MediaException: Cannot create DataSoruce for capture://audio on Samsung - audio

I'm writting midlet that captures audio on mobile.
System.getProperty(""); - returns true
Manager.getSupportedContentTypes("capture"); - returns "audio/amr"
My mobile is Samsung SGH-G800 and according to its spec supports JSR-135, but on that:
I get this exception:
MediaException: Cannot create DataSoruce for: capture://audio?encoding=audio/amr
I tried also "capture://audio", "capture://audio_video" and "capture://audio?encoding=pcm". Nothing.
Any ideas why I get this exception?
crosspost: link

Try this
Player p = Manager.createPlayer("capture://audio?encoding=amr");


Web Bluetooth - Show extra info on scanning dialog

I'm trying to support web-bluetooth to connect to my devices and perform a simple task (such as playing LED).
However, the device information showed on the scanning dialog when calling navigator.bluetooth.requestDevice is not so clear. It only shows the device name and a random (?) hex string.
The problem here is all my devices have the same name (AWESOME_LED), thus it's not easy for the user to select the correct LED if all scanning items show the same device name info. As far as I know, we can not custom to add more info showing on the scanning dialog.
I come up with a new solution that is changing the device name to unique for each LED with the format AWESOME_LED + [uniqueid] e.g AWESOME_LED1, AWESOME_LED2, AWESOME_LED3 so that the user can distinguish one from the others.
My question are:
Is there any alternative solution without making the device name unique?
If not, is there any problem / rejection / limitation from Apple or Google for my current app on App Store / Google Play by not using the same device name for all devices? I have been investigating it at Apple forums / Accessory Design Guidelines and looks like there are no problems, just to make sure if anyone has faced trouble from Apple / Google.
Thanks for your help.
Scanning dialog
My question are:
Is there any alternative solution without making the device name unique?
The browser prompt is not customisable yet. One solution you highlighted already is to make your LED device name unique. If you're able to control the device, why not having one AWESOME_DEVICE name and a GATT characteristic you can write to that controls individual LED colors. Maybe something like:
const device = await navigator.bluetooth.requestDevice({
filters: [{ name: "AWESOME_DEVICE" }],
const server = await device.gatt.connect();
const service = await server.getPrimaryService(0x1234); // Your service UUID
const characteristic = await service.getCharacteristic(0x5678); // Your characteristic UUID
// Set LED #1 to red color.
await characteristic.writeValue(
new Uint8Array(/*ledIndex=*/ 1, /*r=*/ 255, /*g=*/ 0, /*b=*/ 0)
If not, is there any problem / rejection / limitation from Apple or Google for my current app on App Store / Google Play by not using the
same device name for all devices? I have been investigating it at
[Apple forums][1] / [Accessory Design Guidelines][2] and looks like
there are no problems, just to make sure if anyone has faced trouble
from Apple / Google.
None that I'm aware of.

Chrome screen sharing get monitor info

I implemented chrome extension which using chrome.desktopCapture.chooseDesktopMedia to retrieve screen id.
This is my background script:
chrome.runtime.onConnect.addListener(function (port) {
// listen to "content-script.js"
function messageHandler(message) {
if(message == 'get-screen-id') {
chrome.desktopCapture.chooseDesktopMedia(['screen', 'window'],, onUserAction);
function onUserAction(sourceId) {
//Access denied
if(!sourceId || !sourceId.length) {
return port.postMessage('permission-denie');
sourceId: sourceId
I need to get shared monitor info(resolution, landscape or portrait).
My question is: If customer using more than one monitor, how can i determine which monitor he picked?
Can i add for example "system.display" permissions to my extension and get picked monitor info from "chrome.system.display.getInfo"?
You are right. You could add system.display permission and call chrome.system.display.getDisplayLayout(callbackFuncion(DisplayLayout)) and handle the DisplayLayout.position in the callback to get the layout and the chrome.system.display.getInfo to handle the array of displayInfo in the callback. You should look for 'isPrimary' value
This is a year old question, but I came across it since I was after the same information and I finally managed to figure how you can identify which monitor the user selected for screen-sharing in Chrome.
First of all: this information will not come from the extension that you probably built for screen-sharing in Chrome, because:
The chrome.desktopCapture.chooseDesktopMedia API callback only returns a sourceId, which is a string that represents a stream id, that you can then use to call the getMediaSource API to build the media stream.
The chrome.system.display.getInfo will give you a list of the displays, yes, but from that info you can't tell which one is being shared, and there is no way to match the sourceId with any of the fields returned for each display.
So... the solution I've found comes from the MediaStream object itself. Once you have the stream, after calling getMediaSource, you need to get the video track, and in there you will find a property called "label". This label gives you an idea of which screen the user picked.
You can get the video track with something like:
const videoTrack = mediaStream.getVideoTracks()[0];
(Check the getVideoTracks API here:
If you print that object, you will see the "label" field. In Chrome screen 1 shows as "0:0", whereas screen 2 shows as "1:0", and I assume screen i would be "i-1:0" (I've only tested with 2 screens).
Here is a capture of that object printed in the console:
And not only works for Chrome, but for other browsers that implement it! In Firefox they show up as "Screen i":
Also, if you check Chrome chrome://webrtc-internals you'll see this is what they show in the addStream event:
And that's it! It's not ideal, since this is a label, more than a real screen identifier, but well, it's something to work with. Once you have the screen identified, in Chrome you can work with the chrome.system.display.getInfo to get information for that display.

AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by client OR E/MediaPlayer: Error (1,-19)

I am creating a game using Libgdx. I have a lot of small sounds files in the MP3-format and since it is so many I do not preload them. I only load the sound I want to play when it is to be used, like this:
actorSound =;
The code above works great, but the rest of my sounds do not unfortunately. The actor above has its own class and plays a different sound every time it is touched.
When I try to play sounds in my Gamescreen I get the following error:
AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by client
All the audiofiles have the same properties and have been recorded using the same microphone & Audacity. The files are all 44100Hz and only a few kb in size each.
I wonder why the sounds the Actor plays work and the other sounds do not?
I decided to try to change the non-working sounds to music instead and now they play fine - for a little while that is. I can play a full game, return to the menu and start a new game again. The second time I start a game I only get 3 sounds from the Gamescreen and then it is silent except for the sounds from the actor. The error that appears looks like this:
E/MediaPlayer: Error (1,-19)
I load the Music just the same way as the Sound:
gameSound =;
I have looked into the two errors by reading posts like these:
AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by client
Mediaplayer error (-19,0) after repeated plays
But I'm not sure what to do or change to solve my problem. I would prefer Sound if that is possible, but Music is an acceptable workaround...
When it comes to Music it is probably as suggested in the URL, that I do not release the media players. I am not sure how to do that?
When I leave the GameScreen for another screen, like the MenuScreen or RewardScreen, I dispose Music first. The other screens use Music as well and the sounds are loaded when needed. When I change back to the GameScreen I dispose again and then start a new game...
Any ideas or suggestions? Any help is greatly appreciated.
I added AssetManager as suggested, and I now have a loding screen that loads all the sounds. I load them as sounds and not music, which is how I prefer it.
The sounds work well in the actual game but once I get to the reward screen, only the first sound plays and after that the app crashes with the following error:
06-02 07:47:09.774 6208-6282E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: GLThread 2935
Process: PID: 6208
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to read from field 'com.badlogic.gdx.assets.AssetManager
Assets.Assets.manager' on a null object reference
at DelayedSounds(
at RewardsScreen.Update(
at Screens.RewardsScreen.render(
at Game.render(
at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.guardedRun(
at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$
06-02 07:47:13.823 6208-6208 E/AndroidGraphics: waiting for pause
synchronization took too long; assuming deadlock and killing
The DelayedSounds method looks like this:
public void DelayedSounds(){
timer = timer +;
if(playitem == true && timer > 2){
itemsound = "vinster/" + item + ".mp3";
assets.manager.get(itemsound, Sound.class).play(volume);
//sound =;
playitem = false;
if(playkeep == true && time > 3){
assets.manager.get("dialog/VINSTEN.mp3", Sound.class).play(volume);
//sound ="prizes/prize.mp3"));
playkeep = false;
As can be seen I use AssetManager now, and have commented out my old code for testing purposes. I define AssetManager in my main class and then pass it around to all other classes that uses sounds.
The RewardsScreen will only play the first sound and then it crashes on a NULL object reference as it seems.
If I change my code back to using Music in the RewardsScreen it works fine (see the code that is commmented out)
The sound I try to play is exactly the same in both cases. Assets class that handles the loading of all my assets has the sounds included and since I still get a NULL object I assume one or more items fails to load?
I search the logs and find this where it loads the sounds:
06-02 08:05:09.360 9844-9888/E/WVMExtractor: Failed to open dlopen failed: library "" not found
06-02 08:05:09.395 9844-9888/ E/NdkMediaExtractor: sf error code: -1010
06-02 08:05:09.395 9844-9888/ E/SoundPool: Unable to load sample
Maybe this is related to my problem?
I load all the sounds in the same manner and most definitely seem to work, the loading is the regular:
manager.load("prizes/cash.mp3", Sound.class);
I still find the AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by client in my logs but now the sounds are playing instead of being rejected.
Any more ideas about how to solve this?
Your link having enough information for your bug.
It's not good way to create Resource instance each time in Game, Create once and user All over your game, if possible use AssetManager.
Like create Music instance in onCreate() method of your game.
gameSound =;
Music having play(), resume() and many other helpful methods.
You can also take a look of this, it may be helpful.

WebAudioApi audio node stop not working in IOS UIWebView

I am playing a list of audios in an html into UIWebView of IOS with the AudioContext object of the Javascript
eg :
var ctx = new AudioContext();
var node= ctx.createBufferSource();
node.buffer = AudioBufferFromAjaxCall;
and the problem is node.stop(); isnt working , the audio started continuesly playing and not stopping
It would be helpful to know the version of safari that your UIWebView is using and whether or not you can reproduce it in the desktop version. Also, do you get any kind of log or error in the console?
In any case, have you tried passing a parameter to the stop method? something like
This argument specifies after how many seconds the node should stop. Sending 0 may help.

MgTwitterEngine Iphone

I am using mgtwitterengine in iphone to call twitter API. I want to retrive followers name
in my iphone.
I used textfield.text=[_engine getFollowersIncludingCurrentStatus:YES]; but it is not showing correct result. it only show some alphabets...
could anyone tell me how to do this.
you are using
NSLog(#"%#",[_engine getFollowersIncludingCurrentStatus:YES]);
getFollowersIncludingCurrentStatus not responding the result, it returns connection identifier which is DF387EE5-05CE-40E3-A12D-4D016C581233 in your case
your API response will come in this method
- (void)userInfoReceived:(NSArray *)userInfo forRequest:(NSString *)identifier
this is delegate method you have to add this in your class.
[_engine getFollowersIncludingCurrentStatus:YES];
use like this it may help you, i got the values and printing on console
