Remove trailing "=" when base64 encoding - base64

I am noticing that whenever I base64 encode a string, a "=" is appended at the end. Can I remove this character and then reliably decode it later by adding it back, or is this dangerous? In other words, is the "=" always appended, or only in certain cases?
I want my encoded string to be as short as possible, that's why I want to know if I can always remove the "=" character and just add it back before decoding.

The = is padding. <!------------>
Wikipedia says
An additional pad character is
allocated which may be used to force
the encoded output into an integer
multiple of 4 characters (or
equivalently when the unencoded binary
text is not a multiple of 3 bytes) ;
these padding characters must then be
discarded when decoding but still
allow the calculation of the effective
length of the unencoded text, when its
input binary length would not be a
multiple of 3 bytes (the last non-pad
character is normally encoded so that
the last 6-bit block it represents
will be zero-padded on its least
significant bits, at most two pad
characters may occur at the end of the
encoded stream).
If you control the other end, you could remove it when in transport, then re-insert it (by checking the string length) before decoding.
Note that the data will not be valid Base64 in transport.
Also, Another user pointed out (relevant to PHP users):
Note that in PHP base64_decode will accept strings without padding, hence if you remove it to process it later in PHP it's not necessary to add it back. – Mahn Oct 16 '14 at 16:33
So if your destination is PHP, you can safely strip the padding and decode without fancy calculations.

I wrote part of Apache's commons-codec-1.4.jar Base64 decoder, and in that logic we are fine without padding characters. End-of-file and End-of-stream are just as good indicators that the Base64 message is finished as any number of '=' characters!
The URL-Safe variant we introduced in commons-codec-1.4 omits the padding characters on purpose to keep things smaller!
I guess a safer answer is, "depends on your decoder implementation," but logically it is not hard to write a decoder that doesn't need padding.

In JavaScript you could do something like this:
// if this is your Base64 encoded string
var str = 'VGhpcyBpcyBhbiBhd2Vzb21lIHNjcmlwdA==';
// make URL friendly:
str = str.replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_').replace(/\=+$/, '');
// reverse to original encoding
if (str.length % 4 != 0){
str += ('===').slice(0, 4 - (str.length % 4));
str = str.replace(/-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/');
See also this Fiddle:

= is added for padding. The length of a base64 string should be multiple of 4, so 1 or 2 = are added as necessary.
Read: No, you shouldn't remove it.

On Android I am using this:
String base64 = new String(
Base64.encode(byteArray, Base64.URL_SAFE | Base64.NO_PADDING | Base64.NO_CLOSE | Base64.NO_WRAP),
return base64.trim();
byte[] bytes = Base64.decode(base64String,
Base64.URL_SAFE | Base64.NO_PADDING | Base64.NO_CLOSE | Base64.NO_WRAP);
equals this on Java:
private static String base64UrlEncode(byte[] input)
Base64 encoder = new Base64(true);
byte[] encodedBytes = encoder.encode(input);
return StringUtils.newStringUtf8(encodedBytes).trim();
private static byte[] base64UrlDecode(String input) {
byte[] originalValue = StringUtils.getBytesUtf8(input);
Base64 decoder = new Base64(true);
return decoder.decode(originalValue);
I had never problems with trailing "=" and I am using Bouncycastle as well

If you're encoding bytes (at fixed bit length), then the padding is redundant. This is the case for most people.
Base64 consumes 6 bits at a time and produces a byte of 8 bits that only uses six bits worth of combinations.
If your string is 1 byte (8 bits), you'll have an output of 12 bits as the smallest multiple of 6 that 8 will fit into, with 4 bits extra. If your string is 2 bytes, you have to output 18 bits, with two bits extra. For multiples of six against multiple of 8 you can have a remainder of either 0, 2 or 4 bits.
The padding says to ignore those extra four (==) or two (=) bits. The padding is there tell the decoder about your padding.
The padding isn't really needed when you're encoding bytes. A base64 encoder can simply ignore left over bits that total less than 8 bits. In this case, you're best off removing it.
The padding might be of some use for streaming and arbitrary length bit sequences as long as they're a multiple of two. It might also be used for cases where people want to only send the last 4 bits when more bits are remaining if the remaining bits are all zero. Some people might want to use it to detect incomplete sequences though it's hardly reliable for that. I've never seen this optimisation in practice. People rarely have these situations, most people use base64 for discrete byte sequences.
If you see answers suggesting to leave it on, that's not a good encouragement if you're simply encoding bytes, it's enabling a feature for a set of circumstances you don't have. The only reason to have it on in that case might be to add tolerance to decoders that don't work without the padding. If you control both ends, that's a non-concern.

If you're using PHP the following function will revert the stripped string to its original format with proper padding:
$str = 'base64 encoded string without equal signs stripped';
$str = str_pad($str, strlen($str) + (4 - ((strlen($str) % 4) ?: 4)), '=');
echo $str, "\n";

Using Python you can remove base64 padding and add it back like this:
from math import ceil
stripped = original.rstrip('=')
original = stripped.ljust(ceil(len(stripped) / 4) * 4, '=')

Yes, there are valid use cases where padding is omitted from a Base 64 encoding.
The JSON Web Signature (JWS) standard (RFC 7515) requires Base 64 encoded data to omit
padding. It expects:
Base64 encoding [...] with all trailing '='
characters omitted (as permitted by Section 3.2) and without the
inclusion of any line breaks, whitespace, or other additional
characters. Note that the base64url encoding of the empty octet
sequence is the empty string. (See Appendix C for notes on
implementing base64url encoding without padding.)
The same applies to the JSON Web Token (JWT) standard (RFC 7519).
In addition, Julius Musseau's answer has indicated that Apache's Base 64 decoder doesn't require padding to be present in Base 64 encoded data.

I do something like this with java8+
private static String getBase64StringWithoutPadding(String data) {
if(data == null) {
return "";
Base64.Encoder encoder = Base64.getEncoder().withoutPadding();
return encoder.encodeToString(data.getBytes());
This method gets an encoder which leaves out padding.
As mentioned in other answers already padding can be added after calculations if you need to decode it back.

For Android You may have trouble if You want to use android.util.base64 class, since that don't let you perform UnitTest others that integration test - those uses Adnroid environment.
In other hand if You will use java.util.base64, compiler warns You that You sdk may to to low (below 26) to use it.
So I suggest Android developers to use
implementation "commons-codec:commons-codec:1.13"
Encoding object
fun encodeObjectToBase64(objectToEncode: Any): String{
val objectJson = Gson().toJson(objectToEncode).toString()
return encodeStringToBase64(objectJson.toByteArray(Charsets.UTF_8))
fun encodeStringToBase64(byteArray: ByteArray): String{
return Base64.encodeBase64URLSafeString(byteArray).toString() // encode with no padding
Decoding to Object
fun <T> decodeBase64Object(encodedMessage: String, encodeToClass: Class<T>): T{
val decodedBytes = Base64.decodeBase64(encodedMessage)
val messageString = String(decodedBytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
return Gson().fromJson(messageString, encodeToClass)
Of course You may omit Gson parsing and put straight away into method Your String transformed to ByteArray


base64.decode: Invalid encoding before padding

I'm working on a flutter project and I'm currently getting an error with some of the strings I try do decode using the base64.decode() method. I've created a short dart code which can reproduce the problem I'm facing with a specific string:
import 'dart:convert';
void main() {
final message = 'RU5UUkVHQUdSQVRJU1==';
I'm getting the following error message:
Uncaught Error: FormatException: Invalid encoding before padding (at character 19)
I've tried decoding the same string with JavaScript and it works fine. Would be glad if someone could explain why am I getting this error, and possibly show me a solution. Thanks.
Base64 encoding breaks binary data into 6-bit segments of 3 full bytes and represents those as printable characters in ASCII standard. It does that in essentially two steps.
The first step is to break the binary string down into 6-bit blocks. Base64 only uses 6 bits (corresponding to 2^6 = 64 characters) to ensure encoded data is printable and humanly readable. None of the special characters available in ASCII are used.
The 64 characters (hence the name Base64) are 10 digits, 26 lowercase characters, 26 uppercase characters as well as the Plus sign (+) and the Forward Slash (/). There is also a 65th character known as a pad, which is the Equal sign (=). This character is used when the last segment of binary data doesn't contain a full 6 bits
So RU5UUkVHQUdSQVRJU1== doesn't follow the encoding pattern.
Use Underline character "_" as Padding Character and Decode With Pad Bytes Deleted
For some reason dart:convert's base64.decode chokes on strings padded with = with the "invalid encoding before padding error". This happens even if you use the package's own padding method base64.normalize which pads the string with the correct padding character =.
= is indeed the correct padding character for base64 encoding. It is used to fill out base64 strings when fewer than 24 bits are available in the input group. See RFC 4648, Section 4.
However, RFC 4648 Section 5 which is a base64 encoding scheme for Urls uses the underline character _ as padding instead of = to be Url safe.
Using _ as the padding character will cause base64.decode to decode without error.
In order to further decode the generated list of bytes to Utf8, you will need to delete the padding bytes or you will get an "Invalid UTF-8 byte" error.
See the code below. Here is the same code as a working example.
import 'dart:convert';
void main() {
//String message = 'RU5UUkVHQUdSQVRJU1=='; //as of dart 2.18.2 this will generate an "invalid encoding before padding" error
//String message = base64.normalize('RU5UUkVHQUdSQVRJU1'); // will also generate same error
String message = 'RU5UUkVHQUdSQVRJU1';
print("Encoded String: $message");
print("Decoded String: ${decodeB64ToUtf8(message)}");
decodeB64ToUtf8(String message) {
message =
padBase64(message); // pad with underline => ('RU5UUkVHQUdSQVRJU1__')
List<int> dec = base64.decode(message);
//remove padding bytes
dec = dec.sublist(0, dec.length - RegExp(r'_').allMatches(message).length);
return utf8.decode(dec);
String padBase64(String rawBase64) {
return (rawBase64.length % 4 > 0)
? rawBase64 += List.filled(4 - (rawBase64.length % 4), "_").join("")
: rawBase64;
The string RU5UUkVHQUdSQVRJU1== is not a compliant base 64 encoding according to RFC 4648, which in section 3.5, "Canonical Encoding," states:
The padding step in base 64 and base 32 encoding can, if improperly
implemented, lead to non-significant alterations of the encoded data.
For example, if the input is only one octet for a base 64 encoding,
then all six bits of the first symbol are used, but only the first
two bits of the next symbol are used. These pad bits MUST be set to
zero by conforming encoders, which is described in the descriptions
on padding below. If this property do not hold, there is no
canonical representation of base-encoded data, and multiple base-
encoded strings can be decoded to the same binary data. If this
property (and others discussed in this document) holds, a canonical
encoding is guaranteed.
In some environments, the alteration is critical and therefore
decoders MAY chose to reject an encoding if the pad bits have not
been set to zero. The specification referring to this may mandate a
specific behaviour.
(Emphasis added.)
Here we will manually go through the base 64 decoding process.
Taking your encoded string RU5UUkVHQUdSQVRJU1== and performing the mapping from the base 64 character set (given in "Table 1: The Base 64 Alphabet" of the aforementioned RFC), we have:
R U 5 U U k V H Q U d S Q V R J U 1 = =
010001 010100 111001 010100 010100 100100 010101 000111 010000 010100 011101 010010 010000 010101 010001 001001 010100 110101 ______ ______
(using __ to represent the padding characters).
Now, grouping these by 8 instead of 6, we get
01000101 01001110 01010100 01010010 01000101 01000111 01000001 01000111 01010010 01000001 01010100 01001001 01010011 0101____ ________
The important part is at the end, where there are some non-zero bits followed by padding. The Dart implementation is correctly determining that the padding provided doesn't make sense provided that the last four bits of the previous character do not decode to zeros.
As a result, the decoding of RU5UUkVHQUdSQVRJU1== is ambiguous. Is it ENTREGAGRATIS or ENTREGAGRATISP? It's precisely this reason why the RFC states, "These pad bits MUST be set to zero by conforming encoders."
In fact, because of this, I'd argue that an implementation that decodes RU5UUkVHQUdSQVRJU1== to ENTREGAGRATIS without complaint is problematic, because it's silently discarding non-zero bits.
The RFC-compliant encoding of ENTREGAGRATIS is RU5UUkVHQUdSQVRJUw==.
The RFC-compliant encoding of ENTREGAGRATISP is RU5UUkVHQUdSQVRJU1A=.
This further highlights the ambiguity of your input RU5UUkVHQUdSQVRJU1==, which matches neither.
I suggest you check your encoder to determine why it's providing you with non-compliant encodings, and make sure you're not losing information as a result.

How to convert padbytes function to coldfusion

I have the following code in node and I am trying to convert to ColdFusion:
// a correct implementation of PKCS7. The rijndael js has a PKCS7 padding already implemented
// however, it incorrectly pads expecting the phrase to be multiples of 32 bytes when it should pad based on multiples
// 16 bytes. Also, every javascript implementation of PKCS7 assumes utf-8 char encoding. C# however is unicode or utf-16.
// This means that chars need to be treated in our code as 2 byte chars and not 1 byte chars.
function padBytes(string){
const strArray = [ Buffer(string, 'ucs2')];
const need = 16 - ((strArray.length) % 16);
for(let i = 0; i < need; i++) {
return Buffer.from(strArray);
I'm trying to understand exactly what this function is doing to convert it. As I think I understand it, it's converting the string to UTF-16 (UCS2) and then adding padding to each character. However, I don't understand why the need variable is the value it is, nor how exactly to achieve that in CF.
I also don't understand why it's only pushing the same value into the array over and over again. For starters, in my example script the string is 2018-06-14T15:44:10Z testaccount. The string array length is 64. I'm not sure how to achieve even that in CF.
I've tried character encoding, converting to binary and stuff to UTF-16 and just don't understand well enough the js function to replicate it in ColdFusion. I feel I'm missing something with the encoding.
The selected answer solves this problem, but because I was eventually trying to use the input data for encryption, the easier method was to not use this function at all but do the following:
<cfset stringToEncrypt = charsetDecode(input,"utf-16le") />
<cfset variables.result = EncryptBinary(stringToEncrypt, theKey, theAlgorithm, theIV) />
We followed up in chat and turns out the value is ultimately used with encrypt(). Since encrypt() already handles padding (automatically), no need for the custom padBytes() function. However, it did require switching to the less commonly used encryptBinary() function to maintain the UTF-16 encoding. The regular encrypt() function only handles UTF-8, which produces totally different results. Example:
// Result with sample key/iv: P22lWwtD8pDrNdQGRb2T/w==
result = encrypt("abc", theKey, theAlgorithm, theEncoding, theIV);
// Result Result with sample key/iv: LJCROj8trkXVq1Q8SQNrbA==
input = charsetDecode("abc", "utf-16le");
result= binaryEncode(encryptBinary(input, theKey, theAlgorithm, theIV), "base64);
it's converting the string to utf-16
(ucs2) and then adding padding to each character.
... I feel I'm missing something with the encoding.
Yes, the first part seems to be decoding the string as UTF-16 (or UCS2 which are slightly different). As to what you're missing, you're not the only one. I couldn't get it to work either until I found this comment which explained "UTF-16" prepends a BOM. To omit the BOM, use either "UTF-16BE" or "UTF-16LE" depending on the endianess needed.
why it's only pushing the same value into the array over and over again.
Because that's the definition of PCKS7 padding. Instead of padding with something like nulls or zeroes, it calculates how many bytes padding are needed. Then uses that number as the padding value. For example, say a string needs an extra three bytes padding. PCKS7 appends the value 3 - three times: "string" + "3" + "3" + "3".
The rest of the code is similar in CF. Unfortunately, the results of charsetDecode() aren't mutable. You must build a separate array to hold the padding, then combine the two.
Note, this example combines the arrays using CF2016 specific syntax, but it could also be done with a simple loop instead
function padBytes(string text){
var combined = [];
var padding = [];
// decode as utf-16
var decoded = charsetDecode(arguments.text,"utf-16le");
// how many padding bytes are needed?
var need = 16 - (arrayLen(decoded) % 16);
// fill array with any padding bytes
for(var i = 0; i < need; i++) {
// concatenate the two arrays
// CF2016+ specific syntax. For earlier versions, use a loop
combined = combined.append(decoded, true);
combined = combined.append(padding, true);
return combined;
result = padBytes("2018-06-14T15:44:10Z testaccount");
writeDump(binaryEncode( javacast("byte[]", result), "base64"));

Buffer constructor not treating encoding correctly for buffer length

I am trying to construct a utf16le string from a javascript string as a new buffer object.
It appears that setting a new Buffer('xxxxxxxxxx', utf16le) will actually have a length of 1/2 what it is expected to have. Such as we will only see 5 x's in the console logs.
var test = new Buffer('xxxxxxxxxx','utf16le');
for (var i=0;i<test.length;i++) {
Node version is v0.8.6
It is really unclear what you want to accomplish here. Your statement can mean (at least) 2 things:
How to convert an JS-String into a UTF-16-LE Byte-Array
How to convert a Byte-Array containing a UTF-16-LE String into a JS-String
What you are doing in your code sample is decoding a Byte-Array in a string represented as UTF-16-LE to a UTF-8 string and storing that as a buffer. Until you actually state what you want to accomplish, you have 0 chance of getting a coherent answer.
new Buffer('FF', 'hex') will yield a buffer of length 1 with all bits of the octet set. Which is likely the opposite of what you think it does.

Perl's default string encoding and representation

In the following:
my $string = "Can you \x{FB01}nd my r\x{E9}sum\x{E9}?\n";
The x{FB01} and x{E9} are code points. And code points are encoded via an encoding scheme to a series of octets.
So the character è which has the codepoint \x{FB01} is part of the string of $string. But how does this work? Are all the characters in this sentence (including the ASCII ones) encoded via UTF-8?
If yes why do I get the following behavior?
my $str = "Some arbitrary string\n";
if(Encode::is_utf8($str)) {
print "YES str IS UTF8!\n";
else {
print "NO str IT IS NOT UTF8\n";
This prints "NO str IT IS NOT UTF8\n"
Additionally Encode::is_utf8($string) returns true.
In what way are $string and $str different and one is considered UTF-8 and the other not?
And in any case what is the encoding of $str? ASCII? Is this the default for Perl?
In C, a string is a collection of octets, but Perl has two string storage formats:
String of 8-bit values.
String of 72-bit values. (In practice, limited to 32-bit or 64-bit.)
As such, you don't need to encode code points to store them in a string.
my $s = "\x{2660}\x{2661}";
say length $s; # 2
say sprintf '%X', ord substr($s, 0, 1); # 2660
say sprintf '%X', ord substr($s, 1, 1); # 2661
(Internally, an extension of UTF-8 called "utf8" is used to store the strings of 72-bit chars. That's not something you should ever have to know except to realize the performance implications, but there are bugs that expose this fact.)
Encode's is_utf8 reports which type of string a scalar contains. It's a function that serves absolutely no use except to debug the bugs I previously mentioned.
An 8-bit string can store the value of "abc" (or the string in the OP's $str), so Perl used the more efficient 8-bit (UTF8=0) string format.
An 8-bit string can't store the value of "\x{2660}\x{2661}" (or the string in the OP's $string), so Perl used the 72-bit (UTF8=1) string format.
Zero is zero whether it's stored in a floating point number, a signed integer or an unsigned integer. Similarly, the storage format of strings conveys no information about the value of the string.
You can store code points in an 8-bit string (if they're small enough) just as easily as a 72-bit string.
You can store bytes in a 72-bit string just as easily as an 8-bit string.
In fact, Perl will switch between the two formats at will. For example, if you concatenate $string with $str, you'll get a string in the 72-bit format.
You can alter the storage format of a string with the builtins utf8::downgrade and utf8::upgrade, should you ever need to work around a bug.
utf8::downgrade($s); # Switch to strings of 8-bit values (UTF8=0).
utf8::upgrade($s); # Switch to strings of 72-bit values (UTF8=1).
You can see the effect using Devel::Peek.
>perl -MDevel::Peek -e"$s=chr(0x80); utf8::downgrade($s); Dump($s);"
SV = PV(0x7b8a74) at 0x4a84c4
PV = 0x7bab9c "\200"\0
CUR = 1
LEN = 12
>perl -MDevel::Peek -e"$s=chr(0x80); utf8::upgrade($s); Dump($s);"
SV = PV(0x558a6c) at 0x1cc843c
PV = 0x55ab94 "\302\200"\0 [UTF8 "\x{80}"]
CUR = 2
LEN = 12
The \x{FB01} and \x{E9} are code points.
Not quiet, the numeric values inside the braces are codepoints. The whole \x expression is just a notation for a character. There are several notations for characters, most of them starting with a backslash, but the common one is the simple string literal. You might as well write:
use utf8;
my $string = "Can you find my résumé?\n";
# ↑ ↑ ↑
And code points are encoded via an encoding scheme to a series of octets.
True, but so far your string is a string of characters, not a buffer of octets.
But how does this work?
Strings consist of characters. That's just Perl's model. You as a programmer are supposed to deal with it at this level.
Of course, the computer can't, and the internal data structure must have some form of internal encoding. Far too much confusion ensues because "Perl can't keep a secret", the details leak out occasionally.
Are all the characters in this sentence (including the ASCII ones) encoded via UTF-8?
No, the internal encoding is lax UTF8 (no dash). It does not have some of the restrictions that UTF-8 (a.k.a. UTF-8-strict) has.
UTF-8 goes up to 0x10_ffff, UTF8 goes up to 0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff on my 64-bit system. Codepoints greater than 0xffff_ffff will emit a non-portability warning, though.
In UTF-8 certain codepoints are non-characters or illegal characters. In UTF8, anything goes.
… is an internals function, and is clearly marked as such. You as a programmer are not supposed to peek. But since you want to peek, no one can stop you. Devel::Peek::Dump is a better tool for getting at the internals.
Read for an introduction to the topic of encoding in Perl.
is_utf8 is a badly-named function that doesn't mean what you think it means or have anything to do with that. The answer to your question is that $string doesn't have an encoding, because it's not encoded. When you call Encode::encode with some encoding, the result of that will be a string that is encoded, and has a known encoding

Why does ToBase64String change a 16 byte string to 24 bytes

I have the following code. When I check the value of variable i it is 16 bytes but then when the output is converted to Base64 it is 24 bytes.
byte[] bytOut = ms.GetBuffer();
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < bytOut.Length; i++)
if (bytOut[i] == 0)
// convert into Base64 so that the result can be used in xml
return System.Convert.ToBase64String(bytOut, 0, i);
Is this expected? I am trying to cut down storage and this is one of my problems.
Base64 expresses the input string made of 8-bit bytes using 64 human-readable characters (64 characters = 6 bits of information).
The key to the answer of your question is that it the encoding works in 24 bit chunks, so every 24 bits or fraction thereof results in 4 characters of output.
16 bytes * 8 bits = 128 bits of information
128 bits / 24 bits per chunk = 5.333 chunks
So the final output will be 6 chunks or 24 characters.
The fractional chunks are handled with equal signs, which represent the trailing "null bits". In your case, the output will always end in '=='.
Yes, you'd expect to see some expansion. You're representing your data in a base with only 64 characters. All those unprintable ASCII characters still need a way to be encoded though. So you end up with slight expansion of the data.
Here's a link that explains how much: Base64: What is the worst possible increase in space usage?
Edit: Based on your comment above, if you need to reduce size, you should look at compressing the data before you encrypt. This will get you the max benefit from compression. Compressing encrypted binary does not work.
This is because a base64 string can contain only 64 characters ( and that is because it should be displayable) in other hand and byte has a variety of 256 characters so it can contain more information in it.
Base64 is a great way to represent binary data in a string using only standard, printable characters. It is not, however, a good way to represent string data because it takes more characters than the original string.
