magento mod rewrite not working help wanted(htaccess) :) - .htaccess

my situation.....
i have this url
i want to have this rewritten to
my rewrites on the website are i have nice urls on the website for the products
the pages i want to be rewritten are my own modules for pages with text
i have put this in my htaccess
RewriteRule .* index.php [L]
RewriteRule ^bikes/(\.*)/$ category?catid=$1
i have tried about any thing like 1000 combinations but nothing seem to work also i checked if my htaccess is working but it does.First line works also redirect to google works.
Hope someone is able to tell me what i am doing wrong here?

I had this example around here, and I think you can work it out to your needs:
Pretty URL: /topic-41/favourite-cheese.html
Ugly URL: /viewtopic.php?t=41
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^topic-([0-9]+)/[A-Z0-9_-]+.html$ /viewtopic.php?t=$1 [NC,L]


htaccess is working but does not replace the url

I'm trying to modify the subdomain name in the URL to make it look nicer. My current URL look something like:
So, I want to make it nicer by Rewrite in .htaccess in main with this code:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^productInfo/([0-9_-]+)/([0-9_-]+) productInfo.php?cPath=$1&productID=$2 [NC,L]
When I run and test it on the URL by typing in the URL it works well. However, when this page is redirected by a different page or is 'refreshed' with a self redirecting a href= link(in which the link is written in php by the previous programmer), the above old link is still visible in the URL instead of the new one.
I am still a beginner while I suspect that I might need to change something in the cPanel/Apache(I think) for this but currently, I am still do not have access to the cPanel control. Is there anything that I might have missed to write in the .htaccess file or I really do need the cPanel control or any other reasons?
Any help is appreciated. Sorry that I could not find similar questions on this.
You can use the following :
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
#redirect /productInfo.php?cPath=foo&productID=bar to /productInfo/foo/bar
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} /productInfo\.php\?cPath=([0-9_-]+)&productID=([0-9_-]) [NC]
RewriteRule ^ productInfo/%1/%2? [L,R=301]
#rewrite new URL to the old one
RewriteRule ^productInfo/([0-9_-]+)/([0-9_-]+) productInfo.php?cPath=$1&productID=$2 [NC,L]

htaccess to remove part of a url, .htaccess

I was wondering how it is possible to remove part of a url with htaccess for example I have a url like this:
now I need to use htaccess to redirect this page or anything like this to a page with this url:
I have tried things like this but nothing seems to work and I do not really know my way around htaccess
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule item.php?pa=$1 /$1 [R=301,L]
You can achieve that using the following rules in your .htaccess:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^([^/]*)$ /item.php?pa=$1 [L]
Just make sure you clear your cache before testing this.

Mod_Rewrite with .htaccess is not working

I just learnt about url-rewrite for my website with .htacess. My actual url is:
So i write this RewriteRule like this:
RewriteRule ^/([^/]*)/?$ /index.php?view=$1 [NC,L]
When i typed localhost/homepage on my browser, It does not work, it displays error 404 object not found. What have i done wrong please show me.
Many thanks
This should work in your DocumentRoot/.htaccess:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/?$ index.php?view=$1 [QSA,L]
Leading slash is not matched in htaccess.
are you using apache?
This link from step 6 helped me
When i was playing around with rewrites i had to enable it and tell apache where the pages were stored

htaccess url aliases on custom website

Hello I'm developing a site with 5-6 pages like main.php(homepage), event.php(landing page of an event), article.php(another news landing page) etc etc etc...
I'm wondering how would it be possible to rewrite urls like "" to something like ""
I've read a couple of articles on .htaccess but no luck yet currently I'm messing around with this but it's not what I want
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
rewriterule ^event.php(.*)$ http://evented.localhost/event/$1 [r=301,nc]
Any help will be greatly appreciated or if you know of any decent url aliases tutorial for .htaccess.
This seems to work for event.php page it transforms a link into this (according to the above example)
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^event/([^/\.]+)/?$ /event.php?eid=$1 [L]
RewriteRule ^event/(.*) /$1 [L]
How could I replace the event id with it's title ?
You'd have the clean title with the, then use the clean url to find the article.

mod_rewrite not rewriting url with a subdomain and folder

I'm starting to learn mod_rewrite and experiencing a problem that I can't solve myself.
I have an url:
which I want to rewrite to when a customer visits it.
I've tried something like this
RewriteRule ^([0-9]*)/$ /vacancies.php?id=$1
but it doesn't really work. I believe the problem is with path as my site located on subdomain(abc) and in folder(en)
I would really appreciate pointing me to the right direction.
Use this in your
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /en/
RewriteRule ^([0-9]+)/?$ vacancies.php?id=$1 [NC,L,QSA]
