Netbeans color theming problem - colors

I'm trying to sort out my netbeans color theme and I'm almost there apart from one annoying highlight I can't seem to find anywhere! It only shows it self in HTML and CSS that I have seen so far!
Its the highlighting that happens when you click on an Id or class value for html elements, or elements in css
Have a look at the picture below and see if you can identify the option that defines the highlight below!

It appears to be the Cascading Style Sheet color for Mark Occurrences.
Tools|Options|Fonts & Colors, Select Language: Cascading Style Sheet, Select Category: Mark Occurrences.
It appears to be related to (but not exactly the same as) NetBeans bug 189963, and may be worth noting on that bug that the highlight color suffers the same problem as the base color.
BTW, When I changed the color value for that one and clicked on OK, it did not immediately update the editor window. I had to select something else for it to mark occurrences of, and as soon as I did that I saw the new color.


Custom Cell Formatter to Hide/Show Truncated Text

One of the columns in my table can contain a large amount of text, several paragraphs. This causes each row to be very tall and the table not readable.
I would like to set up a custom formatter for this column to automatically truncate the viewable text after X characters (X would be configurable) and include ellipses after that point and then display a "Show More" link. Clicking on "Show More" would then reveal all of the text in the cell, causing the row's height to expand to show all of the text, then toggling the "Show More" link to say "Show Less". Clicking on "Show Less" would return to the truncated view of the cell.
I can get part of this to work by simply returning from the custom formatter the first X characters of the text followed by a an element with display set to null containing the rest of the text. Clicking on "Show More" would change the element's display to inline.
In one sense this works, because the hidden text is displayed in part when Show More is clicked, but only the part that will fit into the existing cell's size. The rest is hidden and an ellipses is added.
For example, the initial load would show:
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy
...Show More
Then after toggling it would show:
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog... [this ellipses is added automatically by the CSS]
Show Less
How do I get the cell to expand to show all of the text?
A trickier version of this is to support HTML content, which can't be truncated as easily and still support showing the formatting properly. text-overflow:ellipses seems like it might solve that problem, but I have not figured out how to get it to work in this context. Indeed, text-overflow:ellipses might overall be a simpler solution to this problem if it can be made to work.
Btw, the alternative is to show the full text in a modal dialog, although I have not investigated that approach yet. (I don't think Tabulator supports a modal dialog out of the box, so I would need to add one, such as jquery's. See: Does anyone have or know of any example of a custom popup editor for Tabulator?)

Background color, notepad++ for highlighting purposes

Is there a way in Notepad++ to highlight a snippet of text and change it's background color? I would like it to remain that color within the editor for highlighting purposes. I don't want the color to change the code at all.
You can get the effect you want by right-clicking on the highlighted snippet and selecting "Style token" -> "Using (n)th style".
This will also highlight any other sections of your code which are identical to the one you selected, which may or may not be what you want. However the highlighting will only remain for as long as you have that file open in notepad++. If you close it, you will lose the highlighting.
In Notepad++
First select the line/words to be highlighted
Go to 'Search' Menu
Select 'Mark All'.
There you will find 5 sub-menu as 'using [1..5]th style'.
(using 1st style : cyan colour) .
(2nd : light brown) .
(3rd : yellow) .
(4th : purple) .
(5th : green) .
However the highlighting will only remain for as long as you have that file open in notepad++. If you close it, you will lose the highlighting.
You can also define a language that set the snippet as a keyword and choose style for it.

I wish to apply a background color to ONLY the cells in a specific dataGrid column?

I asked this question on the LiveCode email list. No response, so I figure it must not be possible. I know about editing the template graphic that enables alternating row colors. That doesn't help me.
This lesson is the closest to what I have found, but it only sets the overlay color to empty cells. It also had an unwanted affect, where any data that was present in the grid no longer shows up.
As a little experiment, since the data became invisible (note that I'm on WinXP), I tried placing an opaque graphic over the column I wish to colorize. I set the ink of the graphic to AddMax or AddOver, and it looked nice, but the text in the cells disappeared. Then I tried setting the ink to AddMin, and it still looks good, but the test shows through!!!!
So, I think this will work fine visually, but how can I pass a double-click through this graphic to the cell underneath (to allow cell editing only within this column)?
Yes, you can do this.
This suggestion comes from Trevor DeVore at
Create a custom column template using the property inspector. From there you can edit the behavior of the column to colorize the background color of the field for that column or just edit the field in the template group to change the color.
The background color will only show up in rows that have data, however.

Style of LWUIT ComboBox

I'm working in a project and use LWUIT, I want to make a custom style for Combobox and Successfully after a lot of search I have made it by changing the cell renderer and the look and feel to change arrow icon
the problem now that the white space around my items I want to remove them, how can I do that please
You should start setting the padding/margin entries for various styles to 0, we changed the styles here a bit at Codename One so i don't quite recall everything but try PopupList, PopupItem, ComboBoxPopupList, etc.

In Visual Studio, how can I change/disable the line-highlight color when I double-click on a row in "Find Results"?

Sorry for the complicated title.
Screenshot here:
Do a "Find in Files" search in VS.
Double click on one of the results.
The line in the editor window is highlighted with dark blue (in my case).
The highlight does not go away unless I do another "Find in Files" search and click on another result.
The problems:
The highlight is too dark/overpowering.
I can't see other highlights (like selecting text, or even where my cursor is).
I want the highlight to go away while I'm editing the file.
So my questions:
Can I change the color of this highlight to something less powerful? (a nice light gray perhaps) I can't seem to tell which of the color-coding options changes this one.
Can I clear this highlight somehow while editing (without needing to do another search)
Can I disable this highlighting completely?
PS. I'm not interested in the line-highlight color in the "Find Results" window itself - just the highlight that appears in my text-editor window after I double-click on one of the results.
Try changing your color settings.
Tools -> Options -> Fonts and Colors
Select "Show settings for: Find Results Window" and change the "Current List Location" background color.
