System.Net.Mail.SmtpFailedRecipientException: Mailbox unavailable in sharepoint 2007 - sharepoint

I have created a document library in sharepoint 2007 and i have enabled incoming email settings to the doc library. When I am trying to send an email from workflow I am getting the error...
System.Net.Mail.SmtpFailedRecipientException: Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: 5.7.1 Unable to relay for
at System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.Send(MailMessage message)
at DP.Sharepoint.Workflow.Common.SendMailWi
Do i need to setup anything before sending an email. Please help me.

Your outgoing mail server isn't setup for relaying from just any address. Checkwith your email server adminto make sure that you are able to send outgoing messages with the email address you have.


create outbuond smtp server using smtp-server nodejs

I was trying to create a SMTP server using nodejs module "smtp-server" and referred this: When I tried to send mail using nodemailer to server it went properly but when I tried to send mail to gmail account it was never receiver there.
I set up dkim and SPF for my smtp server and checked them using online checkers and my code is same as before as I mentioned here: Could not send mail to users email using my smtp server on website
For sending mail to gmail account I assumed that server automatically redirects mail to gmail server if I put my gmail account in "to:" section of message. Later I studied multiple article and found that there is some thing like outbounding which is used to redirect mail to other server. Kindly tell me how can I set it up for smtp-server module.

Email bouncing back with error code 550 5.7.708 Service unavailable

we have an application that is using the Outlook REST API v2 to allow the users to send emails from the app.
Today one of our clients send us a bug report, that after they created a new Office365 account for their company they can't send emails through our app. The current case was for sending email to account. The email bounces back with error code
550 5.7.708 Service unavailable. Access denied, traffic not accepted
from this IP.
The user also reports that they are able to send the same email from the Outlook web client.
I have found this issue on the network: and am now wondering if this is just a bug on Outlook side or we have missed something on our end?
You have to go here: and put the incriminate ip to delete it from the list.

Outgoing emails not being sent from workflow

I created a simple issue tracking list. when completed it should send the details to the person in the to: field.
Problem is when workflow completes I get this error: system account - The e-mail message cannot be sent. Make sure the outgoing e-mail settings for the server are configured correctly.
We have checked our smtp settings firewall etc.. setup the email address and it still isn't working. What else could be the issue??? I can't seem to find anything that works thanks

Mail server running sendmail cannot receive incoming mails

I have a server which is hosting a web site. I want to enable using emails using the domain name (e.g., so I configured email service using sendmail and dovecot. I am new to configuring email servers, and currently I met with two strange problems. I am seeking for your kind help:
Regarding sending mails to external email addresses defined in /etc/aliases:
in the /etc/aliases file, I define a group which direct incoming mails to both my local email account and to my external email account, e.g.
When I login to my server and send mails to, both emails can be delivered. However, when I use external mail servers to send (e.g., only mail can be delivered, and I got a reject message for mail:
sender address rejected: Access denied
I have already enabled FEATURE(`relay_based_on_MX')
I cannot send mails to using web-based emails like gmail, hotmail or yahoo mails. After a few hours (sometimes one day), I got delayed delivery message from web emails. e.g.
(from gmail)
Delivery to the following recipient has been delayed:
Message will be retried for 2 more day(s)
Technical details of temporary failure:
The recipient server did not accept our requests to connect. Learn more at
[(10) []:25: Connection refused]
I have already configured firewalls to allow needed ports (e.g 25, 143, 110). And I can the mails sent from can be delivered.
I suspect the web mail servers may require extra verification. What other configurations should I do to enable my mail server receive external mails?
Thank you for your attention!

Sending email from ASP.NET application using SMTP server in IIS6; email gets sent without error but the mail gets stuck in mailroot\drop folder

I have a SMTP server set up for my domain in IIS6. The mail sends just fine from the site, there are no errors. But the email is never delivered to the recipient. I checked my mail folder on the server and the emails are stuck in \inetpub\mailroot\drop
Any idea why they wouldn't be getting sent out? This is new territory for me and I'm not having much luck finding a solution.
Since the mail is making its way into the mail folder, I assume the problem lies somewhere in my SMTP server settings
There could be a couple of reasons for this and it sounds to me that your provider has blocked port 25 which means your server can't send the emails, hence, they are still in the queue.
Your best bet is to use a 3rd party SMTP service such as Amazon SES or Mandrill (free), you can either configure your application to send mail directly through these providers, or, you can continue to use IIS SMTP and configure smart host, this will tell IIS SMTP to not bother trying to send email directly, but instead relay it through the 3rd party SMTP service.
More about SMTP and smart hosts here:
