DDD - How Can I Avoid Crossing Aggregate Boundaries Here? - domain-driven-design

We're working on a new project (re-writing existing app), and I'm running into problems with my domain model / repository design.
Here is a (simplified) version of two key portions in our domain model:
As you can see, I have an abstract concept of a Post, which can be things like a Review, a Discussion, a Photo, a Video, etc. Posts can also have comments.
I also have a abstract concept of a Location, which are obviously things like Streets, Cities, Neighbourhoods, etc.
Now, this naturally looked to me as two clear aggregate roots.
So I created two repositories, one called PostRepository, and another called LocationRepository.
This was all working fine, I can add/get any type of Post (or comment), and add/get any type of Location via one of these two repositories.
But now im in the scenario of a "landing page" for a City (for example).
On this page, I need to basically show "all posts for this location".
How is that defined? Well, a Post can be (optionally) tagged at a Location. Implementation detail, so I don't want to go too deep into data (as that's not what DDD is about), but essentially there is geospatial intelligence to work out which posts are contained in a particular location by the shape file of the location, and the latitude/longitude of the tagged Post.
But how can I retrieve this information without crossing the boundaries?
Which repository do I use? Do I need a new one?
If it matters (or for the curious), this is a web application (ASP.NET MVC), with a SQL Server 2008 database and Entity Framework 4.0.
If you need any clarification, let me know.
We currently use a modified version of the Specification pattern in order to retrieve domain models.
For example, this is the code in our BLL to retrieve all Review's where Score >= 4:
var reviews = postRepository // GenericRepository<Post>
.Find() // IQueryable<Post>
.OfType<Review>() // IQueryable<Review>
.Where(x => x.Score >= 4)
.ToList(); // List<Review>
But now I need some code like this:
var reviews = postRepository
.Where( //lat long, or Locations FK )
The problem is I don't know how to do the above query without adding an intermediary join-entity (LocationPost - as it's a many to many), and add a FK to the Post domain model to that.
But by doing that, I am crossing the aggregate boundaries - aren't I?

Why is this a problem?
According to Evans in his book, one AR may very well reference another AR.
(You may not however reference a child element in an AR from another AR)
Also, are locations really aggregate roots?
The definition of an aggregate root is that it acts as a boundary of concistency.
Does that fit the definition of a location?
I'd say a location is a value object.
There are pretty much two camps here regarding repositories and AR associations:
One that says that all aggregate roots have to be fetched through their respective repository, and AR's should use soft relations, eg ID's between them
And one that says that aggregate roots may very well fetch other associated aggregate roots and that a repository is merely a way to find aggregate roots.

I would bind post to the location at creation time so that for each location I can get (through a repository) a list of associated posts. It would look like this:
var p = new Post(latitude, longitude);
var locations = locationRepository.FindByCoordinates(latitude, longitude);
foreach (var l in locations)
var associatedPosts = postRepository.FindByLocation(locationId);
foreach (var p in associatedPosts)
Under the hood, the association between posts and location would be implemented as a many-to-many table relationship. There is one problem with this solution: adding a new location requires to scan all the posts and assign them to the new location (if applicable).
Hope that helps.

Let's say you used the Specification pattern, could you build a Post Specification using a Location object? Then you just pass the Specification to your Post Repository, and get back the result.


DDD/CQRS: Combining read models for UI requirements

Let's use the classic example of blog context. In our domain we have the following scenarios: Users can write Posts. Posts must be cataloged at least in one Category. Posts can be described using Tags. Users can comment on Posts.
The four entities (Post, Category, Tag, Comment) are implemented as different aggregates because of I have not detected any rule for that an entity data should interfere in another. So, for each aggregate I will have one repository that represent it. Too, each aggregate reference others by his id.
Following CQRS, from this scenario I have deducted typical use cases that result on commands such as WriteNewPostCommand, PublishPostCommand, DeletePostCommand etc... along with their respective queries to get data from repositories. FindPostByIdQuery, FindTagByTagNameQuery, FindPostsByAuthorIdQuery etc...
Depending on which site of the app we are (backend or fronted) we will have queries more or less complex. So, if we are on the front page maybe we need build some widgets to get last comments, latest post of a category, etc... Queries that involve a simple Query object (few search criterias) and a QueryHandler very simple (a single repository as dependency on the handler class)
But in other places this queries can be more complex. In an admin panel we require to show in a table a relation that satisfy a complex search criteria. Might be interesting search posts by: author name (no id), categories names, tags name, publish date... Criterias that belongs to different aggregates and different repositories.
In addition, in our table of post we dont want to show the post along with author ID, or categories ID. We need to show all information (name user, avatar, category name, category icon etc).
My questions are:
At infrastructure layer, when we design repositories, the search methods (findAll, findById, findByCriterias...), should have return the corresponding entity referencing to all associations id's? I mean, If a have a method findPostById(uuid) or findPostByCustomFilter(filter), should return a post instance with a reference to all categories id it has, all tags id, and author id that it has? Or should my repo have some kind of method that populates a given post instance with the associations I want?
If I want to search posts created from 12/12/2014, written by John, and categorised on "News" and "Videos" categories and tags "sci-fi" and "adventure", and get the full details of each aggregate, how should create my Query and QueryHandler?
a) Create a Query with all my parameters (authorName, categoriesNames, TagsNames, if a want retrive User, Category, Tag association full detailed) and then his QueryHandler ensamble the different read models in a only one. Or...
b) Create different Queries (FindCategoryByName, FindTagByName, FindUserByName) and then my web controller calls them for later
call to FindPostQuery but now passing him the authorid, categoryid, tagid returned from the other queries?
The b) solution appear more clean but it seems me more expensive.
On the query side, there are no entities. You are free to populate your read models in any way suits your requirements best. Whatever data you need to display on (a part of) the screen, you put it in the read model. It's not the command side repositories that return these read models but specialized query side data access objects.
You mentioned "complex search criteria" -- I recommend you model it with a corresponding SearchCriteria object. This object would be technnology agnostic, but it would be passed to your Query side data access object that would know how to combine the criteria to build a lower level query for the specific data store it's targeted at.
With simple applications like this, it's easier to not get distracted by aggregates. Do event sourcing, subscribe to the events by one set of tables that is easy to query the way you want.
Another words, it sounds like you're main goal is to be able to query easily for the scenarios you describe. Start with that end goal. Now write your event handler to adjust your tables accordingly.
Start with events and the UI. Then everything else will fit easily. Google "Event Modeling" as it will help you formulate ideas sound what and how you want to build these style of applications.
I can see three problems in your approach and they need to be solved separately:
In CQRS the Queries are completely separate from the Commands. So, don't try to solve your queries with your Commands pipelines repositories. The point of CQRS is precisely to allow you to solve the commands and queries in very different ways, as they have very different requirements.
You mention DDD in the question title, but you don't mention your Bounded Contexts in the question itself. If you follow DDD, you'll most likely have more than one BC. For example, in your question, it could be that CategoryName and AuthorName belong to two different BCs, which are also different from the BC where the blog posts are. If that is the case and each BC properly owns its own data, the data that you want to search by and show in the UI will be stored potentially in different databases, therefore implementing a query in the DB with a join might not even be possible.
Searching and Reading data are two different concerns and can/should be solved differently. When you search, you get some search criteria (including sorting and paging) and the result is basically a list of IDs (authorIds, postIds, commentIds). When you Read data, you get one or more Ids and the result is one or more DTOs with all the required data properties. It is normal that you need to read data from multiple BCs to populate a single page, that's called UI composition.
So if we agree on these 3 points and especially focussing on point 3, I would suggest the following:
Figure out all the searches that you want to do and see if you can decompose them to simple searches by BC. For example, search blog posts by author name is a problem, because the author information could be in a different BC than the blog posts. So, why not implement a SearchAuthorByName in the Authors BC and then a SearchPostsByAuthorId in the Posts BC. You can do this from the Client itself or from the API. Doing it in the client gives the client a lot of flexibility because there are many ways a client can get an authorId (from a MyFavourites list, from a paginated list or from a search by name) and then get the posts by authorId is a separate operation. You can do the same by tags, categories and other things. The Post will have Ids, but not the extra details about those IDs.
Potentially, you might want more complicated searches. As long as the search criteria (including sorting fields) contain fields from a single BC, you can easily create a read model and execute the search there. Note that this is only for the search criteria. If the search result needs data from multiple BCs you can solve it with UI composition. But if the search criteria contain fields from multiple BCs, then you'll need some sort of Search engine capable of indexing data coming from multiple sources. This is especially evident if you want to do full-text search, search by categories, tags, etc. with large quantities of data. You will need to use some specialized service like Elastic Search and it won't belong to any of your existing BCs, it'll be like a supporting service.
From CQRS you will have a separeted Stack for Queries and Commands. Your query stack should represent a diferente module, namespace, dll or package at your project.
a) You will create one QueryModel and this query model will return whatever you need. If you are familiar with Entity Framework or NHibernate, you will create a Façade to hold this queries togheter, DbContext or Session.
b) You can create this separeted queries, but saying again, if you are familiar with any ORM your should return the set that represents the model, return every set as IQueryable and use LET (Linq Expression Trees) to make your Query stack more dynamic.
Using Entity Framework and C# for exemple:
public class QueryModelDatabase : DbContext, IQueryModelDatabase
public QueryModelDatabase() : base("dbname")
_products = base.Set<Product>();
_orders = base.Set<Order>();
private readonly DbSet<Order> _orders = null;
private readonly DbSet<Product> _products = null;
public IQueryable<Order> Orders
get { return this._orders.Include("Items").Include("Items.Product"); }
public IQueryable<Product> Products
get { return _products; }
Then you should do queries the way you need and return anything:
using (var db = new QueryModelDatabase())
var queryable = from o in db.Orders.Include(p => p.Items).Include("Details.Product")
where o.OrderId == orderId
select new OrderFoundViewModel
Id = o.OrderId,
State = o.State.ToString(),
Total = o.Total,
OrderDate = o.Date,
Details = o.Items
var o = queryable.First();
return o;
catch (InvalidOperationException)
return new OrderFoundViewModel();

Retrieving a value object without Aggreteroot

I'm developing an application with Domain Drive Design approach. in a special case I have to retrieve the list of value objects of an aggregate and present them. to do that I've created a read only repository like this:
public interface IBlogTagReadOnlyRepository : IReadOnlyRepository<BlogTag, string>
IEnumerable<BlogTag> GetAllBlogTagsQuery(string tagName);
BlogTag is a value object in Blog aggregate, now it works fine but when I think about this way of handling and the future of the project, my concerns grow! it's not a good idea to create a separate read only repository for every value object included in those cases, is it?
anybody knows a better solution?
You should not keep value objects in their own repository since only aggregate roots belong there. Instead you should review your domain model carefully.
If you need to keep track of value objects spanning multiple aggregates, then maybe they belong to another aggregate (e.g. a tag cloud) that could even serve as sort of a factory for the tags.
This doesn't mean you don't need a BlogTag value object in your Blog aggregate. A value object in one aggregate could be an entity in another or even an aggregate root by itself.
Maybe you should take a look at this question. It addresses a similar problem.
I think you just need a query service as this method serves the user interface, it's just for presentation (reporting), do something like..
public IEnumerable<BlogTagViewModel> GetDistinctListOfBlogTagsForPublishedPosts()
var tags = new List<BlogTagViewModel>();
// Go to database and run query
// transform to collection of BlogTagViewModel
return tags;
This code would be at the application layer level not the domain layer.
And notice the language I use in the method name, it makes it a bit more explicit and tells people using the query exactly what the method does (if this is your intent - I am guessing a little, but hopefully you get what I mean).

How to create and fetch relational records in core data

Total newbie question now... Suffice to say, I have searched for a completely noddy explanation but have not found anything 'dumb' enough. The problem is...
I have created a core data stack in which I have a entity called 'Client' and an entity called 'Car'. It is a one-to-many relationship.
So far i have successfully created and fetched the client list using code from apple's tutorial. Once I select a client, I then push a new tableViewController which should list the Cars for that chosen client.
First question...
I am used to sql style database programming where if I wanted to add a car to a client, I would simply add a 'ClientID' tag to the 'Car' record thereby providing the relationship to a specific client. How do I do the equivalent in core data? My understanding from my reading is adding attributes to point to other entities isnt necessary - core data maintains this relationship for you without needing additional attributes in the entities.
Second question...
As and when I have created a 'car' entity and successfully linked it to a 'Client'. How to I create a fetch which will retrieve just THAT client's cars. I could alter the code from apple to fetch ALL cars but I don't know how to fetch cars associated with a given client. From my reading, I think I need to use predicates, but apples predicate documentation stands alone and does not give clear guidance on how to use it with core data
I realise how noddy this is, but I cant find an idiots guide anywhere...
Any help/code exmaples much appreciated.
OK, I have answered my own question. For those who have found my question and would like to know the answer, it is extremely simple...
Firstly, to create a 'Car' and associate it with a 'Client'. Firstly create a 'Car' as you normally would and simply add this line of code...
newCar.client = client;
This sets the 'client' relationship on the 'Car' record to the client in question.
Secondly, I had thought that if you had a client and needed to find their cars, you would need a new fetch. But not so! Simply use the following lines of code...
NSSet *cars = client.cars;
[self setCarsArray:[cars allObjects]];
The first line uses "client.cars" o follow the object graph to determine the cars this client has and populates them in an NSSet. The second line then populates a NSArray which is declared in the current viewcontroller which can be used to for display purposes.

Core Data: Can relationship be used for sectionNameKeyPath?

I am trying to do exactly same thing as post in NSFetchResultsController + sectionNameKeyPath + section order, i.e. basically use 2 tables, let's say Categories <-->> Events. Category table consists of category field only, while Event consists of name, dateTimestamp.
I defined relationship 'category' in Events table and try to use that relationship as sectionNameKeyPath when creating fetchedResultsController:
NSFetchedResultsController *aFetchedResultsController = [[NSFetchedResultsController alloc] initWithFetchRequest:fetchRequest managedObjectContext:self.managedObjectContext sectionNameKeyPath:#"category.category" cacheName:#"Root"];
Finally, I pre-populated Category table with some categories upon loading of the app (and verified with .dump that table is populated correctly)
Yet, I simulator fails on:
return [[self.fetchedResultsController sections] count];
I did extensive search and most people either suggest using one of the fields in the table as sectionNameKeyPath (this works!) or transient property (works too!) However, I just want to use relationship as it seems very logical to me in this case where events belong to some categories and there could be categories without events. Am I wrong in my assumption that relationship can be used as sectionNameKeyPath? The original link at the top of the question suggests it works, but guy does not know why or how. Documentation is very weak on what can be used as sectionNameKeyPath, so any help will be highly appreciated.
A relationship gets you a pointer to a managed object. It seems logical, though, that the sectionNameKeyPath parameter should be a key path that leads to a string, since NSFetchedResultsSectionInfo's name property is a string. The fetched results controller will follow that key path for each fetched object and group the objects into sections based on what they return for that key path, and it'll also use those strings as the names of their respective sections. You can't use a managed object for the name -- you have to use some string property of the managed object.
So, your Category entity must have an attribute that distinguishes one category from another, right? Use that as the key path and (as you've seen) everything will work out.
BTW, I think it's useful to try to get out of the database (rows/fields) mindset and try to think in object-oriented terms like entity and attribute. A big selling point of Core Data is that it provides an abstraction layer that hides the storage mechanism. Thinking in terms of tables is like thinking about blocks and sectors when you're reading or writing a file.
Caleb, thank you for your answer. I do believe my understanding was wrong to some degree. What I had was an entity Category and entity Event. Category has a string field 'category', thus 'category.category' path (first 'category' is relationship in the Event entity)
What I did not take in account, though, is that if there are no events, fetchresultscontroller cannot fetch anything (similar to 'left join')
What I wanted is to show categories even if there are no events. Relationship 'category' will not return anything in this case as there is nothing to return/sort/categorize.
What I had to do (wrong or right - not sure yet) is to treat [managed] object created from Category entity as a separate object in case there are no events and place in the table. When there is one event per category, I can switch to the original method of [automatic] showing events sorted by categories.
This is interesting issue of starting point (empty entities with relationships) where I feel core data is more confusing than traditional relationship database. I also believe that's why all books/articles/reports carefully stay away from this topic. In other words, I could not find analog of "left join" in core data. May be I am wrong because I am relatively new to all this. Below is the description of the entities:
Category <-->> Event
Category - parent
Category.category - attribute of type String
Category.event - relationship to Event entity
Event - child
Event.name - attribute of type String
Event.category - relationship to Category entity
Each event belongs to one category. Category may have multiple events.
Categories should be shown even if there are no events for this category.
I was trying to put Events under fetchresultscontroller. May be I should switch to Category first and then calculate cell based on category.event relationship, not the other way around - did not try that yet.

Repository Pattern: how to Lazy Load? or, Should I split this Aggregate?

I have a domain model that has the concept of an Editor and a Project.
An Editor owns a number of Projects, and a Project has not only an Editor owner, but also a number of Editor members. Therefore, an Editor also has a number of "joined" Projects.
I am taking a DDD approach to modelling this and using the Repository pattern for persistence. However, I don't grok the pattern well enough yet to determine how I should do this.
I'm working on the assumption that Editor and Project are potentially in the same aggregate, with the root being Editor. I can therefore get an Editor and then enumerate its Projects, and could from there enumerate the Projects' member Editors.
However, if I am only allowed to retrieve Editors from my repository, doesn't this mean I have to load all the Projects from the repository when I get the Editor that owns them? And if I want to lazy load the member Editors, the Project needs a reference to the repository as well?
Alternatively, if I split the aggregate and have an Editor repository and a Project repository, how should I handle a transaction across the two, such as when a new Project is added to an Editor? For example:
Editor e = new Editor("Editor Name");
Project p = e.CreateProject("Project Name");
projectRepository.Add(p); // These two lines
editorRepository.Save(e); // should be atomic
Am I misinterpreting the intent of the Repository pattern?
Am I misinterpreting the intent of the Repository pattern?
I'm going to say "yeah", but know that me and every person I've worked with has asked the same thing for the same reason... "You're not thinking 4th dimensionally, Marty".
Let's simplify it a little and stick with constructors instead of Create methods first:
Editor e = new Editor("Editor Name");
e = editorRepository.Add(e);
Project p = new Project("Project Name", e);
p = projectRepository.Add(p);
Underneath, your project repository is always storing a valid owner (p.EditorId) into the project data as it's created, and however you re-populate an editor's projects, it will be there. This is why it's a good practice to put all required properties into constructors. If you don't want to pass the whole object, just the e.Id will do.
And if I want to lazy load the member Editors, the Project needs a reference to the repository as well?
Now, as to how to re-populate an editor's projects on demand, you have a couple of choices depending on what you're going for. Straight Repository says you want:
IEnumerable<Project> list = projectRepository.GetAllProjects()
.Where(x => x.editorId == e.Id);
But where to put it? Not inside Project, or Editor, you're right, or they will have to get access to repositories and that's no good. The above snippet is loosely coupled, but isn't reusable on its own. You've just reached the limits of Repository Pattern.
Next up is an Adapter Layer for your application, with a shared source of repositories (StaticServiceWrapper) and either some sort of EditorAdapter object (or Aggregate or whatever you'd call them) or now you can mix in extension methods that can talk to any and all necessary repositories fluently. I haven't done it exactly this way in a production system, but to show you a concise example:
public static class Aggregators
// one to one, easy
public static Editor GetOwner(this Project p)
return StaticServiceWrapper.editorRep.GetEditorById(p.editorId);
// one to many, medium
public static IEnumerable<Project> GetProjects(this Editor e)
return StaticServiceWrapper.projectRep.GetAllProjects()
.Where(x => x.editorId == e.Id);
// many to many, harder
public static IEnumerable<Editor> GetMembers(this Project p)
var list = StaticServiceWrapper.projectMemberMap.GetAllMemberMaps()
.Where(x => x.projectId == p.projectId);
foreach ( var item in list )
yield return StaticServiceWrapper.editorRep.GetEditorById(item.editorId);
Basically, once your GetAll,GetById,Add,Update,Remove Object Repository is done, you've got to leave the associations alone and move on up the object/layer hierarchy to the fun parts like Adapters and Caches and Business Logic ("Oh, my!").
How about splitting responsibilities into an EditorOwner and an EditorMember?
Without knowing your domain, I'd imagine they'd have different responsibilities - for example, the EditorOwner might be quite rich (and could be the aggregate root), but the Project may only need to know a limited amount about its members, so the EditorMember object may be quite light.
These domain objects may also relate to Users, but that would be in another context.
Does that help things, or just make it more complicated?
It depends on your application's needs. If it is a big problem to load all of the Projects for a given Editor, then try a lazy loading pattern like a Virtual Proxy.
Regarding lazily loading the member Editors of a Project, if you use Virtual Proxy, I don't see a problem injecting the proxy with the EditorRepository since I don't consider the proxy to be part of the domain.
If you split up the Aggregate, you can investigate the Unit of Work pattern as one solution to atomicity. This problem, though, is not unique to DDD and I'm sure there are other solutions for transactional behavior.
Here you have 2 different relationships, one for ownership and one for membership.
The ownership relation is a simple one to many (one owner for each project). The membership relation is many to many (many Editors by project, many projects by editor).
You could provide a Owner property on the Project class, and provide a method on the ProjectRepository to get all projects owned by a specific Editor.
For the many relationship, provide a Members property on the Project class, and a method on the ProjectRepository to get all projects containing specified Editor as member.
It also seems that Editors and Projects are entities, I would probably split the aggregate, but perhaps those terms have a specific meaning in your context that make it subentities of an aggregate.
