visio 2007 database properties window doesn't show - ms-office

I know this is probably not the right place to ask this question, but I don't know where else to turn. I tried google, but it hasn't helped me this time.
I have Visio 2007 Professional. I am trying to create a database model, complete with primary keys, foreign keys, and relationships. The problem is that I can't figure out how to get the database properties window to show. I tried double clicking the table entity, as well as the relationship entity, but nothing shows up. I tried running the script on this page, but it didn't work for me.
Any suggestions?

Close Visio, and open again, this time go through home page choosing the Data Model Diagram template. If you try opening the template from the Shapes window it sometimes doesn't show up. Closing and restarting worked for me :)

Click on the database tab at the top, and check/uncheck database properties.

Try Tools > Options > Advanced and confirm that the Enable Automation Events checkbox is checked.

I've found that this happens when I open the document as a different type. For example, I typically like to include the UML diagrams and Database diagrams for a project in the same document.
Unfortunately, I've found that the Model Explorer and UML menu won't show in a database templated file, and the Database Menu and Database Properties window won't show when creating a UML templated file.
All I can suggest is to ensure you're opening the right type of template, and you should be ok.

Right-click an entity or object in your drawing, and then click Database Properties.

I found this question looking for an answer for Visio 2013 and the suggestions here led me to an answer:
* Select the entity
* On the Format tab, click the "Select Contents" option
* Right click on the entity and "Set Primary and Foreign key" options are both available

I've had the same the problem. As I use multiple monitors and I've dragged the tab to the secondary monitor and when returning to a single one, the tab would disappear. I had to turn both of them on again in order to find and drag the tab to the main view.


C# VSTO Add-in Excel: What is the name of this Excel Super-Tab Control and how to make it? (Contextual Tab or Tool Tab)

In Excel (On Windows), there is a kind of a Super-Tab appearing on top of certain Tabs:
«Drawing Tools» Super-Tab:
When you click on a Graphic object then, this one appears:
«Table Tools» Super-Tab:
When you click inside of a Table object then this kind of a Super-Tab appears:
So my Questions are:
What is the technical name of that Super-Tab?
---> Special thanks to #TimWilliam. He was the one who gave its name: It is a Contextual Tab Set
And how to program something like that in VSTO Add-in please? (Anything related to it)
Your responses are much appreciated!
I'm answering to my Question so I do not lose all the important answers and research I got till now:
1. The name of that kind of Super-Tab:
The credit goes to #TimWilliams. The name of that Special tab is Contextual Tab or also called Tool Tab.
Here it is an official Information from Microsoft entitled: Ribbons
2. How to program the Contextual Tab?
I am still looking for How to program this one. At least Microsoft already explains about it here >>> 2.2.41 tabSet (Contextual Tab Set)
I found 2 new interesting discussions and information over here Adding custom contextual tabs to Ribbon UI and over here Ribbon: Contextual tab on application page. But they are all for ASP.NET.
Here as well is the List of Tool Tab available on Excel: Tool Tab Available on Excel
But once I found a working solution, I will share here as well for the advancement of our work.
Keep it up dear Programmers and stay blessed!

How can I delete a layer/item in Google Web Designer?

I have been working for a few days now making a simple web page to be a basic cv/bio. I started by making my headers for the page and some simple animations when switching window sizes. After playing with adding some different colors in, I noticed that an asset I added, wasn't transparent(as I had intended it to be).
That said, I have tried to delete the item from the assets Library to no avail. I've tried removing all relevant keyframes, as well as trying to delete it from the Master Rules. The program will not allow me to delete the item, except from the Library, which does not affect the item on the page whatsoever.
I may well be missing something completely obvious and shall feel a fool when this is answered. Thank you for your help in advance!
To delete a layer, click on it in the timeline so that it's highlighted and then press the Delete key on your keyboard.
If the element is an asset imported by you, for example a picture, you must select it at the library collapsible menu and click the trash. If you can't find this menu, clic on Menu > Window > Library.
On Responsive window, click Edit base document. You can now delete it.

Android Studio/Intellij Idea: "Table of Contents" for a class

I have been messing around with Android Studio and so far I like most of what I have seen. One thing that has been annoying me though is this lack of "Table of Contents" for a class. I apologize for not knowing exactly what to call it. But what I am referring to is the dropdown menu in eclipse that lists all the methods, interfaces, classes and so on that are in that class file. This then allows you to jump to that position. This view is when you are in "Package Explorer" and click the arrow to the left of the class. This is one thing that makes me really miss eclipse. I know that you can easily search with Ctrl+F inside a document but I often forget the method names. I tried looking through here but to no avail. Just wondering if anyone knows some way to handle this.
IDEA has a tab called "Structure", which shows all the methods, fields, etc. of the currently-open class.
I've just got a Tip of the Day popup in Android Studio helping with exactly this problem.
You can quickly navigate in the currently edited file with
Ctrl/⌘+F12 (Navigate | File Structure).
It shows the list of members of the current class. Select an element you want to navigate to and press the Enter key or the F4 key. To easily locate an item in the
list, just start typing its name.
Also, as danny117 points out, you can use Alt/⌘+7 to show / hide the same content in a side panel view (shown above in Chris Jester-Young's answer).
View > Tool Windows > Structure
In addition to what Chris Jester-Young said, it's worth pointing out how to see the methods and properties of a class pointed by the cursor.
a) Type Ctrl + H in the class pointed by cursor.
b) In the class name, in the hierarchy window, double-click the class name. The system, upon confirmation, will decompile and open the class code.
c) Alt + 7 (Windows) or Command + 7 (MAC) to display the structure window.
d) One can now visualize properties, methods, derived classes, derived interfaces, and even include inherited items. All related to the class under the caret.
I'm currently using Beta 0.8.9 of the Android Studio and what you need to do is click on the settings icon in the Android Project View. If you select 'Show Members' then the Classes become expandable and you can navigate around the class using the project view.

Default to the T-SQL Pane view within Visual Studio 2012 Database Project

When working with a Database Project in Visual Studio 2012, VS defaults to the "Design-View" pane when you add or edit a table. While you can work in split-screen mode, the T-SQL pane defaults to the bottom pane.
As I prefer to work with T-SQL directly as opposed to the designer, I constantly am switching to make the T-SQL pane the top-most editor in order to work with the object. Unfortunately, VS does not remember this preference, so each and every time I work with a table I must change to make the T-SQL pane appear on top as opposed to beneath the designer pane.
I've looked to see if there is a setting under Tools --> Options to control this behavior, but so far I have been unable to find a setting that does so. I've done a few google searches on the topic as well, but haven't found anything helpful for this particular case.
This is more of an annoyance than anything else for me, but as I am finding myself constantly switching panes I wonder if anyone knows of a setting, either within VS or the registry or some other config file that would force VS to either remember my preference or default to the T-SQL Pane on top of the Designer Pane?
If you want to get rid of the designer completely, try the following:
Right-click on the file, and select Open With...
Select Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools, T-SQL Editor,
Click on Set as Default
Click OK.
Next time you'll be able to simply double clicking the file to open it in T-SQL.

How to place todo reminders in Dreamweaver code

I am coding in Dreamweaver for a change. Is there a way to place reminders in your code, for example in the form of a "todo list"?
I know Eclipse has this option. You can place //TODO before the line of code and the marker is placed in a list. You can view this list at will and conveniently go back to the exact spot later.
After weeks of coding I sometimes forget to take care of certain things. A todo list in the code itself would really help out, anyone know of a method for this in Dreamweaver?
Dreamweaver doesn't have a dedicated interface for viewing TODO items. However, it does have what it calls Design Notes. These notes are stored in *.mno files that are within _notes folders within the folder of the file that has a design note attached to it. These files and folders are only viewable within Dreamweaver if you have Show Hidden files enabled, which you can do by accessing the Files panel options menu on the upper right by clicking on it, then selecting View -> Show hidden files.
You have to turn them on in the site definition, although by default, a Dreamweaver site will have them turned on. The following steps are for Dreamweaver CS4:
Site -> Manage Sites..., Select the site, click Edit, select the Design notes category, check maintain design notes. Next go to the File View Columns category and make sure that the Notes column is displayed. Click OK then Done.
You can also opt to share these design notes, which means the they will be uploaded when you FTP the files to the remote site, so that others that you work with when they download the file (and assuming they also have Design notes enabled and shared), then they will be able to see that a file has a design note associated with it. Note: These *.mno files are plain text and if you your server may be accessible by others, so be sure not to put anything confidential in them.
In the Files panel, right-click on a file that you want to add a TODO item to, select "Design Notes...". In the interface that opens, you can enter in a free form note for the document. Check the Show when file is opened to cause this interface to open when you open up the file you're applying the design note to.
If you switch to the All Info tab, you can add "keyed" notes, that is a note with a name, and an associated value. This open may be good for TODO items.
When you add a design note to a file and you have the Notes column displayed, you should see an icon in the Notes column for any files that have associated notes for. Double clicking this icon will open up the Design Notes UI. This will be a quick way to determine if you have any TODOs in the files that you can see. Note: you won't see this icon for files within folders that are closed.
If you would like to do some searches or listing of files with design notes associated with them, then you can take a look at the Site Reports Design Notes report. Go to Window -> Results -> Site Reports. In the upper right of this panel, click the green arrow. This brings up the Reports interface. Select the appropriate option under Report on, and then check "Design Notes" under Workflow. Don't bother with the report's supposed to allow for some search/filtering, but I can't get it not to display all files with notes associated with them, perhaps you'll have better luck. Click the Run button and the Site Reports panel should contain a list of files that have design notes associated with them, as well as the design note info for the file. If you double click the entry, then the file will open.
Well, i use to put a simply comment like this below, directly in the php code:
//TODO: something to do here.
When i need to check my todo list, just search in the site by "//TODO:", and voilá, this is my todo list! It works, it's free and well according with KISS requirements.
Try using doxygen to document your code.
anything marks with a #todo, will be put in a special page when you generate documentaion.
Not ideal but the best i can think of.
(I haven't had much experience with dream weaver - it might have the feature you are looking for IDK)
