How does secure authentication work in a web application - security

I understand how ssl works, so the browser sends the username/password encrypted. But what happens next ?
Does the client receive a cookie ? Is it secure ? How does the server-browser communicate safely if the only https page is the login page ?
I think if someone get's a copy of that cookie when it's being sent, they can acces that account, no matter how encrypted is the cookie
Actually I want to understand the process from login to logout in a secure web application.
Server: Tomcat, Apache ...
Platform: java, php, ...
Thank you

If anyone else trips onto this: I found this Wikipedia article on Session Fixation and this SO Question very useful in answering this question, than the 90+ minute podcast from GRC (noted above) that is mostly related to SSL/TLS.

Episode 195 of the security now podcast deals with this topic in some depth.
You can either scan the transcript (which I would recommend to do first in order to find out, wether it answers your questions) or listen to the whole episode.


Trying to understand login systems and sessions

Im trying to understand how a user can keep logged (i'm trying to implement this on Node without frameworks, for learning). Just a couple of questions based on what i think i understand:
(1) When the user tries to login, it sends the user and password in an HTTP request body
(2) When data arrives to the server, it checks everything needed like if the user exists and if the password is correct
And here comes, i think, my problem: How can the user keep logged? The third step would be something like:
(3) The server create all the session data needed, encrypts and send it to the client?
(4) The clients store the encrypted data in the localstorage
(5) The credentials are sended with every request to the server, and the server decrypts it and check it before processing every user's action.
That's what i understand. But i find this very extrange. I feel i missing a lot... storing data in client side doesn't seems (at least for me) secure. Should the session data be stored on server-side? And how the username and password should be sended securely? It must be encrypted client-side? Is this secure? I think im looking for some pattern or i don't know. I feel lost.
Yeah, and sorry my bad english and poor knowledge. Im not asking for code and i will also appreciate any hint (like what to search in google, or a interesting blog) :)
Thank you, y un abrazo :)
--- EDIT ---
Well, finally i founded some usefull links and solved great part of my doubts :)
1 and 2 are correct.
Sessions are usually implemented using cookies, not client-side local storage, because cookies are automatically sent to the server with each request. The cookie will often contain just a long randomly generated ID which refers to data stored on the server side, e.g. in a database. This data will identify the user and possibly store other session-level settings.
It is also possible to use a cookie with signed (and possibly encrypted) user information - for instance ASP.NET does this by default. This has the benefit that no storage is required for the session. The downside is that sessions cannot easily be destroyed from the server side. Therefore e.g. a feature that shows the user their currently active sessions (from other devices) and allows them to log them out couldn't be implemented.
Sending the username and password over the Internet should preferably be done securely, by using HTTPS. Do not implement your own encryption on the client-side. It will likely not work, plus the cookies themselves are viable to be stolen if the connection is not properly encrypted and authenticated.

HTTPS or other clever authentication methods

A little background: I am going to be constructing a webserver, likely the most up to date version of apache when I get around to it. It is going to be updated with sensory information from a makeshift security system I have.
As a counterpart, I am designing an app to go along with it, that will automatically contact the webserver and pull the sensory information about once every 1.5 minutes.
I want to have an authentication method so that the average Bob can't see this information, mostly due to the fact that there will be some command and control as part of the server as well.
The question: I feel like a simple username and password is the wrong way to go about this since it isn't dynamic and theoretically seeing the same credentials sent that frequent could be dangerous, so is there any other authentication method that could mitigate this?
The question pt. 2: Obviously I want an encrypted channel, will https stumble over itself if it tries to renegotiate every minute and a half?
I haven't begun this project yet much less chosen any language to write it in, meaning I am super open minded to suggestions, any help is greatly appreciated.
The question: I feel like a simple username and password is the wrong
way to go about this since it isn't dynamic and theoretically seeing
the same credentials sent that frequent could be dangerous, so is
there any other authentication method that could mitigate this?
You could use Google Sign-In to allow log on via a Google account.
Or you could implement two factor authentication with say Google Authenticator or via SMS to prove that the user logging in has more than one factor of authentication. These factors could be:
Something you know (e.g. password)
Something you have (e.g. phone that provides a One Time Password)
Edit: Having re-read your question - yes you are fine to authenticate with username and password (over HTTPS), however you should then store a session identifier client-side and simply send this in future rather than the username/password each time. This is more secure as it can be stored safely client-side, and if exposed the identifier can be easily revoked.
The question pt. 2: Obviously I want an encrypted channel, will https
stumble over itself if it tries to renegotiate every minute and a half?
Nope, this is what it is designed for. Browsers will keep open an HTTPS connection for a length of time. Additionally, they will use session resumption rather than executing a full HTTPS handshake in the case that a new connection needs to be established. Session resumption is much quicker than establishing a completely new session. See this article on the CloudFlare blog for more info.

Password hashing when registering a user

I know there are similar questions but I couldn't find something that answered my question.
When a new user registers (client - server) is there a common way of protecting these details when they are sent?
At the moment I am just concatenating the username-password-timestamp then sending as Base64 to the server over https.
The common and best way is https. Https already establishes a secure channel between the client and the server. You don't need anything more.
Please excuse me for the short answer. However if you really want the long answer then take a look at:
How to send password securely via HTTP using Javascript in absence of HTTPS?

How to pass credentials securely in a http url?

I have a public facing web page in .Net that I would like to put anchor tags in that go to a web page produced by a Java server in my distributed system. For example, Bob logs in from the WWW and goes to the home page. I would like to have a link to http://javaserver/form.jsp?username:Bob in the home page. But that would be insecure if someone on the internal network was snooping. They could just put in that url and act as Bob through a replay attack. Encoding the username is also open to a replay attack. Any ideas?
https://javaserver/form.jsp?username:Bob still opens me to a replay attack by just putting in that url.
Use https on the public and the private servers
Send the user id and add a long and random token that will validate the user (to be delegated to the original server if necessary).
Use POST requests if you can
The random token should be created with a cryptographically secure random number generator. It should also be changed/invalidated after a certain amount of time. If you are going to delegate the verification to the public server, you will also need to authenticate the delegating (local) server in a secure manner. To prevent brute-force attacks, block repeated invalid attempts.
There are quite a few pitfalls, so be wary of implementing any sort of security mechanism yourself.
Use cookies and SSL in your authentication. I'd be surprised if you aren't already.
hmmm - just thinking out loud - if its not https, its open to snooping. You could encrypt the username with a timestamp so that the window is brief. not a great answer, but since http is not secure....
I think the best solution is to use https. This way anything you send to Bob is secure from prying eyes.

Is it secure to submit from a HTTP form to HTTPS?

Is it acceptable to submit from an http form through https? It seems like it should be secure, but it allows for a man in the middle attack (here is a good discussion). There are sites like that allow you to sign-in from an http page but does an https post. In my site, the request is to have an http landing page but be able to login securely. Is it not worth the possible security risk and should I just make all users go to a secure page to login (or make the landing page secure)?
Posting a form from an http page to an https page does encrypt the data in the form when it is transmitted in the most simple terms. If there is a man-in-the-middle attack, the browser will warn you.
However, if the original http form was subjected to man-in-the-middle and the https post-back address was modified by the attacker, then you will get no warning. The data will still actually be encrypted, but the man-in-the-middle attacker would be able to decrypt (since he sent you the key in the first place) and read the data.
Also, if the form is sending things back through other means (scripted connections) there may be a possibility of unencrypted data being sent over the wire before the form is posted (although any good website would never do this with any kind of sensitive data).
Is there any reason not to use HTTPS for the entire transaction? If you can't find a very good one, use it!
It's arguably simpler than switching protocols.
The MITM risk is real.
Following your link, the user "Helios" makes an excellent point that using 100% HTTPS is far less confusing to the user.
This kind of thing is popping up all over the net, especially in sites for which login is optional. However, it's inherently unsafe, for quite subtle reasons, and gives the user a false sense of security. I think there was an article about this recently on
The danger is that while you sent your page with a post target of "https://xxx", the page in which that reference occurs is not secure, so it can be modified in transit by an attacker to point to any URL the attacker wishes. So if I visit your site, I must view the source to verify my credentials are being posted to a secure address, and that verification has relevance only for that particular submit. If I return tomorrow, I must view source again, since that particular delivery of the page may have been attacked and the post target subverted - if I don't verify every single time, by the time I know the post target was subverted, it's too late - I've already sent my credentials to the attacker's URL.
You should only provide a link to the login page; and the login page and everything thereafter should be HTTPS for as long as you are logged in. And, really, there is no reason not to; the burden of SSL is on the initial negotiation; the subsequent connections will use SSL session caching and the symmetric crypto used for the link data is actually extremely low overhead.
IE Blog explains: Critical Mistake #1: Non-HTTPS Login pages (even if submitting to a HTTPS page)
How does the user know that the form is being submitted via HTTPS? Most browsers have no such UI cue.
How could the user know that it was going to the right HTTPS page? If the login form was delivered via HTTP, there's no guarantee it hasn't been changed between the server and the client.
Jay and Kiwi are right about the MITM attack. However, its important to note that the attacker doesn't have to break the form and give some error message; the attacker can instead insert JavaScript to send the form data twice, once to him and once to you.
But, honestly, you have to ask, what's the chance of an attacker intercepting your login page and modifying it in flight? How's it compare to the risk of (a) doing a MITM attack strait on the SSL session, and hoping the user presses "OK" to continue; (b) doing the MITM on your initial redirect to SSL (e.g., from to and redirecting to instead, which is under the attacker's control; (c) You having a XSS, XSRF, or SQL injection flaw somewhere on your site.
Yes, I'd suggest running the login form under SSL, there isn't any reason not to. But I wouldn't worry much if it weren't, there are probably much lower hanging fruit.
The above answer is from 2008. Since then, a lot of additional threats have become apparent. E.g., access sites from random untrusted networks such as WiFi hotspots (where anyone nearby may be able to pull off that attack). Now I'd say yes, you definitely should encrypt your login page, and further your entire site. Further, there are now solutions to the initial redirect problem (HTTP Strict Transport Security). The Open Web Application Security Project makes several best practices guides available.
This post is the key one. Yes, if the user's data is sent to you, it will have arrived somewhere securely. But there is no reason to believe that somewhere will be your site. The attacker isn't just going to get to listen to the data moving in each direction at this point. He'll be the other end of the user's session. The your site is just going to think the user never bothered to submit the form.
For me (as an end-user), the value of an HTTPS session is not only that the data is encrypted, but that I have verification that the page I'm typing my super-secrets into has come from the place I want it to.
Having the form in a non-HTTPS session defeats that assurance.
(I know - this is just another way of saying that the form is subject to an MITM attack).
No, it's not secure to go from HTTP to HTTPS. The originating and resulting points of the request must be HTTPS for the secure channel to be established and utilized.
Everyone suggesting that you provide only a link to the login page seems to be forgetting that the link could easily be changed using a MITM attack.
One of the biggest things missed out in all of the above is that there is a general trend to place a login on a home page (Huge trend in User Experience Trends).
The big problem here is that Google does not like to search secure pages with good reason, so all those Devs who are wondering why not make it all secure, well if you want your page invisible to Google, secure it all. Else, the second best option to post from http to https is the lesser of two evils at this point?
I think the main consideration of this question has to do with the URL that users know and the protocol scheme (http:)that browsers substitute by default.
In that case, the normal behavior of a site that wants to ensure an encrypted channel is to have the http://home-page redirect to https://home-page. There is still a spoofing / MitM opportunity, but if it is by DNS poisoning, the risk is no higher than if one starts out with the https: URL. If a different domain name comes back, you need to worry then.
This is probably safe enough. After all, if you are subject to a targetted MitM, you might as well start worrying about keyboard loggers, your local HOSTS file, and all sorts of other ways of finding out about your secure transactions involving your system already being owned.
