Getting NSOutlineView to scroll to new entry - object

First I apologize for the length but I want to ensure I get enough information out. I have an interesting problem that really shouldn't be difficult. I know that if you want to have the NSOutlineView scroll to and want display a specific row you simply use this pattern:
NSInteger row = [self.myOutlineView rowForItem:myItem];
[self.myOutlineView scrollRowToVisible:row];
I am not using a NSTreeController in favor of using delegation.
I am using an adapter pattern class to act as my data. The adapter wraps a number of different types. It is a simple structure:
[adapter children] ----- *[adapter parent]
So the adapter takes care of dealing with child count, can add, can remove, can expand, etc. and also acts like a data transport object.
So with that all out of the way here is the crux of the problem. When I add a new item to the NSOutlineView I start by adding a new child adapter to the adapter that is selected in the outline view. Then I reload the item with the children using:
[self.myOutlineView reloadItem:selectedAdapter reloadChildren:YES];
I then display the view for this object and attempt to synchronize the NSOutlineView so the selected row relates to the newly displayed view. So in a simple way the steps are:
Initially load the NSOutlineView with data utilizing the NSOutlineDataSource protocol
User selects an item (adapter) that can add child items
User clicks "Add" button
A new empty represented object is created
The new represented object is wrapped in an adapter
The newly created adapter is added to the children of the selected adapter
A new view is created using the new represented object and displayed
The selected (parent) node and its children is reloaded in the NSOutlineView
The newly created row in the NSOutlineView is scrolled to view which synchronizes the view and the selection of the NSOutlineView
So here is the problem. The NSOutlineView will not find the newly added item if you use the rowForItem method. Yet after I reload I can expand the parent node and select the newly added item and everything works fine. In an attempt to fix the problem I have programmatically expanded the parent node (exposing the new item) then attempt to scroll to the new item and it still cannot find the row. The rowForItem returns -1.
Have I missed something when adding a new item that I am not updating something in the NSOutlineView? I've tried many different things without success and any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,

Solved my own problem...finally.
Since I was adding my first child to that node and it was changing from non-expandable to expandable it needed to be expanded first, then scroll to view, then select the item. No more problem.


Forms: Creating one item before another

What should be the best UX for a situation where one set of record cannot exist without another.
Take a scenario in an application where a child can be connected to zero or more parents.
If a user of our application finds himself filling a form to create a child but the parent for the child does not exist yet, what is the best approach to creating the parent and then attaching that parent to the child.
Should the child be created without the parent, but updates can be done to add parent to child, note that this also has its own issues as the page where the addition will occur might also need to create the parent.
Have a link on the child page that says "create parent", and route back the user back to the child page after creating the parent.
Have a button bring up a modal that has the parent form and allow the user to create the parent before returning.
I don't like any one of these three options and I am hoping there are better approach out there.
Sorry for any typos or ambiguity, in bit of a rush, also not sure if this is the right place to ask the question.
Since the records are depending on each other I would make sure the user submits these together but make it look like 2 different elements on the same page.
You could use a tab-menu to switch between the child and parent but both should be filled in before submitting. Some inspiration even though you don't need to fill in multiple tabs here. Just make sure it's easy for the user to see that he needs to fill in both tabs.
Another option could be to have the child form collapse when finished/closed like a drop-down menu with an expand arrow button incase you want to edit it again. And the same with a parent box below it. Something that looks a little like this.
They could both be closed at the loading of the page so the user sees both boxes.

Kentico 9: Auto Add Binding in Custom Module

I have created a custom module (actually I have created a handful in recent years, and this same obstacle frustrates me every time) following the Kentico documentation:
The problem I end up with every time, is in developing the User Interface for Parent/Child classes. I create a Vertical Tab node, and beneath it I add an edit tab and a Binding tab for the child class. This all works, and I can add and remove bindings at will, but what I can't do is ADD a new child class and bind it.
Using the Standard Edit Binding template, I am able to bind EXISTING Job Titles to the selected Category, but I cannot CREATE a new one from that page:
To solve this, I created a custom Edit Binding template, and added a New Child Class Header Action that points to a New / Edit Object child:
Which gives me a button that I can use to add a new child class (Job Title):
This approach works per se, in that I can click the New Job Title button and create a new item on the subsequent page:
But no binding is created to link the child object (Job Title) to the selected parent object (Category), An even bigger problem is that once I click Save, I am presented with the following:
The new object DOES SAVE, but the post-save navigation is somehow failing. The event log offers little in the way of diagnostics:
So I thought to create a completely custom interface to accomplish my needs here, according to the Kentico documentation:
So I change the Element Content of the New Job Title page to a custom page that I created to post a DataForm for the new object:
Taking care to assign the proper Object Types on the Properties Tab:
The intent was to programmatically create the binding upon save and also handle the correct navigation to avoid the ambiguous parameter error above, but when this page loads, the UIContext.ObjectID and UIContext.ParentObjectID are both 0:
So I cannot create the binding programmatically. I was able however to solve the error that I received by manually assigning the redirect. The experience is still lacking even with this hack, since it returns to the listing page, but the user still has to click "Add Items" to assign the binding after successfully creating it with the custom page I built.
This cannot be the proper way to do this, so any help with getting me on the right track would be greatly appreciated.
In order for the EditedObject to have a value you have to either decorate the page with the EditedObjectAtribute e.g. like this:
[EditedObject("<custom.objecttype>", "<objectid>", ...)]
or set the object yourself:
int objectId = QueryHelper.GetInteger("objectid", 0);
EditedObject = SomeInfoProvider.GetSomeInfo(objectId);
In your case, I'd recommend exploring what query parameters are available on the page and using them to fetch appropriate object(s). Also, make sure "JobCategoryId" is passed to the "New Job Title" dialog so that you can create the binding.
Btw - kudos for well asked question!

View data being cached/failing to refresh

I have a tabbed panel containing different sections of a form. In one section, users are given the ability to add a child document to the currently open document. In a second section, they are given a listbox, where the options are dynamically generated (via #DbLookup) by looking at a view of all the child documents, filtered by the current document's ID. This functionality all works correctly, however, there is a problem with the dynamic listbox options.
When a user adds a new child document, then switches to the next tab, the listbox is not updated with this new document. If they save/re-edit the main document or refresh the page, it makes no different, the user must load another XPage before going back to the original in order for the listbox to update. I have tried to resolve this by doing full updates of the page, using session.evaluate and "NoCache" in the #DBLookup call, or calling database.getView("My view").refresh(), but without luck.
There is also a similar problem where I have a repeat control which uses a view of child documents (again filtered by main document ID) as a datasource. When a user adds a child document using a button, it partially refreshes the repeat - but doesn't show the new child document until the page is refreshed again (or you leave the page and return).
Is there something crucial I am missing with regards to the JSF lifecycle/the way that view data is cached?
As first measure I would add another formula item to the listbox which simply returns the current time (#Now() should work). That way you can check if the listbox options are refreshed on the update in the first place.
If the options are refreshed fine it's indeed clear that the #DbLookup does some caching, although I'm not aware of any default caching logic.
At least for a test I would change the code to use a NotesView object instead of the #DbLookup, something like this:
var nview = database.getView("someview");
var nc = nview.getAllEntriesByKey(currentDocument.getDocument().getUniversalID(), true);
var a = [];
var ve = nc.getFirstEntry();
while (ve) {
a.push(ve.getColumnValues().elementAt(0)); // value of first column
ve = nc.getNextEntry(ve);
return a;
(I wrote the code from memory, there may be syntax errors).
Since the code only works with view entries it should be equally fast than the #DbLookup. And you could even do a nview.refresh() if needed.

Coded ui objects in UIMap

I have a question regarding coded ui UIMap.
Every time I record an action on the same application, coded ui generates a new object for the same window in the application.
It looks like:
and so on...
every window class holds different buttons, even though it's the same window.
Thus it's very hard to keep code maintenance.
What i would like is that every time i perform actions and records on a window, even if not at the same time, the already generated class for this window, will be updated with the new controls.
any suggestions to why it happens?
Thanks a lot!
You can clean up your UIMaps by doing two things:
Use the UIMap Toolbox (from codeplex) to move controls within the UIMap so they are all under one control tree.
When you have duplicate UI controls, go to the properties for the action that references the duplicate control and change the UI Control property to point to the original control in the UIMap.
The duplicate trees should now be unreferenced and you can delete it from your map, keeping things clean.
And yes, it's a pain to do, but it's worth it for maintainability.
In UIMap.uitest you can change the action name and the control name for better maintenance.
For example: you can set UIAdminWindow as FirstAcessWindow or other name that will express comfortably the control or the action.
What I can guess is that there is some randomly generated content or element identification data such as class or title that may be causing it. This may be caused by different username for example. Also you can update the element from UI map element tree.

Objects removed from NSArraycontroller stay in table until clicked

I have an NSArraycontroller which is bound to my application's AppDelegate's managedObjectContext. It acts as a download queue. Items are added to the NSArraycontroller programmatically
I have a table which shows two of the fields in this, each a column with its value individually bound to the the said NSArraycontroller. When a new download is started it is removed programmatically from the NSArraycontroller.
I have added a button to remove downloads from the queue before they start, the button is bound to the NSArraycontroller's remove: action which should remove the selected item in the table.
My problem is that when clicking the remove button the selected item does not get removed from the table, it remains there until clicking another entry in the table. Selecting the row where the item was causes it to be selected while the mouse button is held down, as if it is still there, but with no values.
In the console the following appears when the remove button is clicked:
-[NSCFDictionary _setUnprocessedDeletion__:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x2000f2220
If I remove items from the table programmatically using
[[downloadsArray content] removeObjectAtIndex:0];
[downloadsTable reloadData];
[downloadsTable deselectAll:nil];
it seems to work fine, except I still get the invisible item left behind that can be selected and remains selected only when the mouse button is down.
I have bound the remove button's enabled attribute to canRemove of the NSArraycontroller and this works correctly.
I have a label which shows the number of items in the queue, this is bound to NSArraycontroller, arrangedObjects, #count. This works correctly when adding items but not when removing them.
Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong would be much appreciated.
I had the same problem when I tried to use an NSFetchRequest with NSManagedObjectIDResultType, and then tried to delete the results with -[NSManagedObjectContext deleteObject:].
Solution: dont use NSManagedObjectIDResultType for an NSFetchRequest if you plan to delete the objects returned.
I just had a similar problem. It turns out that _setUnprocessedDeletion__: is a method defined for NSManagedObject, and apparently its message is sent to an object when it is removed from an array controller which is set to Entity mode. That was my problem; after a day of heavy remodeling I ended up with an array controller set to Entity mode, whose content was bound to an array of regular objects instead of managed objects. One of these errors occurred whenever I removed an object. Look at the contentArray of your array controller.
