iPhone positioning a UIImageView with code? Sure it's simple to solve - ios4

This is very simple so I'm not sure why I can't do this. All I want to do it position some UIImageViews when my app becomes active. I had been using CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation but I can now see that this is not correct because it moves the view a set amount rather than moving it to a set position. What should I be using?

You could just change the frame of your UIImageView to:
set the x and y origin of the frame to the position you want your
UIImageView to be placed with respect to the containing view.
keep the width and height of your UIImageView the same
Something like this:
imageView.frame = CGRectMake([desired x coordinate], [desired y coordinate], imageView.frame.size.width, imageView.frame.size.height);


Wrong TileMap coordinates on zoom with InputEventScreenTouch

The goal is to enable the player to drow the patch for the character.
So I start with simple think, set value for cell(0, 0) in tilemap
and replace the value when the user clicks on it
and it works as expected.
But when I change the camera zoom and try it again it set value in another cell:
I was trying to multiple/divide the click position by the zoom value but it also not resolve the problem
Can anyone give me the hint on how should I handle that?
repo: Github
Once you zoom, the coordinates you get from the input event (screen coordinates) do not match the world.
If you have an input event, the recommended way to do this is with make_input_local:
However, if you don't, but you have screen coordinates, you can do this:
var transform = tilemap.get_canvas_transform() * tilemap.get_global_transform()
tilemap.world_to_map(transform.affine_inverse() * screen_coordinates)

New to Coding Very confused

I'm new to coding in general and I'm trying to make a sprite change texture so it has a walking animation but I can't seem to figure out how to apply a wait() or something to my code.
if Input.is_action_pressed("move_up"):
vel.y -= 1
facingDir = Vector2(0, -1)
$LilBoiTexture.texture = load("res://LilBoiAssets/LilBoiBackward.png")
$LilBoiTexture.texture = load("res://LilBoiAssets/LilBoiBackward2.png")
Any help is appreciated. I'm trying to change from the first texture to the second one within idk 0.5, or something ill mess with it if i can figure out what to do.
There is an easier way of doing this instead of changing sprite image manually. You can use "AnimatedSprite" node as shown in the tutorial. Here are the steps:
1- Add an AnimatedSprite node to your character.
2- In properties of AnimatedSprite, Frames-> select new SpriteFrames.
3- Click SpriteFrames you just created, another menu will appear at the bottom of editor. Drag and drop your animation images to center of this menu.
4- Change animation name from default to something else (for example walkback).
5- In your code you just need to do this:
if Input.is_action_pressed("move_up"):
# you can also play an idle animation if you have one

iOS UIView Draw(CGRect rect) never called when I set VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand"

I am using an iOS UIView for Custom control in Xamarin.IOS. I have used this control in Xamarin.Forms Xaml.
If I set my Grid Horizontal and VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand", My Draw() in UIView never gets called. It works fine if i set the value to 'FillAndExpand'.
My requirement is to place my custom control in center of my screen.
Is there any way to handle this? or is there other way I could display my UIView in Center of my screen.
<Grid HorizontalOptions="CenterAndExpand" VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand">
<localControls:CustomUIView />
I need this Draw(CGRect rect) method to get the Width and Height of the available size in Screen. Hence my Draw is mandatory.
You can use AbsoluteLayout to let the view to the center of screen.
Views within an AbsoluteLayout are positioned using four values:
X – the x (horizontal) position of the view's anchor
Y – the y (vertical) position of the view's anchor
Width – the width of the view
Height – the height of the view
Each of those values can be set as a proportional value or an absolute value.
Values are specified as a combination of bounds and a flag. LayoutBounds is a Rectangle consisting of four values: x, y, width, height.
Code in Xaml like this:
<local:MyCustomView AbsoluteLayout.LayoutBounds="0.5,0.5,300,200" AbsoluteLayout.LayoutFlags="PositionProportional" BackgroundColor="Red"/>
AbsoluteLayout.LayoutBounds="0.5,0.5,300,200" AbsoluteLayout.LayoutFlags="PositionProportional" means the anchor is the center of the screen. And the view's Width and Height is 300 and 200.
It works like this:
BTW, I tried your code, but it works fine on my side with Visual Studio 15.3.5 and Xamarin.iOS, updating yours may solve the CenterAndExpand issue.

Can't get buttons in custom layout to return a minimal width measurement with WRAP_CONTENT

I created a custom flow layout class to lay out a series of buttons of equal height and various widths depending on what text each button displays. Each row contains as many buttons as possible, and any remaining space is distributed evenly to fill up the row. This generally works, but I can't get the buttons to be just small enough to fit their text, and as a result most of the buttons are exactly the same size.
This is how I'm creating the button and adding it to the flow:
Button button = new Button(this);
button.setLayoutParams(new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT));
button.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL | Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL);
In the layout class' onLayout, I measure each button like this:
View child = getChildAt(childIndex);
measureChild(child, MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(clientWidth, MeasureSpec.AT_MOST), MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(clientHeight, MeasureSpec.AT_MOST));
int childWidth = child.getMeasuredWidth();
int childHeight = child.getMeasuredHeight();
But unless the text in the button is especially long, the width is always the same (264 in my case). I tried creating a linear layout XML with the button in it, setting minimum width to 0 and layout:width to wrap_content and that way the button is smaller, but when I distribute the extra space the linear layout grows, not the button.
Is there a way to get the buttons to return a smaller measurement when adding them directly to the custom layout?
Try using a LinearLayout using the layout_weight attribute. Give each button equal weight (1) and set your android:width attribute to 0dp.
Linear Layout layout_weight
More on LinearLayout's LayoutParams can be found here.
What ended up working is inflating the same linear layout XML I described in my question, then removing the button from the linear layout and adding it directly to my custom layout. Not very elegant, but it's the only thing I found that gets those buttons to be smaller.

Can LiveCode objects be anchored to one or more sides of a form?

If so, how? ... Just for clarity, if there are 2 pixels between a form and object's edges, and I resize the form, I'd like the distance between the form and object to still be 2 pixels after resizing.
Thank you, as always.
There's a few ways to do this but the simplest and most reliable is to script it with a resizeStack handler in your card script:
on resizeStack pWidth,pHeight
put the rect of field "name" into tRect
put pWidth-2 into item 3 of tRect
set the rect of field "name" to tRect
end resizeStack
Monte's answer is dead on if what you are doing is keeping objects in a desired arrangement when resizing the stack window. But if you are wondering how to keep relative positioning while resizing or moving an object or group of objects (you said "form" so I'm assuming that's a group of objects) in a card layout, you simply have to update it in the same code that you use to resize your form or group.
constant kOffset
on resizeMyGroup
-- code for resizing group here
set the left of button "myButton" to the right of group "myForm" + kMargin
set the bottom of button "myButton" to the bottom of group "myForm"
-- etc.
end resizeMyGroup
This is the general approach to maintaining a layout in LiveCode.
