes efficently. Do you really need this?
A soundex like search is possible applying solr.PhoneticFilterFactory filter to both your index and query. To achieve this define your fieldType like this in schema:
<fieldType name="text_soundex" class="solr.TextField">
<filter class="solr.PhoneticFilterFactory" encoder="Soundex" inject="true"/>
If you define your "director" field as "text_soundex" you'll be able to search for "Jon" and find "John"
See for more information.
Things you are asking, the first one is definitely achievable from Solr. I don't know about soundex.
1)How to search solr for contains
You can store data into string type of field or text type of field. In string field by wild card searching you can achieve the result (E.g field1:"John*"). Also you should look into different types of analyzers. But before everything, please look into the Solr reference
def self.get_search_deals(search_q, per = 50)
data = do
fulltext '*'+search_q +'*', fields: :title
paginate page: page_no, per_page: per
searchable do
text :title
just pass string as "*sam*"

Solr search with ranking and best match

i am new to this forum. I am looking for you suggestion on one of our searching requirement.
We have data of names , addresses and other relevant data to search for. The input for search going to be a free from text string with more than one word. The search api should match the input string against the complete data set includes names,address and other data. To fulfill the same , i have used copyField to copy all the required fields to a search field in solr confg. I am using the searchField as searchble agianst the input string that comes in. The input search string can have partial words like example below.
Name: Test Insurance company
Address: 123 Main Avenue, Galaxy city
Phone: 6781230000
After solr creates the index, the searchable field will have the document like below
searchField {
Name: Test Insurance company
Address: 123 Main Avenue, Galaxy city
Phone: 6781230000
End user can enter search string like "Test Company Main Ave" and the search is currently returns the above document. But not at the top, i see other documents are being returned too.
I am framing the solr query as ""Test* Company Main Ave" , adding a "*" after first word and going against the searchFiled
I have followed this approach after searching few forums over internet. How can i get the maximum match at the top. Not sure the above approach is right.
Any help appreciated.
You could index all fields separately and also use your searchField as a catchall.
Use an Edismax search handler to query all field with a scoring boost + also query your catchall field.
<str name="qf">
To boost relevancy, you could also index each field twice, once with a string type and then with a text_en type, as per this
<str name="qf">
Technically if there are documents above the one you want to match then they are a better match so it depends why they are getting a higher relevancy score. Try turning the debug on and see where the documents above your preferred document are getting the extra relevancy from.
Once you know why they are coming higher then you need to ask yourself why should your preferred document come first, what makes it a "better" match in your eyes.
Once you've decided why it should come top then you need to work out how to index and search the content so that the documents you expect to come first actually do come first, you may as qux says in his answer need to index multiple versions of the data to allow for better matching etc.

Search Against Series Of Fields - Solr

Lets consider a product catalog with fields Category, Brand, BrandAndCategory And default search field.
If i search for "dell laptops" at first solr should search against Category field, if no results are found then against Brand field and then BrandAndCategory field and finally against the default search field.Right now i am making four different calls one by one to the solr from my Java Code to achieve this.It might affect the performance eventually.Is there any other way to achieve this from solr itself?.
Please help me on this issue.Thanks in Advance.
I believe you can use the DisMaxQueryParser for this.
If getting the best results at the top is enough and lower priority results towards the bottom of the result set are acceptable, then something like this may work for you:
q=dell laptops&qf=Category^100 Brand^50 BrandAndCategory^10 Default

How to implement faceted search suggestion with number of relevant items in Solr?

I have a very specific need in my company for the system's search engine, and I can't seem to find a solution.
We have a SOLR index of items, all of them have the same fields, with one of the fields being "Type", (And ofcourse, "Title", "Text", and so on).
What I need is: I get an Item Type and a Query String, and I need to return a list of search suggestion with each also saying how meny items of the correct type will that suggested string return.
Something like, if the original string is "goo" I'll get
Goo 10
Google 52
Goolag 2
and so on.
now, How do I do it?
I don't want to re-query SOLR for each different suggestion, but if there is no other way, I just might.
Thanks in advance
you can try edge n-gram tokenization
You can try facets. Take a look at my more detailed description ('Autocompletion').
This was implemented at with Solr ... now using ElasticSearch but the Solr sources are still available and the idea is also the identical
The SpellCheckComponent of Solr (that gives the suggestions) have extended results that can give the frequency of every suggestion in the index -
However, the .Net component SolrNet, does not currently seem to support the extendedResults option: "All of the SpellCheckComponent parameters are supported, except for the extendedResults option" -
This is implemented using a facet field query with a Prefix set. You can test this using the xml handler like this:
