Optomised Algorithm for keeping track of network packets (replay attack prevention) - security

I'm implementing a network server that processes udp packets. I want to avoid replay attacks, where an attacker could copy udp packets, and replay them later in time. I way toying with idea that i could hash packet and store this value in a hash table. I can then do the same process everytime a packet is received then look it up in the hash table. If it's already exists then we reject the packet, however if we never seen it (the entry does not exist) we store it for future use.
Now, what hash algorithm would be suitable for this? Do i need something other than hash table? As there are a lot of udp packets being received i want this to work in O(1)!!!!!! ;-), is this possible?
Obviously the longer i 'remember' hashes, the more storage (state) i will need to allocate, can a hash table grow and shrink dynamically over time?
I maybe way off here, i may not need a hash table at all! i'm open to idea's!!

Do you have control over the content of the packet? If so, add a hash to the content and use that - which moves the hashing effort to the sender. You could also include a validity period so that a) you know you can discard any record of a packet after that time and b) a packet stored by an attacker becomes useless after that time. You would want to encrypt the time stamp in some way so the attacker can't just update the time stamp.
Other techniques can be found on Wikipedia

Using a hash table for packets can be expensive because you will have to rehash your hash table, which is O(n).
In this situation you should negotiate a shared secret between the server and each client. This secret key K is then used to construct a Message Authentication Code. The Message being authenticated should be the data you are transmitting in the UDP packet along with a time stamp. Sequence ID's are unfavorable because there is no guarantee a UDP packet will arrive at all, and its possible for packets to arrive out of order.
It should be noted that this attack is impossible with TCP due to the three way handshake and sequence ids. In this case the security provided by TCP may in fact be lighter than this proposed security system.


How to protect against Replay Attacks

I am trying to figure out a way to implement decent crypto on a micro-controller project. I have an ARMv4 based MCU that will control my garage door and receive commands over a WiFi module.
The MCU will run a TCP/IP server, that will listen for commands from Android clients that can connect from anywhere on the Internet, which is why I need to implement crypto.
I understand how to use AES with shared secret key to properly encrypt traffic, but I am finding it difficult to deal with Replay Attacks. All solutions I see so far have serious drawbacks.
There are two fundamental problems which prevent me from using well
established methods like session tokens, timestamps or nonces:
The MCU has no reliable source of entropy, so I can't generate
quality random numbers.
The attacker can reset the MCU by cutting power to the garage,
thus erasing any stored state at will, and resetting time counter to
zero (or just wait 49 days until it loops).
With these restrictions in mind, I can see only one approach that seems
ok to me (i.e. I don't see how to break it yet). Unfortunately, this
requires non-volatile storage, which means writing to external flash,
which introduces some serious complexity due to a variety of technical details.
I would love to get some feedback on the following solution. Even better, is there a solution I am missing that does not require non-volatile storage?
Please note that the primary purpose of this project is education. I realize that I could simplify this problem by setting up a secure relay inside my firewall, and let that handle Internet traffic, instead of exposing the MCU directly. But what would be the fun in that? ;)
= Proposed Solution =
A pair of shared AES keys will be used. One key to turn a Nonce into an IV for the CBC stage, and another for encrypting the messages themselves:
Shared message Key
Shared IV_Key
Here's a picture of what I am doing:
1) Android takes current time in milliseconds (Ti) (64-bit long) and
uses it as a nonce input into the CBC stage to encrypt the command:
a) IV(i) = AES_ECB(IV_Key, Ti)
b) Ci = AES_CBC(Key, IV(i), COMMAND)
2) Android utilizes /dev/random to generate the IV_Response that the
MCU will use to answer current request.
3) Android sends [<Ti, IV_Response, Ci>, <== HMAC(K)]
4) MCU receives and verifies integrity using HMAC, so attacker can't
modify plain text Ti.
5) MCU checks that Ti > T(i-1) stored in flash. This ensures that
recorded messages can't be replayed.
6) MCU calculates IV(i) = AES_ECB(IV_Key, Ti) and decrypts Ci.
7) MCU responds using AES_CBC(Key, IV_Response, RESPONSE)
8) MCU stores Ti in external flash memory.
Does this work? Is there a simpler approach?
EDIT: It was already shown in comments that this approach is vulnerable to a Delayed Playback Attack. If the attacker records and blocks messages from reaching the MCU, then the messages can be played back at any later time and still be considered valid, so this algorithm is no good.
As suggested by #owlstead, a challenge/response system is likely required. Unless I can find a way around that, I think I need to do the following:
Port or implement a decent PRGA. (Any recommendations?)
Pre-compute a lot of random seed values for the PRGA. A new seed will be used for every MCU restart. Assuming 128-bit seeds, 16K of storage buys be a 1000 unique seeds, so the values won't loop until the MCU successfully uses at least one PRGA output value and restarts a 1000 times. That doesn't seem too bad.
Use the output of PRGA to generate the challenges.
Does that sound about right?
Having an IV_KEY is unnecessary. IVs (and similar constructs, such as salts) do not need to be encrypted, and if you look at image you linked to in the youtube video you'll see their description of the payload includes the IV in plaintext. They are used so that the same plaintext does not encode to the same ciphertext under the same key every time, which presents information to an attacker. The protection against the IV being altered is the HMAC on the message, not the encryption. As such, you can remove that requirement. EDIT: This paragraph is incorrect, see discussion below. As noted though, your approach described above will work fine.
Your system does have a flaw though, namely the IV_Response. I assume, from that you include it in your system, that it serves some purpose. However, because it is not in any way encoded, it allows an attacker to respond affirmatively to a device's request without the MCU receiving it. Let's say that your device's were instructing an MCU that was running a small robot to throw a ball. Your commands might look like.
1) Move to loc (x,y).
2) Lower anchor to secure bot table.
3) Throw ball
Our attacker can allow messages 1 and 3 to pass as expected, and block 2 from getting to the MCU while still responding affirmatively, causing our bot to be damaged when it tosses the ball without being anchored. This does have an imperfect solution. Append the response (which should fit into a single block) to the command so that it is encrypted as well, and have the MCU respond with AES_ECB(Key, Response), which the device will verify. As such, the attacker will not be able to forge (feasibly) a valid response. Note that as you consider /dev/random untrustworthy this could provide an attacker with plaintext-ciphertext pairs, which can be used for linear cryptanalysis of the key provided an attacker has a large set of pairs to work with. As such, you'll need to change the key with some regularity.
Other than that, your approach looks good. Just remember it is crucial that you use the stored Ti to protect against the replay attack, and not the MCU's clock. Otherwise you run into synchronization problems.

Securely transmit commands between PIC microcontrollers using nRF24L01 module

I have created a small wireless network using a few PIC microcontrollers and nRF24L01 wireless RF modules. One of the PICs is PIC18F46K22 and it is used as the main controller which sends commands to all other PICs. All other (slave) microcontrollers are PIC16F1454, there are 5 of them so far. These slave controllers are attached to various devices (mostly lights). The main microcontroller is used to transmit commands to those devices, such as turn lights on or off. These devices also report the status of the attached devices back to the main controller witch then displays it on an LCD screen. This whole setup is working perfectly fine.
The problem is that anybody who has these cheap nRF24L01 modules could simply listen to the commands which are being sent by the main controller and then repeat them to control the devices.
Encrypting the commands wouldn’t be helpful as these are simple instructions and if encrypted they will always look the same, and one does not need to decrypt it to be able to retransmit the message.
So how would I implement a level of security in this system?
What you're trying to do is to prevent replay attacks. The general solution to this involves two things:
Include a timestamp and/or a running message number in all your messages. Reject messages that are too old or that arrive out of order.
Include a cryptographic message authentication code in each message. Reject any messages that don't have the correct MAC.
The MAC should be at least 64 bits long to prevent brute force forgery attempts. Yes, I know, that's a lot of bits for small messages, but try to resist the temptation to skimp on it. 48 bits might be tolerable, but 32 bits is definitely getting into risky territory, at least unless you implement some kind of rate limiting on incoming messages.
If you're also encrypting your messages, you may be able to save a few bytes by using an authenticated encryption mode such as SIV that combines the MAC with the initialization vector for the encryption. SIV is a pretty nice choice for encrypting small messages anyway, since it's designed to be quite "foolproof". If you don't need encryption, CMAC is a good choice for a MAC algorithm, and is also the MAC used internally by SIV.
Most MACs, including CMAC, are based on block ciphers such as AES, so you'll need to find an implementation of such a cipher for your microcontroller. A quick Google search turned up this question on electronics.SE about AES implementations for microcontrollers, as well as this blog post titled "Fast AES Implementation on PIC18F4550". There are also small block ciphers specifically designed for microcontrollers, but such ciphers tend to be less thoroughly analyzed than AES, and may harbor security weaknesses; if you can use AES, I would. Note that many MAC algorithms (as well as SIV mode) only use the block cipher in one direction; the decryption half of the block cipher is never used, and so need not be implemented.
The timestamp or message number should be long enough to keep it from wrapping around. However, there's a trick that can be used to avoid transmitting the entire number with each message: basically, you only send the lowest one or two bytes of the number, but you also include the higher bytes of the number in the MAC calculation (as associated data, if using SIV). When you receive a message, you reconstruct the higher bytes based on the transmitted value and the current time / last accepted message number and then verify the MAC to check that your reconstruction is correct and the message isn't stale.
If you do this, it's a good idea to have the devices regularly send synchronization messages that contain the full timestamp / message number. This allows them to recover e.g. from prolonged periods of message loss causing the truncated counter to wrap around. For schemes based on sequential message numbering, a typical synchronization message would include both the highest message number sent by the device so far as well as the lowest number they'll accept in return.
To guard against unexpected power loss, the message numbers should be regularly written to permanent storage, such as flash memory. Since you probably don't want to do this after every message, a common solution is to only save the number every, say, 1000 messages, and to add a safety margin of 1000 to the saved value (for the outgoing messages). You should also design your data storage patterns to avoid directly overwriting old data, both to minimize wear on the memory and to avoid data corruption if power is lost during a write. The details of this, however, are a bit outside the scope of this answer.
Ps. Of course, the MAC calculation should also always include the identities of the sender and the intended recipient, so that an attacker can't trick the devices by e.g. echoing a message back to its sender.

Is a UDP packet guaranteed to be complete, practical sense, if delivered?

Is it a well known fact that UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is not secure, because the order of the packets sent with it may not be delivered in order, even at all. However if an UDP packet is delivered. Are the information in that packet in practical sense (99.99% and above), guaranteed to be correct?
Is a UDP packet quaranteed to be complete (not corrupted) if delivered, in practical sense (99.99% and above)?
Thanks in advance!
No for two reasons:
UDP checksums are not mandatory (with IPv4). So corrupted packets can be delivered to applications.
Internet checksums can clash much more frequently than other hashes. So even if the checksum matches, the data may be corrupted.
I am no expert but as far as I know, although there isn't any guarantee that the package reaches the destination at all in the most cases it should be correct if it reaches the destination. I think that should be the case because normally there is an error check (Frame Check Sum) on the Data Link Layer.

WPA2 - EAPOL password exchange

(I'm doing this on my network, just for science). I was using airodump-ng to capture handshake. After that, I was able to open file with captured information in WireShark and find part with 4 handshake messages of EAPOL protocol. I know about millions of years needed for brute-force and I know that I can use aircrack-ng for dictionary attack.
I would like to extract just password from those 4 messages. I assume it is transfered as some sort of salted hash value. What I don't know is, in which message password resides (wireless password, for connection) and how exactly is sent? For example SHA1 of "password"+"ssid"... I would like to be able to compute exact same hash in my program (of course, that would be possible only for my network because I know my password). I'm gonna need that also for some demonstration on university.
The 802.11i "4 way handshake" that you have captured is where both parties agree on shared Group (read: broadcast) and Pairwise (read: unicast) transient keys. I.e. the keys generated here only exist for the duration of the 802.11 Association, or until the next rekey is issued from the AP.
Before you can even begin to decrypt the 4 way handshake messages you need the pairwise master key (PMK), which is what gets derived from the user-entered passphrase using a key derivation function (PBKDF2), or is the result of a WPS exchange which is based on Diffie-Hellman.
The point here is the ASCII passphrase you are seeking to extract is not exchanged in any of the 4 messages, as it has already been shared amongst all parties involved in the transaction (client and AP in this case) and used to generate a 256 bit PMK. And unless you have this PMK, the contents of the 4 way handshake messages are as good as random data.
The best that you can do, if you already know the PMK, is extract the GTK and PTK from M2 and M3 of the 4 way handshake, and from those pull the temporal key which can be XORed with the payload in subsequent frames to get the plaintext data - which wireshark will also do for you if you enter the PMK or passphrase into the IEE802.11 settings and enable decryption.

Probability of finding TCP packets with the same payload?

I had a discussion with a developer earlier today re identifying TCP packets going out on a particular interface with the same payload. He told me that the probability of finding a TCP packet that has an equal payload (even if the same data is sent out several times) is very low due to the way TCP packets are constructed at system level. I was aware this may be the case due to the system's MTU settings (usually 1500 bytes) etc., but what sort of probability stats am I really looking at? Are there any specific protocols that would make it easier identifying matching payloads?
It is the protocol running over tcp that defines the uniqueness of the payload, not the tcp protocol itself.
For example, you might naively think that HTTP requests would all be identical when asking for a server's home page, but the referrer and user agent strings make the payloads different.
Similarly, if the response is dynamically generated, it may have a date header:
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2008 10:44:27 GMT
So that will render the response payloads different. However, subsequent payloads may be identical, if the content is static.
Keep in mind that the actual packets will be different because of differing sequence numbers, which are supposed to be incrementing and pseudorandom.
Chris is right. More specifically, two or three pieces of information in the packet header should be different:
the sequence number (which is
intended to be unpredictable) which
is increases with the number of
bytes transmitted and received.
the timestamp, a field containing two
timestamps (although this field is optional).
the checksum, since both the payload and header are checksummed, including the changing sequence number.
EDIT: Sorry, my original idea was ridiculous.
You got me interested so I googled a little bit and found this. If you wanted to write your own tool you would probably have to inspect each payload, the easiest way would probably be some sort of hash/checksum to check for identical payloads. Just make sure you are checking the payload, not the whole packet.
As for the statistics I will have to defer to someone with greater knowledge on the workings of TCP.
Sending the same PAYLOAD is probably fairly common (particularly if you're running some sort of network service). If you mean sending out the same tcp segment (header and all) or the whole network packet (ip and up), then the probability is substantially reduced.
