i'm using jplayer on my website.
it works fine only on chrome.
on firefox and safari it doesn't play the tracks and gives an NaN on total time,
whil ein ie dives me an error:
a._getMovie() is null or is not a object
any ideas?
i resolved on ie7 but even there i get the NaN on playtime.
any help?
Please look here (the question is similar, and the problem might be the same): jQuery jPlayer can't be replayed after first run in Safari
Since Apple are $2 trillion company let's try and get them to fix this by submitting a bug report here: https://www.apple.com/feedback/safari.html
In Chrome and Firefox there are no issues but here is the issue in safari:
its supposed to look like in chrome:
If I add fixed style="position: fixed" to the outer div then they position correct, but ther size is still the smaller one in safari.
I tried adding Body to the root of an object but that just made them disappear completely from Safari. Also this post mentions it:
Safari is not respecting scaling applied to a foreignObject
You can see very clearly hear that safari (new ie) does not respect the scaling
(Warning: this link is SFW, but the site hosts NSFW text/audio content on other pages, so maybe don't click through on a work computer.)
I am trying to access a series of pages like this. Each page streams an M4A audio file. Once the page loads, the jQuery document-ready event goes and fetches the duration of the audio and puts it on the page.
That's the value I want, the contents of div.jp-duration after the JavaScript has done its insertion.
To do this, I am writing
headless = Headless.new
browser = Watir::Browser.start "https://soundgasm.net/u/tarkustrooper/F-Wasted-Time-The-Eagles"
duration = browser.execute_script %q{return $("div.jp-duration").innerHTML}
but I'm not returned anything.
If I try $("#jquery_jplayer_1").data('jPlayer').status.duration, expecting the number of seconds, I get back 0, even though this works if I try in a Chrome console.
I'm using Watir wrong somehow, but I don't knowit well enough to know how. I'd love some help if possible.
I'm using Ruby 2.1.5, Watir 5.0.0, Watir-Webdriver 0.8.0 and Headless 2.2.0 on CentOS 6.
This should work without the need for execute_script:
#browser.div(class: 'jp-duration').text
I have an HTML/JS app running in a webview in an iPad app. The app uses the HTML5 video tag. Videos work fine in iOS4.3 but today I've tested on iOS5 and the videos simply do not show up.
I have verified that it is not a layout related issue by setting background color and borders on the video element.
The same behaviour is evident irrespective of whether the app is run directly in mobile safari /from the home screen or within the webview.
The template for the video is simply:
<video controls src='{url}'></video> //where {url} is substituted at runtime.
The relevant video url plays correctly directly in the mobile Safari on iOS5.
I have tried to proxy the app comms and it seems that it does start loading the video but then stops, no video controls show and only the background color I have set shows thru.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Have you tried create an empty webview, without additional parameters and scripts and make sure that you call it only once? I had the same issue when i call it twice without clearing previously created one - just audio was played.
Try to look at http://blog.millermedeiros.com/2011/03/html5-video-issues-on-the-ipad-and-how-to-solve-them/ and see if the fix works for you...
he he - should have read the fine print - did not notice you had answered yourself - remember to tick the thread off as answered
I've fixed this in code by changing the width and height by a pixel once the video element is created. Must invoke a repaint or something to that effect
I know this is a bit of a silly question, but I can't work out how to make a transparent PNG work in IE6. I've tried several things, but they haven't worked. I was wondering if anyone could let me know of a suitable hack?
Thanks in advance,
Hey use jQueries pngFix. Works like a charm! http://jquery.andreaseberhard.de/pngFix/
have you tried this method? link text
i have tried a number of png hacks fore IE6 and this is the best one that resolves all of the problems that ie has with pngs. good luck
Here's the code we use that seems to work fine.
// from http://labs.unitinteractive.com/unitpngfix.php
var clear="/images/template/clear.gif" //path to clear.gif
pngfix=function(){var els=document.getElementsByTagName('*');var ip=/\.png/i;var i=els.length;while(i-- >0){var el=els[i];var es=el.style;if(el.src&&el.src.match(ip)&&!es.filter){es.height=el.height;es.width=el.width;es.filter="progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='"+el.src+"',sizingMethod='crop')";el.src=clear;}else{var elb=el.currentStyle.backgroundImage;if(elb.match(ip)){var path=elb.split('"');var rep=(el.currentStyle.backgroundRepeat=='no-repeat')?'crop':'scale';es.filter="progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='"+path[1]+"',sizingMethod='"+rep+"')";es.height=el.clientHeight+'px';es.backgroundImage='none';var elkids=el.getElementsByTagName('*');if (elkids){var j=elkids.length;if(el.currentStyle.position!="absolute")es.position='static';while (j-- >0)if(!elkids[j].style.position)elkids[j].style.position="relative";}}}}}
Ive used the one from TwinHelix or the jquery one mentioned above.
The PNG form of image is Post Notational Graphic and is primarily described in a law in the era of Queen Victoria of England and therefore is primarily for use in Great Britain. The software for creating and displaying a PNG image is sourced from and protected by England and the different display software versions required for all browsers and different and new browser versions and content environments may not have been commissioned to be done and the incompatibilities could persist for some time. Originally the agreement was with MS and the IE browser only for displaying PNG and it is possible a number of unofficial hacks and decodes have been developed for other browsers with varying success. PNG is officially and completely renderable only when used in a defined list of nations and provinces.
I do some work on on old tables based site. It is being replaced but I would like it to work for now.
One of the pages in question is http://www.gdsofusa.com/marantec_garage_door_openers.html. When this page (and some others) is viewed in Safari 5.0 (7533.16) and probably others, the page content is off to the right.
I just need to fix this since about 15% of the traffic is Safari.
Please help!
I got it working by:
Removing "float:left" on your "tabs" div
Setting your "tabs" li's as "display:inline-block" instead of "display:inline"
The first thing to try is always validation
A common cause of this kind of problem is a mismatched end tag on an HTML element.
Try an HTML validator like http://validator.w3.org