Why is this svg cropped and not scaled? - svg

I'm new to SVG and a bit surprised that this example is cropped and not scaled? Whats missing to make it scaleable/sizeable using width/height in the svg element?
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
viewBox="0 0 400px 400px">
<g fill-opacity="0.7" stroke="black" stroke-width="0.1cm">
<circle cx="200px" cy="60px" r="100" fill="red"
transform="translate(0,50)" />
<circle cx="200px" cy="60px" r="100" fill="blue"
transform="translate(70,150)" />
<circle cx="200px" cy="60px" r="100" fill="green"
transform="translate(-70,150)" />

Because if your viewBox is invalid the viewport is determined by the width and height of the outermost element (in your case the SVG element at 200x200px). Since your content overflows this it is cropped.
By defining a valid viewBox of 400x400 you gave your content enough room inside the viewBox but it was all scaled to fit inside the SVG element. The viewBox is a sort of virtual space mapped onto the real space.
The issue is fairly involved. The viewport and the viewbox are different things. The spec covers both in detail: http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/coords.html#ViewBoxAttribute


How to reduce svg size to clipped area?

Is it possible to reduce the actual size (i.e. width and height) to the clipping? Let's see the svg below for an example:
The underlying "base" image has a size of 272x136 pixels. The clipping result has a size of 17x17 pixels. Now I would like that the resulting svg is resized to 17x17 pixels. Is that even possible?
<svg width="100%" height="100%" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
<clipPath id="cut-off-bottom">
<rect x="102" y="102" width="17" height="17"/>
<image xlink:href="https://openmaptiles.github.io/osm-bright-gl-style/sprite.png" clip-path="url(#cut-off-bottom)" />
Select the area you want to see with a viewBox and then set the size of the SVG to whatever you want using the outer <svg> element's width and height
I've also added width and height attributes to the image element so it works on browsers other than Chrome/Opera.
<svg width="17px" height="17px" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" viewBox="102 102 17 17">
<clipPath id="cut-off-bottom">
<rect x="102" y="102" width="17" height="17"/>
<image xlink:href="https://openmaptiles.github.io/osm-bright-gl-style/sprite.png" clip-path="url(#cut-off-bottom)" width="272px" height="136px" />

Flatten clipped areas in SVG to transparency?

I have this SVG file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd">
<svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" width="32px" height="32px" viewBox="0 0 32 32" enable-background="new 0 0 32 32" xml:space="preserve">
<g id="main">
<clipPath id="clip_mask">
<path d="M20.9262,32C18.5189,30.6,16.9,27.9878,16.9,25c0,-4.4735,3.6265,-8.1,8.1,-8.1c2.9878,0,5.6,1.6189,7,4.0262V0L0,0l0,32H20.9262z" fill-rule="evenodd"/>
<g id="icon" clip-path="url(#clip_mask)">
<g id="transformed_icon" transform="translate(-1 -1)">
<path d="M26.7,30.5H5.3c-0.4418,0,-0.8,-0.3582,-0.8,-0.8V2.3c0,-0.4418,0.3582,-0.8,0.8,-0.8h21.4c0.4418,0,0.8,0.3582,0.8,0.8v27.4C27.5,30.1418,27.1418,30.5,26.7,30.5z" fill="#FFFFFF" stroke="#6D6E71" stroke-width="1" stroke-miterlimit="1"/>
<path d="M8.5,8.5h15M8.5,11.5h15M8.5,14.5h15M8.5,17.5h15M8.5,20.5h15M8.5,23.5h15" fill="none" stroke="#3E79B4" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="1"/>
<g id="overlay">
<path d="M25,18c-3.866,0,-7,3.134,-7,7c0,3.866,3.134,7,7,7s7,-3.134,7,-7C32,21.134,28.866,18,25,18zM26,29.8c0,0.1105,-0.0895,0.2,-0.2,0.2h-1.6c-0.1105,0,-0.2,-0.0895,-0.2,-0.2v-6.6c0,-0.1105,0.0895,-0.2,0.2,-0.2h1.6c0.1105,0,0.2,0.0895,0.2,0.2V29.8zM26,21.5c0,0.1105,-0.0895,0.2,-0.2,0.2h-1.6c-0.1105,0,-0.2,-0.0895,-0.2,-0.2v-1.3c0,-0.1105,0.0895,-0.2,0.2,-0.2h1.6c0.1105,0,0.2,0.0895,0.2,0.2V21.5z" fill-rule="evenodd" fill="#3E79B4"/>
<path d="M26,20.2c0,-0.1105,-0.0895,-0.2,-0.2,-0.2h-1.6c-0.1105,0,-0.2,0.0895,-0.2,0.2v1.3c0,0.1105,0.0895,0.2,0.2,0.2h1.6c0.1105,0,0.2,-0.0895,0.2,-0.2V20.2z" fill="#FFFFFF"/>
<path d="M26,23.2c0,-0.1105,-0.0895,-0.2,-0.2,-0.2h-1.6c-0.1105,0,-0.2,0.0895,-0.2,0.2v6.6c0,0.1105,0.0895,0.2,0.2,0.2h1.6c0.1105,0,0.2,-0.0895,0.2,-0.2V23.2z" fill="#FFFFFF"/>
It is an icon with an overlay in the bottom-right corner. There is a clip-gap between the main icon area and the overlay area. This clip-gap is displayed correctly in Affinity Designer
But unfortunately, many other programs don't recognize the clip-gap, so they don't display it. For example, here is a screenshot from LibreOffice Draw:
So, is it possible to "flatten" the clipped area in the SVG to the same background transparency as the icon background? This would make the SVG clip-gap visible and transparent in such incompatible programs and would allow programs which don't support clipped areas in SVG to render the clipped area as transparency.
I've found a practical but cumbersome and time-consuming solution: Since the SVG is displayed correctly in Affinity Designer, I print the SVG in Affinity Designer to a PDF printer driver. Then I reimport the PDF in Affinity Designer and export it as SVG. Then I can import the SVG in a renderer which doesn't support clipping and it is rendered perfectly. It works.
Yes it is possible to re-use a clip shape to make the clipped area transparent using a filter. However, I very much doubt that a renderer that can't handle clipping properly will be able to handle a filter. But here's how you would do that:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd">
<svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" width="32px" height="32px" viewBox="0 0 32 32" enable-background="new 0 0 32 32" xml:space="preserve">
<clipPath id="clip_mask">
<path id="original-clip-shape" d="M20.9262,32C18.5189,30.6,16.9,27.9878,16.9,25c0,-4.4735,3.6265,-8.1,8.1,-8.1c2.9878,0,5.6,1.6189,7,4.0262V0L0,0l0,32H20.9262z" fill-rule="evenodd"/>
<filter id="transparentize">
<feImage xlink:href="#original-clip-shape" x="0" y="0"/>
<feComposite operator="in" in="SourceGraphic"/>
<g id="main">
<g id="icon" clip-path="url(#clip_mask)">
<g id="filter-layer" filter="url(#transparentize)">
<g id="transformed_icon" transform="translate(-1 -1)">
<path d="M26.7,30.5H5.3c-0.4418,0,-0.8,-0.3582,-0.8,-0.8V2.3c0,-0.4418,0.3582,-0.8,0.8,-0.8h21.4c0.4418,0,0.8,0.3582,0.8,0.8v27.4C27.5,30.1418,27.1418,30.5,26.7,30.5z" fill="#FFFFFF" stroke="#6D6E71" stroke-width="1" stroke-miterlimit="1"/>
<path d="M8.5,8.5h15M8.5,11.5h15M8.5,14.5h15M8.5,17.5h15M8.5,20.5h15M8.5,23.5h15" fill="none" stroke="#3E79B4" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="1"/>
<g id="overlay">
<path d="M25,18c-3.866,0,-7,3.134,-7,7c0,3.866,3.134,7,7,7s7,-3.134,7,-7C32,21.134,28.866,18,25,18zM26,29.8c0,0.1105,-0.0895,0.2,-0.2,0.2h-1.6c-0.1105,0,-0.2,-0.0895,-0.2,-0.2v-6.6c0,-0.1105,0.0895,-0.2,0.2,-0.2h1.6c0.1105,0,0.2,0.0895,0.2,0.2V29.8zM26,21.5c0,0.1105,-0.0895,0.2,-0.2,0.2h-1.6c-0.1105,0,-0.2,-0.0895,-0.2,-0.2v-1.3c0,-0.1105,0.0895,-0.2,0.2,-0.2h1.6c0.1105,0,0.2,0.0895,0.2,0.2V21.5z" fill-rule="evenodd" fill="#3E79B4"/>
<path d="M26,20.2c0,-0.1105,-0.0895,-0.2,-0.2,-0.2h-1.6c-0.1105,0,-0.2,0.0895,-0.2,0.2v1.3c0,0.1105,0.0895,0.2,0.2,0.2h1.6c0.1105,0,0.2,-0.0895,0.2,-0.2V20.2z" fill="#FFFFFF"/>
<path d="M26,23.2c0,-0.1105,-0.0895,-0.2,-0.2,-0.2h-1.6c-0.1105,0,-0.2,0.0895,-0.2,0.2v6.6c0,0.1105,0.0895,0.2,0.2,0.2h1.6c0.1105,0,0.2,-0.0895,0.2,-0.2V23.2z" fill="#FFFFFF"/>
As far as workarounds go, it's hard to debug renderer specific problems without the renderer. But here are some thoughts:
It might support clipping but just not support using the stroke as a clip. You could work around this by using a solid circle as the clip-shape.
it might support masking not clipping. In this case, define a mask that's the inverse of the clip and apply that.
it might not support clipping or masking at all. In that case, you'll have to just draw the original content as if it was being clipped using markers to shape the ends of your paths. (ugh!)

Why will browsers not display my SVG polygon?

I have created an SVG file to display an icon for an open folder.
It consists of a rectangle for the tab and a rectangle for the backleaf of the folder, with the open leaf represented by a polygon.
Image editors display the intended result, but browsers seem to ignore the polygon.
what am I missing?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<svg id="folder_icon" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
width="90" height="60" viewbox="0 0 90 60" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice"
<g width="50%" height="80%">
<g id="g3" fill="#ffee77" stroke="#bb7711" stroke-width="2px" opacity="0.7">
<g id="g2">
<rect x="16%" y="1%" rx="6%" ry="6%" width="30%" height="30%" />
<rect x="1%" y="16%" rx="0%" ry="0%" width="84%" height="82%" />
<polygon points="17% 20%, 90% 20%, 75% 59%, 1% 59%" />
The same file converted to a PNG is displayed as intended, but I would prefer to use the scalable graphic.

Masking an SVGPattern

fiIs it possible to Mask an SVGPattern?
I've made the following SVG, but I can't get the mask to work.
Or should I be using clipPath?
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"
<svg width="160px" height="600px" viewBox="0 0 160 600" version="1.1"
<pattern id="circlePattern" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse"
x="0" y="0" width="10" height="10"
viewBox="0 0 10 10" fill="blue" >
<circle cx='4' cy='4' r='4'/>
<clipPath id="clipPath" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse">
<rect x="0" y="0" width="200" height="100" fill="white" />
<!-- Outline the drawing area in blue -->
<g id="box">
<rect fill="url(#circlePattern)" width="160" height="600" clip-path="url(#clipPath)"/>
UPDATE: (I would like to use this complex path)
I can't seem to use this path to create the mask/clipPath
<path style="fill:#FFFFFF;" d="M9.35,37.5c4.1,2.467,8.566,3.7,13.4,3.7
Your mask rect has no fill specified so it will use the default which is black i.e. i.e. rgba(0, 0, 0, 1). So the luminance of the mask is 0 everywhere and you see nothing.
If you change the fill on the mask <rect> to fill="white" you'll see the mask act as a clip which would seem to be what you're looking for. Other colours like "orange" or "blue" as they have a luminance which is neither 0 nor 1 will give you an intermediate effect.
clipPaths clip a shape to a boundary. Masks generally modify colours, you can use them to clip by having a white mask but if all you want is to clip something then a clipPath is faster.
clipPaths and masks can contain any graphics element including a path.

SVG rotate deletes Elements

I'm trying to generate svg-Code in a web-application.
Here's an example output:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
version="1.1" baseProfile="full"
width="1000px" height="600px">
<rect x="147.50198255352893" y="109.43695479777953" width="15.860428231562253" height="295.79698651863595" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" fill="rgb(255,255,255)" stroke-width="3" transform="rotate(20 155.43219666931006 257.3354480570975)"/>
<rect x="163.36241078509119" y="405.2339413164155" width="379.85725614591587" height="-23.79064234734335" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" fill="rgb(255,255,255)" stroke-width="3" transform="rotate(20 353.2910388580491 393.3386201427438)"/>
<rect x="543.219666931007" y="381.44329896907215" width="22.204599524187188" height="-353.6875495638382" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" fill="rgb(255,255,255)" stroke-width="3" transform="rotate(20 554.3219666931006 204.59952418715304)"/>
There should be three rotated Rectangles, but somehow in Chrome, Safari, and Inkscape only one of them is displayed. I did google and have no clue what is wrong.
Your problem is caused by the negative heights of the second and third <rect />.
If you generate this code automatically make sure these values are positive. For example, using JavaScript, wrap them up in Math.abs( height ).
