i have two text box in two different pages a - jsf

i have two text box in two different pages and same variable use in two text box when enter value in first text box it's reflection show in second text box , how i reduce it in jsf ?

You can create a #SessionScoped bean named GeneralBean
Set a variable there e.g.:
private String name;
add getters and setters.
In the pages where the user enters his data you should have
<h:inputText value="#{generalBean.getName}">
<f:ajax event="change" />
Using Ajax, whenever he changes the value it will affect the name variable which appears also in the other screen.
I presumed that you are using JSF2.0. If not, please indicate it.
Since you are using JSF1.1 you will need external tool support.
You can use RichFaces a4j:support.
For that you need to download richfaces.
Use a4j:support. See an example here:
This answer is if the pages are not opened simultaneously.If they are opened at the same time you will have to use richfaces push optionin the other one.


rich:suggestionbox how to call bean in case user aborts selection

Old SuggestionBox component for RichFaces (version 3.3... yes, I have to maintain legacy code, weep for my fate) is pretty useful, but has one downside.
If user enter some text in input component and then click somewhere else than entry on list of suggestion, partially filled input is left as is. It is ugly and can be confusing, giving impression that something is selected when it is not.
I want to have separate call to bean in this case, allowing me to remove text, if nothing got selected.
Example code:
<h:inputText id="selectorInput" value="#{backingBean.inputText}" label="Select something:" />
<rich:suggestionbox id="suggestion" for="selectorInput" suggestionAction="#{backingBean.resolveSuggestions}" var="sug">
<a4j:support event="onselect" reRender="someForm" action="#{backingBean.select(sug)}" />
I tried to add a4j:support for h:inputText with event="onblur", but it is called before backingBean.select(sug) and has no way to know if something was selected or not, making it almost useless. Adding other events to suggestionbox itself appear to not work at all or even break suggestionbox.
Is there any other way?
The backing JavaScript object has a getSelectedItems() method. It returns an empty array if nothing was selected.
To get the object use

jsf inputtext doesn't show value from bean

I have the follow situation:
I have a bean that send to form some data, but only in outputlabel the data from the bean is displayed.
I tried to use primefaces, but the same problems persist.
my code:
<h:outputLabel value="#{Bean.name}" id="name2" />
<h:inputText value="#{Bean.name}" id="name" />
<p:inputText value="#{Bean.name}" id="name3" />
Any idea why?
You should have given the bean's code also, to help us better analyze the problem.
Normally you should check for the following:
Check whether you are specifying a correct bean name. Normally
bean's name is same as that of class, except that first letter
should be lowercase. In your case it should be #{bean.name} or else,
specify your custom name with #Named("Bean").
Check whether the getters and setters such as getName() are properly
provided. It may happen that you might have reset the name property in
your bean in the get method itself. Because of which first time it
shows you properly in outputLabel and then in next call to getName it may give you null or empty String. To check this, try put your inputText tag first, and check.
I solve my problem.
When I tried show the values, I was trying recover data from database by pass an ajax action. So, When I clicked at button to retrieve the datas, some of my inputText were set as a required. And because this the data is just displaying into label and not inside of inputtext with required. But because ajax, the request were not called correctly.
When I remove the required from inputtext, it works fine.

pass parameter from f:selectItems in h:selectOneListbox

I have a selectOneListbox that, when clicked, should pass an additional parameter (id) to the server. As it is now, the user sees a list of names and when they select one I can get the name. But, each name also has a unique id associated with it that I don't want the user to see - how can I pass the unique id of the selected name to the backing bean without the user ever seeing it? Is it possible? I was trying to figure out how to use the f:param but I don't see how that will work here.
<h:selectOneListbox id="listBox" value="#{ScheduleMB.clients}" size="5"
rendered="#{ScheduleMB.showClients}" >
<f:selectItems value="#{ScheduleMB.clientList}" var="c"
itemLabel="#{c.lastName} #{', '} #{c.firstName}" itemValue="#{c.lastName}" />
<f:ajax event="click" listener="#{ScheduleMB.clickListener}"
render="group" />
The <f:param> serves a different purpose. Even if the <f:param> was possible, it would still end up being visible in the generated HTML output. The enduser would just do rightclick and View Source and then see the IDs being definied as option values.
Your best bet is to retrieve the ID from the DB based on a different unique identifier, perhaps the unique combination of firstname+lastname.
It does by the way not make any sense to me why you would like to hide the ID from the output. It'd be so much easier if you used that as option value, even more if you used a converter so that you can just pass the whole #{c} as option value. The enduser can't spoof/change it in any way. JSF will revalidate the submitted value against the list of available options (which are definied in server side anyway).

Displaying read-only forms (values are shown as text instead of disabled input controls) with JSF?

I have a data entry form where user enters lots of data. When user comes to the page to view existing data, the page should be displayed in read-only mode (all values shown as text), when he clicks 'Edit' button, normal form with all input controls should be shown so that user can change and save data.
We are using JSF 2.0 with PrimeFaces library. It is easy to achieve above behavior for text box and text area but not for Checkbox, multi-select, radio,..... controls. Is there any easy way available to achieve above behavior rather than writing our own code (which may run into lot of lines thus making backing bean code ugly)
Thanks for your help...
I'm not sure why you think that you need additional backing bean code for this. You've all the needed values in the backing bean already. Your problem is more in the presentation of those values. Just display them in the desired format by writing the view code accordingly. Perhaps you were thinking it too the hard way.
Instead of a select boolean checkbox, you could display for example a "Yes" or "No" value.
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{bean.checked}" rendered="#{bean.edit}" />
<h:outputText value="#{bean.checked ? 'Yes' : 'No'}" rendered="#{not bean.edit}" />
Instead of a select one menu/radio, you could just display the value in an output text.
<h:selectOneMenu value="#{bean.selectedItem}" rendered="#{bean.edit}">
<f:selectItems value="#{data.availableItems}" />
<h:outputText value="#{bean.selectedItem}" rendered="#{not bean.edit}" />
Instead of a select many listbox/checkbox, you could just display for example all values comma separated in a loop.
<h:selectManyListbox value="#{bean.selectedItems}" rendered="#{bean.edit}">
<f:selectItems value="#{data.availableItems}" />
<h:panelGroup rendered="#{not bean.edit}">
<ui:repeat value="#{bean.selectedItems}" var="selectedItem" varStatus="loop">
#{selectedItem}#{not loop.last ? ', ' : ''}
You could wrap it all in a tag file or a composite to minimize boilerplate and code repetition.
I've done this in my last project using composite components which has a "preview" attribute and in the implementation I render a text when this attribute is true and the real (editing) when the attribute is false. For checkbox in preview mode you could show the checkbox itself but disabled, for radio - show the selected item.
MyFaces Tomahawk library [1] contains an extended version of the standard components that adds displayValueOnly attribute for this purpose. This might help you (I haven't used them).
[1] - http://myfaces.apache.org/tomahawk-project/tomahawk20/index.html

How to save JSF textbox contents after page refresh?

What is the easiest way to save text that users type into the following JSF HTML textbox, so that the text stays in the textbox even after the page is refreshed (e.g. for when the user may navigate away from the page and then return, wishing to see what they had put into the textbox earlier)?
<s:decorate template="layout/display.xhtml">
<ui:define name="label">Name</ui:define>
<h:inputText id="name" value="#{countriesList.countries.id.name}"/>
Thanks in advance for your reply.
To give further explanation of the above code: I created a sample JBoss Seam Web Project, reverse-engineering code from an Oracle 10g database that had a table called "Countries" in it. The only problem that I have now is the fact that, whenever users leave the records list page to view or edit records, they lose all of their search criteria in the page that lists results.
Surely there is a simple setting in the web project that I can change to make this happen? Or am I being too optimistic?
Bind the value of the inputText to a component with session scope.
public class ValueHolder
private String value;
And in the xhtml:
<h:inputText value="#{valueHOlder.value}"/>
