How can I get the WebRole site root path from RoleEntryPoint.OnStart()? - azure

As part of starting up a WebRole on Windows Azure I would like to access files on the website being started and I would like to do this in RoleEntryPoint.OnStart(). This will for instance enable me to influence ASP.NET config before the ASP.NET AppDomain is loaded.
When running locally with Azure SDK 1.3 and VS2010 the sample code below do the trick, but the code has the stench of hack around it and it does not do the trick when deploying to Azure.
XNamespace srvDefNs = "";
DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory);
string roleRoot = di.Parent.Parent.FullName;
XDocument roleModel = XDocument.Load(Path.Combine(roleRoot, "RoleModel.xml"));
var propertyElements = roleModel.Descendants(srvDefNs + "Property");
XElement sitePhysicalPathPropertyElement = propertyElements.Attributes("name").Where(nameAttr => nameAttr.Value == "SitePhysicalPath").Single().Parent;
string pathToWebsite = sitePhysicalPathPropertyElement.Attribute("value").Value;
How can I get the WebRole site root path from RoleEntryPoint.OnStart() in a way that work in both dev and on Azure?

This seem to work in both dev and on Windows Azure:
private IEnumerable<string> WebSiteDirectories
string roleRootDir = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("RdRoleRoot");
string appRootDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory);
XDocument roleModelDoc = XDocument.Load(Path.Combine(roleRootDir, "RoleModel.xml"));
var siteElements = roleModelDoc.Root.Element(_roleModelNs + "Sites").Elements(_roleModelNs + "Site");
from siteElement in siteElements
where siteElement.Attribute("name") != null
&& siteElement.Attribute("name").Value == "Web"
&& siteElement.Attribute("physicalDirectory") != null
select Path.Combine(appRootDir, siteElement.Attribute("physicalDirectory").Value);
If anyone use this to manipulate files in the ASP.NET app, you should know that the files written by RoleEntryPoint.OnStart() will have ACL settings that prevent the ASP.NET application from updating them.
If you need to write to such files from ASP.NET this code show how you can change file permissions so this is possible:
SecurityIdentifier sid = new SecurityIdentifier(WellKnownSidType.WorldSid, null);
IdentityReference act = sid.Translate(typeof(NTAccount));
FileSecurity sec = File.GetAccessControl(testFilePath);
sec.AddAccessRule(new FileSystemAccessRule(act, FileSystemRights.FullControl, AccessControlType.Allow));
File.SetAccessControl(testFilePath, sec);

Take a look at:
Does that give you what you're looking for?


How to provision Branding files using SharePoint Hosted App in SharePoint Online/Office 365?

I am looking for SharePoint Hosted App Solution which will provision Branding files (JS/CSS/Images) into SharePoint Online/Office 365 environment.
I got a very good article to achive this and tried to implement the same as shown in below link:
This solution is not working for me and while execution of app, I am getting below error:
Failed to provision file into host web. Error: Unexpected response data from server. Here is the code which is giving me error:
// utility method for uploading files to host web..
uploadFileToHostWebViaCSOM = function (serverRelativeUrl, filename, contents) {
var createInfo = new SP.FileCreationInformation();
createInfo.set_content(new SP.Base64EncodedByteArray());
for (var i = 0; i < contents.length; i++) {
var files = hostWebContext.get_web().getFolderByServerRelativeUrl(serverRelativeUrl).get_files();
hostWebContext.executeQueryAsync(onProvisionFileSuccess, onProvisionFileFail);
Please suggest me, what can be the issue in this code? Or else suggest me another way/reference in which I can Create a SharePoint-Hosted App to provision Branding Files.
Thanks in Advance!
I would use a different method to access host web context as follows:
//first get app context, you will need it.
var currentcontext = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
//then get host web context
var hostUrl = decodeURIComponent(getQueryStringParameter("SPHostUrl"));
var hostcontext = new SP.AppContextSite(currentcontext, hostUrl);
function getQueryStringParameter(param) {
var params = document.URL.split("?")[1].split("&");
var strParams = "";
for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i = i + 1) {
var singleParam = params[i].split("=");
if (singleParam[0] == param) {
return singleParam[1];
Here are some references:
Additionally, here is an example of how to deploy a master page, however as you might notice during your testing the method used to get host web context is not working as displayed in the video and you should use the one I described before.
Finally, here is a an example of how to deploy branding files through a Console Application using CSOM, if you are smart enough you will be able to convert this into JSOM.

log4net web plugin location of log file

I have a windows forms application that runs in two different modes desktop mode and web plugin mode. I'm trying to put the log files using log4net in the same place. but when it is running as a web plugin my log file get put into the temporary internet folder of the users app data folder.
Uri uri = new Uri(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase);
if (Uri.TryCreate(uri, "log4net.config", out uri))
log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo(uri.LocalPath));
_configured = true;
if (Utilities.WebPlugin)
var logNetHierarchy = (log4net.Repository.Hierarchy.Hierarchy)LogManager.GetRepository();
foreach (var iAppender in logNetHierarchy.Root.Appenders)
if (iAppender is FileAppender)
var fileAppender = (FileAppender)iAppender;
fileAppender.File = #"C:\Users\" + Environment.UserName + #"\Company\Viewer\Web\log.xml";
I would like to get them in the same place without including some kind of script.
stuartd was right soon as I put the site into trusted sites it worked perfectly.

wkhtmltopdf fails on Azure Website

I'm using the wrapper to create a pdf from a web page on my website (I pass in an absolute url e.g. It works fine in dev and on another shared hosting account but when I deploy to an Azure website it fails and all I get is a ThreadAbortException.
Is it possible to use wkhtmltopdf on azure, and if so, what am I doing wrong?
This simple example just using Process.Start also doesn't work. It just hangs when run on Azure but works fine on other servers.
string exePath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("\\App_Data\\PdfGenerator\\wkhtmltopdf.exe");
string htmlPath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("\\App_Data\\PdfGenerator\\Test.html");
string pdfPath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("\\App_Data\\PdfGenerator\\Test.pdf");
StringBuilder error = new StringBuilder();
using (var process = new Process())
using (Stream fs = new FileStream(pdfPath, FileMode.Create))
process.StartInfo.FileName = exePath;
process.StartInfo.Arguments = string.Format("{0} -", htmlPath);
process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
while (!process.HasExited)
Check out this SO question regarding a similar issue. This guy seems to have gotten it to work. RotativaPDF is built on top of wkhtmltopdf hence the connection. I am in the process of trying it myself on our Azure site - I will post in the near future with my results.
Azure and Rotativa PDF print for ASP.NET MVC3

Is there any way to create an application pool in IIS manager using c#?

Can anyone help create an Application Pool in IIS using C#?
Once this has been done, how do I assign the Application Pool to a virtual directory, again using C#?
If you're using IIS7:
To create an application pool using and set the .NET Framework version (to v2.0 in this case), do this:
using Microsoft.Web.Administration;
using(ServerManager serverManager = new ServerManager())
ApplicationPool newPool = serverManager.ApplicationPools.Add("MyNewPool");
newPool.ManagedRuntimeVersion = "v2.0";
You should add a reference to Microsoft.Web.Administration.dll which can be found in:
To assign a virtual directory to an application pool (though I think you mean an application):
using (ServerManager serverManager = new ServerManager())
// Find Default Website
Site site = serverManager.Sites.First(s => s.Id == 1);
Application newApp = site.Applications.Add("/MyNewApp",
newApp.ApplicationPoolName = "MyNewPool";
If you're using IIS6:
using (DirectoryEntry appPools =
new DirectoryEntry("IIS://localhost/W3SVC/AppPools"))
using (DirectoryEntry newPool = appPools.Children.Add("MyNewPool",
// Just use NetworkService as pool account
newPool.Properties["AppPoolIdentityType"].Value = 2;
The following code creates an application called MyNewApp in the Default Web Site and assigns it to the application pool MyNewPool we created using the code example above:
using (DirectoryEntry siteRoot =
new DirectoryEntry(#"IIS://Localhost/W3SVC/1/root"))
using (DirectoryEntry newApp =
siteRoot.Children.Add("MyNewApp", "IIsWebVirtualDir"))
newApp.Properties["Path"].Value = #"C:\inetpub\wwwroot\mynewapp";
newApp.Properties["AccessScript"][0] = true;
newApp.Properties["AccessFlags"].Value = 513; // AccessScript | AccessRead
newApp.Properties["AuthFlags"].Value = 7;// AuthAnonymous|AuthBasic|AuthNTLM
newApp.Properties["AppIsolated"].Value = "2";
newApp.Properties["AppRoot"].Value =
newApp.Path.Replace("IIS://Localhost", "/LM");
newApp.Properties["AppPoolId"].Value = "MyNewPool";
newApp.Properties["AppFriendlyName"].Value = "MyNewApp";
I all of the above cases your code needs to be running as an administrator.
For more information see:
IIS 7 Configuration Reference
How to Use Microsoft.Web.Administration
Using System.DirectoryServices to Configure IIS
IIS Programmatic Administration Reference
IIS Metabase Properties
I believe this depends on which version of IIS you are using but check out: (example is for IIS7)
Source was from another question: Programmatically create a web site in IIS using C# and set port number

Staging or Production Instance?

Is there anywhere in the service runtime that would tell me if I'm currently running on 'Staging' or 'Production'? Manually modifying the config to and from production seems a bit cumbersome.
You should really not change your configurations when you're based upon if you're in Prod or Staging. Staging area is not designed to be a "QA" environment but only a holding-area before production is deployed.
When you upload a new deployment, current deployment slot where you upload your package to is destroyed and is down for 10-15minutes while upload and start of VM's is happening. If you upload straight into production, that's 15 minutes of production downtime. Thus, Staging area was invented: you upload to staging, test the stuff, and click "Swap" button and your Staging environment magically becomes Production (virtual IP swap).
Thus, your staging should really be 100% the same as your production.
What I think you're looking for is QA/testing environment? You should open up a new service for Testing environment with its own Prod/Staging. In this case, you will want to maintain multiple configuration file sets, one set per deployment environment (Production, Testing, etc.)
There are many ways to manage configuration-hell that occurs, especially with Azure that has on top of .config files, its own *.cscfg files. The way I prefer to do it with Azure project is as follows:
Setup a small Config project, create folders there that match Deployment types. Inside each folder setup sets of *.config & *.cscfg files that match to particular deployment environment: Debug, Test, Release... these are setup in Visual Studio as well , as build target types. I have a small xcopy command that occurs during every compile of the Config project that copies all the files from Build Target folder of Config project into root folder of the Config project.
Then every other project in the solution, LINKS to the .config or .cscfg file from the root folder of the Config project.
Voila, my configs magically adapt to every build configuration automatically. I also use .config transformations to manage debugging information for Release vs. non-Release build targets.
If you've read all this and still want to get at the Production vs. Staging status at runtime, then:
Get deploymentId from RoleEnvironment.DeploymentId
Then use Management API with a proper X509 certificate to get at the Azure structure of your Service and call the GetDeployments method (it's rest api but there is an abstraction library).
Hope this helps
Edit: blog post as requested about the setup of configuration strings and switching between environments #
Sometimes I wish people would just answer the question.. not explain ethics or best practices...
Microsoft has posted a code sample doing exactly this here:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// You basic information of the Deployment of Azure application.
string deploymentId = RoleEnvironment.DeploymentId;
string subscriptionID = "<Your subscription ID>";
string thrumbnail = "<Your certificate thumbnail print>";
string hostedServiceName = "<Your hosted service name>";
string productionString = string.Format(
subscriptionID, hostedServiceName, "Production");
Uri requestUri = new Uri(productionString);
// Add client certificate.
X509Store store = new X509Store(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.LocalMachine);
X509Certificate2Collection collection = store.Certificates.Find(
X509FindType.FindByThumbprint, thrumbnail, false);
if (collection.Count != 0)
X509Certificate2 certificate = collection[0];
HttpWebRequest httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(requestUri);
httpRequest.Headers.Add("x-ms-version", "2011-10-01");
httpRequest.KeepAlive = false;
HttpWebResponse httpResponse = httpRequest.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse;
// Get response stream from Management API.
Stream stream = httpResponse.GetResponseStream();
string result = string.Empty;
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream))
result = reader.ReadToEnd();
if (result == null || result.Trim() == string.Empty)
XDocument document = XDocument.Parse(result);
string serverID = string.Empty;
var list = from item
in document.Descendants(XName.Get("PrivateID",
select item;
serverID = list.First().Value;
Response.Write("Check Production: ");
Response.Write("DeploymentID : " + deploymentId
+ " ServerID :" + serverID);
if (deploymentId.Equals(serverID))
lbStatus.Text = "Production";
// If the application not in Production slot, try to check Staging slot.
string stagingString = string.Format(
subscriptionID, hostedServiceName, "Staging");
Uri stagingUri = new Uri(stagingString);
httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(stagingUri);
httpRequest.Headers.Add("x-ms-version", "2011-10-01");
httpRequest.KeepAlive = false;
httpResponse = httpRequest.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse;
stream = httpResponse.GetResponseStream();
result = string.Empty;
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream))
result = reader.ReadToEnd();
if (result == null || result.Trim() == string.Empty)
document = XDocument.Parse(result);
serverID = string.Empty;
list = from item
in document.Descendants(XName.Get("PrivateID",
select item;
serverID = list.First().Value;
Response.Write(" Check Staging:");
Response.Write(" DeploymentID : " + deploymentId
+ " ServerID :" + serverID);
if (deploymentId.Equals(serverID))
lbStatus.Text = "Staging";
lbStatus.Text = "Do not find this id";
Staging is a temporary deployment slot used mainly for no-downtime upgrades and ability to roll back an upgrade.
It is advised not to couple your system (either in code or in config) with such Azure specifics.
Since Windows Azure Management Libraries and thanks to #GuaravMantri answer to another question you can do it like this :
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using Microsoft.Azure;
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Compute;
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Compute.Models;
namespace Configuration
public class DeploymentSlotTypeHelper
static string subscriptionId = "<subscription-id>";
static string managementCertContents = "<Base64 Encoded Management Certificate String from Publish Setting File>";// copy-paste it
static string cloudServiceName = "<your cloud service name>"; // lowercase
static string ns = "";
public DeploymentSlot GetSlotType()
var managementCertificate = new X509Certificate2(Convert.FromBase64String(managementCertContents));
var credentials = new CertificateCloudCredentials(subscriptionId, managementCertificate);
var computeManagementClient = new ComputeManagementClient(credentials);
var response = computeManagementClient.HostedServices.GetDetailed(cloudServiceName);
return response.Deployments.FirstOrDefault(d => d.DeploymentSlot == DeploymentSlot.Production) == null ? DeploymentSlot.Staging : DeploymentSlot.Production;
An easy way to solve this problem is setting at your instances an key to identify which environment it is running.
1) Set at your production slot:
Set it Settings >> Application settings >> App settings
And create a key named SLOT_NAME and value "production". IMPORTANT: check Slot setting.
2) Set at your staging slot:
Set it Settings >> Application settings >> App settings
And create a key named SLOT_NAME and value "staging". IMPORTANT: check Slot setting.
Access from your application the variable and identify which environment the application is running. In Java you can access:
String slotName = System.getenv("APPSETTING_SLOT_NAME");
Here are 4 points to consider
VIP swap only makes sense when your service faces the outside world. AKA, when it exposes an API and reacts to requests.
If all your service does is pull messages from a queue and process them, then your services is proactive and VIP swap is not a good solution for you.
If your service is both reactive and proactive, you may want to reconsider your design. Perhaps split the service into 2 different services.
Eric's suggestion of modifying the cscfg files pre- and post- VIP swap is good if the proactive part of your service can take a short down time (Because you first configure both Staging and Production to not pull messages, then perform VIP Swap, and then update Production's configuration to start pulling messages).
